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it's some time once again now I have asked you to send me your Sidious stupidest daftest redstone ideas and you have responded in your thousands there were tons upon tons of replies to this tweets there were plenty of really good suggestions so I have picked out 10 different ideas and we're going to take a look at them in today's video this first suggestion comes from Damian dalla and H and they have asked me to build agree in a hairstyle changer so here we have Korean as you can see he's currently got some lovely hair I think he's gone for like a 2000s boyband kind of vibe I mean there's definitely been some some blonde hair in here but we're going to do is we're going to hit this button and we'll see how things change [Laughter] I mean Korean without his hair it's horrifying let's hope that he doesn't have a history of baldness in his family because that's gonna cause a problem South thank Tom Henke has asked me to build a nether portal piston door so here it is in all of his glory and I have to say I actually really really like this thing now the closing the closing isn't the most exciting thing in the world but I told what is satisfying the noise the nether portal makes when the door opens you ready I mean how cool is that and it's definitely got me thinking it would be amazing if we were to build this into a door inside a door maybe some form of vault door with a nether portal in the center I haven't really decided yet but that's definitely something I'm going to experiment with because it's a super satisfying opening and closing sequence and also if we take a look around the back the redstone isn't exactly complicated either all we have is the redstone for the Pistons the redstone for the one dispenser and then we have like a double fire for the water and that's everything this next suggestion comes from natalie rose and they've asked me to make an alarm clock that blows up if you don't turn it off in time so this is the system that I've created I have to say I'm naturally tested it just yeah but I'm hoping everything should function so the first thing to test is can I activate it without it actually being in alarm-clock form right okay that's good means I can't blow this thing up accidentally that's fantastic right now let's give this thing a proper test I've just realized I've forgotten the combination which actually deactivates it so see if we can do it in time and it looks like I actually managed to pull it off we haven't caused an explosion right let's try again so once again I'm jumping into bed now let's see what happens here if I'm kind of a little bit slow to wake up in the morning do I have to get up can I just go back to sleep I can't sleep I can't sleep now oh yeah that would not be good that would definitely wake you up I could do what one of these in my actual house because I'm terrible at waking up in the morning if like if I exploded if I didn't get out of bed I think I'd be more keen to get out bananas with the profile picture bananas has asked me to make a bananas machine now for those of you who saw the hammock craft Civil War you will know that while I was on mold duties I had to send a secret message to G team and I chose to use the term bananas although I did say a few too many times and I kind of arose suspicion so I thought I would create a machine that clearly represented that action by spamming bananas or lots in fact if we look through I mean there's a there's a lot of bananas going through the chat right now in fact it's very difficult to actually find my Haim there's so many Bernard that's a lot of bananas so two bananas I hope you're happy with my build anyway moving on to the next one and we're actually going to be staying on the topic of the Civil War with this one it comes from explosive boom and they have asked me to make a mambo who pops out of the ground to do his whole duties so this is what I created wow I've accidentally clicked myself into cinematic mode yet that is yeah let's quickly turn that off because that is horrible to try and use right so I stand down at the bottom here as you can see we've got some flush grass above us and I'm going to pop up so that I can do some spying you ready so you flick this lever and then their way that is so much better than I was expecting I think me holding shift I never actually tried it out holding shift I was always like this which is also quite funny but the thought of me just being sat just down here observing what's going on and trying my best to be a good spy oh that's spectacular I'm really not cut out for this mole duty stuff I mean seriously another one from south fact am hanker this time they've asked me to make a working YouTube channel subscriber counter now I spent a lot of time on this one it took a long time to be able to work out how to take the information from YouTube into redstone I mean that was tricky but we have just about managed to get it working and every single time I gain a new subscriber once we activate the machine every single time I gain a new one I will get a piece of paper out of the machine that says new subscriber so are you ready go is it broken it all looks to be working it seems seems like it's all functioning properly I'm just not getting that many subscribers oh yeah this is embarrassing so I haven't gained any subscribers since starting recording this at all hmm after crying into my pillow for a few hours because nobody likes me let's move on to the next design da da has asked me to make a weapon door or a door but it's a weapon so I mean I'm assuming it's a bit of a confusing message and I don't really understand why but I built what I think you want me to build which is a door but it's also a weapon or at least it's not actually it's not a door in fact I've just realized I haven't even built a door it's something that you would think is a door but in fact it's a weapon I mean look alright it may not be a door but it is definitely a weapon look how ridiculously simple it is now a showcases recently on the hermit crab series all we need to do is have a powered rail three of these TNT mine carts right here and a blah for them to crash into and a block for them to propel themselves off of and then when the player walks on top of the pressure plate which has been lined up expertly then everything blows up instantly it's very spectacular and also incredibly deadly James takamore has asked me to build a campfire that puts his self out now of course I was going to build this thing you guys know I absolutely love making useless machines systems where you place down a lever flicking it turn on the system and it turns itself off that's just right up my street so this is just an extension of that and I have to say actually think is cooler check that out so you get the little flames and smoke starts to pour out and then immediately it switches itself off I love oh I've broken it give me a second it is now fixed and if we take a look around the back you can see that the redstone is actually really really simple what we have is an observer which detects an update from our campfire and then that activates a system which sends out our water it's actually way simpler than a traditional useless machine I think far cooler I'm gonna build these I tell you what a large number of the responses for this video have been to do with mole duties and I absolutely love it this one comes from logical geek boy and have asked me to make a self-destructing message think mission impossible this message will self-destruct in five seconds perfect for a secret agent spy or mole so here we have my secret message and if we walk over to the lectern you can see that we place it inside and we can give it a read so it says this is a secret message please turn over if you're a spy if you aren't please don't turn over as the message is secret and it would be really good if you didn't read it now I'm fairly certain that I'm a spy so if we read it through it says bananas this message will now self-destruct I could even do that right messages correctly what I've done is I placed the TNT attached to TMZ now let's roll into the void I give up I'm not cut out to be a spy I notice that a lot of the redstone contraptions in this video have totally failed oh my word you know what I think this last one I'm gonna leave up to you guys because South thanks Tom hanker again the first person to get three submissions in one video congratulations they have asked me to build a working car engine now I'll be totally honest I've wanted to do this for years ever since I learned how an engine worked I wanted to build it and Minecraft and try my best to replicate it to the best of my abilities but I've tried a number of times I've failed I haven't been able to do it justice and I've kind of sidelined the project and I think now what I'm going to do is I'm going to send it out there and ask for you guys to build it please someone help their build a good working engine in Minecraft with spark plugs with Pistons moving everything like that I'd love to see it send it to me via Twitter I cannot wait to see what you guys managed to come up with because you're much better at Minecraft than me anyway I think that just about wraps things up for today's episode of I build your city redstone ideas I really do hope that you enjoyed it if you did visuals of that like button and if we really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and I've just released a new film on the filming channel there's a new mini documentary it's really quite cool I think you guys will enjoy it there'll be a link to that one on the end screen see ya [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,509,556
Rating: 4.9361296 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: 2m29h5Buyj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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