Vsauce - Safety Third 56

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hello and welcome to the safety third podcast today his first appearance since wow what a special edition welcome Michael Vsauce how are you guys doing it's great to be here okay look at this yeah okay come on yeah I don't think I've been on a podcast since Joe Rogan was it that bad of an experience no it was a great experience but um I I honestly don't know why I haven't done it but you you reached out and I think I ignored you the first time yeah yeah that's okay yeah I'm used to it that's how I act I just assumed that you wouldn't watch some of them yeah and then you were like absolutely nothing to do with that yeah you asked again you were persistent and finally I said yes and here I am it worked have you seen the podcast before I have I saw the episode with Tom Scott okay and so that gave me a taste of like what am I getting into yeah and what do you think it's gonna be bad oh it's gonna be bad this episode in particular is going to be bad I think that we're like so we're slowly again they're getting worse and worse and worse over time for different reasons it's I'm proud of it actually it's kind of what I think so well I mean yes what do you guys think I think we care less I think we used to care more and now we can't maybe that makes it better the problem is we're running a very we have to exist on a very thin line because someone someone one of the comments said if we get any better we'll be worse that's true but if we get any worse we'll be worse so we have to we don't want them to expect it we can only exist in a very narrow band it's like holding the microphones like we can't we can't that's why we can't get the stands because yeah that's right because it'd be too good you'll start to get like an ego or something too good and you can't go back no I I've started doing a lot of short videos and I feel the same way I'll do some that I put a lot of time into and I love them and people love them and then I go my next one has to be happy because otherwise I'm never going to be able to go back and it's going to start taking me eight months to make a short video that's like how the second Channel thing starts it's like I need a channel to make my crappy videos and then you have vsauce2 and then you're like oh no now these are too good well it was a second yeah Vsauce began as a video game game Comedy Channel and then I wanted to do stuff that you want to break out I wanted to do you know how big can a hole be and um you know human world records and stuff and so I put those on Vsauce too because they weren't about gaming and I thought well the audience will be really mad that I'm not doing video game content yeah like niches and I was working with Kevin um he was literally making funny video game comedy that I was buying from him to put on Vsauce and the audience was like who's this guy we want regular yeah yeah and so I said Kevin why don't you take the vsauce2 channel because then you can cultivate your own style your own audience and then I was on Vsauce and then we said well gosh now we're kind of doing a thing where we start new channels so we made vsauce3 and I was working with Jake in New York he was helping me edit Vsauce videos and I said do you want a channel and he was like she's giving them out I was just handing them out and so yeah that's how it happened but yeah it's the second Channel effect uh ding was that way for me I was like I have this video it's really neat but it's not existentially absurd and deep enough to be a Vsauce video yeah so I'll put it on Ding and a lot of people in my life were like you should be putting these ding videos on Vsauce there's more subscribers there and I'm like but it's a different show ding episodes are unscripted the camera just rolls and I just say what I know yeah I feel like you kind of want like a consistent expectation where it's like you go to a channel and you kind of get exactly what you want like we were um I was talking to uh I I can't remember who I may have been like a YouTube liaison or something and they were talking about podcasts like oh like who oh yeah I saw that yeah who puts their podcasts on their main Channel and I'm just like I would never ever ever ever put a podcast on the main Channel because it's not what people are I feel like you did like one or two types of content on a channel otherwise it starts to feel kind of close yeah look I blame YouTube for calling them channels yeah because then the whole industry starts to think it's like a TV channel where you'll have different shows with different hosts they're not channels they're shows if if you put your podcast on your main Channel you would have main Channel videos with their viewership your podcast would probably have less because it's different and now the algorithm learns that every time you upload people aren't necessarily going to click so let's start promoting them you hurt yourself so easy shorts has been like a nice it sounds like you've been enjoying now that they've got them separated yeah it took me so long yeah I would put a short up and all the comments would be I was tricked I thought this was a new Vsauce upload but it was actually a short video and they were a crappy short video but I knew that if I put that same video on Instagram or Twitter people would love it yep and so I'm like well YouTube is the place where I'm gonna upload every eight months because otherwise uh it won't be the right show so what have you been doing on Shore it's like just whatever you whatever kind of weird idea you think doesn't fit into a video or after you know years of writing really long scripts I've got so many little clippings that didn't make it in that I'm just pulling them all out uh and I'm going well this is a short and I just keep saving all these little bits that I'm like I'll put those in the next video and then I don't and so now I'm like I have a way to use these yeah for example I did the short recently about the earliest born person we have a photograph of that was going to be in the selfie video except it's not a selfie the ER the photo of the earliest born person it's not a selfie so I cut it right and I'm like I'll use that when I do a philosophy of images video someday and it always just felt like you were trying to shove it in somewhere it didn't I tried to shove things and now now I have a place where I can just do a quick thing when the minutes over it's done I don't need to have some greater uh thesis yeah I can just share the knowledge now you can publish list that part of the X-ray video that you cut me out of yeah but you got to make sure you keep your short quality bad yes because otherwise messed up on that yeah you definitely yeah you messed up you got it I put too much effort in I've got a lot of just toys where it's like fun for 10 seconds to watch how it works and I need to make sure that I can always have a place for those that my shorts don't become giant scripted researched things as well yeah that's what the Longs are for to be fair with the shorts they're so they're so short you can't put that much effort Look Who's Talking what I don't put it's still compared to the long ones they're not even remotely like the same you make like the nicest shorts of all the people on the internet well they'll take like oh thank you first of all thank you very much you have to like reshoot your shorts multiple times because it's like not perfectly aligned with the camera it's rare that I'll have to reshoot sometimes I go back to the b-roll is like bad um but no it takes like I've done like I can do a short the question I've done was in like three hours yeah they're easy I think I filmed a main Channel video in three hours years ago I could never do that yeah oh my gosh if you look at I did a video about why animals don't have wheels in a room with a little like not even a phone camera but one of those like transitional cameras they had that were pocket cameras yeah and I put it on a music stand and I just sat there in this echoey room I was sweaty I was it wasn't lit I was just by the fluorescence yeah and that was the whole video and people loved it now I feel like everything needs to be so much more perfect yeah however shorts don't have to be I I get your perfectionism yeah but I've spent a lot of time watching shorts lately and some of them are so badly produced but it doesn't bother me actually and I'm like I could have terrible cuts and have it in too soon and like it's still fine oh yeah I totally I do totally agree with that because you're you're the First videos on your channel are like just sort of almost in the short Spirit yeah we're just a really early stuff it's actually really funny going to your earlier you can you can learn a lot about the history of just internet audiences in general 10 years ago I could do a five minute video that was just the 20 craziest Disney princess pictures yeah and people had nowhere else to find crazy Disney princess pictures and so they would watch a YouTube video of me counting them down yeah and now there's so many other social platforms to share images that that's no longer a show that would I would do so do you think it's like you like people like why do you think people watch videos they're sort of curious for information or they want to be entertained or they're bored like you know because back in the day like the princesses would be like oh here's some new information or here is it is it Michael like I want to watch Michael or is it kind of like what do you think is is like changing over time that makes it feel like the videos have to get more complicated oh I think that people want to Express who they are and they watch content to learn how to do that they say give me the tools give me the things to say and to notice and to think that allow me to figure out who I am and then Express that so when I learn these cool facts and these cool words now I can bring that up with my friends and I can think in that same way and that's how I want to think and maybe they don't want to think that way and they hate what I say perfect that's still part of their identity I'm giving them fuel to become who they are that's really that's I think probably the most interesting thing I've ever heard on that because it makes sense too when you see like like someone will bring up a topic and it's like I swear to God I just I think I saw something about that some were just like yesterday and it kind of almost like yeah I see that on Reddit all the time yeah and you can see like the Google search trends of like a topic will pop up somewhere like organically it'll catch a bunch of people's interests and all of a sudden everyone is talking about that topic and you're like I saw that yesterday like it just creates this like these pockets of yeah just for no reason this information just becomes relevant and people are like talking about it because it's this new thing that they found that's right I'll see it like multiple steps removed too so like Tom Scott just did this video on the parasitoid Wasps yeah and so if you like go to the Wikipedia page to learn about that wasp there will be like some fact about some like other parasite wasps like disaster someone else and then somebody like reads that article posts it to Reddit and they're like oh I see you've seen the Tom Scott video right so everybody kind of follows the same path like that Wikipedia article got a huge boost and then that got people finding a little bit of relevant information that was interesting enough to share yeah have you ever done like the Wikipedia challenge where you try to get from like something horrible to Jesus Christ from a random page to another yeah to another random page yeah like what you have two I don't know how the rules there's different ways to play it yeah I wouldn't play it by having two people hit random page and then you try to get to each other's Pages as quickly as possible it's just it's a very simple way that's random um let's go back what do you mean like if you click on some you just can't leave Wikipedia right okay okay and um I love the fact that I think every page initially or or not initially but eventually leads back to philosophy if you just keep clicking links eventually it gets so broad that you just wind up hitting philosophy have you seen this there's a name for this effect it's called like the philosophy it's like the seven step effect it's like you hit the first link operation or something right you'll you'll go from chocolate to Germany to nation state to Nation to politics to culture to philosophy you know it just keeps getting more and more Broad and you always end up with things that we think but cannot prove yeah that's that's interesting how do you so when you're when you're searching for ideas because you're kind of you feel like sort of the the origin point of some of these like weird things where it's like where did somebody find that it's like well they saw something on Reddit and that led them to go onto Wikipedia to look it up and then that led them to something else like do you just like go down rabbit holes online to find everything that you talk about because like you talk about some weird ass [ __ ] yeah that and that's that's by Design if I see something on Reddit I know I can never make a video about it because I want to initiate the conversation I will lately I just kind of have thoughts about stuff like I'll watch a a prisoner being escorted to court and I'm like look at all the police officers around them to protect them from the public we're protecting these people that we are ultimately going to sentence and what is that or yeah so I I I'll try to find a the psychology and the terminology and taxonomy behind something that seems wrong it just seems unexplored yeah as soon as I see a Twitter Thread about a topic I cross it off the list of things I'm going to talk about so do you consume a lot of content like yeah just like reading watching everything yeah I think it's like breathing in and out sometimes you're expressing and creating and other times you need to just be consuming and then after five months of that you might go hey these are all related yeah you can find out a way to kind of connect everything that you've been reading and researching into one kind of that's right yeah yeah yeah I remember there's like a uh it was like an AI that was trained on Research articles that was trying to sort of like correlate different conclusions and it was sort of like predicting things that could be invented in the future like by just like creating like this giant mesh network of ideas that you know here is like something about you know some nerve research and then here's something about some like mechanical research and it's like it would take almost like a miracle for a human to connect the dots between the two right where it's like it's it fundamentally like they could be linked but like somebody would have to have like because I've always thought about you know uh if you're doing engineering right you're an engineer if you're doing medical stuff you know you're a doctor someone in the medical field how do you make medical devices who's the guy that's like a doctor and an engineer who's like oh yeah joining the these dots together to create people do that no I know they do it but like you see what I'm saying where it's like even on YouTube it's kind of stuff like you have to know how to make videos and you don't have to yeah you know you have to know how to like find you know and understand topics to communicate yeah and it's very collaborative because things have become so big now yes no one person can be like hey look at this yellow Rock I found I just discovered an element now it takes billions of dollars and years of of people from different universities working together to discover a new thing yeah like how often or does somebody like invent something nowadays like a garage inventor I wanted to go back to shorts because we've been using the word shorts to describe short videos is that or is there an agreed upon name for tick tock's reels YouTube shorts short form where it's like it's it's not short it's just a piece of content that's packaged in a shorter duration yeah they're all also vertical yeah yeah which isn't actually the worst thing ever yeah for a while you get crucified terrible it's better people were like oops you you [ __ ] up yeah people would like yeah they're really nasty and vertical and now it's it's totally embraced yeah yeah and it actually works there's something weird about like the format of like the the vertical video and the time duration that like almost allows a completely different type of content yeah because you know you seem like I just watched there's this there's this guy on YouTube uh defunct land Kevin purger is his name and he does he's like just bizarre like Disney kind of documentaries and he just did one on the Disney Channel like the the theme right yeah and uh like where did it come from who even knows it and apparently a lot of people couldn't even remember what the actual theme was but you listen to you're like oh my God that's the you know the Disney Channel theme and uh he was basically like exploring it through the transition from a 4-3 to 69. and you you kind of get to witness the he kind of brought attention to the fact that they had to strategically make the 69 also work on 4-3 which is your old tube TV yep and so it kind of like thinking thinking it like what they had to do then and then once 69 HD became more standard then they could start taking up the entire frame and so when you start looking at you know YouTube videos 69 versus shorts or tick tocks that are vertical it's like you don't think about it but like you can show things differently like you can explore Concepts in a way like you know when you're trying to make a thumbnail for a video and it's like something just it's too like tall yep yeah you have to like walk back right and it's like then it's too small right and so it's like 69 lets you sort of show things that are taller than like it's weird it's so weird right yeah I see the difference when I'm trying to do I mean anything that is like a tool like some of my setups like if I do like uh a filtration or something it's all it's tall and it's just empty screen for the rest of it so like for a lot of the shorts even things where it's like if I held a hammer out or something I liked in the shorts because you could punch in really close whereas like Kevin said with it 16x9 you have to go far back and then there's just nothing there's nothing yeah oh yeah not tall like titration set is going to be a line in the middle of a huge rectangle yeah exactly thumbnails I've noticed that with thumbnails for my selfie video I the whole time I knew the cell the thumbnail should be the chimpanzee Looking At Its Reflection in the lake but trying to fit that into a 16x9 thumbnail it was too close yeah and you couldn't see that it was a reflection and so it drastically changes the conversation you can have you look like movie posters movie posters are basically vertical video and it's like why do they do that it probably does a like my thought right now is it does a better job of presenting people because people are not vertical and they are stand yeah so I feel like short form content like lets you kind of like view people in a different way than 69 that's right I think there's a lot more psychology about it too like when you see a four-thirds video what do you think Nostalgia yeah it's like older yeah right and then you see a uh like what do you think kids are thinking today that grow up on like their cell phone and they say vertical stuff yeah well yeah and then like horizontal video is kind of going to be like more I don't know like higher production value yeah and everybody has a phone and so you're used to seeing like these personal videos where people kind of film vertically so I think it might be a little bit because what do movies do you're probably just like they do the other thing right the medium is the message you're saying stuff and what you what do you mean will change when you change the aspect ratio the medium but yeah I wonder if kids will in the future look at like my home videos that I shot landscape and they'll go oh this is old in the same way we see black and white home videos and think this is old or the camcorder look yeah that aesthetic that will be the landscape uh effect on on the new generations yeah man I wonder like have you thought about that at all when you're making the shorts are you just sort of treating it like a an Instagram story or you just sort of taking kind of a similar or similar have I thought about what the the fact that it's vertical and yeah like how are you how do you kind of embrace that versus a normal video well yeah it changes how everything gets framed and how much of my body is in the shot and if I want to repurpose all old landscape 16x9 Clips to shorts I have to put more work into it because I don't want to just crop in because my face winds up being way too big yeah and I actually I heard something really interesting from Kevin Lieber over at vsauce2 and he said that he'd been repurposing Clips on Tick Tock and that the worse it was cropped and repurposed the better it did really so if he had like a professional go in and optimize for vertical it looked too polished it looked like I'm supposed to see this because like a brand made it but if someone literally just records like they found it or something they found it which means if a if a person takes their phone vertically and Records their screenplay in a video now it looks like a normal person has curated this it's past that gate of is this worth posting yeah it's not being posted by someone who wants me to see it because it's their job just some fan knew that this was worth preserving and sharing have you seen who did that without who what's his name solid fingers was that tweet from the guy that made sound like David did he say something about this David Firth posted on Twitter he uh I think it was David Firth he dubbed over some of the like during the like like Prince Charles like during the whole Queen Death and everything he like dubbed over some of the clips with a voice to make it sound like uh it's Charles or King Charles I can't remember the new king the new king yeah make it sound like he was talking and he posted posts as like I did this just doesn't do well they've got like 3 000 likes or something yeah then he reposts like the same thing or does like a slightly different version and it's like I I can't believe they've done this I can't believe someone did this yeah and it's like you have to find who made this like it just exploded like hundreds of thousands like 300 000 and like millions of views and you're sitting there saying like oh my God like nobody wants to see something that you did yeah they want to see something that you found yeah like already passed some kind of film yeah was it you who posted the animal kingdom thing maybe which one was it but how long ago well you know there's um there's this famous bit it's been around for a long time I featured it on an episode of IMG 10 years ago uh where at at the animal kingdom like theme park there's an animal kingdom sign but if you stand with your head in the right place I think that was anal Kingdom it was like Drew or Drew Gooden or Eddie burback yeah it was it was Eddie that's it yeah and yeah he shared that photo as like here's you know me yeah whatever Kingdom and and people were like hahaha it says anal Kingdom how funny but then some aggregate uh account it was either like lad Bible or something they shared it like look what this guy accidentally did oh my God and it got supervised everyone thinks that they realize the joke themselves as opposed to somebody forcing the joke upon them yeah and if you share it as look what I did yeah then it's like you intended this uh but if it was accidental and who knows who made it then it's a discovery that the audience has made this has been around forever yeah even before the internet but I've noticed this on Reddit all the time people never seem to share hey here's this artwork that I made it's always my uncle makes art and this is his newest one and he doesn't think he's good and he doesn't think he's good that helps I think what it is like if I it just it adds an extra layer to the story of the art right you know it's even like I think the whole story of like for example like why is the Mona Lisa so famous it's because I'm pretty sure most of it's because it was stolen multiple times not specifically just like why is why isn't his other paintings just as famous but there's I don't know if you know the whole story of the Mona Lisa like it was in the Louvre and it just disappeared someone stole it and then it they found it somewhere and thinking bro it was it was it went missing multiple times I'm pretty sure so then it just built up this big mystery around it and now it's valuable because why are people working right now like you're talking about it because it's got like no because they shove it on your throw and you're a kid they're like hey kids you like paintings there's a whole story that's not even just about like the guy who painted it or the painting itself what it represents like a history that's interesting it's yeah so it's almost a larger version of yeah my this is my uncle's painting and he doesn't think he's good it's like there's a story to talk about I can share it to will going hey check out this painting this guy doesn't even think he's good it's okay yes I wouldn't share hey look at this guy's painting who it just it doesn't feel as shareable until like there's no story to share about it I feel like those content aggregators kind of nullify that whole phenomenon though like when I see something on one of those like you know lab Bible I'm like I don't even care but Kevin who who are the people who go And subscribe to that not me exactly do you have a lot of do you have any issues with your stuff being ripped by uh content aggregators no I I I don't have any problem with it um because in a way that's how we like they don't do it to you or you don't care when they do it what do you mean sorry like so they do take stuff but you don't care yeah okay yeah same here I really don't mind I think that if you mind your kind of old-fashioned like the there there is a line that can be crossed when it becomes free booting and it's like this is different but when people repurpose my content because they appreciate it a short piece of it or they wanted to change it up you know that's that's part of the culture um I think on the same topic of the Mona Lisa and all of that there's also a similar thing going on with the ads that say stuff like this mom discovered a way to whiten your teeth and doctors weird plant in our house it was bleach there's something going on there where you can sell a product and develop trust really well if it's just a nobody that discovered it and I've thought a lot about why that is and in a related sense I've thought about I'm pretty sure this was you you shared an article written about you but they didn't call you oh this guy YouTube this guy yeah this guy yeah okay yeah if it said YouTuber William Osmond does blah blah blah people would go I don't know who that is but if it says a guy did this they go oh that's like me yeah yeah I'm a person too yeah but that's what's frustrating because like I couldn't even I can't even get verified on Twitter I don't want it anymore don't give me it uh I can't even I couldn't even get verified on Twitter because no one's writing articles about me because they don't they can't use the name because the name means nothing yeah so no one's like they're talking about the work but they're not talking about me and so I'm not you know like if you have a manager or an agent like a big part of their job would be to make sure that you're not called a guy or YouTuber William bubble but instead it should just be William Osmond yeah yeah because that's what Hollywood actors get they've never been in a film before and they get covered in the media with their name this guy starred in Mission Impossible and you're like I guess I'm supposed to know this person yeah but if you if you append something to it like YouTuber then it's telling the audience you don't know who they are right um I think a lot of really successful YouTubers understand that and take advantage of it um like Mark wrote Uber he still to this day is considered former NASA and he's Mark Rober this guy's on Kimmel like every night right he's huge but yet by being a former NASA engineer or JPL or whatever that helps make it clear that he's risen Above The Gatekeepers yeah he's the mom who discovered a secret and a mom who discovered a secret she'd be stopped so what she discovered must have been huge yeah it kind of feels like they're not trying to force it upon you when it's the Mom it's like this mom found something not we made something to sell you that's right I don't need to be as suspicious yeah yeah and I think that like for some reason in my head it being a mom it's like she's not affiliated with any of these big companies so maybe she's found something real like something that no one has seen before you know what I mean she's not afraid to sell the secret it's a kiss you know yeah she's so separated from everything else she has the real secret and there's trust to it I I wonder if any of it is that the big companies can get by The Regulators because they're so big but a mom couldn't so if she's making headlines then she has done something that is on unstoppably good yeah yeah because a little person would have been stopped yeah and it's the same with a guy built this thing or a former NASA employee did a thing you go oh this is important if you tell their name or their occupation now it's like promotional yeah right which is bad yeah now by reading this I'm I'm helping them rather than myself yeah right it's notorious for that like Reddit loves finding new people I think it's like I remember Simone talking about something like they love finding someone that nobody's watching yeah but the instant people are watching them that it's like this person's trash right right yeah it's a roller coaster it's not it's not a fun roller coaster because you sit there like I've just been doing the same thing I've always been doing yeah like Keanu Reeves must just be full of anxiety oh my God yeah it's like they're holding the king up just so they can sleep the second he becomes too mainstream people on Facebook start liking him Reddit will go uh no actually um yeah I'm really into this person now he's our hero now the new one yeah Brendan Frazier I think oh I think Ash is coming around and people like unironically like Nicholas Cage now well I mean there's something wrong with it you can't see it there's a Nicholas Cage pillow on the couch this isn't my handiwork I turned him into a Luchador here wait do you want to unscrape the Luchador or I'll do it where did what is this where did you find this this is that belongs to Jake Roper does when he moved to New York he took all of his stuff except for that so I see that as kind of a gif a gift a memory all right ready can you see this again yeah yeah isn't that the greatest thing ever it's beautiful I think yeah people just appreciate it's not that he was bad before people it's not like they didn't like him but now the style of video is like oh yeah I get it National Treasure is a great movie it is great I actually really like National Treasure is like what about ghost rider ghost writers I think it's okay too it's all I I don't think I mean maybe he's got some bad movies but like honestly I don't think I I like that close kids I think he's you know he's got like the style of movie is a little bit campy sometimes yeah but that's that's what I know you know yeah he definitely has some good movies yeah I didn't like Ghost Rider I saw it in theaters with some friends and we were so disappointed that we pulled one of those let's go into another theater and not pay moves the law we saw a wonderful movie that we loved the Reno 911 that was so good that movie we were very happy I I may have just been very young when I saw Ghost Rider I don't remember being good but I think I would pretty much just watch anything that's the problem so what do you what do you uh what are your plans for for YouTube because we were kind of looking at some of your videos and it seems like you've got some eras like oh interesting you've got the moon Men air right because you don't use it anymore do you uh you know I've been using it more often lately I don't know if I've ever done a video where I didn't use it that's actually a really interesting question because the meme is sort of like you know right at the beginning of the video you sort of pop up yeah movement's playing you say the thing and then the video sort of starts because I think there's like I I I was going and looking through some of your videos that you don't do that every single time but for some reason that kind of has become like the the Vsauce thing also moon man should we play a second to movement here let's play a second Yeah moonmen by Jake chudnow which I never called it moonmen I called it 130. really which is what the file was called that he gave me so even to this day when I put the music in I search 130 and that's 130.mp3 it's it's such a where is this music from it's it was made by my friend Jake chudnow who I worked with at next new networks and we sat next to each other and he's a musician he's a composer and he was like well I've got all these songs I made in college like why don't you use them and I love moonmen because it's got that kind of poppiness to it and you can put that underneath anything and it almost always syncs up with interesting moments yeah I don't have to work very hard to make the times happen when interesting stuff happens it's there's maybe a little synced with the way I talk but it just fits yeah and I'll put it in I'll have the the big notes start right when I've asked a big question you know or is it are people getting hotter and and then or am I getting or am I getting colder oh [ __ ] it just fits with my manner of speaking where every time I've got another question or another weird thought brow raise it does another like yeah and so I love that now he's in London now and I was just hanging out with him back in August and yeah his music is is phenomenal and so I'm so indebted to him for um a lot like being part of my journey so I find that very interesting how it's like you just happen to know him and then he had this music and then it becomes such an integral part of like what will was saying it's kind of like yeah like when I think of your videos it's exactly that like you pop up the music's playing and it's like it's it's so ingrained in what you built your channel into but it was just random at the beginning become like a part of meme culture it has like people put that music over other things yeah yeah just uh Marquez Brownlee used it like two days ago like in a video it's unfortunate it's not Moon men it's it's the Vsauce yeah right well you know what we uh we actually pressed a little vinyl of it because moonmen was not a standalone song it was part of this whole album that Jake chudno made and moonmen was one of the songs I've got some that I can give you yeah I would I would very much how many do you have uh I have enough for you guys it was a limited edition run that we used to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association and um yeah so he made this like I don't know what you would call it it's a kind of Opera about the Apollo 11 Mission and moonmen was one of the songs oh so yeah um but yeah it was just completely unintentional that it would become so ingrained and yeah I've used it a lot more lately I think I went through a period of using a lot of music from audio Network which is great but man people really wanted on the Vsauce show they wanted that music thing yeah and I get it yeah do you how do you feel about people sort of like uh um like the memes about it because I've done a couple of them too or it's like just it's like taking exactly what you're doing and just doing something weird with it yeah no I love it I love it because I I feel like especially today when you make art you don't own it you know I mean you deserve to profit from it but it's now part of a conversation that everyone should be able to have and so when I see you know Marquez using it he did it in This brilliant way where he wrote a whole he's had this whole speech about how no one's going to actually listen to AI scripted videos or will they this whole video was written by Ai and that's when Moon kicks in yeah and I'm like I love this I I feel so awesome for Jake chudno because his song has become an invitation to think yes yeah yeah it's sort of like questioning reality yeah that's what movement yeah like like something confusing that you perceive a certain way because like I don't remember what I did but it was like I think I did it like once or twice and it was just kind of like you know like something about this but what about that and it's just like you're just sort of going through this like weird like thought process and then it's like a job oh it's so it's so good I feel like it it's one of my favorite I think like kind of video uh meme all of all of his music is is phenomenal and I uh I think starting with um did people used to look older in that video I went back to only using his songs and in the selfie video I only used his songs is it old stuff or new stuff too it's all well it's a mix actually because he's made a few new tracks and I actually I brought him on to do the theme for Minefield and he's not a full-time composer though he's like a big wig at a place called pottymo which is this Denmark based podcast subscription platform which is not very common in the U.S like paying money like you would for Netflix but for podcasts yeah but that allows them to fund you know Premier um podcasts right like better stuff I want to say better but just the kind of stuff that you you need a lot of time like cereal oh you know right like we're gonna do research and stuff a bunch of research and you're only going to make one or two seasons it's not going to go on for years right so yeah he set up a cool room where he's composing and I hope to be out in London more often to work with him because I've got a dream of doing a long it's basically a movie called from nothing and it just starts with me naked in the woods yeah all of the music is just it's completely um scored by Jake chudnow and I just find myself here I have nothing but I have nothing and I need to discover the laws of the universe yeah so I drop rocks I tie them to leaves to make pendulums I build ramps I I count and and suddenly I'm learning about the conservation laws and we go all the way to the principle of least action how soon into it do you make clothes or is it like the lowest prior oh I never make clothes I'm naked the whole video wouldn't it be wouldn't it be if I put like years of my life into this and I just put it on PornHub that was I I would actually that I don't know if I would suggest doing that but that would be an amazing and it would be it would be like such a wonderful movie to learn about physics but yet no school could ever use it you can't you can't put it anywhere they're definitely someone make a censored version they would make a censored version right away in fact I've made censored versions um there was an episode I think it's called will we ever reach other stars and some animators from a show ah what was it I forget the name but they animated me being naked in space yeah they gave me a little Willy yeah and I got reached out to by a school that was like we love this episode but could you please censor that yeah and so I actually I made a censored version for them that I shared unlisted for their school to use that's amazing yeah what is what is the principle of least action I don't know if I'm familiar with that the principle of least action is a a way of describing a physics in our universe so action is a I I I'm not totally prepared to talk about this okay but if you take the I think it's like the potential minus the kinetic energy of a system it could be the other way around that's called the action and you'll notice that everything that happens minimizes the action and so if you want to know about the trajectory of a ball that's thrown in the air you can use f equals m a or you can use the principle of least action in fact if you take the principle of least action you can derive f equals m a from it oh interesting so the question is why does the universe minimize action I don't mean action in terms of like things happening I mean action in the sense of the difference between kinetic and potential energies yeah that's actually like anytime I do any sort of physics calculations I really prefer to use energy over any like the kinematic so you mean like energy as opposed to something like looking at like force and yeah and right um but you need both yeah you do need both but it's sort of like it's a little bit more pleasant to think about things in terms of energy um so is it like how a lot of things have kind of an activation energy like wood just doesn't spontaneously combust you need to like take energy from the Sun and turn it into like use it to melt down some metal to make sparks for a lighter to set it on fire I don't think it's that macroscopic I think it's more like the behavior of mass in the universe will always satisfy this and Richard Feynman has a great lecture where he makes it really kind of intuitive why it's the case by just you think about traveling from home to work and he's like there's no way to make that Journey not minimize action and there's a fantastic book uh called The Lazy universe and I spent a really long time on this video that is now going to be a movie in my head I know someday I hope to do it but it went from like literally nothing to the principle of least action which I should clarify for those watching it's not just least it's stationary because least action would be a minimum but it could also just be a point where the the graph of action is like stationary it might be lower somewhere else but yeah yeah it's like at this like meta State between yeah so like a pendulum would be every time I've said principle of least action edit it to say principle of stationary action and then I'll really get some points kind of thing I know it'd be like like I guess the idea is that even something that's like kind of doing something can have some combined state of different energies but it's always at the same amount um yeah boy it's been a couple of years since I looked into this but I there's um a channel and I'm sure you guys are familiar with physics videos by Eugene and then a last name I'm not remembering he did a video on the the principle of least action and it sounds like almost philosophical just as much as as it is like math it is and I think I think up and Adam did a video about it too kind of just describing that it's the case and I worked I actually like in YouTube comments talk to the creator of that video about like but why is the you know formula written that way and I wrote out this whole thing about uh teaching it in this really intuitive way that was obvious and visual and I remember one day I took Jake Roper into our conference room and I presented to him this video like unscripted but just kind of like here's what it's going to be and it took six hours and I that's when I realized this is not my next video but I need to make a video because it's been so long so I just took out a little bit about the conservation of angular momentum and I made the law and causes video but that was literally like a couple of pages of this big you know um script that I'd been working on ever since brain candy live started uh so there's a lot of stuff I haven't done that I've written is the guy's last name yeah yeah k-h-u-t-o-r-y-a-n-s-k-y yeah and he's a really nice guy who has really helped me and his videos are phenomenal at helping explain these Concepts they're also weird because of the animation style and the voiceover is by this woman who has a very unique way of talking but the pace and the visuals I think elucidate Concepts like lagrangians and the principle of stationary action in ways that are just no textbook had ever done for me what's something that you were most confused on at watching one of these videos helped you understand better well I mean that's a perfect example um trying to think of some other ones has there any has there been any sort of like you know topic that you've sort of never really understood and then lots of them yeah but so then when you like what was the most satisfying of like doing a video coming up like you're doing the research and you like realized like oh my God okay well I don't want to give away everything that I hope to do in the future but I spent a really long time trying to find the physical origin of torque okay we all know that like a crowbar a lever these things help make jobs easier and there's an easy formula for why you're trading Force for distance yeah but how does the universe know you're doing that how does it know like whoa whoa whoa he's using a lever guys he doesn't need to apply as much force and I was not satisfied with ideas about conservation laws or formulas because it didn't seem to explain what was happening mechanically and it took me a year before I found a paper and now I'm giving away what I hope to put in an episode but I found a paper called the physical origin of torque and the argument made which I have have heard some people debate the argument is that it all hinges on the fact that stuff bends that there's no perfectly rigid object right and that was my problem I had been trying to work through the formulas and what was happening molecule by molecule but if you assume that forces travel instantaneously you cannot torque will not fall out you have to allow things to not travel instantaneously which obviously we know is is true speed of light is the is the speed limit but once you allow things to bend you can do the trigonometry of their angles and angular momentum falls out so in the laws and causes video I actually shot myself explaining all of this just by drawing on paper and it was like almost too long and I wanted I want to do it better Justice I want it to look better so I didn't mind up putting that in the episode still do that as a kind of its own Standalone yeah I might do it as its own Standalone it might be part of from nothing I don't know I might be standing alone naked in the woods explaining it hopefully it is so what what like how many ideas do you have right now do you have like a sort of infinite video ideas do you have like well I I can imagine if you're doing a lot of research which you you basically I think have to be doing to to cover the topics you're covering you probably end up finding a lot of things that could be videos and and that's like along the way of maybe trying to figure out a different video yeah yeah how do you how how do you decide it's just whatever is most exciting to you because like that's how I do it's like I'll have an idea and then I'll come up with something else but actually I want to do this one right I just sort of do it lately it's just been the pressure to make a video gets so immense that I can't keep learning and so I just write down everything from the last few months that I found cool and I go what's this video about you know like like did people used to look older that was just a third of a video I had been working on that I called the flattening and it was about how access to information is changing or how we process reality and people seeming to look older in the past was one part of it there was another part about um what I call the illusion of experiential depth and there was another part about social media and it just got so big that it was going to take all day to film and it would take me a year to edit so I just took one piece of it but I still have all this other stuff written and now I really want to get a video out super soon so I'm going back through everything I've written and I'm going all right what's the title of a video that contains all of this is that what's the hardest part is it the title thumbnail um or do you think you kind of get interested in a topic because you think there's kind of a weird question to ask the title and thumbnail should probably be coming first but lately they've come last and it's like Panic to figure out what it is and that's that's tough um it was much easier when I did videos that were just like why don't animals have wheels and I'd be like that's a great title the more you think about it the more it's like wait actually it doesn't really make any sense but I really I really had a lot of fun making that episode and I was really happy to hear uh feedback from two people once I was just walking around um Chelsea Market in New York and the security guard came up and was like my church group watches that video because it's such a wonderful look at like this the uniqueness of creation like literally a week before Richard Dawkins had tweeted out my video because it was such a great demonstration of natural selection and I'm like yeah that's great and this was this was made back in like 2011 or something so the the debate around Evolution and all of that was a little hotter yeah but I never used the word evolution in the video I talk about well look you know if you're if you're surviving well and you're reproducing and your kids have a lot of success and they have a lot of kids then eventually there's going to be more members of your species like you I just didn't use the words that made people turn off right and so look I was hearing from a very diverse group of people that loved and learned from the episode simply because of the vocabulary I used you were like staying away from things that they sort of had had kind of compartmentalized as a yeah cgp gray said a great thing that has been credited to me but I'm pretty sure he's the one who told me this and he was like you should always always overestimate like how smart your audience is people are smart but you should underestimate their vocabulary because once you start using words to cover whole Concepts that's when you lose people either because they don't actually know what it means or because they've learned that it's complicated or that it's bad so instead just treat them like they're really smart but don't hide behind oh principle of least action and you if you don't know what that is look it up you've lost them instead start at the beginning and people who it's totally new to they will appreciate that people who are you know physics professors they'll also appreciate the breakdown and and the explanation being intuitive it's like trying to learn how to code I've been trying to learn that recently and then it's like you have to they say like yeah okay so just download these dependencies and you're like well what's a dependency how do I download it what is all what's the job why why yeah why why wait actually uh you have a kid yeah um you know do they ask why a lot all the time I feel like if there was any dad in the world who had a kid who's why why why you'd probably be the best at uh yeah you should you should talk to my family and my wife about this because yeah I do feel an immense responsibility to always answer the why questions because that's my job how terrible would it be if your dad was me and when you asked why I said just because yeah I can just imagine because I sometimes but he would answer me all the time like yeah at least you now you have a repository of work that if she does ask questions you can instead that's right just look it up you go I've answered it um and you send her a link that's right that's right my my TED Talk was about the the why game the fact you can just always ask why yes but I don't always know why but it's still important rather than saying just because to say I actually don't know let's look it up yeah or maybe why do you think Hmm Yeah and allow them to do some reason yeah you just always end up at yeah um I'm trying to think of a good example it it often sometimes I feel like I've answered it and she'll still be like why and I'm like well because if we didn't eat food we wouldn't be alive why well you know and and you get into metabolism and all of this and eventually it's just like well because if we didn't eat we wouldn't be around to be asking this question yeah and now you're talking about death yeah you know to a child yeah how often does this happen oh every day every day it seems kind of fun almost you know I think I would enjoy that for a little bit maybe yeah it hasn't it hasn't gotten old um I do think that sometimes she says why when what she really means is I want you to keep telling me stuff she's not actually asking for the reason behind what I just said she just wants to learn more because sometimes there isn't really a thing that she's asking why about um so yeah I do like a q a after Story Time at night we read stories and then we turn out the lights and it's q a time and she can just say I ask a question and my wife and I will will answer so far her questions are things like what happens if you pee on a cat you know they're not they're not like you know textbook questions but then yeah you know I'm curious I mean I don't know I don't know here's a cat and then this is called a control and now this is called yeah so we're gonna do an experiment we're gonna get our cat in here and we're gonna see what happens um let's take some notes and make sure we need to make sure we have a control that's fine we have two cats she's a visual learner I understand but yeah they're almost always about poop and pee the basics what if you pooped yeah well there was one time she asked like can you poop out your mouth and I said that's not typical but I do think that there are you know scenarios and where medically feces could come out the map I've seen that episode of house before right so I started explaining that like well in rare circumstances my wife was like maybe we could tell her about that later a kid is asking that question just because they like are genuinely curious dude it really this is sort of they can't handle the answer I think you need to you need to be really careful about it because like look to a YouTube audience I need to be really precise like there there could be a way in which this might happen but it's it happens once in a billion people yeah it feels like I'm not telling the type to the child that full Truth by saying no you don't poop can cannot come out of your mouth but that's really what she wants to know she wants to know how the body works like look into her questions a little bit more than just what she's what era of Vsauce would you have posted a video titled can you poop out your mouth any era any era any era video might do well I've never I've only changed what I'll do because of uh audiences changing you know I don't do the countdown videos about you know hottest video game characters because other people do that better and there's other places for it but I haven't they're all hot nowadays and they're all they're all hot nowadays and also it's unfair to even it's so subjective yeah um who is hot like I think today I would do more of a like what is hot I did look into whether people are getting hotter and this was one of the first times I looked into a question and actually decided that it wasn't worth doing because you might say look if Attractive people have more kids than shouldn't through natural selection the human race become more attractive problem is that there's just really no way to study it it's too subjective it's too subjective attractiveness George Washington he was now what would he think that I'm hot smash or pass but so much of his hotness would also depend on the cultural norms like exactly his hair and even body type when he dresses the way he presents himself those would all be things tailored to his world not ours but then there's a lot of other factors too like do Attractive people have more kids in order for this to be naturally selected their kids will also have to have more kids and being hot or not is not like the deciding factor about whether you pass on your genes so have you seen this documentary about this called idiocracy yeah and idiocracy is really in my opinion more a movie about people being misled they're not dumb people they have just been told by all powerful forces that plants need brondo yeah you know they've been taught that reading is bad they didn't discover that they didn't get born and feel that reading is bad they were told it by authorities yeah yeah I I don't agree with the message of like oh we need more smart people to have kids it's like we just yeah well the whole we need to be careful what we teach teach them to be smart and to to Value thinking and to Value serious curiosity yes how do you feel about like uh memorization in schools I think we've been talking a lot about schools recently yeah like do you have any sort of uh like education takes or like any thoughts on how people I would love to be a teacher I think what they do is incredible yeah I I'm I do nothing like what they do I get to make a video about you know can you eat poop if you cook it first and that's part of a curriculum the answer is uh yeah I mean obviously like if you burned it up to ashes you're just mainly eating carbon you could you could probably eat your own poop um but you shouldn't eat another person um I'm trying to coin a term I don't know if it's happened yet or if someone already did it but uh edible versus eatable okay like eatable you could eat you know poop you could eat sand you could eat maybe glass but edible is like it would hurt you or kill you oh so is there actually a distinction between those words or are you developing I don't know I I feel like every time I look it up there's really no clear distinction but I like the idea of it being I mean I should probably do this in my head edible was always like it's it's potentially a food yeah that's what I think but eatable is like are you physically can you put it in your mouth inside your body okay right so like those little cameras that are pills that you swallow yeah those are eatable yeah they can go in the body but they're not edible because your body doesn't process it yeah that would be my like feeling or could you like it's a rock it's too big to fit in your mouth so it's not eatable but if you process it it's edible no I'm saying edible would be something that's like you can you can reasonably eat for like sustenance yeah so it says so it is on Merriam-Webster it says fit or able to be eaten but I still think that it doesn't quite but did you look up edible I think edible is it says they're kind of used interchangeably yeah they do I mean they sound like the same thing edible edible edible is fit to be eaten so I think that they're kind of like used in the same way yeah right but you would like them to have slightly different meanings because we've got two different yeah properties yeah eatable I could put it in my mouth and swallow it edible is like it is I mean I feel like the medical world already has words like this is an oral device or this is an internal I I don't know what the word is but they might not say edible because you don't chew it right and your intestines don't take stuff out of it but it is supposed to pass through yeah like like an antacid or something doesn't it it's just like calcium carbonate so you don't really like process it it just kind of neutralizes right you know it's kind of just like a physical thing in your body but what about something that does nothing like sand like eating a rock you could do that my dogs do that all the time foreign a little bit of sand is eatable yeah but it's not an edible right it doesn't do anything just you could put it in your mouth you could swallow it and it comes out it doesn't do anything inside so what is not edible like maybe uh this table in its entirety right okay now wait a second but if you broke it up in little pieces you could eat it eatable like my rock analogy yeah yeah I'm starting to think that edible means more like safe to eat eatable means could you physically get it into your stomach yeah like you know um poisons are eatable but they're not edible but they're not edible yes right yeah right wait what is the purpose of this you're just curious I just think that we I I just it's you know it's something that I want to talk about I don't think I've ever heard somebody use the word eatable yes because it doesn't have a distinct purpose whenever anyone said eatable they go Oh you mean edible yeah they think that you're saying it wrong but yeah but but eatable is a word yeah it is but I don't think it quite exactly means this but like it does to me it makes sense like I could eat it but it would be bad for me which makes it not edible but still I could eat it you could eat it right I could not eat a black hole yes it could eat you it could but it's the thing that you have to be an organic living creature to do what is eating it's a social constructing you people know you're talking do trees eat sunshine and oxygen oh [ __ ] do I eat the air that I breathe no I think we it's the process of like ingesting through a digestive system or something what would you call trees when they are absorbing CO2 and sunlight breathing would be a better breathing maybe because um but they're not really turning oxygen into it's more like what is that process called um this is photosynthesis yeah they're photosynthesizing so is that like but you would be like digesting yeah so like getting the food in is eating so photosynthesis would be like digestion how would like yeah I mean so are they eating sunlight are they eating they're taking carbon and they use sunlight to turn it into glucose or something so they're changing the the molecules which is kind of like what we do when we digest stuff so they're when they take it in the molecules but it's like reverse metabolism yes it is it is reverse yeah but the um but chlorophyll and hemoglobin I believe are really similar molecules yeah I think or is it like uh closer to the mitochondria type thing well because the chlorophyll makes the energy the mitochondria is the PowerHouse here we go of the cell with the balls of the power we just made up these words I once asked a paleontologist in a video I was like is a hyena a cat or a dog because they have dog and cat traits and yeah he was like we make up these terms at some point it just doesn't matter it's just it's just to help us it's not like the hyena or or God has some answer like oh you got that right plants digest sunlight you got it right it's more like you guys invented digestion you figure it out yes this is my official petition to change edible into something you can eat that could be poisonous and edible is something you can eat that is not poisonous I expect to see Wikipedia articles updated I'm petitioning right now I don't know if these are an official form I can fill out I'm I'm aggressively going to pursue this this is going to be my what's that book that they have for kids it's like Frindle or something where they rename the pen yeah this is my Frindle moment that's so I was literally reading Frindle last year because we were looking for books to read to our daughter and I pulled out a bunch of books that I liked as a kid and I was reading Frindle I'm going to write one called eatable eatable I've never heard of Frindle have you no all right thank you everybody for listening to our very good podcast thank you very much Michael Mr Vsauce himself if you want to go check him out you just type in the words Vsauce anything else yeah check out corn dog Willie on Tick Tock corn dog that's my Tick Tock okay wait where did corn come from where did the corn come from I need to know where the corn came from I don't really know um do you like corn I yeah I like corn actually my dad used to sing this song like while he was peeing he'd be like golden dog Willie was a friend of mine and is this real yeah I thought it was like a song yeah and I I like searched it one day and the only usage of it was me singing it on the H3 podcast no and so I think my dad just made this up but he only did it when he peed I only remember him saying it while he peed and corn dog Willie he only I think he would make up Different lyrics every time but that always involved someone named corn dog Willie's probably talking about his wiener he could have been I certainly be a kid but I started to find that just a really funny phrase you know corn and we named our cat corn and we were really embarrassed what color is your cat gray okay and yeah when we when we got corn we thought that like the vet would not think we were taking the responsibility seriously so we said oh his name's actually Cornelius but no it's corn yeah I didn't like that Jimmy Neutron his cat's name or his dog's name is worm worm yeah that's great we've got another cat named Pickle and our next one I want to call spinach it's a vegetables it's just vegetables but yeah and then I just started you know really embracing corn and people didn't understand why and that's what I want to do I want to make people curious yeah curious and Confused and then on Tick Tock I joined so late like every version of my name Vsauce they were all taken so I'm corn dog Willie and I like I like that because I think it's also it's important to be able to have new shows yeah where this isn't the official Vsauce Tick Tock this is corn dog Willis corn dog this is different you don't expect the same thing for me and if you do you're an idiot yeah exactly thank you very much go check out uh corn dog William Tick Tock Vsauce on YouTube electric pants on Instagram tweet sauce on Twitter that's on Twitter [ __ ] sauce on Twitter Vsauce HQ on Facebook it used to be Vsauce gaming it was a gaming channel so I made the Facebook account Vsauce gaming I just changed it like literally three days ago and you're just posting recut versions are you doing all that I I haven't done that yet but I do want to sit down and cut up my videos I I was talking with Kevin in Studio 71 about doing it having them do it yeah but I'm like I kind of want to do this I want to sit down and just watch all my videos clip out bits and I don't know kind of learn about myself um but right now I'm putting reels on Facebook yeah do you like watching your old videos or you think it's interesting to see a video you haven't like seen in a long time sometimes I really don't like doing it but sometimes I'm in a mood and I I do learn a lot about like how I've changed um it kind of blows my mind to watch episodes that I made in the past where they're like a lot shorter and they really just go all over the place and I'm like wow that really was just I looked at all my browser tabs that were open and I said okay here's the video we're doing everything yeah yeah um and I maybe I should start doing more of that because yeah it definitely is faster than saying okay this is going to be the video about ontology yeah instead just be like oh yeah there's an unrelated note yeah um here's this cool color you know I kind of like that I really I kind of feel like I should I should do more of exactly just that casual like here's an idea let's try something weird try not to make too big of a deal out of it yeah I think the format that it has to work this way the title must be the first thing you discuss you get to an answer and then you just do whatever you want yeah and that's what I wound up doing with did people used to look older I was like well I can I can answer that in whatever it was five or six minutes eight minutes then I'm gonna start talking about faces and then I'm gonna talk about Age and what age do people wish that they were and how does that change throughout your life and then I talked about your answer to that what age do people wish they were I feel like that's got to be a pretty interesting answer actually yeah well if you survey people of all ages the average age that people want to be is 36. 36 36 what yeah I would have guessed like early 2020. my intervention would be everyone who's been past their 30s knows that their 20s were kind of like you're you're spending so much time trying to figure out who and what you are and what you're doing so usually by the time at least you hit 30 you kind of have an idea figure it out so I think most people older than 30 don't want to go back to their 20s all the 30 year olds listening to this who have nothing figured out or panicking right now um it's it's fascinating because in the United States everyone under 21 wishes they were older yeah okay and everyone over 21 wishes they were younger to some degree yeah oh yeah right um but 36 it's the researchers that that wrote a whole paper about this explained that like at 36 people do not report being the happiest but their their hypothesis was that when you're around that age you have a lot of responsibilities and stress and so later on in life that's when you look back and realize that you were needed it might not have been fun while you were doing it but your boss your kids your partner they all needed you and it was stressful but you had a reason that's almost the worst reason to want to be yeah that's so interesting I feel like I feel like that's like the just entire existence in life is is thinking things are bad but then they're actually good but they're good because they're a little bit bad they're like bad that's right way they're bad in just the right way and then when you're super old you don't have the same stresses yeah but no one's knocking on your door and it's actually somehow maybe it was kind of yeah and you think that like having to leave work and have your boss be mad because your daughter had to go to the doctor and all of this it all revolved around you were needed yeah no no one needs you because you're old and stinky and that's something that we should think a lot about as a society yeah um so yeah growing old is really really fascinating to me that's why the Alzheimer's Association is the the our big charity are you doing another one because I think I saw a video you did with them like six years ago or something but is this like a yearly thing you do well yeah I've been talking to a researcher who's been looking into loneliness and dementia and they find that actually like being alone anecdote doesn't connect really feeling alone does wow to uh the onset of dementia that's interesting because I feel like I have uh like two elderly people with dementia on my street and they both are to me isolated and I'm like I wonder if there is a connection there because it you know maybe like I think it's like what Michael said like being alone is different than feeling alone yeah for example like my grandmother she is like when my grandfather passed away she never remarried so she was alone for a long time but I remember um my mom once said because my brother my older brother's moving out it was like oh your grandmother's alone a lot maybe like your brother could move in with her and take the basement and you know who didn't want that my grandmother she goes oh my God then I'll have to choose I don't want I don't have to live with like a 20 year old she goes I want my space yeah yeah and my grandmother like growing up spent all of her time taking care of us it was nothing against my brother it was she was like no I want to hang out with my friends like so she spent a lot of time alone but she liked it right interesting even now she lives she lives alone but it's like she has so much stuff to do that she's just feel like no she feels though she lives across the street from me actually now she's like she has a support network and stuff like that yeah so it's like she can get help and see anybody she wants whenever but she lives alone in her condo and she said she's like I don't want anyone living with me hmm does she have Dementia or anything no she's yeah she's dude she's she's almost 90. she's Japanese yeah yeah and she's just she'll do things where she goes one day we're at the office my mom's like oh she's gonna come by I'm like how's she getting here she's in my car oh she's walking right it's like two kilometers almost and then she goes oh it's on the way because she's walking to a store it's like an hour and a half walk I'm like this is this is more exciting than I do and my grandma's 90. the Japanese side of our our family uh is the grandmother she's like 103. I also uh so they're they always are in the dark like they never turn the lights on at night who your grandparents no my neighbors okay my neighbors and I didn't notice that until one of them died they turned the lights on and I'm like whoa wait they could have had the lights on this whole they never had the lights on at night not once wow so it's like pioneer days yeah that was the thing that my grandparents would do we would not turn on we would use no electricity all day so you had to eat dinner it's often like getting quite dark and then you can stay up if you want you can use candles but it's a great kind of meditative exercise no see because now I think there's some kind of like some kind of link between darkness and dimensions I think you feel really connected to the Earth if you don't use electric lights and you just kind of realize hey it's going to be dark now yeah what if I just allow it to be dark yeah we kind of did that up at the silver mine yeah there's something about it yeah we were just up at a silver mine in the Mojave a guy runs the YouTube channel uh it's called the Cerro Gordo silver mine and there's power there but it really is you're very much incentivized to not use it yeah like yeah start shutting down kind of as you as it starts getting darker because it's like even though there's lights it's still like not a lot of light there's like maybe like two incandescent bulbs in each house yeah right okay well I I love it here at this office if I'm working late I try to go as long as I can without using lights because I just I like like the night but waking up in the morning I'll take a shower and like the pitch black because I'm not ready to wake up yet yeah yeah yeah yeah have you ever done that no if there's something so jarring about turning on the lights and it's like this bright blue light yeah that's sick you're sick no wait what no no he likes being in the dark oh yeah that's great I thought you said you like the lights I hate waking up in the dark I have do you have a nice soft lamp do you know what I use I mean I always kind of wake up like right at sunset or Sunrise anyway so I just kind of like to you know our uh our toilet yeah right our toilet has like a nightlight it's like a fancy bidet so when you walk in front of it it opens up and the night light turns on like I will if I go to the bathroom again I will try to like do everything and brush my teeth before that NightLight goes on like I really like this so it's just that light only that light yeah soft light in the bathroom like even if I go and take a shower she also sometimes come in and turn the light on and I'm like turn the light off like even if it's like daytime it's just like I don't like I don't know what it is like maybe I just I like it I like it out or something I like retina burning well you guys also don't get any sun up where you're at yeah in the summer we do just the winter it gets like yeah it's the same here actually is it really the it's not that different 23andMe tests and I have one of the uh jeans for Alzheimer's disease oh you do yeah the apoe three I think it is that gives you a slightly increased risk yeah so I'm like okay he's trying to build up his collection of dangerous tools yeah so I mean it's good to know because yeah we we know a lot about prevention yeah and you know keeping your brain active and and feeling needed and and not alone yeah I know I've gone trust me I've gone over all of it yeah you have the hundreds of dogs multiple times I keep going over it hundreds of dogs all the links are purple but I don't remember Kevin I think honestly I think the rabies is Gonna Get You way before the Alzheimer's yeah that's squirrel rabies just keep building your collection of dangerous tools and then you know the time will come when I forget that this one's dangerous and it sucks you in okay and then you don't have to worry about anything what side of the family that come from uh probably my grandma my grandparents thank you for this but it's rare it's like only her mom and her aunt had it and then nobody else has had it okay so I'm too terrified to get a test like yeah I don't I'll just whatever happens happens but honestly if you live to like you know 65 70 that's a good idea I mean like you're living like pretty good longer than most people yeah I want to know what's after dementia because we used to you know not be driving the ship of our survival and then we we really have done a lot with heart disease yeah and then cancer became a bigger thing we're living long enough now that cancer is an issue and we're we're making progress or improving quality of life and and outcomes but eventually you're going to hit this dementia wall they're all behind the natural selection Shadow like these are not things that we had to evolve to avoid because you can have kids and reproduce before you get cancer yes this reminds me of uh my like Electronics courses for like digital engineering where you were doing something called a Carno map where you take all the possibilities of like a binary system and you condense it down into logic gates and one of the things you would do is if you didn't necessarily need every output so like let's say you have you know three bits right which gives you uh eight possibilities or that you know you you have one two three of eight choices is if you need to rep A system that only has let's say five choices you can't use two bits which would be four you have to use three right but that leaves you three open options you can simplify the system by just letting those options become whatever you want hmm and so you don't you don't try to force them to be anything you just say you can be whatever because we're never gonna get there and it kind of makes me think it's like very very similar of like you've been built to be a certain way like you've sort of evolved over time but it never really worried about what happened at the end because it didn't matter because you'd never get there and so you essentially everything you do now works up until you turn about you know what 60 70 80 and then all of a sudden so I can imagine like once you sort of fixed that problem what the hell is going to fall yeah after that yeah once we're living to 150 yeah what are we gonna oh your nose turns your skin just falls off you grow wings and can fly yeah I don't know it probably won't be something cool like that but it might be yeah or is it all right thank you everybody for watching uh thank you to everyone on patreon who allows us to uh do stupid things um we just filmed this Santa video we tried to see who was the best small Santa okay that was fun we went to the Silverman we bought two cars and converted them to be off-roading machines and drove up to silver mine so people send us money and we do really dumb things with it so that's what you want to eat a name no okay is this name edible or edible I'll grab one of the names and then I'll give and you eat it just make it kind of like a cloud come out whoa Nice Part yeah uh oh yeah thank you everybody go check out patreon uh we've got exclusive content there or stuff that comes out early um and thank you very much yeah my pleasure to thank you for having us awesome have you ever considered making like a sauce did you ever make you have to have done this did you yeah yeah I made a I made a Vsauce with Jamie Oliver okay with green tomatillos did you sell it no we tried to and they wanted to like you know do a Kickstarter and I just wanted them to make it yeah you know but the recipes on in the video go look it up here I would if you had sauce I'd buy the sauce thank you
Channel: Safety Third
Views: 737,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safety third, safetythird, william osman, nilered, the backyard scientist, allen pan, peter sripol, ididathing, tom stanton, podcast, science, steam, stem, engineering, chemistry
Id: d5afQVByJ8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 49sec (4849 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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