I exploited ice fishing and became a millionaire!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to beneath the surface a free casual little fishing game where we have an option to move our rod down as well as up nice yeah so at the moment we can lower our Rod to a depth of five meters and then it's just a case of waiting for a bite like that now we've got one we put it up oh a tackle box it can upgrade your Rod now that's time now I think it's time for a British slang lesson with Matt tackle means knob anyway we can use that to upgrade our line length by five meters it's gonna cost 15 quid and surprise price that's exactly how much we have so we'll do that and now we can extend our Rod very deep very deep 10 meters deep so again we just wait for another bite oh there it is polar up pull her up and we have a fish an Arctic salmon so we grab that that gives us well that gave us 50 Quid I'll tell you what then I might upgrade my hook type to try and catch some better stuff and I made my real speed make it faster oh we've doubled our real speed so oh look how fast it's going down now back down to 10 meters says we're always going to find the rarest stuff at the bottom follow up oh an anchovy tastes salty and a bit chewy is that the actual spelling of anchovy hey Google how do you spell anchovy a n c h o v y oh fair enough my mistake okay and that gets us a massive oh 20 quid anyway back to fishing let's just leave our Rod sort of half-mast oh this time we got an old boot a soggy old boot can we sell that oh we just got 10 quid for a boot okay I'm upgrading my Lang lamp again look how pleased we are how deep we're going 15 meters soon we're gonna be fishing to the center of the earth oh we just got a sea sponge wait is that a c sponge that looks more like just a sponge or maybe a sea cheese 35 quid who's buying that for 35 quid here we are guys face when we get a bite his his eyes say everything they say we've got another sea sponge anyway despite our poor pulls we're actually you've got over 110 quid so I think I'm gonna upgrade my line length twice more we can go 25 meters deep there's something about watching numbers get bigger that really exciting it's me all right let's see what is actually at the bottom of 25 meter another sponge okay well we go again back down to 25 meters there we go there we go put her in she's a bigger I got a good feeling about this one oh I feel like the sea sponge is like the architect of the Sea World also top right why are we still zero out of 30. I found loads of fish like this one and our six salmon perhaps it's because I need to upgrade my hook that's gonna cost 150 quid but I think it's worth it I mean now look at my hook it looks so much better oh anyway back down the hole it goes and then we sit at 25 meters waiting for a bite there it is pull her in what have we got oh an Ever pregnant guppy this seems unethical all this game does not know my channel very well anyway I wonder what that's worth because technically that's two fish well maybe more I think I think fish give birth to like more than one fish at a time oh look it's there what are you doing down there mate who who annoying did I just do that or did it just it may have just done oh it's just doing it automatically oh I need to catchable pregnant fish come on reel them up let's get some more babies on the oh a radio somehow it still works okay well now we have a radio let's put that on and see what's on there trust me I'm an engineer [Music] that's horrible right let's turn that off and get back to fishing I guess and exploiting Pregnant sea creatures all right I'm gonna upgrade my real speed just so we can get down there a little bit quicker because it's not just about going deep it's about the speed that you can penetrate as well that's what I read online anyway anyway in the background the sun is actually setting another day's gone by and I haven't I haven't found any more pregnant fish what am I doing it's just sponges down here yes as the sun rises the next morning we've got another pregnant fish this is not unethical this is business look now there's two pregnant fish and they're both plopping out little babies that I can sell oh isn't this nice nice family fishing adventure oh and a third one to add to the pack now we are making money and and sponges apparently if I'm gonna spend that money on getting another hook type the intermediate hook so a hook looks like this The Peasant amateur hook but ready when it when we get the intermediate it looks like this wow what's an improvement anyway perhaps now we'll catch even more rare pregnant fish although top right I've still only caught zero out of 30 fish oh it's another sponge cheers game cheers all right so we've got another pregnant one we've got quite a bit of money actually I'm gonna I think I'm gonna do my line length because the longer anything is always a good thing in my books so we'll go nice and deep now down to 30 meters and we'll see if we catch anything different wait for it oh an Arctic car cop ADM and we've actually got enough money to upgrade our line length again so yeah may as well go deeper why not so all the way down to 35 meters oh and we've got a catch put her up what is it it is another cop oh and a strange head is it a helmet or something I don't know what is it where's it gone I don't know what happened but I reckon let's do I might do my real speed because it's it's taking a long time to get down there but uh yeah now that number's going up way quicker which is always a good thing look at his hand go I'm gonna catch on fire oh we got a rainbow trout I'm not I'm not that into fish I will say that now I'm not a big fish eater but I didn't think people actually ate trout do they I don't know have you ever eaten trout let me know in the comments yeah oh but that was some fat cash so let's increase our line length and then we're gonna go all the way down to 40 meters so pull her up that's another cup right so we've added a bit of line length we're down to 45 meters we've also got another pregnant guppy so we are actually raking in the cash at the moment uh we're still just catching cups mainly though but perhaps this time will be better another rainbow trout uh they're worth 80 quid though so I'm not going to complain too much oh and an anked Chevy from a far away land what the hell is on his head is that like a key or something I don't know but we have some fat cash now so I reckon let's do our line length three times we're going down to 60 meters come on look at our little legs go by the way you've been jiggling everywhere so we're down to 60 meters took quite a while for us to get the hook down that deep we may have to increase the line speed and now the rainbow Trail will help us do that because that's another 80 quid yeah I feel like the sun's setting faster than my hooks going down at the moment I definitely need to increase that oh but it was worth it because we've just got the golden guppy hard to say no to that it looks pregnant as well so if we oh yeah let's down there so is it going to give us golden eggs clock there it goes oh nice okay so we're getting loads of cash now so I reckon real speed up one so now we can drop down even quicker down to 65 meters which is my new deepest hole I've done and we found another golden guppy yes which means we can make our real speed faster and now when we get a catch look at our little legs and hands guy all for another golden guppy We'll add that to the pile because now we're 70 meters deep and we found a wall a walrus oh is it dead it's got X's for eyes so what does a walrus do oh we literally just sold it okay well to be honest I reckon we probably don't want to go down to 70 meters we want to probably be at about nice let's see what this is going to get surely it's going to be good surely sure oh all right we'll try one more time it's quite hard to get the actual exact number here I'm doing my best up and down wiggling oh no I had it oh yes okay right round two come on there's got to be something good at this level oh come on game right it's not this I'm spending money on making my line way longer but going down to 85 meters screw meme numbers okay surely this is going to be good surely oh it's another walrus okay so what are they worth we're on about 70 oh 100 quid decent I feel like I really need to increase my line speed though this is taking ages to get down now we definitely pull up pretty fast like his hands are really going for it but yeah let's upgrade that again so up to seven meters a second which honestly doesn't seem that much quicker oh but look at this we found a sahagian shell must have drifted a long way what's that gonna be worth oh that was about 100 quid there which means we can get a deeper line length and find out if there's anything good at 90 meters and there is over up a duck a programmer's best friend anyway now we're down to a hundred meters which surely because it's a nice round number it means we're going to get something good right another dead walrus oh and a deep sea jelly you deep sea jealous yeah I am now also I've just realized like all these like all these newborn fish they're just like where are they going they're just like flying to the sky oh look we found a cassette which means we can change what's on the radio I mean I did turn off the radio yeah let's plug that in and see what this is G wagon G wagon G wagon G wagon oh it's been a while since I've heard that but um I don't think I can listen to that for another 10 hours so we'll just turn that off again oh and we just found a strange device is this part of a machine I'm guessing it is because it's sat there are we going to be doing some like automatic fishing it's not gonna lie despite my facial expression yeah fishing is a little bit tedious let's upgrade our length we're going to 115 meters now I reckon it won't be long till we're fishing to the Center of the Earth actually hey Google how deep is the center of the Earth to the center of the earth is 6371 kilometers okay looks like we've got some more line length upgrades to do then because we are still quite a way off at 120 meters oh but look I found a device but that looks like a chimney or something so that goes right on there decent aha look we found a hatchery tank so that goes on the front what does that do does that give us more more baby fish or do I need to find something to go in oh no what was that oh it's giving us more it's giving us more pregnant fish which by the way I I sort of I wondered how many fish were like inside a pregnant fish turns out literally hundreds because these guys they have not stopped popping them out oh look we've just found a vampire toothus Legend see it comes from hell but I've heard it's just where the architect started from anyway we're going back down we are raking the money now though won't be long so we can afford a bit more line length um but we just found a strange hat it fits very nice am I gonna wear that I am wearing it oh I'd rather wear a hard hat if I but I'm going to actually increase my real speed I think let's speed that up a bit that's well over a 10 increase oh man you can see the speed look at this hand good and that was just more architect fish down there oh well thankfully our pregnant fish they are proper shooting their young into the sky they're literally keeping this fishing Adventure alive because all I'm getting is deep sea jellyfish oh a gold one just came out of a hatchery so now we've got four Golds which means loads of fat cash to be fair we can we can upgrade our line length down to 140 meters so definitely take that come on another gold one came out this was the best machine I've ever built I'll tell you what since I'm not really catching anything good what have we got now another deep sea jelly I'm gonna save up for the advanced hook I reckon 775 quid oh and we've got it straight away oh so now we've we've maxed out our hook we actually have the Prue hook I mean look how Pro that is oh man it's so hook like let's send it down all the way down to 150 meters and let's see what we get What's it gonna be it's gonna be oh Oreo That's Amore so we've got like 430 if we sell oh 600 blimey that was worth a lot okay well let's increase our line length now let's keep going let's check out our horde of pregnant fish by the way oh it does feel a little bit unethical now I will give the game that we're now down to 160 meters and I think with the pro hook means we can catch pretty much anything the Deep we go the rarer the fines um apparently all I'm finding is blooming architect squid so we're sort of relying on the the farm we've got going on down here I thought our hat may have brought us luck I mean perhaps it will this time what are we gonna get another one of them cheers all right time to buy some upgrades to go deeper I think an extra five meters I'm sure that will make a difference oh actually we got another Mori they're worth fat cash we're up to 800 so let's go deeper again I love the excitement on our guy's face like when we get a catch like you just sat waiting and oh pull her up oh and it was worth it because we found a lantern fish so we're on about 500 so what does that go up to okay they're worth about 200 I guess which does mean more line upgrades oh wait and now what now they're maxed out it's gone it's changed to Green so can I buy a different hook now no oh I just get a really weird sound effect oh okay I guess we do a couple of line lengths because now we're going all the way down past the depths of Hell to 200 meters so we gotta catch and what is it uh what what is that things are getting strange down there you're not wrong is that like an adult toy I mean look at the mouth um anyway that was worth cash so I'm gonna upgrade my line length once or maybe twice more if I yeah we got we got enough pregnant fish on the cell which means our Rod is going down all the way to 210 well not the rod just just the line the rod stays at surface level yeah and that gives us an ice keep wait what is that me inside it deception uh still someone bought that apparently look look at our fish farm there's so many pregnant fish it's not right the line is down to 215 and we found another one of those weird things what are they actually worth so 500 up to seven oh so 250 there were and there sure are a lot of them down here I will say that let's keep upgrading the line length I'm gonna have to do line speed as well there are currently 10 meters a second but um it's taking ages to get our line down there oh we found the sun wait what the sun has the sun actually disappeared from the background at least it fetches a good price okay so we're on 700 and well 800 so oh there's a few hundred quid the sun has now gone from the background though um oh dear right real speed you're going up look how much faster that's going said no one yeah but we found an Arctic turn down there how did it get down so deep well I mean if the sun was down there perhaps we have actually come out the other side of the earth and like we're actually in the sky on like in Australia or something yeah I just spent all of that on speed by the way yeah now look look at our hands going but it was worth it because we found an old locket with the description to put eight blood stood seven seven g wood would then not good where you first Yes you heard it here first right so let's grab that that's probably cash yeah we got we got some more line length I am worried about the safety of our bloke though like he does not look well when he's reeling in I just spent 1500 quid upgrading again I feel like his head's gonna explode oh we've we've just maxed out the line length as well 250 meters so this is the very bottom oh it's question question mark meters oh and now we have to wait oh are we too deep can we not catch anything down here maybe we just have to be patient I mean thankfully we are still making some fat cash thanks to our Hatchery pumping out the pregnant fish I don't know how patient the game wants me to be or whether I've actually Gone Too Deep I mean it'd be nice if this number worked so I'd know if I've caught everything or not see what I'm gonna go yeah up to 249 meters let's see what we've got here we gotta catch as soon as we move back there more old lockets with broken descriptions hmm now actually if I keep going down to 250 then oh it does keep going oh it's there what oh what ah no oops I just I broke everything anyway thankfully reloading the game means we're not dead do not worry we can keep upgrading we haven't even upgraded our real speed oh now we have we're maxed out well I guess I'm just going to go fish at each level until I get every single fish because now we've got like the master Rod surely we'll find all the rare ones that we need not that I know what I'm looking for because the blooming counter's broken oh I didn't find too much but uh I guess I'm a millionaire now peace love and ethical fishing bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 446,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GbNf4-1gDTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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