The Burger I wish I NEVER made!

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There's one thing that I think everyone in the  world can agree, burgers are the best invention   there ever was. There's something very special  whenever you put meat bun and cheese together.   This combination of flavor are just incredible  and I have done so many different experiments   with it. However there's one experiment that  I've never done let me explain when I watched   my friend Nick Digiovanni cooked a Japanese  Wagyu A5 and giving it to Mr Beast I thought   what a waste this is absolutely ridiculous. But  in the end they seem to like it quite a bit so   how can I assume if something is so ridiculous  if I've never done it? Well let's see because my   goal today is to find out the best kind of meat  there is to make burgers as when you go to the   supermarket you have so many different options.  And the first one is going to be this, one of   the cheapest cut of meat you can find. They are  completely frozen, come ready to go. and they are   extremely convenient. But take a closer look,  I want you to notice two things; the meat is   quite compressed. That's because it's massively  produced and in order to compensate for that in   texture they create these little holes on top. So  since this is the cheapest version and the most   convenient let's find out how it's gonna stack up  as my second version is this one; pre-ground meat   that you can buy it on your supermarket. One of the  most important things you got to look forward to   is the percentage between fat and meat. Usually  they come 80/20, sometimes a little bit higher.   Remember fat is flavor. Now to make Smash Burgers  all you gotta do is to make some balls. I like to   make them three ounces each, I find that that is  the perfect amount. And once I was done with all   of my balls they're now ready. the next version is  going to be a little bit fancier, I am grounding   my own meat. I'll be doing a combination between  brisket and Chuck. At least to me the flavors that   come out of this made out of burgers is awesome,  but again the important thing is the ratio of   fat we're talking about 20% fat and 80%   lean. Because once everything was done my balls   are now ready. And now for the last version I am  using this a Japanese Wagyu A5 steak. This is the   greatest meat in the world! Now what I'm about to  tell you is mind-blowing and here's why; My make   dealer charges $300 for this steak. If you go to  Salt Bae's restaurant he has one burger for    $300, my good friend Nick even made a video about  it. Now with one steak you are able to make eight   ounce balls and you're still gonna have a little  bit left, this means that if you're doing a triple   decker you will be able to make three burgers. And  in essence each Burger will cost you a hundred   dollars. And if you take that in consideration it  is still ridiculously expensive for a burger, but   never like the one you will pay in Salt Bae. But trust  me even though I have all of this information   doing this right now just hurts my feelings.  Grinding up a Japanese Wagyu A5 is sacrilege,   but we're doing it anyway. And once I was done with  the grinding this is what it looks like. If I'm not   mistaken this is the first Japanese Wagyu A5  that has ever been ground up like this, and it   just hurts. But my hopes is that this is going  to be worth it. I have no idea and we're about   to find out right now because once I was done  making all of the balls they are now ready   to go. Now I will be making my special sauce to go  along with it it's a mix of mayo, ketchup, mustard   and Worcestershire sauce. And of course to keep  everything even I'll be using American cheese.   Because now that I have everything ready the only  thing left to do is to go ahead and make some   incredible Burgers. To keep everything even all  of them will be cooked exactly the same. Because   now I say it is enough talking and it is time  to make some incredible Burgers. So let's do it! [music] I know it looks good but before we try it, I have   the biggest announcement I've ever  made in this channel; my cookbook [music] No, no, no, no, no! We are not doing that! This is gold! The book is called Guga Breaking the Barbecue Rules. It's available for you to pre-order right now and it  comes out on April 25th. I worked really hard on   this one everybody, putting everything I've learned  over so many years of cooking to really find out   how to get the best results. You will find awesome  grilling recipes, side dishes, and just overall   amazing dishes you can create at home. I've broken  the rules of traditional cooking so many times.    I experimented so you don't have to! This entire book  is everything you've ever asked me to do. There   are a hundred recipes including steaks, barbecue,  burgers, sandwiches, side dishes and special dishes   we all love. So go to the link in the description  and be the first ones to get the book. So much work   has gone into this book and I know you'll love it!  Thanks again for your incredible support I am sure   you guys gonna love this book as much as I do. I am  really proud of it! Let's get back to those Burgers   right now and see which one is best. All right  everybody, here we got our beautiful burgers today   gentlemen. This is definitely beautiful, I don't  think you've ever cooked this many burgers. -Nope it   is the first time I cooked this many burgers for  a video. -I think you need to sing the song. -I'm   glad you said that Angel because that's exactly  what I was trying to do. -Let's go! -Burger video! Burger video! Woo! This is crazy! I don't know where my Burgers  begin and Guga's ends. Like this is a lot   of burgers Guga. -I got a few things to say I  want to cover it up right now. Every other burger   that I cook the flare-ups is insane. There's  so much fire going on because of the fat but   the very last burger which you guys know what it  is there is zero flare-ups regardless of how hot   that griddle was. I've always said it when you  eat this the fat is very different from regular   fat. There is a proof on the pudding right there  I was not expecting that at all. -I'm just glad   that wasn't a disclaimer, because there's times  we've had a great we have great video and then   Guga goes; "wait before we start eating, don't try  this at home". -I'm just glad it wasn't that.    -I'm not gonna lie, that's true. -Enough talking let's  give this a go right now. Cheers everybody! -Cheers. -Hmm. -I'm actually pleasantly surprised. Yeah it's  good. -It's a good burger, but it's not your normal   Smash Burger. The level of deliciousness is not  up to par with Guga. -The deliciousness! -This   is a good, this is a good burger but it's not a  Guga Burger. -It's also a little thicker than   the usual burger that you do. -That's a fact, it's  much thicker than I normally do. That's our baseline,   let's go down to the next one. Please get  in guys, let's see. -Oh this one looks like the   usual one. -Ah really? All right let's give it a  try to the second one. Cheers everybody! -Cheers! -Oh! -That's a step up for sure.  -That's some burger video baby.   That's a burger video right here. -Leo you look  so happy. -I am in heaven right now, this is my   paradise. -Couldn't have to say it any better, it is  completely different than the first one. Angel?   -I wanted you guys to keep talking bro, I'm not  gonna lie to you. Am I in heaven? -Yeah I think   you're in heaven because guys this is the burger  that changed my life. -I'm telling you it is amazing.   -I want to marry this burger so I can eat it all  the time. I want to eat it every day. -So good, so   delicious, definitely a step up from the previous  burger. You guys agree? -I agree you took the words   right out of my mouth. It's more flavorful, it's  the beefier, it's juicier. -I'm ready to see what's   up with this next one. Enough talking let's go for  the next one guys. Okay let's do this, cheers. -Cheers.   -Oh my God I changed my mind I want to divorce  this burger so that way I can marry this one!   instead, because this one is better -Leo's a cheater  bro. -Not a cheater, I'm divorcing and I'm moving on   okay. -But why are you divorcing? -This burger is  not as good as this burger. -No you went and you   took a bite of a different Burger. -But let;s be 100% honest,  yes there is a difference. But, is the difference   that much bigger? -It's not monumental but it you  can definitely tell the difference. I feel that   it's in the juiciness of this one particularly I  feel like it's juicier than the previous one and   slightly beefier. -So far this one winning. -Really?  -The last two we just tried are definitely better   than the first one. And this last one we just tried  is the best so far. -Yeah there is a difference but   not that humong mental. Humongumental? -Like yeah I don't know  what word that was. -Hugmongumental boys a new word.   -That's a new word right there. -Invented by Guga. Humongumental I like  that. -I think you guys got the point what I'm trying   to say. Okay let's dig in for the very last one.  Notice that it's even on a different plate yeah.   This plate more fancy. -You just wink? -Yeah i just went like this. Wink at them. They like it when   I wink. -I have two top buns. -What happened there's  no meat. -This is this is like an Oreo burger. -Leo   go like this show to them. -Top, look top, that's  what I got. Also show them uh that even though   you have three patties there those patties are  real thin. Enough talking let's dig in. Cheers! -What? -Oh! -There's zero resistance. -Wow! -This is the  softest most juiciest burger I've ever had. -It's   taking me more energy to chew the bun than it is  the meat. -Oh wow it's so good. -Are you crying Guga?   -I, I am speechless right now. -You know my favorite  part about this burger is? -Hum? -How crispy it is. I feel   like it's much crispier than the other ones. It's  juicier, it's richer, it's freaking incredible. -This   is an experience that you we might never have  again, so please enjoy this burger. -I don't know   if you guys noticed my tone of voice completely  changed for a reason everybody. -Yeah -I thought   honestly that this was a complete waste of time.  Wow, this is crazy! -I think it's the fattiness   because when you bite it it literally coats your  entire mouth. -I even feel bad eating it. Man it's so   good! -Is it wagyu? -This is a Japanese Wagyu A5. -What! -Do  you guys think it's worth it? -Honestly I would say   yeah. I would say it's a such a very different  experience for a burger, it's so elevated it's   so much better, it it's such a unique experience  that everyone should I think try it once. -I think   that's it, you say to what it is right there. One  time, never again in your life. -I don't think that's   the best way to eat an A5 wagyu bro. -Let's be very  clear, if it's your first time having a Japanese   Wagyu A5 steak, cook it as a steak. -Yeah. -And if  you want to experience this later, yes please   do so. Because this is an experience that is quite  unforgettable. I can't believe I'm actually saying   that it is worth doing it that hurts the soul,  because this is something I will never forget.   And don't forget guys the pre-order of the book  will be in the description down below, I hope   you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that  thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to   subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are  interested in anything I use everything is always   on the description down below. Thank you so much  for watching and we'll see you guys on the next   one. Will you do this? Will you do it? I want to  know. See you guys in the next one. Take care bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,866,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, cooking, wagyu, a5 recipe, how to make burgers, grilling burger, cheeseburger, smash burger, fast food, wagyu burger, best burger
Id: lrk-cEbDZpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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