I Bought Out Two Crazy 8 Stores and Made Money Immediately

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good more than everybody resell rabbit here I'm excited for today how's that for a clickbait title I actually don't know at the time of filming if this is actually gonna happen so I'm filming two intros just in case so today it actually happened by the way is it clickbait if it is real because I actually will be buying a Gymboree anyways moving on today we had a couple irons in the fire and one of them may come to fruition Gymboree a popular children's clothing brand typically found in malls filed bankruptcy they are going out of business closing all of their stores and one of them is at the mall here in Green Bay and I'm gonna try to buy it I talked to them been talking about for a little while including last night today is their official last day I am gonna go in when the mall opens if you're wondering where the angle keeps changing my phone keeps falling over every time I start and stop anyways I am gonna go to the mall when they open and try to see if I can stop them through opening the store and just buy it all today this morning we'll see how well that works out so I am heading to the warehouse to get my trailer and some tools and stuff because I'm gonna see if I can get their fixtures too that's what we're up to how's your date going you buy in any retail stores this is exciting I have been an buyer before buying different stores around the country that have closed and I've had always done well with it but this is I've never done a clothing store so I have no idea what to expect here so I got some tools here just in case then you take any pictures apart or anything I've got the trailer hooked up and since it is in the mall we may have a long walk for stuff so I get this big flatbed cart and I'm bringing over so I also grab some totes for merchandise a ladder and a hand truck I've done this a few times I know what I need so there's the store back there the original plan was for me to come in close down the store but he got so packed with people at 90% off they didn't want to close it yet so we will be coming back three is also another store in Appleton called crazy eight to this liquidation company is handling we're gonna try and do a buyout on them as well in the meantime there's a shop go here they just started the closing process so the discounts aren't great but let's go ahead and see what they have by the way this mall has four anchor stores two of them have already gone out of business Yonkers and then Yonkers Furniture Gallery now shop goes about to go on there so that's one anchor store left we've got Kohl's also this mall has had four liquidations ground simultaneously between Gymboree Payless charlotte russe and shop go yeah they barely even have the fixtures marked down yet which or even marked I mean that's typically what happens when you don't want to go to the first couple of weeks of a store closing because the discounts are not great at least not for what we do you see 10 to 30% you look confused what hallmarks closed right now anyways you're not gonna see great discounts right in the beginning you want to be in the last week or two at store closing so I walked past Gymboree again and it's starting to clear out as far as the people in there so my thought process is they might be calling me pretty soon because once all the crowds clear out and they don't want to stay any longer and I already put the idea in the store managers mine and the employees hey we can get you a home early today we can come any time today and close this store down so that's gonna make them really want to do it unfortunately the liquidators at the Appleton store for the next few hours so that may be a deciding factor one thing that I seem odd that seems odd and kind of annoying is the fact that they're closing two stores simultaneously usually they put them sporadic or spread them out a little bit they would have this one closed today and the one in Appleton closed tomorrow rather than both the same day it's easier on the liquidator it's easier on the buyers at least that's what they usually do looks like bonafide hustlers started in business so I called a couple of hours ago to see if it was still busy in there and that was they recommended I coming around to its - so let's go in I also stood there like five other people interested in buying out the store so hopefully I'm there first so apparently I was ten minutes too late someone already came in but it was actually a viewer apparently so that is the issue there did get some pictures I'm gonna show you that tomorrow though I am racing out the door to get to the Crazy eight in Appleton because I was approved to buy it out but they are still open for business and just switched to ninety five percent off so I got to get down there hopefully there's enough gas in the truck because I really don't want to stop and waste any time all right I'm trying to get in there quickly because stuff is selling as we speak oh man I wish I had someone filming me for that it was madness just clearing racks hiding behind the counter there were there were customers in there so of course as I was grabbing stuff people were trying to grab it from me there were two ladies that I swear I thought they were gonna try to fight me one lady said I better not see that on Facebook they were angry where in the world there's my car so I ended up buying a few of the fixtures bought all remaining inventory that negotiated rate was 3% of retail I don't even think I spent a hundred bucks so we're gonna go through it in a minute I have to pull around to their loading area and that way I can get it all loaded up so there's like some sort of courtyard in the middle of the area here corridor for there's seven I got for $60 that's all I spent in fixtures at this store I still have to tell you about Green Bay so for $60 I got two of those big really nice racks that I showed you I think I could probably sell this pretty well I got five six boxes of pants hangers there's a local charity that needs them I will tell you about that in a little bit and a couple other things so just paid another 30 bucks I got all of those these phones are really fancy phones I think I could probably get somewhere between one and four hundred dollars for these I haven't looked him up but I still bet Iran in the past also with the 30 I got this really nice hand cart so the grand total on merchandise was a hundred and eighteen dollars that's why I spent a hundred and eighteen bucks for an entire store the total it's about four thousand a little under four thousand in retail value let me show you what we've got here so we've got a ton of these shorts retail price 1688 we've got pants some corduroy in there that's more shorts a lot of these shoes what's retail on these 2198 we've got these jeans a lot of jeans which is nice because those are gonna sell well I'm looking for a price tag here 1988 and then these little handbags here see if we can get a price on I'm here 2488 so just left Once Upon a child which is like right next door it's on Mall Drive and I was just at the mall now everything's divided into five boxes all of those little like wicker purses that's one box all of those little pairs of shoes is another box and then three boxes of clothing they only allow me to do two boxes at a time so that's kind of annoying especially considering that and if I was bringing a bunch of grubby used clothes this stuff is brand new tags anyway so the on the two boxes I gave him two boxes of clothing a lot of the denim and stuff I get two hundred and sixteen bucks so $100 profit so far and what an hour of work maybe it really wasn't a lot I spent most of the time just hanging out and the storage is talking to the employees talking a liquidator asking about the process and whatnot so I'll probably make another 100 bucks or so on the rest so 200 on the clothing and then we've got all the fixtures yet - this should make a few hundred bucks on so that is the deal here now there's one more store that closes Sunday so I was planning on posting this video today which is Thursday guess it's gonna have to wait till Sunday so that is I'll show you the other stuff that we got out of here I have to empty out the trailer and then I'm gonna take care of some other stuff so I showed you these two heavy-duty clothes racks these are really nice I also got ignore the ladder I got this red hand truck six boxes of hangers these should be some nice shipping boxes that's what they look like this rack for jewelry which I shows you and all of these tags for sizes and this is all that's left of the clothing I've got all of those shoes which retail 2198 each I've got a bin full of clothing it's the one that was mostly shorts in the bottom and then I've got a bin full of these which were 25 each originally and I've got the phone so here's the deal on the hangers as well as a couple of clothes racks that I bought in Green Bay which I'm going to show you later in this video is gonna be tomorrow for me so there's a local charity here in Green Bay that does clothing basically they take donations of clothing and they give it free of charge to families in need they posted recently that they need some hangers for pants and they also need like racks a couple more racks for the clothing so what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna give them I don't think they're an actual like 301 C or 501 C so I don't think I can write it off but I can you know at least do some good and give them I'm going to give them all six boxes of hangers if they need more I kind of got roped into by and like another eight boxes of hangers in the Green Bay store basically whatever they had left of hangers but I'll be giving them the two clothes racks which the stores trying to sell for 200 each and the all of the hangers so hopefully they can come pick them up I'd really not want to drive them all over there nonetheless that's what we're doing with that I already listed the phone set on ebay from krazy-8 there is going to be another set of phones from Gymboree which I will be picking up tomorrow with everything else we are back at Gymboree in the Green Bay mall and hour before them all opens to get those fixtures got all the big stuff out so now we are going to pull around by the back door couldn't really fit the fixtures out the back door that well it's a little windy so we hauled that right up through the mall and then we're gonna go to the back door for the small stuff so we've got two of these big clothes racks we're donating to that clothing charity then we've got three prep tables we're gonna sell and assign so all in all I paid a hundred and seventy five bucks for everything these three big tables they had them in 150 each originally I'm gonna try and get a hundred bucks each I got that sign back there I got eight there's only there's six of them eight mannequins some other little odds and ends a whole bunch of hangers got a 6-foot fiberglass ladder here see if there's a brand itself faded off six-foot fiberglass ladder I got another phone system the two phones and the base so these phones I listed the other one last night from krazy-8 same exact model one sold for $185 I listed my set for 179 and the coup de Graaf at all this one's exciting I got the safe this is a very fancy safe used in the store he's got shelves and everything in it it's got five pins along the side to hold it shut this is a fancy safe I think I could probably get at least a couple hundred for it we'll see let me tell you something that safe was heavy I was bolted to the floor and the bolts came off pretty easily but it was under a desk that was like built into the wall so I had to lift it up off of that and wheel it out I just took the door off that cut like 30 40 percent of the weight off but holy crap that thing was heavy I am heading back to once upon a child to drop off the rest of the stuff and I forgot my plastic bins while I was there left him in the store so hopefully they those for me because those are the fancy commercial ones that are like 25 bucks each either way I'm gonna drop off the last of this I did sell that sign 25 bucks so that's a quick sell to say all right there hopefully those tables I posted on my facebook marketplace hopefully those will sell pretty quick so while I wait for once upon child to go through that stuff I am at goodwill down the road if you're new to the channel this is what the rest of the channel is going through delinquent storage units thrifting goodwill sound all the stuff on eBay so stick around you'll see more of this but I'm not gonna film that for this video it's actually already online it is today Friday let's Friday April 5th so this is this particular store I'm at right now will be on Saturday morning's video so yeah that all right I will let you know how that stuff does just leaving once a plan child with another check for the last of it they offered 135 and they bought every last piece that I brought in that every single piece of clothing that I got from krazy-8 so between the 212 350 $1.55 I spent a 118 and some change I don't know what the change was but assume 118 even that's 233 dollars and 55 cents profit with barely any work involved that should cover the entire amount no we're gonna be a little short almost covers the amount that I paid for the clothing and the fixtures I've got all of those fixtures that will probably sell for I mean the safe the mannequins the tables honestly I could probably make six to eight hundred dollars on those as well so that's all I got here we've got another one that we will be buying out on Sunday which is why I'm posting this video a little bit late usually I post videos same day so I will update if anything else sells between now and Sunday otherwise see a Sunday except for you it's the same video so we're all loaded up but to head to the community giving closet I didn't actually take these out I just took the tables out and laid them down so they don't roll around and all of these hangers are going so we dropped off the racks for reference they're about 400 pounds each they wanted them in the basement it's a church that does this they want them in the basement and it was me a really old guy and the lady we weren't getting them down in the basement we would need like five guys much stronger than me to do that so we put them under their awning and after their church service tomorrow they're gonna have some parishioners help out bringing them down into the basement oh I did not look forward to bringing them down there that dad that's all those are heavy so anyways got em dropped off trailer is empty they were very happy tomorrow is Sunday and we will have another I don't know if it's Gymboree or Crazy eight but something in Milwaukee that we're gonna be clearing out all right it is 9 a.m. we are heading down in Milwaukee the mall opens in an hour I don't know when they're gonna call me in to come clear out the store it really depends on when it slows down and because the store is two hours away I I want to be in town so what I'm gonna do today is I'm just gonna thrift it's something that I would normally do on a day I'm working granted Sunday so normally not working today but yeah maybe I'll take Monday off or something actually I will take tomorrow it's gonna be like 65 degrees compared to today's 45 and Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday were supposed to get snow I'm gonna take Monday off so I am at crazy 8 in the Milwaukee mall it's pretty empty I don't know if I'm gonna end up with a lot but we'll see so here is the story around two o'clock I went into the mall and there did not seem like there was a lot left they were still at 90 percent usually they go 95 on the last day and then I come in after they're done with 95 they were still at 90 percent she told me she could close up the store right then and there for him but it would be at 92 percent which is about what I'm getting from Once Upon a child so I am NOT doing that she just is now 3:30 she just texted me and said there's about 150 items left we're good to go in 97 percent and I am on my way alright just made it to the mall trying to hurry in there before any more stuff sells store was mostly empty but at the end of the day I spent like 40 bucks on about $1,400 worth can't go wrong there unfortunately it's Sunday once upon a child is just about to close so can't sell it today what did alright on that also bought some stanchions for crowd control and what else did I buy two phone systems which I should get about 180 bucks each for and so I spent 60 on the two phone systems two for stanchions and five or six price guns that seemed to be worth about 50 each so it is Sunday a week after you saw me last a little update so the liquidator that did the stores that I just did earlier in the video she moved down to Indiana and western New York there's another liquidator during the last three stores here in Wisconsin and she said she was going to give him my information she must not have done that or I don't know the story but the one that closed the other day Thursday in Madison I never heard back so I decided today to take it upon myself to start calling stores I called all three stores because I wasn't clear on which one closed Thursday which two are closing today there are two outlets still left Gymboree outlets so I don't know if that's gonna yield more clothing they're not in a traditional mall so there might be a lot more clothing because we've got less foot traffic going towards it but one of the stores in Wisconsin Dells which is kind of a resort town world's largest water park town that one does not have an end buyer yet so I just spoke to the liquidator I just called the stores and found him he is it sounds like we've got a deal on that where I'll be buying Wisconsin Dells there's another one a small town called Johnson Creek it looks like it's another outlet that one he said they may have an end buyer but he's gonna find out for me so I may be getting two more stores today that kind of changes my plans a little bit because it's a couple hours away so I am going to probably head down to Madison soon within the next couple of hours so I can be relatively close by it's about half an hour to an hour to each store whereas here I'm about two hours each store and stores are an hour apart so that's gonna be fun but I will probably head down there to get some stuff maybe do some thrifting or something and hopefully I can get both one more thing he told me is pretty dead in the wisconsin dells store right now so he did say well they just opened so it might pick up in a little bit that kind of decides when we closed the store how busy it is if it's really busy they're not gonna sell me the stuff at 90 percent off but if it's completely dead it's more cost-effective to just shut down the store sell me everything and then they're saving on payroll and whatnot I can maybe get it vacated today even he said it's pretty dead the store did just open half an hour ago but the store the other stores that I did were absolute madness when they first opened so that could mean we might be closing early so I want to get down there soon well I killed some time at Goodwill in the middle of nowhere found a couple of items to flip and then did some grocery shopping at Walmart also in the middle of nowhere just kind of killing time is 158 right now those we're thinking around 2:00 so I'm gonna get over there I haven't heard from them yet what I'm gonna get over there and see if I can convince them to shut down the store and make this happen rather dumb sooner rather than later because I have an hour drive to the next store and we want to get both of these done so we'll see if they're ready for me I made the water park capital the world so just got a text from the liquidator not a good sign the Johnson Creek store the second one I was planning on going to today sold out just with their normal liquidation and the one in town here at Benton Wisconsin Dells they are still at ninety percent usually they hit 95 percent they've been doing it about 11:00 a.m. noon on the final day there's still a 90 I'm I think I'm actually driving right past it they're at 95 percent are ninety percent still selling strong so what did the buffalo say to his son when he dropped it off at college my son did it so anyways yeah store selling out is a risk you take in this business especially when especially when they are small stores where you can buy out the entire store for a couple hundred bucks it happens when you're buying out large stores like Toys R Us for example you needed like six grand to buy out the store a little different so you have a little bit more of a guarantee with that when I did Alpo discount stores I did six of them that was also kind of up there in price so you have a little bit better luck but we're not the entire store is the same type of items and you can buy out the entire store for a couple hundred bucks at their regular prices or at their their clearance whatever prices it happens I was hoping to be able to get to today because of the different length of the drive but you know even just one is okay really don't want to come down here and not get anything but you know just from the thrifting that I didn't what not probably make a couple hundred bucks so that at least there's that and I got to enjoy a nice Drive well just got the text Wisconsin Dells Baraboo store sold out at ninety percent that's a bummer it's really annoying but there is a couple of things of the saving grace number one I've been doing some sourcing down here's some thrifting bought some stuff too but Walmart so at least I'm making a couple hundred bucks it's not a total waste and number two it is Sunday I don't normally work on Sundays so I probably wouldn't have done anything productive today anyways so I guess we're riding at home so just dropped off the rest of Milwaukee or all of Milwaukee at once upon a child got 103 dollars and 45 cents for my 40 hour purchase there really wasn't a lot left there that was kind of a bummer but still did more than double my money with like zero effort involved so it's not too bad so that is how I bought two crazy eight stores I should have been like six which is a bummer but small ones do this I am gonna try and be an end buyer for some Shopko stores too so if that works out that'll be a good one it's not even quite as quick of a cell like this but it's also gonna be a lot of stuff we're only like a box truck or maybe even a semi truck to fill that should be interesting so what I always hope you guys enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel definitely subscribe check out other videos I buy stuff all the time from thrift stores garage sales auctions I buy overstock customer returns i buy source it closed and I saw it all online or in other methods I think you'll enjoy the content so appreciate the view see you next time
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 135,858
Rating: 4.8136463 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: E65pNIdassw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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