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it's not time once again now I have asked you to send me your Sidious stupidest daftest redstone ideas via Twitter and you have all responded in your thousands there was some absolutely hilarious suggestions in this selection here and it was very tricky to pick the ones that are going to be featured in this video well I just about managed to do it so today we're going to be taking a look at ten of them now this first suggestion comes from black froggy and they have asked me to make a self-assembling hamburger now I am so you love burgers are probably one of my favorite foods so of course I was going to take on this challenge but I have to say I'm a little bit nervous for it now in theory was meant to happen is is that this burger is meant to be assembled and then it is meant to be presented on this plate right here it's a one use deal and hopefully it all works because I haven't made a backup of the world so we hit the button okay so there is our bottom bun then there is there's a central burger and then eventually there we go okay so now we should get the push through mechanism there we go there is our Burger presented on the plate and i have to say i love i love this circuitry right here it's super cool to watch all of these pistons extending upwards i mean it's not okay i'll be the first to admit that if somebody served me a burger that looked like this in a burger restaurant i'll probably be a little bit upset I'm one of those guys I like cheese I like bacon I like pretty much everything in my burger so this is a little bit bland for me but it does function Tyler has asked me to make a random melody generator with randomizes and note blocks now I'm going to warn you before we get close to this contraption that I am literally the least musical person on the planet okay and the things that are controlling the randomizes are also pretty unmusical you've got a bit of a hint on the screen right now if we just make our way over so these bats right here okay they are what is controlling what is being activated what we've got is you've got a bunch of redstone and then whatever pressure plates these bats are flying over they are going to be powering the note blocks which are over the top of these blocks now we've got a few drums we've got a few clicks but for the most part is mainly piano tune to various different notes and as I say I'm not very musical if I was smart I would put all of these in tone with one another but I can't really do that so we end up with this mess and why do they like that corner so much I seem to really love that corner look at all this extra space they could be using this next suggestion comes from Jay and they have asked me to build a red stone and slime plot powered anvil juggling machine capable of maintaining at least three anvils in the air at once bonus points if it resembles a clown now I'm going to be honest kind of didn't build that because I built something that I personally think is at least a little bit more interesting I had every intention of continuing building a clown juggling three anvils everything like that but then this started to happen are you ready what is this handle okay it does something different every single time it goes round the system it kind of looks like it travels off into the distance sometimes then it lands that it appears over there I've created a teleporting interdimensional anvil juggling set up and yes maybe it doesn't maintain three anvils at once and maybe it doesn't look like a crown but this is wild I don't even know what to say and then eventually the anvil breaks but how strange is that Ren Doge has asked me to make a machine that will automatically find your moustache so here it is it's a highly complicated machine it's got lots of redstone behind it if we hit this button right here you can see says it's on my face yep it's there right let's let's try it again just a double check all right it's saying this on my face yeah it doesn't look like it's still my face hmm that seems interesting other machine says it somewhere else oh not again so it looks like I'm going to be spending the rest of his episode looking like Voldemort I mean there's a reason why I have a mustache is because I don't really have much of a nose it looks terrible without it anyway next one comes from Sammy 64 they have asked me to build this tweet tweeting itself now this was a bit of an interesting one I'm trying my best to create a redstone contraption the works to do this and I'm interested to see how well it actually functions first off I'm going to extend out our printer just a tiny bit so it's nicely framed and then when we hit this button right here we should see that the tweet appears now if we look back at the original tweet so it's how a 64 has got his dog as his homepage this is closer to a dog as I could possibly get or at least dog collar then we've got the name the follow button over here we've got all of the the tags and me replying down there and then this is the tweet itself I would say that is a tweet tweet it I've done a pretty good job the next Jake has come up with a fairly ridiculous suggestion they've asked for a TNT launcher the launch is 10 T at itself so kind of like the opposite of a TNT launcher your wish is my command the next Jake now let's see how this thing works if we hit this button down on the bottom here we should see that the TNT will be launched upwards and then will swiftly make its way back hopefully destroying a Lobel redstone I don't think that could have gone better lovely as your tipsy launder itself has all but disappears I mean there's one repeater left and one block and a little bit of debris there I actually really like that suggestion that was quite satisfying to watch to be quite frank and honest with you QM Pro minecraft has asked me to make a spoon shaped piston door now this was actually such a common suggestion back in the day that I did a dedicated redstone video for it because I knew that it was actually going to be quite a complex redstone contraption so here it is in all of his glory as you can see we've got a four by four opening up at the top and then we have this little area down on the bottom right here and if we flip this lever you can see there is our spoon in all of his glory and if we flick the lever again you can see that all of the blocks four-track now check out how much has to go on for this thing to function I mean look all these pistons here so what we do I can't remember how it works I mean we've got double piston extenders involved yeah we've got blocks being moved out the way I do seem to remember that this section here was actually a bit of a tricky section I wonder if we'll be able to I wonder if there's any way that I can see this all happening all at once probably not yeah that was that was we literally saw nothing then we survived Vincent has asked me to make a redstone build that will break surface well fear not ladies and gentlemen because I do that every single season of hermitcraft pretty much every single season hermit craft that we've had I have built something that has killed the server I remember in hermit crab season 5 I actually created a round pumpkin because of how many pumpkins were sat in one specific spot and it actually killed the server for multiple days we don't know what happened there but it was awful but I thought I'd put back through to hermit craft season 4 just because it's been a while since I've seen this place and it's quite cool to take a look around and see how things have changed I have nice memories of this area right here but I do seem to remember the thing that used to kill the server quite a bit was this storage system so this is where all of the drops for all of my farms went into but when it began to overflow we just had a dropper at the end which would drop had the items now this isn't too bad but generally speaking there will be thousands of items sitting here and yeah that would cause the server some problems sorry about that I'm not one guy who's asked me to build a crock that doesn't tell the time do you understand how hard that is right I thought loads of different ways in which I could do this and I ended up on this one which is a clock that sort of tells the time but in a very unusual fashion to the point where it's almost completely pointless so this is a clock that as the Sun Goes Down random parts of the clock will begin to turn off but now that I think about that means it tells the time so it all it's doing is just telling this I'm badly it's not good enough is that random so far I've done an order I've pretty much done it an order I'm just missing things there's an actual pattern to this this is terrible I let me know in the comment section how I could have done this all right that was that was a tiny bit embarrassing so let's move on from that let's take a look at this one from in verse galaxy 83 who's asked me to create a piston door the works but also doesn't and as soon as I read this tweet I thought of a person door that I made probably about four years ago now which is absolutely terrifying because I remember it like it was yesterday but this is a piston door that works but also doesn't you see this door right here it's not working we hit the button that door does nothing there's no way in which we could open this door but you still get through the door you just kind of go about it and if they have an under over way in my personal opinion this is one of the best doors I've ever made on my youtube channel I absolutely love it I'm actually thinking about ways in which I can improve it or maybe make it a little bit more glamorous so expect to see that coming soon but anyway ladies and gents that is all of the suggestions for this video I just want to say thank you to everyone who submitted there was over one and a half thousand of them which is an enormous number so we did a lot of sorting through for it and I also just want to say that I know it's been quite a long time since the previous episode in fact I think it's been about three or four months but I'm hoping to get back to a monthly schedule for these because I absolutely loved making them so look forward to the next one anyway if you did enjoy visuals to that like bun and if we then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this has been Baltimore and are now I'll see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,043,259
Rating: 4.9568028 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: ejIM_FHM3R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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