It Takes 11 Years To Ride This Roller Coaster - Planet Coaster

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all right so we're checking out the only game where the favorite ride is the sweet release of death it's playing a coaster a new scenario dammit so everyone always wants the fastest roller coaster we're gonna kill people differently this time I'm gonna kill people by like starving them to death because the roller coaster is gonna take so long to complete this is kind of weird because there's like an in-game timeline and an out of game timeline I'm pretty sure I can get us to a ride that takes 10 years to complete before my computer just can't handle the amount of track on the screen anymore so it's gonna be so bad that kids will get on the roller coaster and leave as adults technically I don't think that that happens in the game but it would be pretty funny ride to die there an option to make the staff patient because that's probably the personality trait that's going to benefit these poor people the most pathetic lazy is probably a good one too they really won't need to do too much I also need to find a way to do this without wine to kill myself in real life because even though we have a way to speed the game up if I make the ride super long like it's gonna take a legitimate long-ass time to complete the ride in the game I want to kill the people in the game I don't want to cause my own death first things first in order to do this there's a couple of rules that I'm imposing upon myself because I don't know why I just felt like it first off we can't overlap the tracks second the cart has to move forward like at all times we can't just have a ride where the cart stays in one spot like it just locks down and pauses for 400 years because that's dumb so we need a coaster that we can propel forward at all times but it needs to propel forward extremely slowly ooh drive tires and we can move it back and forth it goes down to 2 miles in how mighty there's chain lifts but that gets down to 4 miles an hour instead of 2 clearly not torturous enough oh if we use the spinny one people can vary slightly spin while they move it almost no miles an hour oh this one's even better it's got friction wheel and it goes up down and back and forth we're gonna need that at the end because if I spiral this thing like a million times eventually it has to get back to the track so I'm gonna have to like go over a couple of pieces of track too in order to get back down here and connect I'm gonna have to put it above ground a little bit too so that we can have some stuff in the middle here so you know people have a reason to come to the park besides to watch their life slowly go by put it right about there turn off track support slow Mike framerate doesn't want to shoot me in the mouth bring that down to two miles an hour want to make this as long as possible unintentionally made a little underground area too I'm sure it'll be fine I'm kind of curious though how long people will spend underground okay so now I need to start getting this as close as humanly possible you just just barely want it to almost touch right about there now we're getting closer you can damn near fit a slice of paper in between these two tracks this is gonna be three full revolutions so we're gonna have to test this and just kind of see where we lie at the moment so let me go ahead and connect this monstrosity in May one of year one it's time to find out what happens when people get on this ride and how long it takes ah I'm pretty sure it can get completed from here I've got the original movement here at 2 miles an hour as well so the entirety of the coaster goes 2 miles this is on fast speed this is how fast it goes at normal speed forever it's what is it June 6th all right here we go imagine this is your life for probably I don't know if you're a teenager you're probably being adult by the time you get off if you're a child you'll probably be a teenager and if you're an adult you'll probably will have killed yourself before the ride is over we're in the middle of August and this thing has only made it around the very first turn we're currently underground but just off of the space what the hell did I do I don't know where I am now I'm in the stratosphere oh there we go so we still haven't completed even one full revolution and we're currently in March of the next year Hey March 17th now it's time to do it all over again well this is continuing to go on we're gonna have to start building up the park here festive first aid this is call for when you want to feel good that you're going into cardiac arrest it'd be kind of ironic if someone was diabetic and they were going into shock and they got brought into this first aid building that's right everyone tried the brand-new gulpy flavor bubbling meth I just noticed that these toilets are completely co-ed i men and women it doesn't matter just walk in both sides like it's no big deal I mean that's fine all right June of year 2 and we're finally making it around you have to go through this bend and then under the ground and then it will finally be on the third lap I kind of miss clicked when I put down this Western food area and the fencing is right in the middle of the pathway this is something where I would be on my cell phone and I would bust my freaking knee right on this post I don't put like some bins here so that people break their shins on these instead of the wood post but just knocked my bin over you son of a bra okay it's taken roughly a year and a half but we're finally on the left laughs okay so the entirety of the real-life duration of the ride is eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty seconds I think that comes out to like 3.2 hours or something I don't even know it's like three something hours so though I think the way the game time works is one month is twelve real-life minutes and there's eight months in a year so that comes out to sixteen point something months so it's right about two years to complete this amount of track and if you look because everything's like I think that the generic measurement is kilometers but they just happen to give us miles per hour the track traversal amount and the duration is almost exact because it says two miles an hour but I think what's really happening is we're ending up right at about one meter a second one meter per second is like 2.2 miles an hour so that's where you're getting it from thus if we can create the longest track possible at the slowest speed once we find out its length we'll know exactly how long it takes to get from one end to the other only issue is I would have to leave my computer running for like a day straight to complete it oh whatever for Valhalla all right so this needs to go now we can continue onward again we want this as close as possible each time without it actually overlapping this wasn't exactly my intent but I'm slowly sawing this mountain in half because all the tracks are sitting right next to one another I'm starting to get to a point now where it's starting to affect the framerate I'm somewhat curious to know if there's an amount of tracks that the game won't let you go beyond because I don't know I feel like eventually we're going to reach some sort of cap coming up to pass number nine right now I can only imagine these little children are like yeah I can't wait to ride the roller coaster and their parents are like God please no this lady's like hey Stella did you get everything on your bucket list done because we're never going back after this I like how I hired a janitor and despite them being around people are still kicking my friggin trash cans over and letting all their used sludge and condoms spill out onto the ground so this is the fastest speed setting it has been ten in-game years so far it has been for real life hours about right now that I've had the game just playing in the background we just got past the turn so now there's three more full revolutions that this thing has to go on which means that if I want to get higher in years there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to let this thing go by itself but I have figured out a way to find out how long it would take because it goes a metre a second the cost of the track is $11 per 10 meters it's always the same so if I find out how much the thing costs minus the cost that it takes to build you know the entrance and stuff like that or the the main platform then we'll know how many meters in total this thing is right now it's already destroying the game my frame rate right now is 12 Jesus the current blueprint is that six hundred and seventy one thousand dollars okay I think we might be getting into the realm of game breaking we can probably still go further but I'm at like eight frames a second when I play and when I tried to quit out of the game it took like two and a half minutes I turned all the graphics down as far as they will go and I'm still getting about 12 frames I noticed something else interesting too when you close down the game and like save and then come back it restarts your year so I'm back to here one come on computer you can do it once we complete this circuit here we will easily have a rollercoaster that takes ten years to complete we'll check the math just to make sure but I'm pretty sure it's gonna happen this is probably the most pain in the ass autocomplete I've ever done in my entire life I never thought it would take this much effort to just complete this goddamn thing let's give it up for the unsung heroes of the roller coaster world this lady over here because she has to sit here while these people ride this thing for ten years what the hell is this autocomplete I never thought I would see a roller coaster attempt to divide by zero but that's clearly what's happening here now I'm mostly just curious what Skynet wants to do in order to solve this equation it kind of seems like it's taking the long road to get to the very very near by landing area Wow it is building an entire new freakin roller coaster just to get forget this hold on I'll see if I can make this a little bit easier Jesus we're sorry that planet coaster has stopped responding you can end the game ending the game just like the people on the roller coaster wanna and their lives okay the game will legitimately not allow me to make this thing any larger this is as large as it is allowed I cannot lay one single piece of track more so now we have to find out how long the track is and then from there figure out how long it takes to complete the roller coaster if you were riding in oops it looks like planet coaster crash yeah no we're gonna do this in the death park our calculations because I get much better frame rates here in the death Park which is hilarious considering how many bodies oh my god that never gets old okay so the final blueprint was seven hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and forty eight dollars oh I guess I can finally put my graphics back up there we go okay minus nineteen hundred and twenty just to make this thing it doesn't cost any more or less if you make it higher or lower and looking at the price of this it looks like the pathways if anything are completely negligible in price okay so at eleven dollars per meter that puts us at sixty-four thousand four hundred and forty eight seconds of ride time why is there a guy underneath my testing facility did you get blown way the hell over here I'll be must have it's still a rain friggin carts going on inside the park there's a thousand and seventy four point one three three three repeating minutes if there's twelve minutes to a month that's eighty nine point five one one months and if there's eight months to a year in planet coaster that's eleven point one years in the game that it takes to complete that roller coaster but it goes a little bit further than that just to give you an idea considering how fast time moves in this game in order to test that coaster in real time it would take seventeen point nine hours straight just to test needless to say we did it we made the ten year long roller coasters actually 11 years but what's crazy is there's actually more to it than that that roller coaster is sixty-four thousand three hundred meters long that means the roller coaster is 64 kilometers long I feel like there's definitely a way to make it longer roller coaster but maybe not in this game hey folks hope you enjoyed this episode of planet coaster when we took children's entire lives away from them because it takes 11 years just to write a single roller coaster until the next time folks stay foxy much-loved
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,230,376
Rating: 4.898036 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, rollercoaster tycoon, roller coaster, rollercoaster crash, fastest roller coaster, roller coaster tycoon, roller coaster crash, planet coaster, planet coaster fastest coaster, roller coaster g forces, i built a roller coaster, longest roller coaster
Id: sKiw7Tzx63I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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