NUCLEAR MISSILES Make Everything BETTER in Learn to Fly 2

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so here we go so we go down the hill and then at the end of the hill you go up a hill again that's a ramp yes very good well done mr penguin i'm proud of you distance of that far without yeah we did it i'm so good at this so i just want to buy myself a regular board that should help me go farther and then we'll go down riding the board much like my childhood until you get stabbed with the nails in the board also the penguin's dead i don't know why that happened but at least i got a new record for speed and distance so i'll buy a kite and some sand power i don't know why but yes and now i'm gonna go super fast because i have a kite on my back oh yay look at me go and okay maybe i didn't didn't do it maybe this whole sand idea wasn't the best can i unsand myself please let me unsand myself and if i keep going over and over and smacking the ground really hard i can get lots of money and then i can buy a per pulser i don't even know what that means but i want it because i have to kill a snowman is that that's mean like what did the snowman ever do to you they're a cold blooded killer oh yes the space bar okay we'll try this ready get set and up space bar there we go a little bit of gas oh i ran out of gas oh we can control the landing too i got a new altitude and duration record so i'll go down the hill again with a little bit more fuel get that everything right there we go uh-huh and there perfect look how far i can go i'm so good at this game distance duration the speed wasn't a record but i got a new distance and duration 53 more dollars oh and then there's a snowman 46 units ahead of me and then i'll go down the hill and i'll use a little bit more fuel trying to get to the snowman so i can blast him in the face or or not hey but i got duration completed which gives me even more money and i can use that new money to increase my ramp length and my ramp height oh yes more falling faster flying penguins for the win i also like how he's got x's in his eyes is he a stuffed animal or like we're testing him out or something come on come on come on that was really bad wow what i don't understand what's happening hey what in the world hold up why did i just get heated up into the sky again thank you man wow that was really high i crashed really hard but i'll take it because i got all buttloads and new records and tons of money somehow that earned me 1 379 dollars so now i can buy all sorts of other fun things like a good old sled and we can upgrade the kite to a flyer just kidding and as i was saying i'll use that to get the new hang glider and now the snowman has no chance to survive at all oh yes beautiful hang glider look at me go i can even increase my altitude a little bit oh okay i totally forgot to use my fuel that was stupid so let's say i remove that little propulsion thing and buy a rocket oh this rocket's beautiful i gotta crash right in oh no i missed the snowman go backwards get can i can i do it oh yeah come on come on did i did i win i missed the snowman are you kidding me so let's try this again come on snowboy i'm gonna end your whole career right now and what oh it didn't break all the way i need a bigger payload get me some iron pellets for breakfast drop down increase altitude goes super fast sonic mode here we go 40. i got it i gotta get go i gotta go sonic fast here gas yes i just destroyed this snowman's head and i got a sweet new challenge called destruction one i really to buy the nuclear warhead too that sounds like a lot of fun but until then i'm going to increase the ramp height so i can fly super fast super far and along the ways question is can i kill the snowman twice in a row i probably should have done that whoa look at me go i'm going so fast right now all right what else do i want to i want to kill whatever's next look at my distance hot dang i did good so now that i have a thousand dollars what can i do can i increase this give me the good old sled no the bobsled's too expensive but maybe the sugar rock could give me a pulse jet and now i'll use my pulse jet to fly into space there we go oh yes that's beautiful i don't even care about the snowman now we have an iceberg to destroy i can fly so fast now like i mean go just hang gliding through the sky now where oh where there it is a hundred meters ahead can i make it there i hope i can make it there i hope oh i'm dropping speed so fast no no no 41 so close but if i slightly increase my fuel capacity i might be able to get there and destroy it come on there it is oh oh this is way bigger than i thought it was gonna be but i got 433 dollars let's try to increase speed significantly and i just went right over top of it but i got serious distance ahead now that was excellent maybe if i get extra challenge points i can get some sort of really cool metal and more money yeah new record that was good increase fuel increase speed increase speed oh nice i took it out i actually did it yay iceberg's gone oh and they gave me 716 so i do really like the idea of increasing all of my things including the fuel because there's something satisfying about having a giant rocket strapped to your back with the hang glider attached to your head and then flying way past the snowman you're supposed to destroy whoops and then you find the iceberg again you slow down increase velocity and boom right through it and you go way back up into the sky look at that i'm so good at this game challenge complete duration three okay i have a little bit left of gas in here just a little bit that didn't really work right ah coming in for a landing look at me 651 meters 876 dollars and i can use that to make my ramp length longer and higher so i can go down even faster and fly even higher then i can go super fast go take out the snowman that i totally missed you know what i'm just gonna end it here so i can properly end that snowman i missed it again okay i'm just gonna go all my gas as fast as i can go to go 125 meters an hour or how much distance i don't even know what these numbers are me about but there's something satisfying about achieving extremely high speeds while flying with a hang glider oh wow i'm gonna crash right in the side of a mountain i'm gonna crash it didn't quite work can i do double duty i said duty oh yes i can the 2x combo where i destroyed both the snowman and the iceberg in one attempt 1176 monies that allows me to upgrade to auxiliary boosters sounds kind of exciting but i think getting that good old-fashioned bobsled just we can go super fast down that hill and then i can get some serious lift oh my word i'm going fast already yes should i take out the snowman i want to but it's dangerous oh okay that was cool my objective is to take the iceberg out straight ahead iceberg ow i'm gonna get the snowman backwards and then i'm gonna fly up into the air and then come down and take out that iceberg too because why not right come on take it out yeah i totally missed it i'm going backwards again i'm back down can i do it i don't think i have enough i don't have enough speed i don't have enough speed i'm just going upside down yeah that didn't work at all almost cracked through it pretty much you have to like face straight down after liftoff right down after liftoff and then straight for the you can't even hit that snowman he's doing illegal things like hiding okay i'm gonna boost right into the side of that oh my word i just wrecked its whole career you can say that i win titanic on the iceberg is it too soon is that too soon it might be too soon so if i do a whole bunch of dumb stuff over and over and over again i can save up all my money to buy super fun exciting things like whatever this thing is whirlybird512 i like it i don't know what it does but it's expensive so it has to be good oh yeah okay i turned myself into a helicopter we got the rocket we got the propeller oh i like this i like this a lot i don't even know what i'm am i still going up i'm still going up why am i still going up and i'm not even running out okay um [Music] um look at me i can do a barrel roll this is weird i kind of like having a helicopter i'm still i'm just okay i need to go this way instead oh we're 400 oh wait we're so high up in the air oh i don't know i don't know what's going on right now um i'm gonna you know i just forgot about we're not even here we go up no no my propeller this is just straight up oh i fell in the water what just happened i went super far distance and made a lot of money so that's cool and i got a lot of extra bonus points for 4 400 money i really want to buy a cruise missile now because cruise missile strapped to the bottom of a helicopter sounds like a fun day okay we're gonna try to crash in the side of the mountain this time oh did i i destroyed the mountain oh no get up get up okay forward i did it okay what do we do next i mean i'm feeling i feel like i'm doing really good stupid propeller okay the propeller is about ready to die uh-huh everything will be exciting okay propeller forward ooh can i make it to the that's an actual iceberg this time not a fake i just wow that iceberg is going to take a lot of pressure to destroy so i feel like i should probably buy that cruise missile just to make myself go really fast there we go yes yes there's no way that i can even get down to that snowman anymore but i'm going to cruise right at the ground here what how did i not break the snow pile oh i'm going so fast oh i used up the entire rocket i didn't realize i was gonna do that okay we gotta get down we gotta go down we gotta take this thing out we gotta take it out oh wow that iceberg is so nasty does that mean we have to increase our payload oh dynamite in c4 let's just save up to buy the nuke nukes make everything better wow i didn't break that mountain you know if there's a water stage it makes me wonder if there's a space stage i'm going up boys we're going up we're going all the way up because oh location confirmed wait what thanks i got supplies oh oh dirty oh dirty i got i got the goods now we got a rocket okay i need to keep going up i'm going up i want more supplies can i have more supplies there we go there we go you're all far down i can crash into the ground probably pretty stinking far oh we're going so fast 100 miles an hour straight into the ground oh duration 4. nice achievement unlocked and oh i went splash mode and that should give me enough to buy the nuclear warhead i don't know how to use it but i want to use it there we go so how do i use the nuke real talk i mean do you just crash into something and it explodes on my face it's not wasted on the mountain let us waste it on oh until you delete yourself i totally just nuked an iceberg and got seven thousand six hundred dollars for it does that mean i can get this thing now i feel like oh what did i what in the world okay i understand what's happening but i don't know if i understand what's happening definitely don't want to crash into anything right now so we're just going to keep flying straight please don't hit the mountain please don't hit the iceberg oh i'm falling fast time to hit our auxiliary boosting rockets oh man okay i like them they're really really strong what comes next though what's our next adventure here um forward over oh no no no no no oh balls there's got to be something after that iceberg and you know what's going to get me there more fuel oh yeah we have the wall left what's the optimal angle of a helicopter to fly forward is like 45 45 degrees not percent okay we're out of fuel we're flying super fast i've got a long descent to go and that hang glide we don't really have hang gliding skills oh this is gonna hurt so bad right square smashed down in the water oh we got the wall ahead of us can i make it there can i make it to the wall oh it's gonna be so close come on no no no no oh increase ramp height now drop down we're gonna go so fast wow did you see how fast that thing flew okay now if i get right into here we're gonna stop going up and we should use all of our propeller fuel to go forward right into the wall fire auxiliary rockets oh i'm going fast okay rockets are gone wall is coming up come on it might make it we might we're not going to make it no more fuel might have made this work i might be able to get there now because i made it to 350 before we're at 200 i got one more boost and wow okay the nuke went off and almost cracked through i need to go even faster is there something other than the bobsled that would work better maybe the boombox i don't know high-risk explosives that sounds kind of fun i wonder if that's better or if that's better wasn't that 7 500 was that 2500 i don't remember but i'm gonna try the boombox okay we're just gonna launch up with a bomb now and i don't even really know how to use it oh did it work i clicked i think i should have space barred oh dude this is bad this is this is not oh i got one nice the skull crusher and back whoa whoa buddy whoa whoa what are you doing what are you doing bro we're supposed to go that was horrible okay i'm gonna try to hit the space bar now when this thing goes green red green i don't think it worked back to the bobsled i want that speed okay i got ramming speed we're going straight into this wall that was so close okay and i broke off a chunk of the iceberg wait what okay i did i did that um but i where's the wall at he's so excited look how happy he is i'm proud of him what is he gonna do now he's like oh i did it fake book the penguin password get revenge on those pesky icebergs he likes his own he liked his own posts nope you don't like your own posts wow some jerk that's like the typical youtube comment right there you're terrible at a flash game that was made back in 1922. so what is he gonna try it now don't strap a nuke onto your head bro oh my word that chest got bigger ah nice he completed story mode in 57 days so what you guys think was that fun learn to fly too i had a good time i hope you did as well so thanks for watching and keeper stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarlane deacon paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 325,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Blitz plays, Bliz, Blits, Biltz, learn to fly, penguin, learn to fly penguin, learn to fly penguin game, learn 2 fly, learn 2 fly funny, learn to fly 2, learn 2 fly 2, learn 2 fly 2 penguin, Blitz plays learn to fly, Blitz plays learn 2 fly, learn to fly funny, learn to fly 2 funny, learn to fly flash game, flash game
Id: qfL--YAVBdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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