Electrocution Diet Machine

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I’m still looking at that bizarre knife grip in the thumbnail...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blakerabbit 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's me Big Willie I'm feeling really sad to tell you I got fat little Willie this is Big Willie talking to you as as literal as it gets one I am the heaviest I have ever been in my entire life - I haven't built a robot for like a year and you don't just get fat overnight I'll tell you what the culprit is pretty sure it's snacks I have been eating too many snack snack snack snack snack snack snack snack snack you see that coming I don't really weigh myself a lot but when I was in Australia Ian got sick and had to go to the hospital and conveniently in the ER there was a scale but it was in kilogram so I converted to pounds and thought that either the conversion was wrong or the scale was broken it was just kind of weird cuz it's a hospital scale it turns out I'm just fat now and the part that frustrates me the most is even though I've been snacking I've also been exercising and doing all the things you're supposed to do just to help it what three four five six what's the problem with being fat I don't think there's any problem with being whatever you want to be and if you want to be fat be fat if you don't want to be fat don't be fat I don't want to be fat right now I'm chunky but my concern is the acceleration of my way where is it going what am i doing right now to prevent it I'm eating less or trying to eat healthier when I go to a hamburger restaurant I get a single patty I used to always get a double when I go to a fast-food when I go to a fast-food place I get ice tea I used to get soda you get your soda pop you drink it when you're eating and when you leave what do you do you refill it don't refill it you are not saving money you are not getting a better deal you are only making yourself less healthy think about it I don't eat healthy I'm just trying to eat a little healthier and a little bit less but before I dive into building a machine to help me lose weight how about I reach out and see if I can get some advice for my friends I need some advice you have you ever had any issues of weight really that's the opposite problem that I'm having what advice did your doctor give you eat more you didn't go to the doctor it's a self diagnosed machine you can machine does it work for you all right that's it we're building machine that makes me lose weight whether I want to or not here's the plan last year I played a little bit of a game called kaha date okay it's not totally legal in the US I don't know why but they have looser regulations in Mexico so that's where I bought it okay Google what does and send Nido in Spanish me yeah it's a simplified 10z it creates an electrical signal that stimulates their muscle these are instructions this is a warning what would Bill Nighy do I don't want what would Barack Obama did what would Hillary Clinton eat it what would Queen Elizabeth do you feel it not even to number one what if we build a machine that makes it harder to eat the more you we're not gonna nut we're just gonna be forced to eat less even though you only made it to not even level one how would you rate your experience in 500 companies I I don't like it if you were trying to eat a meal and and it started doing that to you I would not eat I would not heat I would drop it just like I drop those perfect to introduce the CAD model Ginny you try come on down Jimmy no no no no I don't think if I don't do it myself you cute little loose yes but scratch you like butt scratches you're like butt scratches you little rodent introducing fat boy 8,000 it's got plastic it's got angles it's got a button touch display entry for seven segments in a little LED light strip it's got a load cell scale mechanism on its behind and that's what we're gonna use measure the calories that you're consuming it is 3d printer hi [Applause] what do you think I was actually gonna print it and then wait to film no I am NOT an idiot I printed this thing yesterday took like 24 hours no no no come on no stop use my words [Music] [Music] caretaker made me shave my oh could I get six cheeseburgers and an ice cream cone oh the machine is broken ha okay caretakers brother is getting married and she made me shave beard because it makes me look homeless how do you make me shave my beard because you looked homeless you lose weight why William have you lost weight no it's done and I showed you almost none of the build process you plug the batteries and then you hit B then entering the number of calories that it is you press a once you press a you have activated everything and the scale is running the more calories you eat the more you get electrocuted what I would love to do is take Fat Boy 8,000 the smartest play in the world and bring it to a restaurant I can't do that right now so instead I made my own restaurant Williams shockingly good food Oh Oh customer a paying customer welcome welcome to my fine establishment shockingly good food is the name of this oh that sounds electrifying just make yourself oh I'm gonna take the microphone wait why is there a microphone this is a YouTube vid Oh No is this bounty this is a really nice napkin sir oh right what side do you want your fork yes why are there so many wires shut up what would you like to eat sir you got any lard No but we do have oh crap zealous agna my oh yeah oh press B B and then we put the lasagna Norlin oh yes and then Oh once again roughly very important sacred text what is 298 I am before eleven sixty did you really just do that in your head eleven sixty calories activate the smart place have you even taken a bite it didn't count of messed up you know it's gonna happen it's not all over the place it doesn't belong in your face [Music] oh I don't like lasagna all of a sudden I don't think I'm hungry what kind of an inventor would I be if I didn't test up my own invention so I asked caretaker to put together a gourmet multi-course meal for me it's less than eight thousand calories waiter please bring in the appetizer [Music] 1,900 1,950 this doesn't even seem like that much food oriental chicken salad with crispy chicken and it is 1430 calories I was just packing 1,400 calories this team will going through my arms what's what's in the salad ma'am I'm getting kind of red and sweaty you're making the other customers uncomfortable wrong oh it hurts my tía main course is for bacon burger mm I can't I can't I can't move my arms yo [Music] I can't feel my fingers so good no more 1145 calories he's holding I think what I'm drinking it I'm like unintentionally pulling a straw my meal is over and I am exhausted but yet not full do you want to be smart do you want to learn how to build robots but William I don't have a 3d printer or a laser cutter I don't have a laser cutter either but today's video is sponsored by Kiwi Co they sell awesome science kits school won't teach you how to make things you need to learn that on your own building kits like this is exactly the kind of stimulation you need to become an engineer or scientist I would have killed for Kiwi Co projects as a kid this box from Kiwi Co contains all the parts and tools you need to make real functioning headphones they sell individual projects for all ages on their site and if you order a subscription the kits become even more affordable and if you use my link Huy cocom slash William Osmond or use the coupon code William you will get an additional 20% off anything on the site thank you to Kiwi Co for sponsoring this video
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,950,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, peter sripol, simone giertz, allen pan, colin furze, thehacksmith, michael reeves, robot, stem, steam
Id: ogpjMsfX-io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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