I Spent 100 Days in Planet Crafter

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it's the year 3058 and I've been sent to this place as a planet crafter I'll have to find a way to survive as I try to turn this planet from a Barren Wasteland into a life-sustaining Oasis or die trying anyway I crashed to the surface and this little pod on day one with nothing but a few simple instructions some sort of crafting station and a box full of some water and snacks I headed out of my space pod and took a good look around this Strangely Beautiful red planet before Gathering a few different things and making my way back for more oxygen I used some ice to make water and iron to make myself a bigger backpack ooh four more spaces would you look at that grab some Cobalt and magnesium after that to make myself a bigger oxygen tank then made these construction chips so I could get started with some building Zep down this space Cube first and then put on a door it was pretty nice inside but now I think I'll head back out to explore found this blue crate full of resources and a bit more space food then when my inventory was full I headed back to see what else I could build got down this crafting station a drill for pressure and then this wind turbine for power after that I stopped to admire the view thinking maybe I could get used to this place until I almost ran out of oxygen that is that might be an issue early day two I put up the screen to check my progress but I didn't have enough power for it so I added a second wind turbine two more screens and a space Cube later my first screen was floating now and I had to move it it shows me my progress on oxygen heat and pressure the three things I need to terraform this planet oh and lots of storage I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need lots of storage spend a bit of time next Gathering things to put in said storage then made this thing called a veggie tube that's supposed to generate oxygen stuck this plant inside they'd sent with me and then headed out to explore more spotted these giant rocks off in the distance and grabbed another crate before heading back to base made myself an even bigger oxygen tank next and ate some space food for dinner I only had enough food for another day at most but just as I was starting to worry I found another blue crate with some squash seeds inside I didn't have enough space so I traded out some iron for the seats and headed straight back to base I tried sticking them in the veggie tube first nope guess I'll need to unlock something else before I can grow these it does look like I can use this microchip I found here though ooh mining speed chip yes please that night I admired the many moons and made myself this bigger backpack before waking up to fight the storm the next morning maybe we should just stay inside today I made a window to watch from and then after the storm I found several resources out on the ground to gather that seemed to be from the meteors including this aluminum which I hadn't seen before I used it to make that mining speed chip I'd unlocked and spent most of the day building until the sky turned yellow and some other sort of storm started definitely eating in today at some point I realized the storm didn't seem to do any damage so I went back out and did a bit more building before heading back inside to rearrange my storage that night day four was a big one I found another storage box with eggplant seeds this time and a new resource called iridium which I needed to make my first heater then after another meteor storm I decided it was time to explore a bit further I brought myself a couple oxygen tanks but soon realized I could make myself a little trail of these space cubes as a sort of oxygen pit stop I put down a couple before coming upon this Frozen cave I couldn't enter yet and then made my way in a different direction and decided to explore this shipwreck I made a box outside and then went in to see what I could find looks like there's a space potty another crate with some flowers green bean seeds and a blanket then spotted this smaller box with a blueprint chip inside before I couldn't carry any more back outside the wreckage in my space Cube I stuck down some storage and a crafting station I had gathered enough things exploring that I could make this T3 backpack now and then make my way back inside the record there were several metal beams in the way I had to deconstruct but ended up finding enough that I couldn't even carry all the stuff so I took what I could before deciding to take some of the better Lube back to my main base in the valley I was excited to see what new items I would get from the blueprint chips so I headed straight to unlock them when I got back the first one unlocked these new agility boots and then the second one unlocked an even faster mining speed chip I caught myself staring at the moons for a bit before heading inside to make that new mining chip but when I went to equip it I dropped it instead and it seemed to just disappear I thought maybe it went under my crafting station so I deconstructed it but no luck eventually I managed to lock onto it then picked it up and put it on the right way this time I'll need more aluminum before I can make the agility boots but just in time another meteor storm showed up so I did a bit of building inside until it was over and then used the resources from it so after that I finished up putting down these new bigger T2 veggie tubes for oxygen and a couple bigger drills for pressure added this desk and moved my screens inside then started to expand the base upwards a bit as I was building my Terra formation index or TI was slowly increasing and unlocking new items along the way like these solar panels for more power or this new screen I had to rearrange for that uses this giant Communications radar to receive incoming messages even with all my new solar panels I didn't have enough power for this Beastie Boy though so I gathered some more materials to make even more solar panels on my route once everything was hooked up I had a message from Sentinel Court it more or less says terraform the planet or we will consider you lost and if I do manage to succeed I'll have no claim to any part of the planet or its value how encouraging but look at least I've unlocked this better solar panel that would have been nice a bit earlier it wasn't long before I had another message this time for my friend Riley offering some tips to help me survive this place they mentioned unlocking something to grow food and exploring the planet further as I upgrade my equipment guess I should get back to exploring then I made my way back over to the small shipwreck and found a bit of space food and iridium in this crate outside before making my way in again I had almost cleared everything out except for one last crate that had even more of the same on my way back to base with it all I had another new message this one was from Riley too suggesting that I build at an altitude for better success and that heating the planet would open up new caves as the ice melts having just unlocked the food Growers I didn't pay much mine to this suggestion and got right to making those instead I didn't have enough power to run them both so I made another tier 2 solar panel then planted my bean and squash seeds made this new screen after that it shows my progress towards the next stage of Terra formation looks like we're well on our way to Blue Sky added even more solar panels next and then went back to check on my food not done yet but they're growing a lot faster than I expected spent the night adding more of these veggie tubes to put flowers in for oxygen and an unlocked new bigger Locker storage that I built first thing the next morning I'd been making some good progress on pressure and oxygen but in order to get more Heat going with the next tier heater I needed to find more iridium so on day 8 I headed up to this bigger shipwreck to explore I built a small Base outside for oxygen and storage and then made my way inside the wreckage as a meteor storm started behind me I found a small heater I could deconstruct for materials on my first trip in but as I started to run low on oxygen I made my way back out this wreck was bigger and I was nervous I might run out if I got lost on my way out dumped some things in my little box and then grabbed some O2 before making my way in for a second go this time I found one of the t2 heaters to deconstruct now I'll have the stuff I need to make one of my own back at base after a couple more trips in and out I'd collected almost everything from inside most excitingly a few more blueprint chips I can decode on my last trip though I found this computer and a message looks like whoever was in this ship had some problems and crash landed here about 40 years ago I'm not the fastest reader so I ran low on oxygen while reading and had to make one more trip outside before coming back in to check out this big purple Fusion reactor doesn't look like I can do anything with that yet maybe I'll find something I can stick in there later that night I headed back with my goodies leaving some of the less interesting stuff in my mini base the four blueprint chips I had found unlocked a compass faster T2 agility boots a new building shape and a faster mining chip I made the new agility boots first thing then put down the bigger heater before deciding to switch out all my blue crates for Locker I was still a bit short on Space though so I added another Cube to my building looks like my food finished growing while I was gone now I think I'll see what's through this Ravine it looks so different I got distracted and almost forgot to watch my oxygen oops I just barely made it back in time maybe I'll just take a little building break I was making a lot of progress on the Terra formation and had unlocked a better exoskeleton so now I can equip more things that evening I went back up to the big shipwreck to make sure I hadn't missed anything when I found this fancy golden crate it had a flower with a 600 oxygen multiplier some sort of statue rare resources and this iridium Rod I went to try and put in the fusion reactor no luck with that but I did manage to almost break my leg trying to jump onto this part of the wreck guess that exoskeleton doesn't prevent ball damage spent the night exploring and then headed back the next morning during this very yellow storm made myself another food grower and put some squash seeds in it then with my new agility boots I could travel even faster so I found this third shipwreck gathered some things and made myself a new oxygen box just in time and made myself some lockers for storage before heading in to check things out this place looked pretty much just like the others but I noticed there were a bunch of beds it made me start to wonder about what had happened to all the people I grabbed a couple crates full of stuff and then found this rocket engine that's interesting after that my inventory was full so I headed back outside to dump it all my second trip in I found a crate full of nothing but iron and then I found a crate with all sorts of goodies I was starting to get a feel for what resources were actually rare some things were easy to find scattered all across the ground outside others I'd only found in crates or in the debris after meteor showers the morning of day 11 I got some notifications that I'd unlocked some new stuff and decided to head back to base turns out I didn't have enough stuff to make any of it though so I put down this food grower for some mushroom seeds I'd found instead and now I'm low on power again can't make that new nuclear reactor yet so more solar panels it is I did have enough stuff to make this new bigger crafting station turns out it didn't quite fit here though so I rearranged some things downstairs instead opened it up to find I could make the next tier backpack and oxygen tank I think I'll get right to that thank you looks like there's a jet pack in there you can make too but I'll have to get another rocket engine first I did add this Beacon though to keep me from getting lost and then grabbed some food before heading out on another adventure it was back through the canyon to this spiky place again but just as I arrived so did this meteor shower I managed to get up a little Outpost just in time so I could watch from the door foreign after it was over I started Gathering things from these wrecked shipping crates there wasn't much in them to be excited about though so I took a quick break to see if I could climb up on top of this one I made it to the top but there wasn't really anything up here other than a good view and a nice slide back down we went back to clearing out the shipping containers after that but there wasn't anything very notable until I found this Golden Grape it was just like the other with some rare resources and fancy flowers took a quick pit stop to dump my inventory then stumbled upon this glowing cave full of iridium up until now I'd only found this resource in those blue crates so this was a pretty exciting find the end of it was blocked up with ice though I guess I'll have to raise the heat more before I can get inside made my way back to base that night with all the important stuff including the statue I stuck down yes it was very important most excitingly though I now had enough stuff to make another rocket engine and that means I can make myself this jet pack but before I can test it out I've got some new messages to check the first was from Sentinel Corp giving me some random information about my Planet the second was from convict gp8971y I don't think things are going that well for them but look now I can fly my new jet pack made getting around a lot easier and as far as I can tell it seems to have infinite fuel after testing it out I drank some water and ate this mushroom for a quick lunch before putting down even more solar panels for power I made this T3 veggie tube that I had to place outside for oxygen then finally used all that iridium I'd found to make this big T3 heater it wouldn't go on the ground outside so I made some room for it inside instead that day I made another big development This Grass spreader something about it just made me want to stand out in the water sprinkler even though I couldn't feel it through this spacesuit it was nice but I should probably get back to work now that night I went into these crazy canyons and found more wreckage to explore for some reason this planet is covered with these crashed ships but I haven't seen a single sign of anyone else as I was leaving to take the stuff back I realized part of the canyon was full of these rare super alloy so I made a quick pit stop back at one of my many bases to make some room in my inventory before spending the rest of day 14 Gathering all of them I could find my inventory was full but just as I started to head home a meteor shower started maybe we'll stay a little longer after all I made it back home late that night and put out these new veggie tubes for the flowers I'd collected decoded the blueprint chips I had found the next morning made another grass spreader for oxygen and just because I think they're so nice I'd finally collected enough resources to make a uranium rod for this nuclear reactor with the extra power from it I can add one of these big T3 drills and this new biodome I unlocked that makes oxygen the computer inside also shows me all sorts of new things I can unlock as I increase the biomass on the planet more plants it is then place this atmospheric water collector next and then just a bit later the most exciting thing yet happened it started to rain as I looked up into the rain I realized the sky was looking a lot different now too it was very blue I've been so caught up in exploring and Building Things I hadn't even realized I'd reached the Blue Sky stage and now I'd already passed it to the Rain stage looks like the next stage is liquid water and we're well on our way on days 16 I used some of those super Alloys I'd found to build this launch platform but I didn't have enough power to turn it on one two three four more solar panels later though and it's up and running I climbed up it to find that I would need more rocket engines before I could send anything off into space so I headed off into the desert that night to start searching for more iridium in order to make a rocket engine you need an iridium Rod which takes nine pieces of iridium to make it I traveled through the desert that night and then found this place the next morning I had traveled so far from my main base I decided it made sense just to go ahead and make a second main base to explore from instead of one of my smaller bases found this crate with some goodies in it and then spent the whole rest of day 17 building and Gathering tons of materials to build those things with of course day 18 was a peaceful one after building a bit more on my second base I discovered this wreckage right in my new backyard inside was one of my best finds yet three of these big heaters which means three iridium rods I gathered all I could carry and went back for some more building before returning again that evening together the rest of the resources from the wreckage the next morning I put down some Veggie tubes for these white flowers I'd found and then another food grower too then I discovered this beautiful glowing cave I'm not sure what I'll find in here but I guess I'll have to wait to find out considering I'm about to starve to death I had one bean plant ready to eat but I guess I should head back to my main base for more food before exploring any further here I started to head down this hill towards my beacon when the dust freaked me out and I decided to head back the way I got here instead I found another interesting cave on my way back this one full of super alloy and a very big mysterious door hmm I wonder what that's for continued on my way home and for just a moment I was excited to see water pooling up that is until I realized my base would soon be underwater too guess that's what the message about setting up at a higher altitude was all about right on cue more rain started to fall as I started moving all of my base equipment up on a nearby Hill I felt stupid for not realizing this was the obvious result of the new rain on this planet but at least I just unlocked this new T5 backpack to help me carry everything I did a lot of deconstructing and then reconstructing for the next few days as the water slowly Rose it was a bit sad to have to move everything as my old base flooded the building is always one of my favorite Parts in games like this so I was also excited to make a new one by day 23 I had almost moved everything except for these little statues which I was sad to find I couldn't pick back up I guess I can always swim down here later to look at them if I want deconstructed my launch platform last and then headed to finish up my new office with this nice chair since I had to leave my statues the next morning I put down one more veggie Tube before heading out to explore this Sandy waterfall cave I've passed it several times but it always seemed too ominous and I'd stayed away till now turns out it's full of iridium I should have checked this place out forever ago found this crate too at first I thought it was gold but turns out it was blue after I made my way back I went out to check on the rising water looks like this place will be a lake soon the next Terror formation stage is Lake so that makes sense now I'm wondering what will come next day 26 I got Fooled Again by a blue crate that looked gold labeled some of my locker storage to help me organize a bit better and then headed off to check out this crazy silver looking place I found a couple more crates and then this very small shipwreck with two more crates inside in the end the most exciting find on this trip was a few of these blueprint chips I made the mapping screen immediately but turns out I can't use it till I send up a rocket well boo back to this shiny looking place the next morning I found some more crates in this aluminum before coming out the other side turns out it leads right into this spiky red place I'd been before I guess I just completely forgot about all this stuff I've left here I followed this little ledge to explore a bit more but things turned creepy fast and I chickened out for now headed back to the lake base and put away some things just as it started to rain again my new Lake was growing fast so I stopped for a bit to enjoy the view after that I decoded more of the blueprint chips I'd found most excitingly this T2 jetpack it needed a resource I didn't have yet called osmium though so I spent the day at face building instead I made this iridium rod and grabbed some water to make this nuclear reactor then added a ton of these veggie tubes and some grass spreaders to seriously up our oxygen I checked my progress screens and the lake one more time before heading out this direction a big metal ring off in the distance had caught my eye and I built a little oxygen Hub outside before heading in the next morning to explore spent most of the day clearing it out of resources found more of the same though I don't think I've found this sulfur before I was happy to find a couple more blueprint chips too before stumbling upon another message this one mentions a space warp gate is that what that big ring is outside finished up by following this bit that led underground to a single blue crate seems like there should be something better in here after waiting for another meteor shower to pass I headed out to explore this nearby Canyon where I found another Cave of iridium and then this Blue Cave full of sulfur and osmium the resource I'd been looking for I made my way back to base with my goodies and after almost getting knocked in the head with a meteor finally made myself a T2 jet pack I'm slightly faster now day 30 I spent putting down more solar panels until I could afford another reactor then put down this new ore extractor depending on where you put it you get different resources first I stuck it down in this dirt and got iron but then when I moved it over to the shiny place it gives me aluminum instead very nice put down even more veggie tubes for these flowers and then made myself a nice Skylight so I could watch the meteor showers headed back to that osmium cave in the canyons the next day to gather up the rest of the resources including these bioplastic nuggets I found the end of the cave was frozen up with ice for now so I continued through the canyon to find yet another crashed ship this one had a message telling its pilot to investigate the cause of all the ships going missing looks like that went well after clearing out the Shipwreck and a few more crates I found in the canyon I headed back to base and used all the uranium I'd found to make yet another nuclear reactor I'm not sure I should be trusted with all this power after that I collected the things from my ore extractor then put down this new building I'd unlocked where I can make things like this explosive powder I made it first then took it to make this next tier of agility boots yes I would like some explosive powder in my boots thanks what could go wrong I reorganized my base that night and then the next day it was finally time to launch my first rocket I decided to send up this GPS satellite first to see what my mapping screen would show and it was way more fun than I expected hitting this big red button to watch it go and look now my mapping screen shows me well not very much at all actually well that was disappointing at least my Lake isn't though it's coming along very nicely but most of the rest of the day building more of these big drills to increase the pressure on the planet I don't really know what that means but this thing says I'll unlock an even better nuclear reactor when I reach a high enough pressure so I'm gonna do just that because I'm tired of running out of power day 33 started off with a healthy breakfast and then I headed out to explore the maze Canyon some more along with a few resources I found this blueprint chip that ended up unlocking the T3 jetpack I made two explosive powders to craft it and then just like that I've got a new jet pack oh I'm so fast now after that I stood in the rain and the water sprinkler yes both at the same time day 34 I found this underground bunker with yet another message about a crashed ship this one seemed particularly sad but maybe some of these resources they've Left Behind will help my story turn out better than there when I came outside it was storming and I decided to go up to that base I had built in this dusty place forever ago I unlocked one blueprint chip I'd found and then spent the rest of the day building my other base was starting to feel crowded so I thought I'd add some stuff up here after that I found another cave nearby it looks like it was frozen at some point but now I can find all sorts of sulfur and osmium inside found a crate too of course and a frozen dead end before heading back to the sand base that night day 35 I put down an ore extractor at this base too but then I needed more power so I spent most of my morning putting down wind turbines and solar panels because I didn't have enough uranium for another nuclear reactor yet found a couple more crates in this ominous looking red place then I spotted something glowing green off in the distance is that what I think it is yep uranium well it's my iranium now and not just this one piece but a whole Cave of it I gather it all I could find and took it back to my main base at the lake now I can make another nuclear reactor on Day 36 I started getting impatient with my progress and spent the morning putting down more drills and heat which of course needed a bit more power and then I made these algae generators I'd unlocked that well generate algae after that I spent the rest of my day out trying to find more resources with this ore extractor didn't have any luck with that but my new drills must be doing their job because while I was out I unlocked the next nuclear reactor all I ended up finding was iron so I headed back to my sand base for the night looks like my Terra formation progress is coming along a little better now so I decided to spend day 37 out exploring ended up discovering two more golden crates full of goodies and another cave full of sulfur and osmium the end of this cave was blocked up with ice too but with all the heaters I've added it should melt in no time I was pretty excited about finding two golden crates in one day but when I went to decode a blueprint chip I'd found it said I couldn't decode anymore and now I'm set so to cheer myself up I decided to head back to my san base and do one of my favorite things building but I must have got a bit too into it because I almost dehydrated to death oops that was a close one after that I decided to brave this Sandy fog to make a shorter trip back to my main base but as I approached the bottom of the hill I was surprised to find super Alloys scattered all about I couldn't see very far in front of me so it was still a bit creepy but I searched through the dust to find all the super alloy I could anyway made my way through these sulfur Fields next and then I was back at my main base in no time my Lake was even bigger now and I was over 80 percent of the way to the next Terra formation stage but if my goal is to get to a breathable atmosphere in a hundred days I'd better get a move on so I decided to use some of the super alloy I had found to send up another rocket this time I ended up going with an asteroid attraction rocket that's supposed to bring meteors with uranium which I'll need to make my new T2 nuclear reactor I wasn't sure how long before it would take effect but before the rocket was even out of my sight the sky started to turn yellow I made it back inside just in time to watch the meteors Fall From My Window along with all the uranium this Rocket's also supposed to up the planet's heat generation so hopefully some of those frozen caves will be opening up soon for me to explore it took me a while to gather all the uranium scattered about but when I was done I had enough pieces to make three uranium Rod which is conveniently exactly how many I need to make this bigger nuclear reactor collected some of my new algae necks at first I thought I needed to access the inventory here but turns out you collect it from the water I grabbed a few and then spotted some uranium I had missed before heading over to my bio lab to see what I could craft with his new algae ooh bacteria samples and fertilizer day 40 started with a heavy rain after enjoying it for a bit I collected my vegetables and then made some bioplastic nuggets from these mushrooms now that I've got fertilizer I can use those to make this second tier of the algae generators looks like I'll be needing a lot more fertilizer and bio nuggets so I spent part of my day setting up some more food Growers for the eggplants and mushrooms I'll need to make those then it was a quick trip to the sand base to grab some sulfur I'd collected there and would you look at that I reached the lake stage and didn't even realize it next stage is moss maybe I'll start to see some Greenery around here soon on my way back to the lake base I gathered more of the super alloy in the sand clouds these were required to make a ton of different things and I was starting to run out use the sulfur I brought back to make some more fertilizer and then unlocked a new flour spreader bigger sprinklers to stand in these take fertilizer too so I guess I'll be needing even more of that than I thought got another message from Riley I could only read part of this one but looks like I should keep trying different areas with the ore extractor and maybe Rockets are even more important than I thought after that I decided I should try this nearby iridium cave with the ore extractor and would you lookie there it worked this time decided to try this cave next for some uranium but I think I got the wrong cave and just got iridium again day 42 I found this Frozen up cave entrance and then another underground bunker this one had an excessive amount of seeds that I don't really need but I do think I'll take these thanks it also held another sort of sad message about someone hoping to escape this planet they mentioned a secret room at a crash site behind a deconstructible door oh that sounds interesting I grabbed some stuff from this satellite next and then headed back home to drop off all my junk I was making some good progress towards the next stage but I'll never get there if I don't stop almost thirsting to death I've got plenty of water I just keep forgetting to drink it after rehydrating I headed up to this big crash maybe this is where the secret room is I took a look around but no luck I did notice this cave on my way out I'd seen it frozen a long time ago but completely forgot about it after that turns out it's one of the caves full of osmium and sulfur and also leads right to these yellow sulfur Fields I tried an ore extractor in the osmium cave but only found disappointment maybe it'll work on this sulfur though yes after that distraction I forgot all about the secret room and spent some time admiring my base for a bit building this new biodome that produces tree bark and then making this nice display case for all my little statues guess maybe I'll gather some algae too before calling it a night day 44 more new things sidetracked me and I built this absolutely giant heater made a water purifier for the lake and decided to deconstruct some of the earlier tier equipment I still had I'm pretty sure it's starting to get a bit laggy around here day 45 I enjoyed a nice rain shower in the morning before finally remembering there was a secret room I was supposed to be looking for oh yeah well let's go check this shipwreck today I headed inside and sure enough there was a deconstructible wall with a hidden room behind it I grabbed all sorts of goodies from inside it and then headed back to base with them I used a few of the things I'd found in the room to make another one of these giant heaters and some flower sprinklers too but before I can build anything else I'll need more power so I think I'll send up another rocket for a uranium shower then I can use the pieces I gather to make another nuclear reactor the rocket also boosted the planet's heat generation which unlocked this big new T4 drill I spent most of day 47 launching more Rockets first I sent up this magnetic field protection rocket which works pretty much like the uranium rocket except this time I'll get iridium meteors and increased pressure generation on the planet then I sent up this plants rocket which well boost plant generation it was my favorite looking rocket so far it didn't cause any meteors just this funky green fall later that evening for the first time ever I was actually paying attention when I reached the next stage looks like we're on our way to Flora next reaching this stage also unlocked this new screen that shows me how many plants and insects I have now hang on a second no one said anything about bugs I had enough bugs on my last adventure I decided to spend the rest of my day adding on to my base with this big living compartment I worked through the night and all of the next day reorganizing adding a ton of storage and just making things look a bit nicer around here foreign day 49 I ran out of power again but then I realized I could take the material from my T1 nuclear reactors and turn them into these big new T2 reactors did a bit of math and turns out it makes sense to do that with these heaters too it's going to get nice and toasty around here put down another drill for more pressure and looks like we're making great progress to our next stage finished off the day sending up one more rocket into the sky for Uranium cause you guessed it I still need more power while searching through the meteor bits I found another golden crate I was pretty excited to add another statue to my collection before using all the uranium to make yet another nuclear reactor set up another iridium rocket after that I don't really need the Iridium but I'll take that one thousand percent pressure bonus thank you I'd unlocked a new screen that shows all the things I've sent into orbit up until this point I had thought their generation bonuses were temporary but according to this it looks like they stacked guess maybe I'll send up another plant rocket today too now I was halfway through day 50 and halfway through my Hundred Days this planet was looking a lot different from when I started there were little patches of plants starting to pop up now and I even found a new resource this pretty little Crystal called zeolite it seems to have come up with these Vines and I collected all of it I could find sent up one more plants rocket early on day 51 then use that zeoli to make this new gas extractor received a new message from Riley after that with instructions to go check out these coordinates assuming this new marker that showed up on my screen is it I headed that way I tried a couple different paths to get to it but just kept falling through the floor I'm starting to get the feeling I'm not supposed to be over here but where there's a will there's a way or so I thought after trying this little crevice I got myself into a bit of a spot as I tried to Jetpack myself out I only fell in further it wasn't looking good but eventually I managed to crawl my way back out you know what Riley I think your coordinates can just wait I did end up finding this nice golden crate and then headed home to call it a day on the morning of day 52 I realized I had missed advancing to another stage again guess all those plant Rockets are doing their job now we're on our way to trees I decided to try a different method to get to those coordinates and I headed into this cave that seemed like it pointed towards them at first it just brought me out back at my main Base by this crash maybe I missed some sort of cave behind it nope went back in again and well now I'm back at this sulfur Place found a couple good crates along the way and then just as I was about to give up I noticed this way that looked a little different it brought me out to this dust-filled crater that I'd never seen before I was in awe for just a bit and then I headed over this hill to explore there was a beautiful waterfall here and just down below was the marker I was looking for made myself a quick oxygen Pit Stop first and it was a good thing I did because just after that the most intense meteor shower I'd seen yet started falling the meteors looked different and after it was over I went out to find super Alloys scattered across the ground I knew I'd be wanting to explore here for a while so I set up a few things before I headed off to finally see what those coordinates are about headed into this Starry place and found this crate and my first Pulsar Quartz ooh extra shiny not long after I noticed these mushrooms sticking out of a hole in the ground so I headed into the Purple Haze to finally find what Riley was on about I hopped and Jet packed over this poisonous purple looking water and there it was I wasn't sure what it was exactly but at least I'm here looks like there are some numbers here on this pedestal and what looks like some very fancy piece of art I felt a bit like it might be a trap and some giant boulder was going to roll out of nowhere to crush me the second I took it but nothing happened after that I completely ignored the numbers and headed back with my prize I guess I'll figure out what to do with it eventually day 54 I decided this waterfall place was too great to pass up and started to work on my third base I really wanted to stack these big living compartments but I guess that is just not a thing so I attached it on the side instead my building spree continued into day 55 with some stairs and some boring things inside 56 was spin out in these Starry black Fields looking for more Pulsar Quartz to make this beautiful nuclear fusion reaction not only is it shiny and purple but it also puts out almost five times as much power as the green ones I was making before I traveled back to my base after that and put down this new tree spreader I'd unlocked along with a DNA manipulator for making some mutant trees then after grabbing some food headed back to the waterfall base oops wrong way okay now back to the waterfall base I'd also grabbed some things to make this T2 or extractor I tried it in the purple mushroom cave and then this space place but only got iron when I stuck it down in this cave though I got osmium oh that's better the sky was purple for a while after that and then I Advanced to the next stage insects unlocking a new air filter that will help me use less oxygen I also crafted this new exoskeleton I unlocked a while ago before heading back to the purple mushroom place to see if I could figure out what to do next with that thing I found I ended up finding another pedestal this one empty with the door behind it ah I guess those numbers were coordinates as I headed back to get it I spotted this Stone tablet with a message something about someone called the wardens building an underground settlement here maybe I'm not alone here after all though I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing brought back the warden's key and it opened up this door behind it was a hallway that led to this room with these varied cryptic messages [Music] there was also another one of these Keys here with more coordinates to follow and then this giant room with what appeared to be a very large golden spaceship whoa the golden is that a bug it's lava found this little larva on the ground there too and then this crate on my way back after adding this desk to make my new waterfall base a little more official I headed out the next day to track down the coordinates but spent most of it headed the wrong way because I didn't realize the first number was negative I did pass the space gate again which is starting to look a lot different found another Pulsar Quartz too and this cave full of all sorts of resources at the end of the day I didn't find the coordinates but I did find this flower outside on the ground you're coming with me get into veggietube I did a bit of gardening that night and then headed out on day 61 to look for the coordinates again after a bit of searching I found this cave I'd been in before you remember that one with the big yellow door well apparently this is what it was for it opened up to this very Sandy place where I found another bug in this big staircase inside was another pedestal with one of these keys but there weren't any coordinates on this one I grabbed it and then continued in further to find what appeared to be an abandoned city there were several very fancy buildings but no signs of life in the very center I found another key and then stopped for a snack before continuing to explore [Music] I made my way up some wooden ramps and found this room with a giant glowing orb ooh can I touch it it didn't do anything but next I found another Stone tablet this one talking about a defense device that drains human ships of all their power I guess that would explain all the crass ships here is that what the orb does I had found two keys with no coordinates but I was almost out of oxygen so I headed back to base made myself this new butterfly Dome even though I don't have any butterflies to put inside it yet then made myself one of the most exciting things I'd unlocked yet this Auto crafter it pulls resources from nearby storage to craft whatever recipe you set it to so I set this one up to turn all my extra resources into Super alloy which I'm learning you really need a lot of spent most of day 62 Gathering resources from my ore extractors and added one more right behind my base to gather basic materials on day 63 I finally made my first mutant tree then stuck it in this tree spreader out in the lake late that evening I sent off this new seed spreader rocket oh I had sent 10 Rockets up now and over the next couple of days I sent up two more I was starting to find these larvaes scattered all over the planet so until I knew what to do with them I made this nice bug box to keep them in I was in serious need of more power so I headed off to look for more Pulsar courts when I came across this new place there was a drill here just like the ones I've made along with a couple of these space cubes with some pretty good resources inside including one more piece of Pulsar Quartz there was also a little pod here just like the one I'd arrived in with the exact same message I'd been given there was an underground bunker too with a message hoping for good weather and not too many meteors my backpack was full but there's more to explore here so I headed back home to dump everything and restock on oxygen and water before heading back the next day this was the biggest underground bunker I'd found so far and according to the messages the most recent only three years before I landed here there were several levels to this place and when I reached the bottom I found this room there was a broken crafting station and then a couple messages just like the one in the original pod but the next room is where things got interesting looks like this planet crafter might have gone a little crazy the message from the little pod was scattered all over the walls here looks like at this point they'd given up hope it was a bit sad but I gathered everything they had and headed out to find myself in the tail end of a meteor storm this one looked a bit different and the meteor dropped osbium but my backpack was full and I've got plenty of that back at base so I left it for now I had collected just enough Pulsar courts to make one more Fusion reactor and then took a bit of time to check my progress that evening day 68 I collected more resources and then built another big heater and drill day 69 I found a couple more dark holes to explore but I'm pretty sure I've actually been in them before I don't think they were quite so wet then launched another seeds rocket up into the sky after that and then I was really excited to see my first tree well on this planet anyway I'd like more trees please on Day 70 I unlocked this new thing called an incubator looks like I can take those larva I've found and put them in here with some mutagen and fertilizer to turn them into different bugs I think I'll try this rare larva first to see if I can get a butterfly larva I've got a butterfly Dome at my main base but I think I'll add one here while I wait by the next morning it was done and would you lookie there I've got butterflies now they were so pretty I just stood there watching them for a little while I know exactly what I'll be doing next more butterflies on my second try I got these pretty red guys but they don't increase the oxygen as much as the first ones I got from the rare larva next I used this uncommon larva and got these bees I put them in a beehive Outback but they kept coming in my base yeah no you guys can just stay outside thanks there was another Blue Storm after that and then as I was finishing up the evening with some building this larva showed up right on my face it excuse you I was starting to notice a lot more larva showing up outside that makes sense though it looks like we're getting quite close to the Insect stage I used some honey from the beehives that morning to make myself this extra fancy food then headed off to explore this crater it had been full of dust before but now it's all nice and clear in the center was this giant meteor there were several super Alloy on the ground around it then when I climbed up on top of it I found several iridium rods sticking right out the top I grabbed them all and then headed back to my main Base by the lake ended up making myself a second incubator here so I could make more butterflies and then as I started to deconstruct some of my flower spreaders I learned something new you can put flowers in them I know it seems obvious and I should have realized it sooner I think I had tried putting them in the grass spreader and just assumed it was the same well at least I figured it out before you guys tell me in the comments day 73 was filled with more butterflies and bees then I spent the evening exploring this waterfall but I didn't have any luck at all the next day I ended up finding another underground bunker in the crater near the meteor there were several levels and a lot of doors in the way but it was definitely worth it for all the resources I found especially this super alloy Rod I hadn't really planned to go exploring so my inventory was full of all sorts of junk so after reading this message I headed back to dump it all I made my way back to the surface but as soon as I came out the sky started to turn purple I decided to just make a run for it maybe I can make it back in time to gather the super alloy from these meteors guess that's if they don't kill me first by the time I cleared my inventory and made my way back the super alloy had disappeared though oh well back to the bunker after Gathering the resources I couldn't carry before I made my way to the bottom if I thought the other messages had been sad this one topped them all after reading it I headed back to base with a new determination to make sure I get out of this place the next morning I tried to make myself a water filter but instead accidentally made myself a second air filter oops guess I needed an excuse to use this recycling machine anyway and once I finally figured out how to work it I was glad I did not only does it give you all your resources back but it also looks cool when it spits everything out I used the pieces to make the actual water filter this time then recycle this uranium Rod too so I could use it to make some rocket engines because I want to launch more Rockets looks like this one doesn't want to go though instead it fell over and got hung a bit sideways well I guess that's one way to do it it was a good day for Rockets I sent up one more before I got this new message it was from Sentinel Corp again telling me some stuff about bugs I'd already figured out thanks anyway I guess but now I need more sulfur to make more fertilizer I've been using a ton of it lately for things like these butterflies looks like it's paying off though we've made it to the next stage breathable atmosphere is next and surely after that I can get out of this place it'd be a shame to have to leave without figuring out more about that underground city though maybe one of these map information Rockets will help me sort out where I need to go it says it's supposed to show points of interest but looks like it just shows where the resources are not exactly what I was looking for but useful all the same well maybe I missed something down in the city I made my way back to it that evening and took a better look around guess I'd missed going a little bit further where the last key is found this one with another set of coordinates on it on my way out I stopped to see the big ball of light one more time and then found this golden crate I'd missed it had all sorts of goodies in it but I think I was most excited about this new Statue to add to my shiny collection after that I spent all of day 78 out searching for those coordinates found this crate with a Pulsar Quartz in it on the way then eventually I found the pedestal to put the keys on I approached it cautiously at first and then put all three keys I'd found right on top behind it this big rock started to sink into the ground it took so long I almost ran out of oxygen while I was waiting I replenished my oxygen and made my way in to find the most beautiful place I'd ever seen there was a little stream leading to a big intricate building covered in plants and flowers I found one key in this butterfly larva before deciding I should probably make a little mini Base outside of here it looks like there's a lot to explore and I'm all out of oxygen tanks I made my way back in and grabbed a quick drink from the stream with my new water filter then continued searching for more keys looks like I'll be needing five to open this door but first I want to see what this Stone tablet next to it says once we live looks like you guys lived pretty well it's no wonder I haven't found any gold on this planet the next three keys I found pretty easily but the last one took me forever it wasn't hard to find or anything I think I was just being a bit dense it had been right out here in the open the whole time and somehow I'd missed it on my search I also found this 1200 insect multiplier butterfly larva after that I stacked all the keys up on the pedestal and watched the door open behind it was a hallway to a room with even more gold golden butterflies that is plus two golden crates and then another tablet the tablet talks about a meteor hitting the planet I guess that's what ended up happening to these wardens inside the crates I found some great resources but most notably these two golden larva with 1500 oxygen multipliers I couldn't wait to put them in my own butterfly domes as I headed straight home meteor storms meteor storm I've got golden butterflies to use they look just like the ones in the Dome of the underground city so pretty I spent the whole next day adding butterfly domes and reorganizing them all then day 81 it was back to work I kept finding myself low on fertilizer so I decided to put another Auto crafter to work but as I added this new outdoor farm for eggplants one of those big super alloy storms started up gathered all the pieces I could before they disappeared then turned them into this alloy Rod to save some space used a few to make another one of these big drills and then after that I unlocked this new big tree spreader that can go on land day 82 was more of the same tree spreaders here bees there drill here and look there's some more blue crates day 83 was an interesting day for meteors for some reason I tried to catch this one and then later that day this big lonely purple meteor crashed up on this rock it was a bit strange so I decided to investigate and found it was full of rare Pulsar courts ooh I'll take that thank you very nice check my progress the next morning and it was moving along pretty nicely but if I want to reach breathable atmosphere before day 100 I want to have to get on it I needed to make more tree spreaders but now I was running out of bacteria samples and the advanced fertilizer so I headed back to the lake base to see if I could figure out a way to automate it I figured I could put a little building down here by the lake with an auto crafter in it and then move my water collector and a couple algae generators right next to it it sort of worked it was detecting the algae but not enough to make the bacteria samples I needed I tried moving it a bit with no luck and then ended up just collecting the algae myself and sticking it in this box perfect exactly what I intended I continued my quest for automation the next day adding an outdoor farm for eggplant this gas extractor and two more Auto Crafters but of course it needs more power that's okay I've got plenty of Pulsar Quartz over at the waterfall base I can make myself another one of these pretty purple reactors now I'll just have to grab some sulfur every now and then to put in store fridge and then my Auto Crafters should be able to pick up everything else to make what I need while I waited to see if my plan would work I made all sorts of other things more butterflies a dome to put them in some bees this flower spreader and then recycled some stuff to make this big drill and heater the next morning I was out Gathering sulfur when this big super alloy storm started up out of nowhere I took cover in this cave until it was over and then headed out to gather up all the goodies back at my little automation station I dropped off the sulfur but it still wasn't quite working right there seemed to be algae close enough but it just didn't want to pick it up oh well at least I'll get a good swimming workout in today I gathered the algae for myself and stuck it in the storage there now do your job I've got more Rockets to Launch on day 89 with the help of that map rocket I set up the other day I was able to put down my first iridium ore extractor I'd found this cave before but just couldn't remember where it was and gave up looking till now but something else way more exciting happened that day I unlocked this new teleporter well I know what I'm doing today it wasn't cheap but first I put down a teleporter at the waterfall base and then headed right over to do the same by the lake the effect was a bit strange but it worked all the same and would you lookie there I'm right back at the waterfall after I was done playing with my new toys I decided to spend my next day decorating this doesn't help with the Terra formation at all but I was tired of looking at gray walls with only 10 days left I checked my progress the next morning but it wasn't moving as quickly as I'd like so I spent the day sending up all the Rockets had a bit of fun with this last one hey where you going I wanted to go too on day 92 I discovered something new I'd pass this Vine a dozen times but never realized you could climb it it led me up to this place scattered with zeolite and all sorts of strange plants there were some crates too but the most exciting thing was The View I spent the next couple days doing more of the usual but at least now I can teleport back and forth for any resources I need or if I just want to visit my other butterflies okay [Music] found another melted cave to explore on day 95. this one had all sorts of Pulsar Quartz inside after Gathering all of it I could find I ended up running into one more underground bunker too this one didn't have anything too exciting but it did have a secret passageway blocked by this storage wish I could make a cool tunnel like this despite all the drills I've made there's no way of digging I know of this message here says they were looking for materials for a launch platform I made my way back to the waterfall base next to use all that quartz to make another nuclear fusion reactor later that day I noticed my auto crafter detecting something strange is that a butterfly larva why yes yes it was so far I'd only been able to make these myself or find them in the fancy underground city this one's so pretty I think I might like it even better than the golden one then it was back to my new favorite pastime trying to make the Rockets go sideways well I was up to that I unlocked these new butterfly Farms be free butterflies be free I used every bit of the fertilizer I had that day and then spent the evening Gathering algae for my Auto Crafters oh I'm gonna drown I'm gonna drown I'm gonna dive thirst after almost drowning on day 97 I put down this squash farm for advanced fertilizer and then decided to rearrange the whole thing no no no I want that I want those stop it I moved all of it down closer to the water hopefully it'll pick up that algae now with my Auto Crafters running I had plenty of the advanced fertilizer so I spent most of my day going around upgrading all of the tree spreaders into this new T3 version then took a quick break to frolic with the butterflies before adding a couple brand new tree spreaders too my progress was moving quickly now but with only two days left I was still at 64 more butterflies it is I stared at the moons for a while that night I think I might actually end up missing this place I spent most of day 99 checking my progress and then building something and then checking my progress again and then building something else and you guessed it checking my progress again I repeated the process one more time with this tree spreader and then I'm not gonna lie I spent almost all of day 100 just staring at this screen no way was I gonna let myself miss this one I went straight outside after that I don't think I've ever appreciated oxygen in so much I expected to get a message from Sentinel Corp or maybe a spaceship would just come out of nowhere and pick me up time to go home I guess for now though I'm just stuck here with my butterflies but at least there's this other video to escape to for you guys [Music] come on day
Channel: Ark Solo
Views: 463,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet crafter, the planet crafter, 100 days, 100 days gaming, 100 days survival game, 100 days planet crafter, terraformation, terraformation game, planet crafter game, planet crafter gameplay
Id: r3I6kcmCfpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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