The Long Awaited Office Depot Video from 2019... ish

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what is going on everybody resale rabbit here so it is september of 2020 and this is long overdue in may of 2019 so about 18 months ago give or take i'm not gonna do the math um i bought out an office depot store and it was full it was here in green bay wisconsin and i have never seen a store that had clothes that had that much inventory usually you get you know 30 to 60 000 in retail it costs maybe a grand at most this one at two hundred thousand dollars worth of products still in the store when they closed and good stuff too but uh you'll have to see that in a minute so anyways when i filmed it we were so busy i had a crew of like five or six people there plus the store employees and it still took like eight hours to do so i didn't get to film a whole lot i also lost some footage i don't know if i want to transfer it on my computer or what i lost some so i never really got around to actually film or editing it now i'm finally gonna sit down and do it a year and a half later so what you're gonna see next is the office depot video from may i want to say it was the 17th 19th something like that of 2019 again right now is september of 2020. here let me show you see september where is it there it is september of 2020. um so yeah that i don't know it's been a year and a half since i did this i don't remember what i filmed what i didn't film but i'll give you the long and short of it i spent a little over 10 grand there was about 200 000 worth of inventory i paid 5 of retail on it and um well here it is i hate technology one more little thing you're gonna notice this video is gonna give you a bad headache uh they're gonna be really choppy and there's nothing i can do about it i originally edited everything after this like a year ago shortly after i did this and just saved the edit file or whatever with windows movie maker so i've got the raw videos and then the edit file and i want to add this one and everything after this is going to be really choppy and i don't know why i tried creating a new one from the raw files i tried the files are actually still on my phone i tried transferring them back over from my phone as separate files still had the issue came back to the warehouse tried it on a different computer same issue and tried two other editing softwares all choppy um and as you can see even the finalized video is choppy everything i googled like crazy and all i could find was it's gonna be choppy because they compress your videos so you can edit it more easily but when you finalize it it'll be perfectly fine nope not for me weird part is they play smooth perfectly fine on my phone smooth perfectly fine on the computer it's once they enter any type of editing software that's where they get all choppy so if anybody has any tips to fix it i would definitely appreciate the insight i'll happily delete this video and re-upload it where it's not choppy but um don't think it's gonna happen i don't know why they're playing perfectly fine on the phone and on the computer but in three different types of editing software on two computers they're having issues and they were recorded with the same phone as this video clip you're watching now was recorded so i i really don't know all right now it is thursday let me show you what i've been up to this week look how empty it is i've been clearing all this out and there's a reason that i've been clearing it out i am going to fill this place this area with pallet racking i got a whole way more pallet racking than i need so i'm gonna try and sell that i also got this security camera here i took a couple of video clips when i was taking it down i don't know what this is worth yet i haven't looked it up but we've got the dvdr we've got the screen and we've got a tree of cameras here i've got the safe from office depot and uh one of those big step ladders and you'll see all this when it comes in a couple of weeks probably about 24 sections of pallet wrecking i only needed 10 but they only have two shelves each i need four shelves each so there's gonna be a whole bunch of extra pieces that i'm just gonna take to the scrap yard but there should be some that i can sell some complete sections of pallet racking that i can sell make a little money on i also am officially the end buyer for that store i spent i put a thousand dollar deposit down and i get whatever is left in the store after it closes so i'm really excited about that there's gonna be some great stuff i think there's gonna be a lot of junk too but i should be able to sell through it pretty well from this angle it looks empty until you look over here i didn't just shift it all over though this we're gonna have out next week obviously we're gonna have to work around it if we're installing the shelving today i don't know if they're installing it today or not but once they build this row we can move this stuff onto it so that'll be fun so all of these are coming out on both sides we already got that side done so they closed up for the night they let us stay like an extra half an hour that was very nice about that oh let me show you what it looks like so we got that side entirely out i'm trying to rush because i think they want to get out of here and we got that side out completely cleared off same with that side so it is 3 am 2 59 a.m i got roped into helping i hired contractors to do this and uh they just couldn't get the store emptied out in time we filled we had like so much stuff outside the back of the store we didn't have it empty you know the stuff off their property until like half an hour ago that doesn't look right that might be crooked so they're not done they were gonna work through the night but yeah it was a long day um so let me show you what it looks like right now so you've got a total maze coming in the door there but look at this we've got i'm gonna have to readjust that camera but we've got all of the racking here we've got more here we already had to stack stuff on it and then we've got a bridge where this door is so we can store more stuff there and it's all gonna have doors like this like i said they're not done yet they still need to straighten stuff out and fix it up a little bit but overall it looks pretty nice and we've got another opening here so we can get into the break room but anyways that's what we're working with it uh it's coming together pretty good my staff are gonna be very surprised when they come in tomorrow morning it is d-day d standing for depot office depot today is their final day it is 7 24 a.m and they close today uh we are expecting torrential rains although i'm surprised it isn't raining right now meaning there may not be a lot of customers in there i was there yesterday the store was pretty full and i think it's going to remain pretty full because a lot of people don't know this store is closing it's not a complete liquidation it's just a couple of stores so really excited to see how this works out so we're currently sorting everything by percentage off to make it easier in the checkout process so this pallet's all 90 off this pallet's all 80 off this cart 80 80. and we're doing it that way because it's already going to ring up at 80 or 90. so since i'm getting at 95 off it's going to ring up at 90 and then they're going to add another 50 percent off making a 95 this one's going to ring up at 80 and then it's going to be another 75 off making it 95. so you can see it's a little smoky in here it's raining so it decided to grow inside uh so this liquidator uh the the guy's specific wow the smoke is even coming into this the store i don't know if you can see that behind me so anyways this liquidator uh he said he's been doing this for 20 years ever since he started doing kmarts and he always brings food for the whole staff on the last day so that's what we're doing now burgers pie there's a whole bunch of stuff once everyone's done eating the store is emptied out as you can see there's nobody here once everyone's done eating we are going to start running everything through the cash registers there's a lot of stuff here i'm estimating about a hundred thousand dollars in retail which would have me at about five thousand that's my estimation and my hope because i have to budget for this and for shopkos tomorrow so i'm hoping i have enough oi so that's basically where we're at now and uh we'll see what we find all right so we're all done i have no idea what i spent 12 15 000 maybe we got the trailer full let me show you what we're leaving behind to pick up on monday all of this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve pallets and two carts this is all mine i sure hope there's nothing good in there i'm not worried about that uh we got a theft problem here so we're trying to wrap them as best as we can these are the ones i wrapped completely covered so grand total added up all the receipts holy crap i spent i'll take a guess uh pause the video here leave your guess below tell me what you think my cost was what retail was i'm waiting is it can i still get like copyrighted if i'm singing the song anyways i got i spent ten thousand one hundred and ninety dollars and three cents and i got two hundred and three thousand eight hundred dollars and sixty cents worth of product holy crap so mix that with the twenty seven thousand dollars with the shopko and the two hundred 200 000 worth of target that's 430 000 worth of product that we're going to be selling in this sale and i've got more right now we've got three shopkos set in stone that we're clearing out tomorrow that i bought at 98 off possibly a fourth and they're pretty far out of town so that's going to be fun so it's the next morning and i just listed some toner let me show you i got two of these from office depot we got a 300 retail price that means i paid 15 bucks each i listed them at 11 46 a.m um my thought process was i'm gonna keep track of the time so i can see how long it takes to sell well at 11 46 am they also sold but they got an offer for 210 dollars each they bought both of them it's actually the same company who bought the the one that i sold the other day which i showed on a video uh so it's 420 dollars i think it comes out to 210 each 420 instantly in my account it's all paid for and everything i didn't even get to grab the other one and put it away yet by the time they sold so that's exciting that's why i love toner uh it's almost guaranteed i'm thinking it's bots uh basically this company likely has some sort of software that automatically sends offers on this type of stuff the second it gets listed i had no issues with the last one they just said you know reminder double box it don't put any pricing information in it so on and so forth which is common with toner but that's exciting let me show you some other things i got so these are going i think it was like 60 bucks after fees each on amazon and my cost was not great well that's gonna be 16 so my cost is eight bucks each 95 off i got a whole bunch of these also which i got five percent of that so that's oh boy um 15 cents each i think from doing my math right this whole cart is full of the same thing and that notebook apparently i'm not sure why that's in there these little pencil cups they're nice uh what did i pay i don't know if they show them 392. so i paid five percent of that so about what eight cents or so if i do if i'm doing my math right not so bad uh but i've got a whole bunch of them each of these boxes is 36 except for this one which is mostly empty uh where is it written on here well it should be written somewhere oh either way there were like 200 something i think i also got all these boxes full of stuff you can kind of see these might be a tough sell these little they're binders data binders uh it looks like i got a lot here that's nothing i have a whole palette of them that cost me 917 dollars that's one of the things that i'm afraid i might not make money on uh what else do we have here a whole bunch of these i get a buck 25 after fees on amazon for these but i've got a ton of them and i don't think they're really fast movers they'll sell i'll probably send in like 25 down here i just listed this on ebay because i've got a few hundred of these a lot of these i'm just gonna try and wholesale off in bulk i paid oh let's see 770 was retail price so my easy way of doing this math i move the decimal percent there 77 cents that's 10 and then i paid half that so what does that come out to 30 like 38 cents each 37 cents something like that i'm trying to do math quick in my head those i'll be happy if i can break even that's how it works being an end bite you're gonna find items that you spend eight cents on that you can sell for twelve dollars but then you're also going to find stuff that you're lucky to break even on here's some other great items i got two of these printers 500 bucks uh they cost me okay math here 25 each and i should be able to get about four or 500 bucks on online forum these as well these aren't as great do i need to have price tags i'm pretty sure i paid a buck 50. i think the store's retail price on them was um 30 bucks i'm pretty sure you can see i was counting off how many were in here also they just threw them in the baskets and gave them to me uh but anyways these i paid a buck 50 each they're going for like five after fees on amazon and there's 230 of them here that's like a grand right there these printers i've got four of them they are ranked number two on amazon they are really they're gonna sell instantly and let's see original price of 200 so i paid 10 each i'm gonna get about 150 each after fees here's a big one i think this is about a 700 printer either this one or that one down there retails at 700 cost me 35. these are gonna be tough to ship to amazon because they're so big and heavy i will probably ship them on a pallet but i'm also thinking about keeping one because i've got a nice color laser printer but it's kind of starting to go here's an example of some garbage that fax machine there by the way that's another 500 portable printer that fax machine was their retail display that thing that was been on clearance for some guy said he's been there 14 years and it's been there as long as he's been there on clearance um i paid uh off of 25 so i only paid like a couple bucks for it but uh that is probably just gonna get thrown away the only piece of furniture i got was this chair i'm pretty sure retail on it was 200 the tape is a little ripped up but it is still factory sealed nice looking chair 200 has me at a buy cost of 10. i've got a couple other displays retail display printers for example this one 200 bucks this might be the same model that's in the boxes over there i suppose there's one right in front of me so i'll just all different sorts of stuff in here um and this is all that i brought in today there is so much more uh let's come over here i got uh these two look at the price on that these might be a tough sale though they're uh envelopes but i can't seem to find any solds i've seen people listing these at like 180 on ebay i'm thinking i'm gonna price these at like 50 bucks a box and see if that might influence the sale i've got i think about 15 each uh 290 so a little under 15 each and this is all that i have thankfully they had a lot more originally so you kind of get an idea of what we're getting here there's also still those what i say 12 pallets and two carts i think still in the building uh those i'm gonna have to get tomorrow because today we are doing three shopkosaurs and that's going to be another video so keep an eye out for that they're probably all going to get launched around the same time but maybe [Music] not all right this is almost all of it uh there's two carts left full of merchandise and i'm gonna have to come back with my trailer to get all loaded up in this 26 foot truck truck was pretty cheap i think it was like 60 bucks plus 80 cents a mile i'm not going too far hmm all right we got the first pallet off the truck they really didn't wrap this one that well uh the others are all wrapped up nicely uh let's start going through it this one's got a whole bunch of like educational stuff maybe some of this was worth money so first box coming off here 13.99 i paid 7 70 cents each and look at that they should sell pretty quick on amazon five bucks each so i don't know how many are even in here wait we've got two different skews here that was this one that i looked up right these are different no these are the same yeah i think all these are the same so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty so assume the other side is also twenty so it's forty so maybe fifty packs in here total that's two hundred and fifty dollars right here in this box here's another box full of them probably this might even have more so if we say 250 for that one 250 for this one i've got 500 just in these pens remember i paid 10 grand for it all so that's 5 these staplers have little to no value on amazon or ebay i paid a little under 50 cents uh what like 46 cents a piece maybe but i can move these in a local in our warehouse sale we're doing there's also another box of them down there i can move them in our warehouse sale and you know maybe i can find a bulk buyer for all of them if i paid 50 cents each i'll be happy getting a bucky double up on them and move them out quick so we've got a couple of boxes of these post-its there's another one there i'm getting 265 after fees on amazon for this one dollar 71 after fees on amazon for this one well i can't remember about the same as the other like a buck fifty to two dollars after freeze on that one and this one uh no value on amazon and there's a bunch of those at the bottom uh but this these two boxes just done the ones going to amazon i probably got a couple hundred bucks here oh looks like there's some other stuff in there too what if these are worth anything so there's actually a listing for this but no sales history so i'm gonna send in what i can out of these two and the rest are going in the warehouse sale so i got just about all of these out two dollars mean i paid what 10 cents each yeah 10 cents each i'm gonna try moving for 50 cents each i think i can get that uh five times my money uh these is a whole bunch of them in here this is a different one i didn't look that up so let's look that one up this i only see one in there here's another different oh wait is this the same one as that this is the same one as that so um let's look this one up this one there's another one too let's look these two up so in these two i get 266 after fees for that one and 302 for that one but this one looks like a really slow seller i'm gonna try dropping the price a little bit on that one where i'll get you know buck fifty two dollars after fees maybe that'll help move it uh but all of these i mean look how many i've got there and that box and there's probably gonna be more found another sku i get 234 after fees on this one there's a couple in there did i do this one already yep i already looked that one up i found a couple more only found one of this one and two of that one but i get about three bucks after fees on these and those are gonna sell really fast this one it says five but amazon's much lower and i'm too lazy to see what i'm getting after fees if i lower the price it's gonna be like two bucks there's only one of them though i'm just gonna toss them there for now these are all the ones going to amazon and i'm keeping one of each out here oops forgot to put one of these up here i'm keeping one of these one of each up here just so i know which ones oh i already got that one which is the one that i just did here it is that's the one that i just did but i also found some other ones these have no listing or it's not a good listing these two are also bad listings this is all of the ones here that are not on amazon or not worth sending into amazon and don't get me wrong i'm going to throw them up on in this warehouse still for 50 cents each just to move them i could easily sell a box of like 10 of these or a lot of 10 of these and probably get 20 bucks for them uh you know on ebay or something of course deduct shipping fees from that but you know i would do well with that post-its always seem to do really well found a couple more different styles rather than boring with you with them all i just did them so these are all the different styles that are sellable on amazon and i'm getting you know between 150 and three on each one that's the whole box poll i've also got a box full of these travel wallets um you know five dollars that means i paid what a quarter i think yeah i paid 25 cents each i'll probably be moving for like two bucks each um and then this is all of the post-its that aren't worth sending in and i'm gonna try and sell locally i mean that's gotta be well over a hundred post-it packs a hundred over a hundred units there at two bucks each that's two hundred dollars there could be two or three hundred in there for all i know i'm really bad at estimating um so i mean that could be three four five hundred dollars i have no idea but it's gonna be decent money there's a lot in there and then you know don't discount all of this from the warehouse still my goal is to make a profit on amazon quick the warehouse sale just be nothing but profit and then ebay and stuff that's just going to kind of trickle through on amazon over the next year or so will also be profit these are really nice they're not as cheap as you would think i think those will do well locally in the warehouse sale so we've got a whole bunch of these paint pens 29.99 retail me i paid a buck 50 per box there's i should say a whole bunch there's four boxes uh no listing on amazon at least not by the barcode ebay there's a bunch of actives at 25 to 35 none sold i'm going to try and move these at 15 each i think i can sell them then these i don't know what i paid for them i can't find a price tag on any of them but i've got a box full of them and this is two layers deep down there and then underneath the paint pens there's a whole bunch there and it looks like i missed a couple of these uh so i don't know they're all red pens i mean back to school is coming and every student needs them i can't imagine i paid more than 30 cents each so i'm gonna try and move a ton of these locally maybe i can do you know sell a whole box or something for one price somewhere so finishing up through this palette i get 384 after fees on these they should sell really quick a lot of this office depot brand stuff isn't worth much that's worth looking up uh what else there's a ton of these sharpies though we had some more of these post-its i don't think the clipboards are worth much a whole bunch of these for the sale this whole box is going in the sale because this is all office depot brand stuff uh these phone systems should do pretty well on amazon 152 is the 153 is what they wanted now box is open i'm gonna have to sell this used not an amazing margin i spent like seven something 750 or so on this and i'm getting 28 bucks after fees but it should sell instantly and honestly that's a pretty good margin but compared to some of this other stuff there's another one that brand is pretty good i should do pretty well with that uh what else do we have in here looks like we've got a whole bunch of scissors let's see what these are worth one cent after fees so those are junk oh let's see this looks like a whole bunch more office depot brand stuff so this is going in the sale what else do we have more little purses here uh is there oh it's worth looking up so so these aren't worth there's no listing on amazon i looked up a few of these skus i'm not seeing any value um we got one more box on this pallet so this box looks to be entirely filled with ink uh like for pens these ones i'm getting like 250 each after fees some of these uniball ones are decent um it looks like that's this entire box here and i'm sure there's gonna be a lot of different skus a lot some of these are worthless you get like a penny or you lose some money after fees but here's the thing they all are really in demand so this one might actually original price of 9.49 but they're all in well demand so for example where is it this one here i lose 48 cents on the listing if i sell it just because of fees but it has a really great rank so if i find enough of these i can put a lot of 10 of these together on ebay and probably get 10 or 15 bucks for them and look at that 299 i'm paying 15 cents each for these this one 6.49 so it's just a quick rough it 30 cents 949 50 cents 549 about 25 cents so i really don't have much into these so i could lock these up and do really well on ebay i'm not even gonna put these in the warehouse sale because this is the type of thing that just isn't gonna sell but i think these will do really well on ebay lastly is this box i don't know what it is original price was 20 bucks though oh okay these what did i say i was getting like five or six bucks each look how many there are in here let me quick get uh the exact number 384 each between this box and the other there's got to be a hundred of them in here so three dollars and 84 cents each they cost me uh 20 so they cost me a buck a piece so if there's a hundred of them in here that's 300 bucks between this and the other box i think i'm and they're ranked really well oddly only have one review but they're ranked really well so it could be a new product or something i'm not entirely sure uh but i think i'm going to do really well with these so that's the first palette we got a whole bunch here for the warehouse sale we've got this stuff going on ebay but the big excitement is all of this for amazon and then i've got two other boxes i'm not going to send everything in at once those two are waiting the sharpies and some of those pens but i mean look at all this stuff this has to be a thousand to fifteen hundred bucks believe it or not um if you just look at probably closer to a thousand but remember we said about 250 for that there's we'll just say 250 for that box is probably quite a bit more in there though that's 500 these were three dollars each there's got to be quite a bit in there i didn't look all of them up and i don't know if it goes all the way down um that could be worth looking up and though so maybe closer to a thousand but there's a grand that's ten percent of what i paid right there just in those little couple of boxes and then what another 600 up there 250 for the pens in that box and lord knows how much in that box some of this stuff might take a little while to sell just because of the volume that i have but i think it's well worth it i think it's gonna do really well let me show you it's way on the back of the truck so if i can get to it i want to show you a pallet that i think is going to be the best pallet of all of them and when i bought it i thought it was going to be the worst of all of them all right can i squeeze through here oh it's a good thing i'm skinny uh i think i can get through here so this palette right here is these sheet protectors there's 50 in each pack there's about 700 of them here uh rough s i don't remember exactly it might have been 780 or something but a lot of them are case packed you can see right there this is a very heavy pallet this is uh if i get five bucks each is 3 500 i was looking on ebay and amazon they seem to be selling pretty well on both sides um you know three to five packs are selling individually every single day and then there are some where people are selling like 200 of them so four of these you get like 25 bucks i think i'm going to get 3 500 bucks for this palette once it's so it may take a year or two to sell through it but that's a third of what i paid for everything then we've got this here these are these data binders under there i paid a quarter each this palette cost me 970 dollars i think i'm gonna do pretty well with that it's really tough to say because there are some people selling these high but not a lot of sales volume this may take a long time to sell but each of these cases is worth like 200 bucks retail if they sell if they don't sell oh well my thought process is if i can find a company that needs these um i'll sell them the whole palette for two grand and they will be saving so much money if i can find a company that needs them that's a bit of a wild card this here is another story let me flip around i've got some 500 of these bags the only tag on it is this um nothing else there's a little wallet in it too these may be a tough sell you can see a little wallet in here the liquidator told me that uh down south like in florida these would not stay in stock they would sell so quick i don't know though these are too nice to be a basic tote bag for groceries but too crappy to be a purse so i'm not sure i can't find any listings for this on amazon but maybe i can move them i paid a buck 75 each this might be one of the items that i lose money on which i mentioned before you're going to lose money on some items as an end buyer it's just part of the game but your margins are gonna be so amazing on the other items that's worth it so i've been going through stuff all of this is either amazon or ebay as well as those two stacks of boxes there and this stuff here some of these like these things are going for decent money these are like rfid tags to uh you know like access buildings look at that price so i paid what two dollars and fifty cents for this i'm getting like 30 bucks there's a whole bunch of these i didn't even look them up but i figure these are going to be worth something since those are some of this paper the hp paper is going decent on ebay i will have to sell used because of that but not a big deal some of these even these office depot folders some of them are going all right where i'll get like five bucks after fees i've still got three pallets here that i have to go through as well as one i had to get a storage unit for this stuff i've got one that i have to go through in the storage unit and then there are a couple of pallets that i know what's on it's all the same skew uh this paper this is paper towel this stuff does really well i used to sell this stuff like crazy when i got pallets of it so i'm at the storage unit imagine this one going up for auction i forgot to mention i got a whole pallet of boxes for free these are 20 inch cubes um it goes all the way down those they had set aside for me that's what we used to box this stuff up i also hadn't i got all these for free too which would be good-sized shipping boxes and this pallet i hadn't gone through it i was in such a rush to return the truck i forgot to go through it so this is uh i started going through it we've got a few items for amazon there and out here these boxes are good oh here we've got a ton of avery labels and at the bottom of this a bunch of brand new routers and modems so i'm going to bring those back but beyond that we're basically done this on these i got all these for free too maybe i could use them for the sales we're going to open a little office depot store this palette is entirely the sheet protectors which i think are going to do really well i mentioned those earlier uh that palette is the bags this palette other than the boxes i toss on top are those weird data binders and then the two pallets in the back have already gone through those are going to be in the sale probably kind of cool to say this every storage unit here i probably have the most retail value of any unit um considering all of this stuff combined is well this is about half a 200 000 so it's probably 100 grand in here granted i'm not going to get that if you were to go sell it maybe someone with a car and the unit might get a little more but it's kind of thinking about that oh and if you're wondering why i have a storage unit i just got this this morning i paid through the end of june so it's five weeks uh with the security deposit cost me 200 i think the security deposit was like 80 bucks which i'll get back i don't plan on keeping it longer than that i just don't have room in the warehouse we're getting full once i ship a ton of this out to amazon and we're a bit of a mess right now because that pallet racking is being installed i'm gonna have more space especially once the power rack is installed be able to go vertical levels jerry levels um so that's why i have a storage unit short term and we're this is like right by the warehouse so it's not that big of a deal it's like a 30 second drive so i forgot to show you before i packed him in the box there were a ton of avery labels this is all i've got left for avery as far as i know we've also got three mode or routers these they're not wrapped they should be wrapped in cellophane so i'm gonna have to sell those used however over here all of these are brand new nice and wrapped up so this is gonna be a good box so this is the third shipment of the day uh only 217 dollar buy cost 2284 net profit so all that stuff you just saw i just dropped off it was i don't know my numbers in front of me like 32 3 300 after fees holy crap um the ups guy actually didn't seem too upset it was about 400 pounds but he's not the usual guy he's subbing in i actually just texted the guy who's usually in there and said boy did you pick a good day for a vacation so uh it's gonna be more he's gonna get more when he gets back so all of this was pulled for amazon you know some of these like these i'm getting like three bucks each is a whole bunch of them here i think i'm getting two ish for these a bunch of them big stack of these you know most of these are one to four dollars each but look how many there are this is some serious volume i've got 20 of this guy and i again probably like three bucks each i've got a whole bunch of these 50 of this one you can see it at three dollars each that's 150 bucks for that box alone this stuff really adds up these are good uh this one boxes will be up i'm gonna have to sell it used the other two are a nice shape uh these are like keys basically electronic badges that get you into doors and whatnot with rfid technology these if i remember it are about 20 bucks 20 or 30 bucks each after fees a whole bunch of planners down here what's up here this is all one offs i only have one of each of these items but they're all decent uh these i'm gonna send in about 10 of them to give it a shot get about two bucks after fees these are really good uh this one's gonna have to use the other two are new this is new but the box is a little damaged uh look at that price 132 bucks that means i paid about seven dollars and 10 cents if i did my math right uh one of the more expensive items i got these are going for i think it's like 60 or 70 after fees got a couple of phones that are about 45 after fees there's another one down here about 40. speaking of phones there are two more over here i get about 40 after fees then down here here's a couple of things this box is full of these logitech joysticks i've got seven in here i took one out sitting over there eight total but that's not all let's take a walk over here i've got in this box eight more of those joysticks and in this box looks like just one but a whole bunch of these cameras uh this box the top of those cameras is like here so it's gonna be three or four layers deep now one thing i'm doing especially things like that i'm really deep in like these pens i've got 20 set aside i'm only sending in small amounts because you know i'm competing with amazon on some of these listings some of them the rank isn't amazing every single one of these has reviews so that means that they have sold but i don't want to go too deep just in case they're not going to move or if they're moving slowly you know i don't want to hit long-term storage fees on them uh here's a good example this one's a total gamble i'm sending them five of these i've got hundreds rank is pretty bad i'm just gonna try it out that and this are the only ones that i'm sending in that i don't know if they're gonna sell but at least on this this lot of stuff this whole shelf here along with the three boxes that i showed you that weren't on the shelf i would guess between two and three thousand dollars and this is only a tiny tiny bit of items i've also got items up here like here's that clay that i showed you some sharpies some more of those paper mate pens these are going to be trickled into amazon the oh under it means is good for amazon for example and then over here these are items i'm barely marking some of them that one up there is marked what does that say brother something inc is not print oh stamp inc not worth anything the x's are not good for amazon those are going to be not good for amazon or ebay those are going to be either liquidated off or sold in the sale and then the x within the o that these are those red pens both of those boxes are those red pens i showed you i'm setting five in that just means i'm sending them to amazon but i don't think they're going to sell i've got up there probably 30 desk mats those are considered pesticides because amazon considers anything that's microbial a pesticide so i'm going gonna try and get ungated in that so i can send those in like my step card here pick this up out of office depot so here is more of those eight pack of pens this box is probably worth a thousand dollars just because there are i'm getting if i remember it five bucks each and there's probably good 200 of them in there easily uh this is the three pack of pens i showed you i'm sending some in and there are a couple others i'm only sending some of these in uh these are the four pack of pens so you know just kind of keeping it up here and i'll trickle it in as they sell of course if they start flying out the door and i'm selling you know ten twelve of them a day i'll happily send in everything i've got i have no problem with that i just don't want to hit long-term storage on these items and of course if they don't sell i have to pay the 10 cents to destroy them or 50 cents they haven't sent back don't want to do that this is stuff that is not worth anything on amazon or ebay this as well it's just not really selling it's going to be liquidated or shipped to or i'm sorry they'll be liquidated or sold in the warehouse sale some other odds and ends there as well here's a box of ebay stuff you know these no listing on amazon but they're going for like 14 i think i've seen them sold for on ebay this was a good ebay item so some odds and ends in here for ebay so far now i have gone through everything all of the pallets they are all sorted based on what is worth selling online and what isn't worth selling online all the stuff that is worth selling online is in this building now i'm sorting them a little bit more so these boxes up here these boxes here this palette and these boxes down here all determined they're worth selling online although some of it's going to have to be a long trickle i might be in stock for a year too i've also got a pallet of sheet protectors in my storage unit which i'd like to get in this building soon because i only paid for a month in storage and i really don't want to keep a storage unit i have a warehouse but i've got a pallet of sheet protectors i already mentioned those expect to get about five bucks each or 3 500 for the whole pallet once i sell them all then i've got a couple more pallets maybe about six or seven pallets in there of stuff that's just not worth selling online they'll be going either liquidated or sold in the warehouse sale and then i've got a few more pallets in the building here that already restacked and wrapped that again are either going to be liquidated or sold in the warehouse sale so that's where we're at now i'm basically done for the day um it's what time is it a little 12 minutes after six i got some grocery shopping to do then i'm gonna go home oh i forgot about this bag right here i asked them to bag these rather than put it box it with everything else this is food products i didn't know how long this stuff was going to be sitting so i didn't want food to be you know if it attracts mice or bugs or something that looks gross i don't like caramel i don't like pretzels anything else in here i don't like coconut i'm assuming that's what that is salted caramelized almonds a truly chewy marshmallow oh that might be decent um you know these dates are pretty close dated so i'm not gonna send them to amazon this might be interesting peanuts but they're baja taco you know what i'm taking some of this stuff home i gotta try it where's the date on here oh boy i hate when they stamp it 12 10 of 19. so this i could theoretically send into amazon but i kind of want to try them yep i'm bringing this bag home the snack bag i am probably going to be eating some of this i'll give what i don't want to eat too friends family i don't like selling food online i don't know it's a weird thing i've done it before not a big fan of it it's a lot of extra liability um anyways so i am going grocery shopping i'm not talking about the office max stuff and then i'm gonna head home but i will be back here tomorrow to start shipping this stuff out and i'll get you some more precise numbers about what's on that shelf there these are weird first off this is powder free no more messy hands and they really are they feel like just completely plain oh man completely plain peanuts you don't get your hands all dirty but they're really weird they taste like peanuts but they also taste like tacos can't decide if i like them or not i kind of like them another shipment here 255 items uh total sales value of 2700 by cost of 160 net profit of 1512 adding to the last one of 3 300. so i sent in five of these and they sold basically instantly so i must send this whole tote fold is probably oh somewhere between 50 and 100 in there and i've got like three or four more totes like this uh these i sold 20 i already sold i shipped 20 i already sold 10. so i'm gonna send this whole box which i thought was full but you gotta notice these under here look at that original price these pens are amazing and believe it or not they're actually worth decent money uh this box i believe was 40 bucks uh before other before after fees there's a bunch of them under there so not as many of these as i thought but a bunch of these we're going to send them in i'm very tempted to keep a box for myself though i really like these pens so i've got 16 of these uh it's the logitech 3d pro oddly they have two different price tags on them they have these orange ones at 19.99 and those i'm gonna have to remove there's also green ones at 40. i'm not going to bother removing those because i think i'm selling it for like 28 or something like that i'll have to double check uh but anyways they're both the same upc so i if i remember it i was paying the 20. so i paid 5 20 which is uh what a buck a buck each i paid 16 for all these there's also a 17th one the box is open uh i didn't even see what it looks like inside you know this thing that thing looks brand new i'm going to pull it out and take a closer look but my guess is someone just opened it in the store uh so i'll still be able to sell this i'll just sell it used and with a total buy cost of 16 that's 321 uh profit 543 total sales value these are really good i love these pens look at the original price 67.99 i paid they'll be what three dollars and 40 cents each per box i think which you might think that's a lot but these are really good pens i actually have some and really considered keeping a box but i didn't uh they are selling for 40 bucks on amazon before fees so that gets me 25.11 each or 677.97 and this is profit this is after my cost uh 678 bucks profit on this box right here next we've got these gel pens i sent in 10 of these to test out the market i paid 40 cents each and they sold almost instantly so i counted out between this and this box there's 70 of them 5 and 40 cents they dropped a little bit i was selling at 597. hopefully that'll balance back 40 cent cost on each one has me a net profit of a dollar 59 each across 70 of them that's 111 dollars and 30 cents decent really decent margins i mean for pens who would have thought this is the real winners these paper mate pens there's a couple different skus this is a three pack there's also a four pack a five pack and i think a 10 pack or a 12 pack they're all doing really well here's another good one i don't know what i paid for there's no sticker on any of these obviously couldn't have been much at five percent of retail anyways i've got 90 of them between these two boxes i sent in five of them to try them out and again they sold instantly so these 90 are going to go on this next run and i've probably got four or five more boxes like this full i get 5 23 i think it was after fees should be about 470 total after fees just on these two boxes of 90. figured out the price i paid two dollars each each one was 19.99 originally so that means on 90 year i paid 180 bucks and i'll sell that for 470.
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 27,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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