I Bought Out 6 Christopher & Banks / CJ Banks Stores After They Closed

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what is going on everybody it is friday i am the resale rabbit and we are at the northland mall in appleton wisconsin tomorrow 456 christopher and banks stores or stores under the brand is going to be closing today one closes and i'm buying it out i'll be getting three more stores tomorrow the reason this one is closing a day early is simply because of a contract issue i guess with the lease with the landlord with the mall here they want them out today well technically they want them out sunday but we need to clear it out today now you see there's a shopko there i'm pretty sure i bought out that shopko too not a hundred percent let's go find this store so the way it works is they close i get everything that's left and i get it far below what the public sell gets it for and then i sell it for a profit this would look nice in the warehouse that would be a good location for a store so i've never actually been in this mall but it sure looks like the definition of a dead mall they must be there they are right here so i hope you can hear me it's a little windy it's about fifteen thousand dollars in inventory left they're ninety percent off so the public is getting it if someone bought it all fifteen hundred and then um i am going to be he said he can do ninety-five percent off to five percent of retail and i told him from the beginning that's not gonna happen so he said he's gonna fudge the numbers a little bit not so much fudging the numbers but a little bit of 95 a little bit of 99 to get us down to 97 or in that range so that's the plan so i'm pulling the truck around to the back door make it nice and easy they do not have any racks for me so it's all grown in a bin foreign so i'm gonna have to throw a bunch in the back seat because the carts pull normally we put them on racks but uh they sold out all their racks so all in i've got about 600 bucks invested in all this um about 300 pieces of clothing two bucks each the deal that they worked for me was the pants not even all the pants just the pants at the end there was made 20 pairs of pants earlier the pants at 97 percent everything else at 95 percent off that is how he said he'd get me close to 97 percent that's not even close so i told him i said i'm going to pass on the next three stores tomorrow unless you can give me a flat 97 percent no games no this for that much that's for that much i said if you can do me a flat 97 tomorrow i'll take them if not i'm going to pass now you might be thinking the difference between 95 percent 97 percent this two percent why are you fussing over two percent it's not two percent the difference between 97 percent off and 95 percent that's three percent in five percent almost doubles the price three percent to five percent almost doubles the price that has me going from about a dollar to a dollar fifty per item to two to two fifty per item quite a difference so anyways i really packed them in here usually they've got extra clothes racks and i buy one and just wheel it onto the truck they had actually sold all their clothes racks so thankfully i brought this i did bring this in case there were clothes that are on shelves or something not in hangers i'm very happy i brought this this clothes rack is mine these ones didn't fit in the bin so i just threw in the backseat the truck so they wouldn't get dusty and then i put them on here when we get to the warehouse so that's where i'm going to cut it we're going to put these in our warehouse sale which is about two weeks out i believe maybe three um what we do with the warehouse sale if you haven't seen that video we sell everything for one price so the first day everything is ten dollars then the next day everything is seven then it's six that's five and it drops every day i anticipate we're gonna get about three bucks a piece on these um averaging it out some of it the uglier shirts are gonna sit until probably dollar day but the pencils probably sell on five dollar day um we're going to average about three bucks a piece so not making a lot of money ultimately i'm probably making like 300 bucks on this load had we gotten to three percent across the board well that changes things then i would probably be making around six to eight hundred bucks and then it's worth the hour or so that i spent down there well worth it but anyways um this wasn't worth it to me it's not a terrible deal but it's one that i'm not going to do again with them unless like i said they'll do three percent they didn't have any signage but i got a bag so i'm gonna get a poster frame put the bag in it and add it to my collection of stores that i've bought out um there was the hangers the hangers do have the branding on it but you're not gonna be able to see that all the way up there look how tiny that shopping basket looks so although i might keep one of the hangers i'm just going to toss the hangers afterwards maybe i'll maybe i can sell them all as one these are actually fairly nice hangers but maybe i can sell them all as one lot for like 20 bucks or something just to get rid of them every single item has a hanger so i've got about 300 hangers we don't need them here we've got better hangers or i suppose not better but better for us that we'll be using when we need them and those are all boxed up up there plus i have a pallet of them on the racks in the other room so there's my grand total i spent 590 and i got 14 500 in inventory i would guess still around 300 items or so it doesn't stay on the receipts how many items so i'm just estimating so it's the next day i got a call this morning they said they want me to take the two other ones in appleton they do three percent across the board all right so then he texted me later and said do you want to take oshkosh too it's in the outlet mall already bought out i think two stores in that mall he said uh he'd do the same thing there so i'm like all right i'll take that and then a few minutes ago he said hey why don't you leave for appleton a little bit earlier and then take the fond du lac store afterwards so i guess i'm taking four more stores today all at 97 percent off three percent of retail so i'm loading up the trailer and trying to quick get out the door all right i got three bins here i installed these yesterday uh to try and hold stuff in place obviously it's not i suppose we can wrap around with the three bins we got three bends here a little bit of extra space in case i do happen to get some fixtures let's move out we're at the fox river mall in appleton i have no idea where these stores are there's two of them in here we're getting so i'm just gonna grab a cart and go into the first one that i see and then drop it off and grab another cart and go find the second one so the bin wouldn't fit through the door so i just left it outside and i'm gonna try to i'll use the back entrance store number one is done spent about 75 bucks there really wasn't much in there they may have two stores in the same mall but they're like opposite sides one tip man is that hot it's 50 degrees one tip uh always touch base with security because as you can see i'm parked in a back corridor for employees and deliveries only they'll tow me so you want to touch base with security give them your license plate your information tell them how long you're going to be there what you're there for and everything it's easier that way so i always do that before i come in all right there should be a door that says cj banks might be this open one here there we go all right we're all loaded up got some fixtures got some shipping boxes this will come in handy i paid 20 bucks for all of this stuff there's some other odds and ends in there and i got this big sign driving to the oshkosh store right now it's a little bumpy um so i called the store before i left this last one they are starting to ring everything up we have to run everything through the pos um just to get out of the system so they're ringing it up now so it should be pretty quick in and out this last store was a lot longer than i expected uh to get through it i think they just didn't know the process of how to ring everything up and whatnot for this specific way but um we got through it now we're on to the next one and the next one should be pretty quick and then when i leave that one it's about a 25 minute drive to the last store and i'll do the same thing i'll call them and say start ringing up so i just got a call from the liquidator he told me uh oshkosh is dwindling but fond du lac still has like 300 pieces so he said why don't you just skip oshkosh go straight to fond du lac catch oshkosh on the way back so that is the plan we're now heading to fond du lac we're going to clear that store out and then we're going to swing by oshkosh on the way back just basically switch the order it's one thing that's nice when they give you little tips like that and what they want you to do to help increase efficiency so xnay on the oshkosh and uh off to fond du lac there's the outlet mall that we'll be stopping at for this the other store i'm not looking over there because i'm trying to drive but maybe you saw it so i'm at the final x store it's weird it's attached to a grocery store this will be my very first store in fond du lac and there's the liquidator waiting for me gone so all right we are heading to oshkosh for the apparently not final store i got one more that's a funny story though i'm not going to that one i'll explain i'll see the belt i'll explain later but uh we got one more here now technically they closed in 10 minutes and it's about a 20 minute drive or so but they are staying behind for me it sounds like they've got everything all rung up so it's just going to be a quick in and out to pick up and then we're done and we are at the outlet shop so it wasn't too long ago you saw me driving down that freeway so front row parking let's go and grab the last of it not a whole lot at this store but i needed to order some of those and i got that box for five bucks instead of i don't know 50 or whatever they go for but uh unfortunately they started taking them off the hangers before we got here so i had to stop them we'll have to re-hang a bunch of these but no big deal all right all strapped in we got three bins full my sign some other odds and ends with this outlet mall there's a dress barn that i did i think it's over there somewhere and then over there i think that legs haynes bali used to be motherhood maternity i'm pretty sure it was that general area that was one and i think i might have done another store in here but anyways that is it for christopher and banks let me get this dropped off at the warehouse i don't know how when i'm going to get the green bay sword this could be today tomorrow monday but i also don't feel like adding all this stuff up so i'm going to get you some numbers it's it's going to be after this clip but it's going to be like monday for me so the sixth and final store is green bay bay park square mall funny story i've bought out several stores from bay park square mall but i've never personally done it i've always had somebody else do it for me you know sending an employee or something because well it's cheaper to send somebody to a local store well i do the ones further out and this one's kind of the same here is what the story was i was in fond du lac about an hour and a half give or take away and uh he said hey i need to take green bay too and i said hey it's four like 4 15. there's no way i'm gonna hit oshkosh and green bay i wouldn't have even been able to make it to green bay in time before they had to leave so what we did this liquidator is based out of green bay which is rare usually they come from out of state you know they've got their people are all over the country and they just send them from wherever they happen to live well he actually is local so that worked out very nice for him but he said well how about this i'll send my wife there she'll buy everything and then you just give us cash and go pick it up at the house okay so basically i had a free employee for that so i am heading to the liquidators house in green bay to pick up the last of there wasn't a lot there was i think it's like 115 pieces um so really not much but i'm not gonna film at the liquidators house because well i don't like filming in other people's houses without asking them and i didn't ask so um i'm gonna head over there i'm gonna pick it up you'll see me next at the warehouse when we unload it all so it's now tuesday march 2nd i forgot to film the end of this video i edited it last night planned on putting it online i was gonna actually do this one before the home depot video but well there wasn't an end so i had to come in here i added up the receipts turns out i forgot to do that and here's what we've got so you saw this top before kind of similar we've got cost this is what i paid pre-tax total this is what it was before tax my percentage the percentage i paid and the retail price now the reason there's a pre-tax total and cost is because the green bay store i wasn't there to do it i was the liquidator's wife so i had to pay sales tax there i also paid sales tax at another store because they said it would take like 10 minutes to get someone over there who can figure it out and i was in a rush to get to the next door and it was like six bucks so i just paid the tax but i did need the pre-tax total to figure this out you can see here i did a formula uh the pre-tax total divided by .03 that gets you the total retail so at the first store i paid uh 600 for 14 000. second store 88 bucks for 2900 the two mall stores were really empty 133 for 42.30 400 for 13 000. uh 106 for 3 500 165 for 50 200. my grand total i spent 1485 and i got 43 000 almost 44 000 in apparel in retail value i'm not gonna sell it for that but you know i'll still do fairly well at an average price of about 50 bucks each which is what i saw 43 807 divided by 50. that's about 876 pieces of clothing uh if i were to get three bucks each on average it's about twenty six hundred bucks over a thousand bucks for a day's work day and a half um which isn't terrible maybe i'll end up selling doing really well and selling them higher in the sale because we're putting them out on ten dollar day and the price is just gonna drop every day i think three dollars each is a good average though so that is the christopher and bank stores hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 30,759
Rating: 4.9186354 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: 483VxzmDVOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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