The RAIDING RAFT of DOOM! - Game - New io game!

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hey everybody I'm blitz and we just built our island fortress in the last episode we have defend ourselves against the siege but now yep let's what was your idea tell me your idea my idea was that we make up a giant rap maybe maybe how about this in the shape of a ship cool I like that so like a three three wide yeah that could be three wide we'll have a point on the front and then we could point like a front we could put grills in the back to make it look like engines oh-ho-ho let's do it let's do it will the war toboggan Oh another toboggan the water fog in a wall so we got it we kind of need to do some inventory rope we have a lot of rope yeah we got all the room oh man so what we're gonna need to do is chop down a bunch of these trees hoping to get batch I'll do that I'll be the I'll be the thatch together and you can be the Fisher the Fisher there's the thatch right up there for you yeah so Oh metal in metal would be the where to actually hold on I need to get inside and drop off a lot yeah drop all drop the kids off at the pool and we'll be ready to go we also need some Bandos if we're gonna get in the heavy war yeah which should be doable I just took out all three of these area code two trees and not one Oh got five band-aids it's still kind of lazy for me not sure why I think I think maybe the superfood of this game is the tomatoes too because they provide a lot o they provide a lot of food and some decent hydration so it's really cool I like the addition of the made o Blanco much nude from trees killing trees for days and you know what someone fishing yeah alright forgot we can zoom out oh there's there's thatch out for some wood we don't know what is like the last thing we need yeah whatever we pool if there was a paper mill oh we got invaders top left yeah paper mill we could we could make paper is he coming in here do we need to oh there's thatch you're gonna hit that we need to destruct if I him okay you need hand I don't know if that's a good idea here close that southern door I could if I could anyone need a bite good move I'm I didn't I might have disconnected Oh Baron I'm in trouble what I got multiple bogies on my six trying to come back to you they're talking Russian I know every time the Russians getting involved you know okay they're shooting at me they're shooting at me going in I'm going in my to find them yep find a good fight I am doing it okay he's out you took one out yep ones down he's trying to attack me with an ax I'm attacking him with my spear that I just crafted yeah I got you I got you No okay you're gonna try to paddle away I have commandeered whoa excellent dude I have commandeered Oh got one laughing yes I got him okay I killed two Wow are you semi yeah for reals you go off on your little voyage I know Merkin peeper Merc right are working him up what welcome to hey hi hi sup get out of my yeah you've joined the wrong ship mate oh well he's stabbing me and I'm stabbing him oh okay hi yes okay we're just stabbing each other we're just stabbing each other I've got him dead no ice I'm gonna eat the bandage got three of them I have killed three people like that dude yeah problem is I don't have any idea where you are anymore oh dude you got to follow the North Star nurse nurse a nurse star the nurse nurse nurse dur getting all the loot I got so much loot from them I need band-aids I got another band-aid a meeting oh man I'm impressed by your martial prowess I did I did three of them all by myself that is just like no I got the loot four days these guys down here that dude is about to get rekt by blitz twofer nope oh I do just got wreck that close that's the fourth one I've seen die oh and another road you having a good time I am dude this is good stuff um all right do arrows in maybe I'll take that for it attached is for good stuff I don't the problem is I don't know where you are anymore um well my island our island is like yeah I'm here at I'm in the general location go to 317 317 what I'm guessing well like Oh a clock yeah okay how far oh that's the I guess it's more of like you know you start in the three direction then you go toward the 1718 in my we don't know the way you think sometimes of it on this island along tonight I am stranded I started drinking the salt water so here's a question have you ever watched youtube videos of dogs that drink salt water like like and then they go diarrhea yeah when they bark yeah it's it's sad but it's kind of hilarious these guys have a big old base up here they really is that what I should see you're getting intelligent I am boku no Goku you cannot join my squad I just can't even I'm sorry an unnamed tribe I'm okay oh they have tomatoes everything so wonder if there's islands that are bigger than this one I think you got one of the bigger ones there I'm kind of running out of food right now build up you can you can self-sustained on the raft I know I don't trying to find you though oh I think I see it I think I see it I did I seen you I see you I'm a yeah I'm making it Oh Goku's coming Goku's coming that's okay I'm a murderess I gotta accept you into the squad first Oh squad squad sup sup joint joins up two bits yes hello goku oh you're gonna make it yo you want to take Goku out yeah game welcome up a bow bow uh-huh I'm gonna block you from getting onto your raft now how's that feel sacrifice to the show uh-huh uh-huh he's only got an or for Goku yeah get out of my be accepted your fate Goku always I can't get through the trees oh you know oh wait I need to eat I need to eat oh I can't get inside me that made no give me that made oh I need that made Oh Beto's coconut I got a chest there's tons of stuff I'm gonna go get this good good idea that's what he gets for trying to attack us I actually can't why did I do that I don't know I got off right in front of a shark okay well luckily I advantages kazoo yeah yeah like five alone oh nice Oh I don't that's stupid I need to eat some water in my face hole okay good I'm good to go how much so how many hello barrel how many wraps does it take oh I don't have any rope does it take to make around oh oh we got we got an invading tribe invading your tribe I don't know what they're up to man but I don't need the Rustom I don't either they smell bad his name you've been out at sea eating other people oh the cam you know they're cannibals man stay out of our yeah we got the band-aids we should use them right whoa bad shark okay I'm gonna take out these trees again now we need to start building our raft pretty soon can we take an inventory of how many things you think believe whoa the shirt just ate that boat what I think the shark ate the boat no way it destroyed a boat hey guys want some man I think they just them I don't either oh he's got a hammer Oh kind of battle ax a hammer repairs things what are you doing with these guys I got so much out there looting yeah breathe thatch oh hey oh that thing hurts the other dude a damage he's repairing our base for us he does not know what he does good oh I got so much stuff on me I've got seven ropes right now oh that's that Wow without going the inventory just from your loot or was that the one that was in the chest oh they're attacking each other they're attacking each other oh oh mutiny it's a mutiny nice yeah can we get this guy nope whoa oh he got me bit yeah I didn't time my attack right was there a lot of loot down there like he's gonna take my beer dude yeah like we could definitely make a pretty good war to buy anything you think it's time for war tobogganing we've got like me and eat what is that what does it take what is the materials no buildable the key thing I think would be weights three it's three rope now you get to eat my head hurts and my arrows [Music] yeah I don't know you know what you ready to eat my shirt buddy paddle go paddle over do it good work good work rope and thatch a metal and an axe right get an axe in in my axe but I you know Oh time we get off yeah that I don't I ain't scared of no we ain't GART we ain't scared none sure we've got 11 rope in the top chest I've got nine on me that's 20 I also have a 10 - so we can make a pretty good-sized raft right now let's try it man okay let's cut down these trees Oh Oh I need to eat some food I've been snarfing down on mater's and tol mater's I should have manners I mean your stuff a lot of fish and put it over I guess I got shark mean I could eat shark me makes you super strong it does dude these guys don't know what's up man or if you can repair a tree if you repair a troll dude shark meat I think Phil's a hundred percent of your food bar really well if that's the case oh look at all that that's out there shark attacks okay I want to get this one oh so I've been trying to gather more wood and it's not working because I'm full of would go up he got me he got you I'll just make a band-aid who's this guy this guy's name is blitz what he's an imposter that cheater face if you found us man I need you to start organizing our equipment can you do that as long as weight is net coming in what's net doing I don't know tech get him up make him leave his rat now you do a sniff get up my boat now he's got a bow that's out the water that's okay he's in the water noise on Oh he's gonna shoot you hijacked I'm probably gonna need your help it's okay I got this aha what it just don't let them into the there you go oh this nice shark attack right there now blitz-2 trying to attack oh ha we got him got it absolute at the loot one more rope a mate oh he's got another axe I need I need the metal get the axe off of him okay that'll work are you trying are you trying to get into our bass blitz I don't trust this other blitz either he might be the real one but you can never know you can never really know oh maybe he can loot our chest didn't you think he might have that's a that's an actionable offense it is yep you can you can access the chest he's got stuff he got hit by a shark he's no longer as the stuff got behind you he he he let's see what he got you can do definitely loot our chests as though he didn't really have much okay that was pretty pretty low-end well he now we know he's not the real bliss cuz the real is I've heard can like fight many people sorry sorry fake blitz we have 23 so we need what seven to build our warship seven from seven big planks at least seven so 23 I have two more ropes on me +10 fetch 11 thatch if I cut down these trees which we might we should be able to do well we could also use the wooden walls on our airship couldn't we oh we gotta do that cuz we got a lot of stuff so let's try that out we're gonna have to build now a problem I don't have a hydration station happening in my life oh here I'll put some in this top chest you got all the hydration station you need chest beautiful you're like you're like the Holden's mob right now yeah dude I'm you know I have a green thumb do you I didn't know that I've seen you in person I didn't realize your thumbs were green I like to farm and make food and sustenance okay so we have I don't mean like Olympics for Island navigation who's whose raft is that right now I don't know I don't trust it I don't either that's the heart thing with wraps so let's can we scuttle that one and make our own you see that I used the word I was ice cutland captain you got a bunch of stuff you got paddles up the wazoo I don't trust it so okay let's start making our own I've got another six rope on me two three four five six volunteers needed to translate the game to Russian Portuguese French and other languages that's me I can speak all of those I can speak Swahili penguin oh dude check out that guy swimming around you got a bow you can pick him off real quick oh I don't have a bow okay um 23 rope we have 31 rope we've got all we need I'm gonna start okay um now I think I can just craft him do they stack oh they do stack I have ten I have ten oh so how do we start this wrapped up you gonna go after him I'm thinking about it he's he's okay oh the other blitz trying to join here we go from the other boots nice there I got how does that look the mega raft I've got for now so I could do one two three and then if we made it three if we made it three long three wide and three tall okay and I need one more for the point I did it yeah okay now build a chest oh I don't know we needed broke four chests oh really I got to stay on here can we oooh just we are I've got one rope can we need to get the grills I can make a grill you cannot get on our boat oh this little monster I get on I need help i need help Roger that Oh shark nice Thank You sharks wait I got an idea I can't I can't I can't do anything I don't I don't have it you're gonna flank him he's gonna come on I don't have any materials get I'm barren yeah I don't have any weapons on me you got to get a weapon get on I'll get on the island get a weapon oh no want to die you are gay Oh oh that was nasty that was me band-aids on me go I got some band-aids we don't have a chest on there I can drop it though whoa that was that was rough okay I got new band-aids all right so whew all right I need to get off this and get a band-aid yep I got I made an axe now I got band-aids for you did you check his loot pile he had an s3 would you should have had an axe he did have an axe got to rope oh I check the raft loop ow alright here get on the boat so I can go get him here wait and I just hope I can't drag and drop I got it all on me I'll come back and put it in the top chest okay there you go now we know yeah we found the weakness he was smart one sharks are attacking that other raft again yeah he's going after it he's eating it he did it get one of them heat that up Wow okay so I can make that was close dude it was we weren't prepared yep it was little preemptive strike from the ruthless enemies but you didn't you managed to win I love it how when you attack somebody they always just try to run away and then they they go on the island you're not allowed you're not alone and then the sharks come and get them so I think we can get lots of lots of stuff we're gonna find this Islands can we like heck yeah dude yeah we got well it's in our group though they can't take it that guy is just swimming away we could see break a wall and get it could but yeah I guess they can use everything captain yeah especially if the doors left open right the chests are empty though right almost there's still a lot of stuff there okay well let's should we head out oh I need paddles I'm gonna go check definitely head out oh look at this guy he's trying to get into our base okay he's gonna he's on he's on the boat take him out is he yeah he's on the boat the other guys just fishing yep he's trying to paddle us away he is trying to steal our vessel he's done up flag whoa Oh sharks are attacking hi and his vessel oh that's funny yep okay okay so did we get everything from the chest kind of oh yeah I'll make one final look I want a spear spear seemed to be good to attack with oh yeah it's good aw art made a chest yay yeah so we're good to go now there's some oars okay grab the oars we'll need those they're just there have been used but you know yeah slightly used yeah pretty much everything else is there is gone so okay it's there's not much there we got okay wood I need to make it also be the oars chest okay I made wooden works what's this and another or I can't pick it up it's kind of annoying not gonna lie and this leg is annoying too yeah it's getting real bad with how big our boat is okay so alright why did we build another raft thing no that was from the beginning I think oh there's a third one on here No oh what a mess what a mess sure okay so let's let's go over it we're gonna try to get high we need to get high that's what we're gonna do is just chase down people and take them out alright I mean I need a coconuts we're not gonna be able to outrun anybody I don't why are we so slow oh there we go we uh we got a paddle all in the same direction yeah that the front stuff is weird oh he's gonna get stuck on the side of the map oh oh there's a side of the map he's switching he's switched in trajectory always think he's dying we have taken him out we do that's like when you go whale hunting and they oh I can't loot a flower goes oh three more rope oh I can't loot it Oh dirty dirty McGirt e we got it oh you did alright I guess that's as good as it could be oh okay I'm and oh did the hydration do not have bandage I don't have them on me no I thought I put like eight in we're making it now we're flying boys we're flying like one my pedal hit one little one little nibble at a time at a time alright this to war to Magan is going so slow me the sharks can swim backwards faster than us yeah jerks can't even swim backwards that's what's going on [Laughter] yeah we all swim in the same direction like perfectly we will go fast oh that's just a piece up Oh Pebblebrook yeah our paddles go through so many paddles I see your piece of wood we're getting close to wrap there's a big wrap a big raft a big raft coming ah we got ourselves we got ourselves a craft we have victory I'm gonna I'm gonna initiate you're right there paddling away no it was a warning shot I shot a warning shot across their bow in is just a back there doing derp derp we've got around the hunt there he's paddling for us yes let's fight the conking at the door let's fight oh I think we're gonna do it we're catching up chase of all time yeah oh oh nice my paddle broke no we're making it okay I'm I'm on my last panel but you can make those there to wood they were catching up we're catching up we should board them I think see this would be cool if we had a clan because then we could just send like someone with a rap to bore them and slow them down and individual reactions we could oh there they go put put potatoes so oh they don't know we're here they don't know we're here I don't know come on my paddle broke again Irwin needs to make stuff I know dude everyone needs the paddle help cuz they're not even paddling I just mashed up on paddles okay there Corden circles the camp panel okay so your draft is like the best worst I see if we yeah at least it can't be boarded like we got this now we got this rail oh they just pulled away dude it's like we fired the boat now we know we need to sneak it okay so let's let's change directory we'll let these guys go let's change your directory and go towards the middle of the map o menos may toebox free mate oh I'll take Meadows every day all day if we had what one or two more people do you think I wonder if you could have it big with enough our tow you be so fastest so clans have a minimum amount of oh there's an island to our left you you can only have so many people in a clan uh-huh I wonder if anyone's on the side this looks like a ball there's people here oh there's people we aft that the issue is wait wait hold up hold up there's two here there's two here oh there's a lot this is a massive Island yes and nobody's in a clan nope we are gonna as long as they don't steal our day oh I'm freezin help it Oh storage oh it's laggy oh he's got a bow and arrow oh I got hit by Oh something happened what's going on I'm trying to drive it attack them all we've think so I don't I'm frozen there we go I got one I got he's gonna get me in my shirt yes yes we've trapped one in our base we've trapped one in our theater visit this guy I got him oh wow menos he had a fish on him and a fishing pole and what we need wood oh it's frozen again I'm frozen hey he I got it haven't get Renata help me get him we're Vikings dude like I got a pillage and stuff okay there we go I can't use the boat yeah we got another one dude weak no yeah this guy over here he's got a spear watch your health this is my raft get him Oh frozen frozen oh you hit me hard I think I love why did I leave my boat okay no you are good oh I'm out of I'm out of a amount of hammers hammer time hammer time okay oh dude well back it up back oh man froze it frozen I'm gonna die weird no really no you're fine I don't I'm frozen well somebody here in the shallows at least yeah frozen up oh hey just rubberband it back I can't do anything now sharks are rubber-banding get up oh he gave me me gotta get glass of the survivors oh not gonna corner oh I got him I got him I'm on him I'm on him yeah we've conquered this island we noticed like a collective of different people without clans yeah Ethan dude so there we go now we know there are huge islands okay so show an even bigger island base in the next one I think do we need to attack one more like we could go to the middle and get raided by it I don't know I can't I'm having a real hard time but yeah I think oh I just had a total freeze yeah I'm I'm having a hard time moving right now how do you like let's try it let's try go to the middle and we'll see if there's anyone else another raft all raft get them Oh though we're Vikings this what we are going someone shouted from up north should we go oh look they are they together talk to him try to pal they do oh dude you should be able to make like a prow so like the optimum boat would be 3 yeah we're something or there would be different hulls and stuff you could use that began dude so you could make a Viking ship or you can make pirate ships cuz all this weight is really slowed us down and I can't yeah yeah I think it allowed nobody to get on our like we're living fortress so there's trade-offs wait there's a boat USSR he's communism to vanish we need potatoes why wait oh he might be afk even better hello friend hello would you like link would you like to have a spear in your backside I will assist you in this maybe this is my boat now I have I have your vessel okay [Laughter] should he join us oh yeah join us by my the lag is so bad I love your vids come on you know our buddy killed him oh he did yeah Savage okay let's get into the middle do the middle I see you know I went up to the left yep power forward we need more power [Music] we're almost to this island I think yep and that'll be there I need to get an act oh good point yeah you don't have to feel up oh dude this one oh there's people to our legends yep hello friends how goes the war we aren't doing nothing oh they're fighting each other they are dare really you and peace why aren't you paddling because I'm inventory managing oh wow there's so much happening around here yeah there's boats everywhere there are sharks just ate a thing invade the island oh they're fighting over here too nice I think the three-person wrap here oh I'm out of paddles I guess that's okay we're so close Oh [Music] okay I'm gonna go for that that II yep yeah ha oh come on bait him on here bait him on I need a bow whoa hey this is a double raft our double island Hey we're getting attacked from the back side our ship is getting boarded is it yep I will I'm outflank him oh oh you're trying to spin in circles now huh yeah what about that huh get a shark ate in your face Oh sharks coming ha ha almost got him one named you who shall not be named ah why does it have to be so lucky I love this game but it's just so leggy yeah there's we put too much in it look this guy he's trying to get back on land he's gonna get eaten by a shark no he's gonna get a shot oh so we need to go we need to go after the USSR over there oh we do that do it yeah paddle the warship we must fight the Soviets through they've got more people than us that's ok we're good they don't lose no they don't know hey you try to board them oh they're attacking a stolid is attacking us [Music] all the Sharks we would get on our boat oh I was gonna try to steal their boat out of the way I wouldn't be able to without big it is but you know I don't need to drop my arrows you stupid game oh there's someone coming from behind wait there's random people on our boat oh I hit up them hey wait hey Stalin's teams left him good he's on he's on okay oh god I'm getting tomatoes apparently he's here sup look Khalid stolid we killed pellit I'm going out there I'm going after this guy alright oh my god the lag is so bad we're breaking the game we are any ideas our vessel has gotten too big my game is frozen they have left they have abandon Stalin may have abandoned the base we've taken another archipelago from America in the Soviet League this guy he needs some he needs some ones in wait wait there's the Russians up in to the right again here I gotta go for him yeah if they're the Russians here we've got a we gotta stop them dun dun dun dun dun dun there's a war raft of two people on the clan next to us where Dumbo next to our raft down below dude the wall I can't there's no all right do any band-aids oh I'm dying my god I'm dying of dehydration it's easy to get distracted it is [Music] don't don't die oh oh get that canvas get the van needs okay I don't I don't think I can continue with the amount of leg happening right now yeah well you know what we've we've we've we've done it man we have we've had a good adventure my voice is even laggy all right we will see you next time thanks for playing buddy it was fun making it this is awesome the coolest thing we've done in an i/o game for boy see you next time
Channel: Blitz
Views: 696,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, raaaaft io, game, gameplay, raft, raft game, gameplay,,, .io, .io games, .io gameplay, new .io game, water, sharks, shark, shark attack,, game, game, ocean, io game, best io game, feb2018, 2018
Id: DpohGdXPjD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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