I Bought Out 5 Dressbarn Stores after they closed

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resale rabbit here it is the day after Christmas and I'm buying out another store they want me to take a whole bunch of dress bar in locations but it's the day after Christmas I can't really get people working on their day off so as of now we're getting three might possibly get a fourth the deal we worked it's two and a half percent they literally called me Christmas Eve and asked if I wanted them two days ago so we've got a few hours to go but I want to see what this store looks like because I'm not doing this store I'm sending someone to this store this is the one right in town here so I'm at jcpenney next door shopping with my girlfriend and I got a message from a buddy of mine who's buying out a dress barns in the Las Vegas area he said they offered him $1 per piece and he saw two and a half percent is gonna be a lot more than dollar on those price points so I offered it I'm working with the regional director on this project and I said hey can we do $1 per piece no hesitation he said absolutely so I am currently getting three stores if I have time I'm gonna get a fourth one cuz it's only gonna be a buck apiece the head I'm excited about that I'm at the outlet mall in Oshkosh about an hour or so outside of town I gave cash to my employees we're taking the other two slippers I'm taking this one in five of time coming across the state to call or to get another one the first thing I find about I feel 10 pounds lighter all right let's go in all right just touch base with the store manager I told her we're ready to go and she is so she announced that store is now closed you need to make your final purchases and I told her we'll get you out of here as quickly as we can first how do you get these bins very nice a little addition from Office Depot when we bought demo so we can find my tailgate locks so we can load them up so what we're doing now is just looking around the store to see if anything got missed I shoved everything up in the front where the cashiers and they're going through all of that place to look as dressing rooms so these are nice this is mounted to the wall though so we're looking making sure there's no clothes in here honestly these would be nicer to take one here we go we're just kind of looking through here checking for everything there's still a few customers left in the store now normally I've got a trailer with me so what we'll do is just leave it all on hangers on racks that one's locked there's anything in there normally we just wheel them right on the trailer but I have a buyer for these already so they're just gonna get shipped out so we would be hanger them anyways and that looks like it is it all right we're all strapped down here fill up almost all the bins 200 and what was it two hundred and eighty eight dollars so about two hundred eighty eight units so they're four days left here at Motherhood Maternity I'm just going in to check on stock levels and prices and whatnot nice little hour-long drive to this one I'm told this store has a pretty low stock but we're gonna go in and clear this one out too not a lot in this store I just grab the key and check dressing rooms it'd be nice if they had some of this some of the signage up here be nice if something said Dress Barn but well there's this giant one that might be a little big for me though so we're just looking for any inventory that's been left around here it's really left his back room may be good to go well done it couldn't feel much because I was rushing a hundred and eighty two items including a mismatched pair of shoes we've got one more store I guess they want us to go to West Allis is that the store uh West Bend that's what it is so we've got one more store to hit Green Bay is done I had someone take care of that one and Rothschild is done I sent someone five hours of work I paid him for there were 46 items there but he only paid 50 cents each I'm not entirely sure why they did all of these stores were supposed to have a thousand a 1500 the liquidation company decided to say hey we're gonna sell it a dollar each to the public I'm not thrilled about that be have what I get here five stores I should have five to five to eight thousand pieces here it's gonna be less than a thousand not thrilled about that I'm gonna have to have a talk with the liquidation company about that it's funny because I was originally campaign two and a half percent that's what I agreed to it would have gotten more if there was just sold to me for two and a half percent instead of to the public and me for a buck so anyways getting this stuff loaded up and we'll be on to the next one and here's both stores we got one more to go plus the two that my people clear it out final store we are at West Bend let's see what we've got in here this is my third store today and they kind of sprung this on me this morning our agreements our great price was two and a half percent of whatever is left in the store which is more than a dollar each and that is it 47 pieces something like that but we did go 50 cents each on them so that helped that was incredibly cheap so here's what we're working with we've got these 113 bins here full this is the Kohler and Oshkosh store and we'll take a walk over here I'm still walking this cart is also partially Kohler and West Bend I may even go nice recycling bin it says recycling on the side of there you can kind of see it so those are the three I hit rothschild which had barely anything as these three boxes here not a whole lot and then this was the Green Bay store that one was huge this laundry cart is full this bin is full it was I think like 579 units in that store I'm told there are a lot of nice jackets and whatnot as well I haven't looked at any of them but he had some sweaters and should be some decent stuff in here I also got let's walk over here here's my shrine these are stores that I've cleared out I always like to try and get some sort of signage or something for him got my dress bar and sign up that was actually a poster hanging in the bathroom the employee bathroom however I got three of these frames for free and I used them just to go over the boxes and strap them down so they don't flip open the poster fits perfectly honest I'm guessing it was originally in one of those and they just when they reset they get rid of it so now that goes on my list I could I can't get signage from every single store sometimes they won't let me buy or have any sometimes they don't have any available but I try to get something to go on my shrine of retailers and I've bought out so I've got some totals and take a walk over to my office where I've got them written down and by the way I tried to get you more footage in the stores I know when I do these videos I get busy so I don't get to do a lot of footage in the stores people asked for that so I got a total of 1161 units cost me eleven hundred and nine dollars there were some you know those two small stores we end up going 50 cents per unit and then there were a couple other things some pantyhose that I just bought at ninety percent off rather than a dollar per unit because the 350 is the retail I don't have been thirty-five cents each so with this I've mentioned this in other videos when you're an end buyer you have to buy everything damaged a stained broken missing pieces I did get one pair of mismatched shoes you have to buy everything now given the fact that I bought it the same rate that the public would have gotten it at I easily could have said you know I'm just gonna pick and choose what I want and not take it all but here's the thing these this big liquidation company they keep files on their end buyers on whether or not they were easy to deal with and whatnot I don't want to be known as get a bad reputation as the guy who doesn't stick to his word so when I said I was gonna buy out the whole place even though they kind of screwed us on the deal I still bought out the whole place damaged stuff depending on how badly is damaged maybe we'll sell it maybe we'll donate it maybe we'll throw it away you know if it's stained really bad maybe we can donate it to someone who can use it as an undershirt or something or use the shop rags I don't know I try not to throw things away but I'm not gonna go and spend out where it's trying to find someone we'll take one broken piece of clothing all the other stuff is gonna be sold off I haven't decided if we're gonna I'm gonna have my new a Bay employee who's my full-time eBay Lister if I'm gonna have him listed on eBay or if I'm gonna have him or just gonna liquidate it 1161 items he should be able to get that listed and maybe a week week and a half depending on how deep were in each SKU there was some nice stuff in a Gloria Vanderbilt I've done really well with that brand in the past I don't know I'm told that they've really dropped in value after shop Co closed but I think Costco picked him up or something we'll find out what else so the whole thing where I don't know how much I mentioned early on the video but what happened was that I had an agreement with the liquidation company at two and a half percent of retail for everything that's pretty standard they normally will go 90 percent off for the general public and then sometimes we'll do 95 percent off before I come in a lot of people might say well 95 percent to ninety two and a half bird or ninety seven and a half percent off that's only two and a half percent is it really worth it to not go in early you remember that's half so if I go and spend a thousand on a store if I bought at 95 percent would cost me two thousand so it seems like you're splitting hairs but it really isn't even an extra half percent can is from 98 percent off to 97 and a half percent off is a 25 percent increase you know store where I spend a thousand dollars now it's you know twelve hundred and fifty what upsets me is that they basically gave the public a lower rate than our agreement was now they gave me that price too but they didn't communicate that these stores were selling five to seven hundred pieces per hour before we got in there I basically paid an employee and these numbers as I mentioned does not cover payroll but I paid an employee six hours to drive all the way up to Rothschild and back during his vacation and I got 46 pieces for 23 now it just wasn't worth it plus his gas and everything I had to cover that it just I was very upset about that I don't know if it was the liquidation company that made the decision or if it was dressbarn nonetheless very poor communication because I found out this decision was sent to stores at 10:30 a.m. we were getting in there too so they definitely had plenty of time to reach out to us and let us know about that but at the end of the day you can't sit there and fret on the on the bad stuff I did still get over 1,100 pieces of clothing for averaging about a buck each a little under a buck each a lot of these are 50 to $75 retail we're gonna do really well with it let me take out my calculator here eleven hundred and sixty one if I were to say average five bucks that's it just five dollars after shipping fees payroll and everything on eBay that's almost six grand so and a lot of this stuff I didn't look up the brand there's a lot of stuff going for 30 bucks or I'm gonna make more than five I'm sure this could be also things that aren't worth anything that I'm gonna be liquidating for you know buck or two each through JLM that's not going on eBay but anyways the other issue with them dropping it to $1.00 for the public is I'm gonna have a lot more competition on eBay with this stuff which is why I'm more inclined to either sell it in one of our warehouse sales or sell it off in bulk to someone who will do a flea market or a retail store or something with it it's just you know if the market gets flooded because the general public everyone goes in and buys 20 pieces of clothing for a dollar each you're gonna have a lot more competition we'll see how things go was the next week or two it's not gonna get listed right away because we've got a couple pallets of stuff that my eBay guy needs to take care of first but it was definitely a winner now it is currently what Friday was yesterday Thursday okay I have it's Christmas break I know days of the week are irrelevant every day is Saturday it is currently Friday in two days will be Sunday and I will have we're working on a deal right now on a store called Riley rose it's very high-end very high-end but high in cosmetics 30 is $60 retail prices it's basically going into a Sephora if you're familiar with them so we've got that store that we might be getting and then along with that we're getting potentially for forever 21 stores so be clearing those out and then on Monday we'd get to Motherhood Maternity stores you saw one in this video earlier that's one of them and then there's another one in Green Bay here so we're keeping busy I did miss out on a store called kitchen collection just didn't have time to get to it with the holidays and everything all these stores are kind of closing at the same time which I hate but should have some interesting stuff coming in I'm excited for Motherhood Maternity because it looks like some pretty high-end or pretty pricey stuff I haven't looked up comps online but you know I saw prices in there 200 for one piece of clothing and my cost I'm gonna try and get a 2% times point zero two is four bucks I don't like their doesn't in my head I don't want to so anyways this is video 5 dress barns I ended up getting probably could have got more but towards the end when they were doing the stupid sale to the public I don't really want to be driving another hour to two more stores to each store to get 40 units so that's where we're at hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll see you the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 38,546
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: 0Oer9tRLS1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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