Behold, a Roller Coaster that goes 2,000,000+ MPH - RollerCoaster Tycoon 3

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alright so we're checking out the only game that makes you experience the exact same g-forces riding a roller coaster as you would stepping inside of a black hole it's roller coaster tycoon 3 Sam Knox mode damn it roller coaster tycoon 3 is a game that's broken in the best way possible because it doesn't give a damn about science last time we made a roller coaster that went 350,000 miles per hour but today I want to make a roller coaster that has more g-forces than anything I think we got 95,000 g-forces before that's not good enough so here's the plan the rearward moving roller coaster infinite ridiculous melt graves computer it works really good we need a different coaster though because the other one isn't working and I think I figured out which one I want to use behold the corkscrew coaster named corkscrew because it screws everyone that goes on it over this is going to be the canvas upon which we will paint broad strokes with our brush the strokes involving the paint that is the organs of the Damned so for everyone else here they do have to at least witness this so we're gonna have to make a small area you know the splash zone when you go to a water park it's gonna be the same thing except instead of water it's gonna be spleens and stuff that get liquefied mmm pathways I didn't intentionally want this to look like the devil's pitchfork it just kind of turned out like that behold the first time that greatest-ever put a first aid station before an ATM actually you know what I can't stand at capitalism I never really thought about this but these toilets like the walls are really narrow because there's a lot of doors there's not that much space for people to use the included area inside I'm just saying maybe it's just me but I think everyone's probably inhaling each other's fecal particles all of the children were wielding cutlasses last time I felt pretty bad about it not bad because I gave the children cutlasses bad because I only had one area for them to buy them and you know it's better than experiencing 6 bajillion g-forces experiencing 6 bajillion g-forces while wielding a freaking Cutlass on the plus side if you wanted to not die to the g-forces and turn into like a human shake you could probably try and kill yourself with the Cutlass beforehand there's a kiosk that sells shields and Spears my god it's better than a cutlass I'm gonna have this lifeguard facing away from the pool just because they have so much disdain for the people swimming I don't know what a wave machine is but I want a lot of them oh okay that's actually pretty legit all right people are having a good time it's time to start getting the seitan roller coaster going but I have a go this way this time so everyone gets a real good view of everyone getting turned into protein shakes one of the things I love most about the corkscrew coaster is that it has the helix of blending power that you can utilize we're going for ridiculous g-forces so this thing basically has to get used I'm also gonna do some twisting just to see what happens to people's giblets this will probably cure cancer let's go deeper hell yes how deep can you go in this game Jesus pretty deep you know what sure can you do a corkscrew underground I like how suddenly the game decided that I can't put track here anymore oh god I thought this would help how fricken wrong I was and no big deal I'm sure no one will really fall into the Sarlacc pit I'm out why why is this piece of Earth just levitating this is it's something out of like the freakin Lord of the Rings I don't know why this is just maintaining its I know what whatever this game loves breaking physics a couple of these s bends over here make everyone happy can I just go right to the pool yes do a little flyby by the pool over here everyone should enjoy that how close can you get to the bouquet pretty close oh yeah right there that looks safe this is what I always want it almost looks like you would get decapitated as the various tracks kind of cross one another okay this looks like a pretty good base to start the ridiculousness that we're about to try here alright the powers of Divinity compel me let's see how it ridiculous this is it's already pretty ridiculous it looks like a shot of lightning going across the entirety of the screen over here what's our current rating I'm Qaeda only six thousand miles per hour so far I have no 12 already at 10,000 G's though I have no doubt we can do much much better okay a hundred and seventy two thousand miles per hour the track itself is 27 thousand foot that gets traveled and the force is a hundred and thirty and lateral G's I think that to truly understand what it's like to ride this right we're gonna have to go inside and do a little first-person for you this ridiculousness as we reach singularity now here we are on the coaster camp I don't know if I really should be looking forward to this because I don't think that we're gonna survive it's my hope that the camera remains inside of the coaster because we had a real friggin issue doing Oh Mother of God oh crap I think I have it on fast-forward mmm that wasn't so bad okay let's turn that on normal speed okay so my hope is this time we'll actually get to see the scenery because I'm going at a normal speed oh there's the crowds all right not too bad so far okay it it gets pretty bad pretty quick to the point Oh V sink g-force how you doing now okay let's never do that again okay apparently I don't have enough staff over here I really hope that this park would just run itself while I destroy lives but apparently I have to legitimately do something hold on a couple of sad mechanics there Zed not because they have to work on the machines they're sad because a lot of their time is spent removing organs from inside of the tracks a couple of entertainers to make people take their mind off of the depression oh my God we're reaching further into the cosmos worth two hundred forty four thousand miles per hour but the g-forces are still right around 138 that you know only a hundred and thirty-eight thousand we're slowly starting to destroy the entire universe I'm switching a couple of tracks up here and there behold three hundred nine thousand miles per hour and 211,000 vertical G's along with a hundred and eighty eight thousand lateral G's I feel like we're beginning to reach the realm of ridiculousness here corkscrew coaster one has crashed do you know what else has crashed the game are you ready for this crap 1 million miles per hour they traveled 800 79 thousand feet with a g-force of 500 and 2000 G's I don't know if I want to run this again because if they crash the game but damn it we're gonna go inside and see if we can coaster canvas well I guess today is a good day as they need to die I have to admit I've never gone a million miles an hour before I've also never had 500,000 G's crushed my body until I was a basically the liquid that comes out of a Capri Sun again this is probably the slowest that we're going to experience I can actually turn backwards like this and we can the right way and I see it the right way I mean we get to watch us the screen flashes and gives us all seizures repeatedly even the sound gets distorted because of how fast we go Millions oh oh should I think I'd just crash the game oh I deserve that so recently I had won an award for the tiniest park it's not because I have janitors that are cleaning my Park it's because my roller coasters are so fast that when they break time in space they create vacuums that suck every molecule of stuff in this area up for the love of Jesus look at this 1.5 million miles per hour with a nine hundred and twenty six thousand G for the Chiti way I kind of have to do it it's I don't know over the teeter a bug or what but basically I have to run my roller coaster and then as it crests the hill I change the lip change speed suddenly and for some reason it allows the game to not crash when I do this let's see if I can get it to work over here and what you do is you wait until it crests now change it and pray to Jesus that it doesn't blow up the computer okay that was pretty that was all right now that's the only 159 thousand miles an hour hold on ready change it oh god I think I discouraged obviously it's back to the 1.5 million mile an hour safe the biggest problem I have is that I think if I let it go it just immediately melts everything inside the game hold on let me see if I can get it to work well I mean I want to ride it this is gonna it's got to crash the game right it's got 1.5 million my there's no way in hell but I got an hour all right let's kind of do a little view from back here and get ready to experience 900,000 g-forces of spine obliterating pain and sadness you know this is like that last view the last instance of seeing everyone else have fun right before you're turned into dust here we go okay we can actually see what happens in right pretty cool million mile an hour right now 1.5 million at million miles now are more than likely I wonder if we'll come out of this being younger than when we went into it there's we stopped I can't believe I don't think I've ever crashed a single game so many times in a row as I have this game so we're up to 1.6 million miles an hour now hmm so not quite speed alight yet still got a couple hundred that was in 100 million more miles per hour to go or whatever oddly the g-forces aren't as high here I don't know why that is so what we're doing now just because it's the dumbest thing I can think of and it's totally working is when I start the machine I'll go over here and then as it starts doing its revolutions I'll completely change the lift speed I don't know if it does anything it appears like it does so I'll just change it like this half the time it crashes right there it didn't so we got 537 that just crashed the game 500 37,000 G's off of that one oddly making the coaster longer and longer was the easiest way is to do the noodles makes it faster I don't know how maybe it's maybe it's the vortex it's creating some sort of interplanetary vortex that's slowly sucking in every part of this planet what happens if you go faster 790 4000 oh we got to stop it otherwise this it'll crash I wonder what happens if I maneuver this the whole time that it's going and nothing really wait a minute does that say 1.8 million miles an hour Mother of Jesus it does it does work if you maneuver the freaking chain live it's ridiculous what does 1.8 million miles an hour all right baby come on make it happen you know you want to alright great good we'll kind of go up a little bit maybe we'll go down a little bit the sound of it passing through the air is fantastic see that right there that's that right there is the last image that you see before you die crash number 800 I'm actually curious hold on if we're getting that like 1.8 million miles an hour if I delete one part of this like just this I wonder how far it'll fly I should rock it out this way all right we can go ahead and take a real quick gander here get right about up to top go on down should get quite a bit of speed going through all the quills and stuff like that there she goes is it gonna be like a friggin Rock oh it teleported back to the beginning what the hell well this is awful part of the coaster is still going it just travels indefinitely through the system in its divine light underground above ground it just never stops we did it over two million miles an hour I had to make the coaster longer I had to keep adding these coils and I really had to mess with the lift speed as it was flying around the track two million at mouth and now we must die as we find out what it's like to be on a 2 million mile an hour roller coaster unfortunately as the pioneers of roller coaster time space travel I don't think we're gonna be coming back from this alive with the very least we shouldn't crash the game in style as we have one last look at 2 million miles an hour if this doesn't crash the game I'll be so happy I think that we just evaporated all the water in the pool all the water the pool immediately evaporate turn to steam oh my god and that right there is the last image that you will see along with the horrible sound of death in the bag I hope you enjoyed this episode of rollercoaster tycoon 3 this game is a pretty good trip until the next time stay foxy Muslim
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,205,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, rollercoaster tycoon, roller coaster, rollercoaster crash, fastest roller coaster, roller coaster tycoon, roller coaster crash, i built a roller coaster, fastest rollercoaster, fastest roller coaster in the world, fastest roller coaster pov, rollercoaster tycoon 3
Id: zhXE1GK-0cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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