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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to my totally normal hardcore world that has no additional mods or anything crazy in it no we're just here mining some iron because we have to survive 100 days like all the other cool kids these days oh what's this behind here is there something crazy is there something different like magma blocks huh well what do we have here and i'm actually kidding i'm not doing survival because we have a giant planet made out of concrete and by planet i totally mean planet and there's a spaceship oh doesn't this i can't jump that doesn't this look cool like it's concrete blocks on the side we have our cool little villagers here that guy just jumped over he's like oh no where'd he go did you go in this house nope huh they're a little confused i don't even know what's going on with them but you know i have an idea that even this iron golem won't allow them to live no you can't protect this village from what i'm about to do so my buddy i see caress had an idea actually i had an idea but he has the skills to pay the bills yeah he made up a really cool map like this you can check out his channel in the video description it's a minecraft planet because you know minecraft's a cube and squares and everything so why not make one with like rivers flowing through it and grassland it's all made out of concrete because well frankly it that looks better than having just grass on the top and dirt on the sides but doesn't this look cool there's like a little swamp here too he's got a forest on the top underneath is kind of like dungeony and stuff yeah it looks like a forest dungeon i love it and there's like lights in it i don't know how we got the lights to work nope don't die i'm in creative mode don't want to die there's little growths on the side too such a cool looking map and i thought what better way to treat it right than blowing it up with nuclear missiles it's what you're supposed to do these days right and i do almost feel bad for all those villagers almost oh that's so cool too look at the boats on the concrete it looks like they're actually on a river it'd be fun just to flow off the edge here we go just arm now okay get me out of here let me out of here oh no how do i get out of there um ow ow no well that was weird i don't know how to get out of it using uh creative mode but you guys might have seen me do the video i did a couple weeks ago of blowing up the minecraft moon and i thought it'd be a cool idea to blow up the planet so that's what we're going to try let's get inside of the ship there's all the missile launchers here we go oh this place looks amazing check this out we've got like balloons on the top because i like are those balloons like really is that a balloon how did he know it was my birthday today happy birthday everyone because there's some of you watching this video it's your birthday today check this out there's like little tiny lasers in the front and on the other side it looks the same but there's another laser and if we go to the back here it's full of glowstone ingots because this is a glowstone powered ship if you were wondering and we can go up in the cockpit and find blitzbot here oh yes the lasers are going i must fire additional lasers oh that sounds so cool and like that thing is supposed to be able to mine through absolutely everything unfortunately we are in orbit so i can't quite blow him up isn't that right blitzbot he's my best friend check out the radar there's a planet over here we're gonna go blow it up now okay actually let's shut that off because that's a little loud all right it's time for some missiles let's just go ahead and play around with some of these like tier one we have shrapnel incendiary there's like baby conventional missiles how cool are those put out the radar gun we'll load these puppies in the chambers over here why is it getting dark i don't want dark time and then we will target the city with our laser probably right in the well because that's kind of the center of it gps data is saved let's go ahead and transfer that gps targeting data and now we're just going to unleash a bunch of them because once they fire one time we can put more and more and more in the chambers there we go ready another one and another one okay now we're gonna run over to the city and we're gonna see if the iron golems can protect the villagers from conventional missiles they might be able to oh oh okay those missiles were small boys oh there's some more they didn't really do much sometimes there are some problems with the targeting so we need to go up a little bit also you don't want to go into this thing in survival mode because it'll instantly destroy your entire life no targeting data online fires the missiles uh-oh that man didn't want to go oh there that they're going now okay we got four missiles going over oh oh oh that one hit oh and the iron column survived okay let's see what round two does oh okay these missiles aren't so bad they're not so bad iron golem doesn't really care we should give him a name look at that laser though oh that's so sick all right let's just you know skip tier one we're not gonna play with the tier one missiles anymore let's go straight to tier two put in the targeting data because that last one worked really good and let's see what kind of fun stuff we get to play with fragmentation missile contagious missile can you ever heard of the plague i don't know i wonder if the villagers have that thing looks pretty cool oh it's got a little uh what simple is that the biohazard symbol incoming missile launch detected whoa that one was faster they're going up they're going up and they're coming down oh it doesn't seem like the villagers were affected by it maybe we need more of them lots more of them more more more missiles i like those biohazard things that's pretty cool looking oh i see the first one's going down they hit there's another one i'm writing missiles oh oh what is that everything's dying wow we gave them the plague oh that looks terrifying i would not want to be going into there okay maybe i should go in there looks like a violent green tornado these guys are like hey what's going on fellas don't mind the giant green plague happening how long does that go oh looks like the plague ended that was a fun one mining laser needs to end pretty soon too we have the cluster missiles anti-ballistics missile thermal barrick too many nuke in a can oh two mini nukes but if i fire four of them off then that's eight mini nukes there we go four mini nukes headed away i wonder if they have little mushroom clouds that'd be amazing any second now any second now oh okay two two wind three oh we're hitting the core we broke through the core of the earth down into the mantle how cool is that look at our nukes we got lava seeping out oh yes we cracked the egg i want to try the cluster missiles as well because these are always fun i'm gonna launch four of them oh they look so cool okay go and go and these are only the tier two missiles there's all of tier three and i think some tier fours too that's not a very big crater it'd be a shame if we were to do more damage to this planet come on down cluster missiles oh there they go yes yes oh okay that was good i like oh there's another round oh that's fantastic we are damaging this whole planet's career this one could also be good the fragmentation missile maybe the sonic missile he goes super fast i don't even know what that does after that much noise is it super loud maybe it's super loud either that or goes super fast okay i'm just gonna run over to the planet and see sonic fast where the missiles at where them is though oh look at that hole we cracked oh whoa whoa what all the blocks are flying around oh no oh that was crazy they're falling off the edge of the world how cool is that did i drill a big giant hole down in there maybe i'm betting this planet has a core too not just this magma stuff how cool does that look oh some of the shrapnel hit our hit our ship we must patch the hole that's hilarious okay i'm gonna launch more of the trap can i launch him from this one i don't actually know no i can't maybe this side oh it's going okay whatever let's launch a bunch of them just a whole buttload of sonic missiles and i want to see what happens from over here there they go there's the first one is it loud the second one third one i see blocks appearing oh it's raining blocks oh that's so cool so let's put the little toys away we have fun stuff to play with now the big dogs oh the emp then the straight up nuclear missile the endothermic they call me mr freeze anti-gravitational missile should we hit it with that i feel like we need to hit it with all of these the ender missile this one's actually not that exciting it just spawns in enderman we did try that before wait what are you doing in here go away oh no laser designator oh this planet looks so bad now there's still stuff falling okay targeting firing the missile we're gonna be over here when the ender missile hits oh wow there are iron blocks these iron blocks must have come from the planet core where is the enderman missile i see it just barely way up in the sky oh okay did it hit oh check that out the core it is full of iron that's neat i would make my base right in here i mean who wouldn't want a sick house in the middle of the planet's core how cool would that be lava that would be one problem about having a house there though oh and it kind of looks like a uh a prison cell so maybe we need to nuke it it's like a regular generic nuclear missile it looks nice just kind of want to hit the side of the planet here there's one house remaining we'll blast it with the nuke firing the missile okay it's going up oh there it goes come on nuke come on nuke do your thing where's that there it is oh okay oh wow oh oh the planet's still shifting things are still being deleted we just thanos most of the planet not quite my house is still safe we require more nukes send two nukes now thank you or only one yeah it had a little projectile this function there goes up into space this is part of the icbm mod so we are doing inter-ballistic intercontinental ballistic missiles come on nuke there it is i love how it just deletes the world next up the anti-gravitational missile don't mind it there's already one in there that looks like the ender crystal on top doesn't it missile i think this one makes things go up into space or like the entire base going upside down here it comes oh it's floating that's pretty cool we did that one on the moon it's kind of weird having things in space fly look at it go it's like nope i don't want any part of this and we didn't have fun with the regular sonic missile what about the hypersonic missile and it's gonna be loud plug your ear holes wait what look at all that stuff flying that is so high i'm gonna fire another one into the core here we go right out of my house there it goes fire the missile all of the blue concrete is just floating around oh there it comes up now we do have the anti-matter and the red matter missiles yet to fire this is going to be so loud when it blows up the core you ready i'm ready come on go down there it is my house is destroyed oh and it's i need to go in there i need to go in look at the blocks flying all over oh that's so cool it even took out stuff on the walls my house it's still alive somehow i survived now those are all children's toys we have the anti-matter missile now explosives tier four matter plus anti-matter equals no matter and i'm guessing this is matter missile so yeah we can do the two together but i think we're gonna blow up this one first this missile looks so sick and then we'll hit i guess that doesn't matter we have to use the laser designator i kind of want to just hit the corner over here because this is a new place that we haven't messed with yet there it comes oh this is going to be such a big damaging weapon i don't see it i see the trail it's going to land over here somewhere oh there it is what that is so cool looking it's like somebody took a big bite out of the side of the planet like it was an apple oh it's just destroying the core how cool is that nicely done oh wow oh that's so cool and then the planet's like i wish i was somewhere else right now okay we'll try the red matter too so the red matter and the other one uh the anti-matter are supposed to cancel each other out kind of like burger king and twitter but we won't talk about that all right firing the missile there it goes up into space oh you ready it's gonna be uh i think this one is the one that causes the what's it called uh the black hole there it is oh yes there is a black hole oh it's destroying everything look at it go it's like a vacuum i volunteer as tribute no i'm going in oh this is what inside of a black hole looks like and it's just vacuuming away the planet one row at a time okay i'm going to try to hit that thing with a anti-matter actually you know what i just want to see how big this does after i send a couple missiles after it i seem to be destroying the space-time continuum the black holes are enveloping themselves oh this is amazing why isn't this in the regular vanilla game i have no idea and it's spitting out blocks on the top too oh no part of my ship is gone no i loved you so much i guess that's what happens when you use a black hole okay i got a fresh planet just so i can blow it up again we're gonna do the red matter one over here uh-huh or the anti-matter there we'll do the red one on the other side and give me the laser designator okay here we go anti-matter red matter and right square in the middle of the city okay firing the missiles they're going up i see them there they are missiles this would be cool i don't actually know what happens maybe the black hole goes off a little bit later and it continues working then we have to hit it with another anti-matter oh oh okay um the anti-matter got eaten before that's what i figured would happen the anti-matter missile got eaten before it blew up by the black hole so we have to launch another one at it why don't i launch two that'll be good ready oh man there's oh that's so cool looking though i almost don't want to do it okay i have to though we have to fire the missiles we're gonna take out the black hole oh wow ready get set and end the video i'm kidding i wouldn't do that two videos in a row come on i said did they do it again they might not have fired because the missile's getting destroyed by the black hole i'm gonna try to fire it a little bit away like that oh yay i crashed minecraft i also forgot about the nuclear cluster missile let's try that puppy out first times two goodbye cruel iron golems it was time to meet your maker was also at the core of this planet who we might get to see too here it comes time for new oh whoa okay okay there's something very satisfying about blowing things up oh but it didn't get too deep we must use the anti-matter and red matter missiles oh wow why is that broken the platform at which my ship is built on so i want to fire the red matter missile at the back corner of the map like way over there so i have extra room red matter missile is going we're gonna load both of these chambers with an anti-matter missile like that and like that and then i think i'm just gonna start spamming anti-matter missiles at the black hole yep there it goes okay black hole oh no the villagers not the villagers okay i think this will work okay we're safe over here anti-matter missiles go can i stop a black hole from eating a planet the villagers seem to think i can i see the tracks missiles are up we got to get it come on land quickly land quickly it didn't work they did not work so it's time to just start spamming them at the planet go missiles there they go i'm gonna launch these ones over here i something just took damage okay we'll try launching these ones over on this side i don't think i can stop the black hole with the anti-matter missile it's pulling everything in from above that does look so cool though doesn't it we'll try one more attempt at the anti-matter put him over in this corner it might be good enough all right so either the black hole ended or the anti-matter missile didn't nope it's still here it's still here this took a while for it to spawn in i have one more missile over here ready to go we're gonna put it right in this corner and we're gonna see if that destroys the black hole or if the missile itself gets eaten and it looks like the black hole just sucks it in man it's too bad one final adventure is firing just an absolute ton of anti-matter missiles at this planet we have to end it the way it was intended planets you are built for this you are the chosen one villagers your sacrifice will not be remembered let's be honest you didn't really do much here oh yes okay planet um i saw the villagers some of them died where did the where did the missile go okay activate round two maybe i just need to fire one at a time i see them going up and they're gonna come down right on top of the village don't be suspicious oh i saw it hit hmm i'm thinking there's a problem firing two at once will you blow up now here it comes missile boy going up and missile boy coming down oh those are so much fun nice okay how many of those does it take to delete a planet entirely that's the real question and we'll fire one in that corner and one in that corner there goes oh that one missed we just hit the void with a missile and one in that corner okay that one didn't hit or that one didn't miss that was good yes yes yes i wonder if there's something directly in the core of that planet i don't see anything oh there goes another one oh did that one miss too it might have oh doesn't that look so cool for a screenshot that's amazing oh another one just hit the side oh that's so cool okay now we'll fire another one right here look at that go how did it leave some lava blocks up here oh the last one just went in that corner and there's another one yes yay i love blowing things up in video games it's so much fun and that pretty much does it with uh four anti-matter missiles deleting a planet so guys thank you for watching hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james paulo bunny autodave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah calling one jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 258,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, minecraft, minecraft gameplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft mods, mincraft, minecraft nuke, minecraft tnt, minecraft tnt mod, minecraft nuke mod, modded minecraft, minecraft moon, minecraft icbm, icbm, blowing up moon, blowing up moon in minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, top minecraft, nuke minecraft, nuke tnt bomb, minecraft nuclear weapons
Id: 8ymO49g3R2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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