I Brought In $10,529 In 4 Days Selling Everything for $1.00 Each | Dollar Sale Video

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are you ready it's the calm before the storm in 90 minutes these walls will be bombarded with savvy shoppers people looking for deals it is time for a dollar sale I guess I gotta put on a sign this is dollar sale starts here at 8:00 a.m. that way people know they're in the right place like to make signs excuse me like to make signs there we go let's say everything's a dollar and scatter those all over the place I have to put out the signs that are going out on the street corners nearby and I have to put the letters on the letter board that says the sale is here and get that out so we've got a bunch of these for larger things stuff that goes outside we've got these for the upper shelf so people don't try to buy them this goes on the door before the sale stars and then these will be scattered throughout the building so signs are up we got these plastered all over the place I've got these above this second shell soon I won't need them once we get these doors up covering the whole place where's that one look crooked huh anyways so that's where we're at we've also got walk over here this sign which I will be putting outside hopefully that's not too wordy what we got it all set up [Music] so I've loaded I spent the past half-hour we're just putting boxes outside those white boxes that I went through from the store buy oh I'm loaded outside this is about 20 or 25 of them out there I put a little bit of furniture out restock the tables a little bit we are 35 minutes standing I just dropped the twenty thirty five minutes into the sale I have no idea how much we've made I haven't even been out by the front talking to other guy have running it I will say however six minutes in our parking lot was full also I don't know if you're gonna see it it you would know if you saw it or not I did a time lapse a second ago I forgot about it so it was running for 35 minutes I don't think you're gonna see the whole thing unless I really speed it up so off to a slower start than I was hoping for it's nine thirteen through an hour and 13 minutes in we're somewhere between 200 and 250 I've got well putt closer to 50 I'll get 210 in cash back here and then plus what he has in his pocket for change we started with 50 bucks so anything in excess of 50 that he has his profit today or sales today I should say well one more thing is loud they're moving along I almost forgot we're not almost I did forget to remove my step stool from the dollar sale area surprisingly no one bought it for a buck thankfully was out there for like two hours all right things are starting to pick up for it 620 plus whatever he's got in his pocket - 50 I'm assuming he's got at least 50 in his pocket I asked him hey how are you gonna how you doing change you said oh I got plenty so six plus eight six twenty and it has been two hours it's 958 currently oh this is starting to look really good we are now it's 11:00 a.m. on the dot there are three hours into the sale right eight to nine 1011 so three hours into the sale I've got eleven hundred and ten and large bills another fifty here in small bills and I would estimate probably between fifty and seventy five up front is what he hasn't changed so math what I say 1110 so probably eleven hundred and sixty - eleven hundred and ninety somewhere in that range in three hours we might do ten grand we need 2500 per day eight-hour days we are almost halfway there granted it does slow down as we get later in the day but it could easily happen and the last sale each day got better substantially all right halfway through the day it is now 1207 by the way is totally coincidental that I seem to be coming in every hour on the hour it's just when I see a build-up of 20s I bring them back in here we got fifteen hundred and thirty in 20s or larger we started with 50 he's getting a little low unchanged bringing this out to him for change so I would estimate maybe another in addition to the 50 we started with another 20 so about fifteen hundred and fifty halfway through the day that you know halfway through the day you would think we're gonna do the same thing the other half but usually it slows down as we move on throughout the day although it has been steady we might hit that 2500 target for today what excites me is the possibility for a three thousand dollar day I don't think it'll happen today but it could happen during this sale here's why that excites me my phone is sitting in here charging the whole time here's why that excites me up until recently my dollar sales used to do about 3000 for the entire weekend so doing one day is amazing that really excites me I've never done $3,000 a day the best I've done so far was 2,600 I believe you'll have to go back it was the final day the Saturday of the last dollar so I mentioned the numbers in the video that was the best day I've ever had second best was the day before that all right it is 1256 so vote one o'clock I am gonna do a bank run because we are already low unchanged so I'm gonna get $600 worth of ones 5 and 10 but I've got nineteen hundred and ten dollars in large bills here he's probably got I would imagine eighty bucks or so maybe a hundred so we're probably looking at about nineteen hundred and fifty or so I think we're gonna do it I think we're gonna hit the 2500 today 2500 a day it's 10 grand sounds tough for a dollar also worth know there is a lot of Office Depot a lot of shop put stuff out there but what's really moving is the Amazon stuff and well stuff from Amazon stuff from that store buy out there actually isn't a lot from those Amazon pallets in this sale a few boxes went out most of us from that store buy out where I spent 2500 we've got enough for two auctions we've got one auction with a local company on their website right now we've got another auction or at least enough stuff for another auction I'll be sending to them I'm really excited okay words I feel like I need a briefcase it also reminds me when I was 16 had my first job at Kmart I thought it'd be funny to cash my check in ones so I did that quite often so I got 150 in small bills 50 each and ones fives and tens this morning we already went through them all although we do have some we're not like out of change or anything but you know weekend's people often pay with twenties so this way hopefully we don't run out of change we have run out of change before it wasn't I can't imagine running out of change here I've got 200 in one's fives and tens each 200 each that should suffice anymore and it would really be overkill I think I'm in a good mood you wanna know why we hit the goal I deposited fourteen hundred and thirty dollars I've got 550 here which is the change you saw that a minute ago and then I got 560 right here does that put us there I counted the money he had out there too but I think that puts us there uh yeah that puts us there we hit the twenty five hundred dollar goal we can maintain this the next three days we'll do ten thousand dollars in this sale another thing worth know this is all done without apparel had I done apparel oh man double maybe but here's the thing I could have maybe made an extra 10 grand selling apparel but I can get that plus seventy five hundred selling it for a buck seventy-five in bulk it just makes more sense of self that way instead what are the mess this place becomes during a day of sales but we did really well so it's four thirty six we closed 36 minutes ago the last people just left don't get me wrong I'm understanding if you're gonna be here an extra five maybe ten minutes okay your spending money is not a problem but I mean 36 minutes I shut the music off at about 10:00 after we have music playing during the sale shut that off at about 10:00 after and about 20 after I brought all of this stuff in from outside just stacked it in here for 36 they finally come and pay and leave oh we are along Krazy Glue I think I've got a box of that we moved a lot of stuff rough guess I would say probably about 27 to 28 hundred bucks I haven't counted yet so we will I mean I've been counting throughout the day but I haven't counted in the past couple of hours so we'll see where we're at but I gotta bring the sign in first another thing I don't think we sold a lot of clothing here so I'm gonna pull all of this and put more Amazon stuff on it worth mention it's gonna rain all day tomorrow so I have to make sure we you know have enough stuff oh well of course it was a telemarketer so it was pouring rain tomorrow which could negatively affect sales or probably will the main thing is because all the stuff we had on display outside will now have to be inside if it's raining really bad we'll have to close the overhead door as well hopefully it's just a light drizzle we got Lisa leave that open so that may affect sales additionally Saturday and Sunday it's gonna be in the 40s maybe 44 and 46 so that may affect sales as well normally we've had these in December January - sub-zero temperature hasn't even been a problem but it's the first cold days of the year so people really aren't going to want to go so it's tough to say how we're gonna finish this could end up being the best day or we can prove on it we'll see grand total time so here's what we got first I deposit fourteen hundred and thirty I actually deposited but I added this later it was originally 1910 but then I took 600 bucks it was 1310 but I didn't find some more bills so I don't be in 1430 in so 1430 deposit this is 50 I started with 50 so we're not counting that I've got a hundred and sixty six I'm bringing this back to the warehouse tomorrow because it's small bills just in case we need change I've got 650 in the envelope I saw on my desk here but 650 for this this wait I might do this wrong hold on it should be 550 hold on my bad 550 an envelope it was 600 we use 50 of it for change we've got seven hundred and thirty-two here I left it up we just want to show you someone paid me a stack of $2 bills there's 32 dollars worth here they're all newer 2013 there were a couple of 20 2009 nothing special leaving me with a grand total mm 878 this was the best dollar sale day ever beating the 26 something 26 hundred and something from the last one last one is for something else so beating my 2600 something we beat it we're at 28 78 that does not count the $50 we started with I did pull that out make sure I don't have any more months we're all good that also doesn't count the coins people do pay with change from time to time it's not much the last sale we did 5614 or 45 48 bucks of that was coins I just add that up at the end I leave it in a jar right by the counter I don't even take it home like I do the rest of the cash and add it up at the end so anyways 28 78 today I really hope the next three days can come close to that so we can do 10,000 it would be so amazing by the way here's the bag of change there's probably good oh eight ten bucks in here day two alright we are back for another day haven't touched it since last night let me show you what I'm gonna do it is I got a late start well there's the man just pays about 4:30 5 o'clock something like that I woke up at 3:30 but couldn't get myself off the couch so all of these used clothes they really weren't selling that well so I'm going to pull them all the way down here the shoes we're gonna pull all of that and replace it with more Amazon stuff probably not gonna try and sell this stuff again even though it only went through one day it's probably just gonna go right to Goodwill or st. Vinnie's and just like that we've got it all emptied out obviously need to clean up the little bits that fell out straighten up this room the other thing is it ends up looking like this after a day so what happens is when I set it up nicely and actually display the stuff where it doesn't look that's an empty box we get a lot of that too it doesn't look like a huge mess like that it just looks so much better that's why Thursday the first day usually seems to do the best I do find a lot of empty boxes I find it tends to be more so people are taking out of the box to look at what it is present theft I have no idea what this was there's a 15 dollar price tag I do remember I looked at it when I would before I put it out it didn't see him I think that's my Bennett but anyways it'll happen someone take it out of the box you'll see it lay on the table next to the box or they'll even buy it and just leave the box to keep our trash but um you know when stuff is displayed nicely like that it's more likely to sell and what looks like that or like that and it's tough to really straighten up the tables without having an empty table and just moving it that seems to be the best way to do it for me so that's what I'm doing since I've just cleared off some tables I'm gonna move some product from one table to another just so we can straighten it up like that and then we'll have extra space at the end to put more on all right we're gonna put one more case of wrapping paper out today I have to say which one I want to do let's go with this one it looks fancier so looking at this we're not really even promoting this as a Christmas oh and we sold probably half the bows I've got six or eight of those bins full but the next sale we're really gonna fill up with Christmas stuff and promote it as a Christmas sale so I think it might be worth buying those next you remember I only paid a quarter each for him all right reorganize some of this stuff this is gonna go over here for some reason people are buying these I don't know why they were a dollar in the store but I'm gonna have to do something both that people take them out of the cases to check them what there then they just leave him out people are trash I mean those surprises edge banding hasn't sold it yet that box was full we sold a lot of those baby spinners are surprisingly moving well uh see oh the box of highlighters looks like we sold most of the highlighters and then people start adding stuff to it like why uh what I've got to at least one more bin full of those highlighters so we can refill that sold basically sold out of this this is a much bigger one than what we had in there I think I've got more of these somewhere so let's see if I can refill that dust pants can get refilled sounds like it's raining again that could probably get refilled well I'll probably do is just throw all those in a polybag and sell it for a buck [Music] spider webs oh let's find one nope not looking at that one I see if it's raining outside no it doesn't look like it is you can barely see a selfie light taking selfies so I'm gonna work on that I'm not gonna be filming much of the progress but I'll give you a quick update when I'm done just because we are in a bit of a time crunch it is 5:30 already and we open at 8:00 so we're about ready to open the doors it's raining again I have to quick put the sign up but we've refilled the tables I added more makeup and restocked it a few more things on these bottom shelves including these and what else clipboards and we restock those brought stuff up here and then I'll show you the office quick oh I saw some table space in here to fill well that can happen later I have to get the sign out so I pulled the $50 out that's what we started with and look at this 3168 not long ago that was a really good sale like a whole weekend I did that in a day we are now over $6,000 for the sale two days in I think we might hit 10k if people are gonna come and rain it were dropped to the 40's they're gonna come in the 40s the next two days although we may get a little snow Sunday it's just gonna be a little dusting in the morning I'm thinking hoping I'm really excited we could do 12 grand I really think I'm gonna do my $10,000 goal so 6046 is the two-day total plus whatever we happen to have in coins maybe 18 20 bucks it's not a lot it's amazing I've already beat last last month's sale by the 400 bucks and we still have two more days to go all right so tomorrow binders are going to for a dollar I've got those couple boxes over there in a couple of cases down there some of these nicer ones we're moving those are all sold though that one's busted by ones still here but these were originally 65 cents so we're going to for a buck to see that clears those out what else this place became such a mess looks like we sold a decent amount of books I did pull I sold these out yesterday I pulled some more out today I don't even remember with the other books for there's one like Code Breaker I know there's that's right they're forgetting the curve that's what I'm thinking of this one would have been right here I'll have to look at my video from yesterday I see what books are gone because I might be able to restock some of them it just look how clear these tables got though it just people make such a mess of things but what would happen is I see tables starting to clear out so I'd start bringing up boxes of stuff in half an hour running around like crazy bringing boxes out then I look at the tables are even more empty than before so we're really racing these actually shouldn't even be in the sale because I'm getting two bucks or so after fees on Amazon but a ton of them a couple of these I found that box that box in that box it went out late I put one of these that you saw this morning refresh this this one was almost sold out yesterday I put a new one out that sold out this is the third box and that's all I've got for those highlighters that will probably sell out tomorrow these are doing pretty well actually I've probably sold about half of what I had out here at five for a dollar my cost is 30 cents on five of them but shop Co not even worth looking at the cost I've made so much money already on them the makeup I'm gonna load up on makeup I'm thinking this whole section of shelving and this one or maybe this one now and we're really gonna load up on the makeup because it's doing really really well I put two bankers boxes full these were already full I filled them up again this morning and then during the sale I put two bankers boxes out which is about five hundred pieces in each one so I put an extra thousand pieces out I think that's no we didn't sell a thousand pieces because we added a box and whatnot but I really think we probably did a good four or five hundred bucks worth of makeup and I probably have over 20,000 pieces let's see this cleared out somewhere and stuff got tossed in it this is all I've got left for Krazy Glue this did really well this little bit and I think there's some on the rack let's take a walk over here I need to replenish these I've got right there is full of them so Krazy Glue yeah there's a little bit left over here on the rack yet what else I'm gonna go through some of this stuff tomorrow I'm pretty sure there's not gonna be much for the sale but you never know here we go these so I sold out of these the lace that she wanted six more and I thought I had more right up there and that opening I grabbed a box turns out was placemats table runners so I had to basically refund her the extra six bucks because they didn't have any they were right there so that was a bummer but these are doing pretty well and these their price on them there is not not a price in any of them I I know I paid not much maybe 20 cents at the most that would mean there were ten dollars in the store you just see this clearing out these things just do not seem to want to sell I don't know why we're really really clearing out here put out the last of the DVDs and CDs this morning looks like it's pretty clear it out we may end up pulling this rack and putting something else here by the end of the day by the end of the sale looks like this box is just about empty I have to go through and really reset this nobody wants the tile at four for a buck Oh see these wow this was full these are doing really well these Packers ornaments with the names on them a lot of people are still buying 2019 planners for some reason that box was pretty full this morning phone cases I really need to go through the phone cases and I don't know that I'm gonna have time because people are opening them to try them on their phone just tossing the loose case back in so ends up being a lot of like this for example empty boxes okay I must have missed one of these it's a belt for adult activities what else I've seen a lot of these ornaments going through emptied out a bag of bows I put another one out we sold out of the wrapping paper this morning that seems to sell in the first hour every day I've got one more box left no one wants the 20:18 stockings there are I did see a couple of the undated ones these I think are gonna do really well I just put these out within the last 30 minutes or so it's a two pack of molds for Christmas trees so you can have mouldy Christmas tree what else let's take a look in that office area here cleared out a lot I did not restock this room very much but look at how much of a mess it became the other thing those all of these I put in here and they were all a lot more full than this so all of it basically the customers restocked it for me but look at the mesh these people make I'm really going to have to take some time I might come in at 3:00 tomorrow morning just because it's gonna be a lot of work getting this place reset it's gonna be a lot of work getting this place reset oh got one of these left i restock these with the last of them causes 1392 tough to see there i paid 5% of that that was an office depot item so 14 that would be 70 cents I paid for each of these and I'm very happy to have gotten rid of them we've got one left apparently they were all stored up here and you can see open space I need to look at what's up here - I have no idea looks like some more of those table runners there these are all of these floaties these things are selling here and they're not a lot I might go two for a buck remember I only pay ten cents each on them I think I've probably sold enough where I can say I've broken even on all of them though so that's not that big of a deal so that's kind of where we're at now I pulled two of these jewelry trays because they kinda emptied out what I was able to condense them surprisingly none of these selling a dollar really isn't a bad deal on these oh well so that's what we're at so I think that's gonna be it for today and you'll see tomorrow for me a couple seconds later for you what we how we set up tomorrow so I went through all these upper shelves and cabinets to pull stuff for this sale we've got a box of Shopko health and beauty aids these were up there because they didn't sell the last sale but we're gonna try them again all of this is Shopko we got some office depot now these are going to Amazon these are not I will be losing money on these but again I've already profited on the entire store as a whole more than double my money we might be pushing triple by now and these aren't worth anything online so let's move them oh we got these I think this is also Office Depot stuff yeah more of those I've got a ton of these pencil cups they're moving well not amazing but I'll probably sell through this box tomorrow over the course of the sale Oh see I've already got these out and they're selling consistently I'm going to put these the box somewhere else though what else do we have more of these and this should be it for them there's the paper tray isn't there if you want you know want those more of these sitz baths and then all this is just more Shaco general merchandise this I figure someone paid dollar for it the lids broken that's how I got it was $15.99 in the store it looks like we might have a little crack here in the corner too so that's it that and all that Kleenex up there I was doing alright at two for a buck I can forgot today to put it up but I found something laying around and the upper shelf so I just toss it down here to remind me oh we get this box too these are plastic $11.99 was the retail price I don't know why but we've been I've sold a few already the fusillade out all sold at a buck eh I think these will too so we're gonna go through all that let me show you what's left of that store buy oh we put most of it out already I pulled enough for maybe two more auctions the local auction company nicer stuff like this that's just garbage there was a lot of empty packages and stuff in there - no cease emptying out by the way yes this bathroom is only used for storage has toilet issues this is it this is all that's left now other than the shopping cart all of this this is stack double-height all of this is going to an auction a local auction company these great totes as well the stuff in them at least all of this is from that store that I bought out a discount store so it's all Amazon stuff it's all items that I think I can walk away with five bucks or more I didn't say anything too crazy you know five to ten dollar items but I mean that's probably gonna net me another two thousand to three thousand dollars local auctions do really well with this type of stuff I'm so excited most of this sale I'd say about 60% of this sale is that that by oh and you know we already did over six thousand dollars so I've already profited on that no question so in the last dollar sale someone paid in quarters and I get a silver quarter I haven't checked the coins now but whatever I get them I check I've only worked for like three hours as far as you know cashing out over this week McDonald's getting dinner and look at this I found a silver certificate I got it back in my change it's a 1957 B it's in really nice got it back in might change so that will definitely go my questions that part of the dollar sale but I got silver in a way during the dollar sale weekend I didn't go back in I was in the drive-thru I went back and said hey D haven't checked the register for more of these and he did but there weren't any so that was kind of neat day three so I keep forgetting to grab this that's how easy is to steal this one hundred and fifty dollar camera thankfully no install it but there's no need for that camera during the sale plus I've got multiple cameras higher up in the air so if something were to happen we can see it or someone were to break in at night or something we'll still be able to see them it's just that one that's very easy to steal so I won't always like to take that down oh you can barely walk through here there's so many empty boxes let's get lights on we're gonna get set up this is what I mean when I say people trash this place and they left a cup of coffee here it's like half-full spilled out everywhere so I'm doing is I'm clearing off a table into this and then I'm gonna kind of shift everything over in a more organized fashion and it'll stay organized for about the first 20 minutes so you know doesn't this just look so much better when the stuff just all piled on top of each other so much better than for example this this looks like boxes were just poured out I've been finding so much of this stuff and empty boxes for phone cases and whatnot I think some of us probably test I think most of its people taking it out of the package and then just leaving it thrown out onto the table I've thrown out some things like this sash oh this is a sash we can sell this but some things I've thrown out like loose socks where some of those bags were packaged socks I found one people are just garbage and treat this place like garbage but I make money doing it so it's still worth it it will condense these books a little bit let's do a time check it is 551 so we're getting to the end of my time here I approach this 7:15 I have to be done and pulling this I know these two before opening these are just leaving them out prime example oh this is a lot softer than it looks so I'm just trying to get this straightened up as best as I can I'm not really bringing much fresh merchandise out although there is the stuff that I brought down from the upper shelves yesterday that's going on the tables but I'll do most of that once the sale starts I'm just trying to fill out the tables and make them look nice when the tables are a little bit more neatly organized it is much more likely to sell than once just piled up and looking like trash so I found some more command strips yesterday see how dark this is look how nice that looks I put four LED lights the lights actually came from toys-r-us I think I mentioned this earlier in the video I just zip-tied these because this cord isn't long enough to reach it all the way across to here to this beam so just zip tied it for now and once I find more cords have to figure out what these cords are called they're these little these little three prong things once I figure out what they're called and can order more then I'll be able to order some also I'm not gonna have enough lights because I still need two four six eight ten twelve fourteen nineteen sixteen more and I have no more cords left I think I've got like three or four lights left so we get three lights there and I've got one here this is the lights that was in it before you see I need an electrician to get one of these things hooked up to a light switch and they're just fluorescent lights they're heavy they get hot even though they were sitting right below that shelf that's what was on there in the store and Office Depot I decided these ones from Toys R Us are much better they're easier for me to install to install and I may need to spend a couple hundred bucks to you know get another twelve lights plus the cords and whatnot but I just need to plug them in I can do a wireless light switch to connect them it's that easy beyond that you know you spend a thousand bucks for an electrician to come and wire it all up all I need to do is buy the lights they're also not going to be a hot you know LED run runs a lot cooler so anything above the lights there I don't need to worry about it getting damaged from heat it's a cold one today so a couple of quick updates it is 10:43 a.m. so we've been open for almost three hours I've got 660 back here in larger bills we've got between 200 and 250 and change up there considering we started with 50 bucks we're sitting around 900 someone that range so definitely a strong start on the day also it was 34 reasonably open so I went to almost right after we opened I went to my nards and bought a nice space heater that seems to be doing the trick for us the building's heated but obviously with the overhead door hoping it cools down quite a bit so you know we've got the heaters running but the you know when you're sitting in one space collecting money he gets cold so we got that set up good day so far I'm excited I also so that tube TV someone took it I put a free sign on it somebody took it I was so happy that basically saves me $20 in a disposal fee which is awesome and so it's like $20 tax-free because it saves me money I didn't make money off it saved me money and what else we are done with that store buy out everything has either been sold or put out on display so now it's just about putting Shopko stuff out a little bit of office depot stuff out that's not out yet and restocking cosmetics and there's just kind of straightening the tables we have a lot of boxes sitting out full of stuff so as tables clear I don't be putting that on the tables for the most part we're moving a lot of product [Music] all right it's almost noon I'm trying to get a bank run in before they close drop some of this off because they're also closed Monday so basically I'll have the second half of Saturday and all day Sunday's sales and won't get dropped off till Tuesday because of this day slash indigenous peoples they were I think Wisconsin at least Green Bay as indigenous peoples they it was its bank closed day that's what it is so after frantically searching for my phone forgot to do a time lapse this time it was like two hours so I don't think it was quite two hours time maybe an hour so yeah I think I'm going to shave that one down a little so I'm at Costco about four thousand bags I'm personally not a huge fan of this store but I needed bags I called every business owner I know in town nobody has the only place that offer to give me some bag was a little boutique shop but they've got fancy paper bags and I'm gonna need at least five hundred of them that's gonna be expensive so and to figure something out locally Costco and Sam's Club so I went to why made a couple of calls found somebody who had a Sam's Club membership met them over here and got myself some bags I was ready to sign up for a Sam's Club membership today just to get bags because we're almost out and I had two cases we went through those two eggs today this weekend I mean that today so there's a semi here curious all right or filled up look at this all right once again this place is trashed we just closed up it was 422 I think we might have broken the streak the last five days of dollar sale that is all three days of the last dollar sale the first two days of this one have been better than the previous so would you count the first so I guess lost six days have been better each day has been better than the previous this may be the one that breaks the streak I don't know if I'd be yesterday but we'll have to get it all coming up look out trash this place is people really don't respect anything so many packages being open stuff just getting thrown around this table was covered in glitter and still see a lot of it because someone decided to open something it's just unbelievable once these boxes are getting low like this I go through us basically all trash empty boxes oh that's actually in there that's not empty a bad example that is though I think what people are doing is they're taking another box and leaving it on the table where they're taking it out of the box and just buying the item like this I actually think I know what this is and I think I remember putting it out maybe not well one size I thought it was a scarf these I remember that bag ripping when I put it out the place just gets trashed there was someone a little bit drove across our grass today like not how people are parking on one area of the grass where the front end of their car is kind of in it the person literally drove straight through the lawn went behind my truck in the parking lot and I don't know how long he was sitting there I saw it out the window these were supposed to be to 4ad out but I didn't feel like printing again so we went three for a dollar sold almost all of the Kleenex this is all that's left so what's at eight boxes remember that whole upper part was full I think we sold a good hundred boxes of clean today oh let's take a look at this room this room does not get a lot of attention for me during the day just because the place gets so crowded man this place is a mess and it would probably take all night to completely organize the entire thing and I've been here all day huh I have probably I've been here all day I got here at and shut that off I got here at 4:00 I think I woke up at 3:00 I'll shut my new lights off I was like so nice I can't wait to get the rest done all right I'm gonna count the money and I will let you know how much we brought in so I'm getting really sick of counting ones so I Reese trapped these a hundred but in case any a tap into it again I threw this page in the middle this sheet of paper there's 50 on either side that way at the very least it'll save me on counting 50 of them I've also got 15 extras and then here's the ten that we started with so I'm going to throw that some one for now so gram total for the day unfortunately I did not beat yesterday the six-day streak has come to an end but it's not the worst day of the weekend I thought it would be I did not think we would quite here I figured we were gonna be around 26 or 27 hundred we finished at two thousand nine hundred and fifty five dollars meaning the grand total for the weekend so far nine thousand and one we got one day left I mean we've been sitting right around 3,000 all three days 28 78 3168 night 2955 I did not count the coins yet though that will be at the very end probably an extra 20 25 bucks might come close to 12 grand here I think we might come very close to what's my exact average you know I realized it as I was typing into the calculator 9001 divided by three it's three thousand dollars and 33 cents so my average is right at three grand if I can meet that average I don't think I will but if I can is $12,000 oh this is awesome all right I'm tired I'm gonna go get a pizza and go home people are garbage yep garbage there is a garbage can right inside this door you see it really makes me remember why I closed down my store I hate dealing with people people are trash absolute garbage garbage I tell you if I ever open another store again for the safety of all parties involved we need to hire people to run it so my signs all say Saturday I have no time to update them so I'm putting this on them all someone take this one no it's still there you just can't see it cuz it's a side profile of it fairness also it has been so unbelievably windy the past couple of days these signs they're like one of them was like dug deeper into the ground another like I thought someone ran over at first until I realized was the wind all of them are leaning like this one was you could see the ground I'll ripped up around where it was where the spikes are going in so probably a good thing I'm doing this so I can kind of reset them so they can be seen by people driving by also worth know at least now they have the right day as long as it stays on they're all soaking wet right now but it also still says Estate Sale on them we have like no pre-owned items left it's all new items so that's a little misleading new items might help bring in more people and people looking for a state sale probably gonna be upset with what they see but I can't imagine the signs bringing many people and there are more so directionals for people who are who know where they're going but can't find it yeah we'll have new signs for the next sale no how about a lot and it's time for day four it is Sunday so not all have to put out today the entire store buyout was put out yesterday we finished it up so what I'm gonna do is go through these boxes you can see they're getting pretty empty a lot of trash you know I'm gonna dig them out why is this full of these stuff anyways I'm gonna dig through them and put this stuff out on the tables kind of straighten up the tables a little bit see how much stuff we can get through today I do still have some Shopko stuff to put out a lot of it's repetitive it looks like this was filled up with health and beauty aids it looks like we sold a lot yesterday though so I'm just gonna be putting a decent amount of Shopko stuff out people ripping boxes open to see what's in it should save right on here what it is anyways so we're gonna get them out as much as we can today we are only 999 dollars away from the target why this won't sell is beyond me this has gone through to dollar sales announced twelve dollars originally it's a pair of brand new underwear I don't know why no one wants it I think I'm gonna throw this away no one's gonna buy that and we're basically all new stuff now not much for pre-owned yeah we'll get this try and straighten it out looking through here now we didn't have a lot in there to begin with I really need to go through these phone cases very surprised this edge banding isn't selling whatever wasn't there is gone oh I think this was those USB chargers Fitchett spinners are doing well that thing was full so we sold probably about two-thirds of them this thing appends is almost gone highlighters are officially sold out normal wants the map pens whatever was in there is gone and now refilled with some other stuff all of the dividers are gone all that's left for the office storage are the paper trays here French curves we sold a few what was in here whatever this was was gone I'm gonna need to rewatch the video to figure out what I had in here a decent my tape Sol that was filled up yesterday something else was in there scissors tape this was divided in the two bins people love opening these I hate people cosmetics we didn't clear out as much as I was hoping for yesterday I loaded up these tables or these two shelves with it and I do not have to refill it once so that died off of it but we did still sell a decent amount all right I hate people these did really well I had to refill it yesterday five for a buck got got rid of a decent amount of those I put these out late yesterday like within the last hour these came from the first shop go I bought out and there were a ton of them so we'll see how these do today more this edge banding man people make such a mess look at this there was the only thing under this table is this box of toys all of these were on top of the table I hate people although it looks like all but this calendar sold so I might have to I'll roll up the others and put them out well what else Packer ornaments are getting down there there aren't many left this guy's in the way that's certainly empty out so we're gonna try and consolidate some of this stuff see if we can get as much onto the tables as possible within these bins look at the system is almost empty ideally I'd like to have just about everything on tables rather than under it today this was dustpans I sold through two boxes of these so this I can restock I think I've got one or two more boxes full and there we go and this might be my last bin of dust pans but I go for eight and a half cents each so we're doing really well selling these for a buck alright we're kind of sorting of God this these pins here this is general merchandise this is trash I was expecting to find more of those that's just an empty one this was under the table I'm just pulling it since it's mostly junk here's phone cases and here's a table clean on top and below so now I'm gonna start shifting stuff over this little pile of stuff that needs to get put out or a cosmetics jewelry so we try to keep this family friendly if the audio will be family friendly but have your kids look away in three two one so I found this it's a banner that hangs across to your wall or ceiling probably for a bachelorette party alright well I guess that's getting sold alright you can let your kids watch again we're family friendly again so this is what that table used to look like stuff like this now look how nice this is all laid out neatly we've got everything that was on the table it's still on the table everything that was in the boxes below is on the table the only exception is trash phone cases these were in boxes below and that thing and like ten pieces of makeup it just looks so much better it's displayed better when people walk in they see this they're less likely to want to buy stuff granted you know as we get through the day there's not much you can do about it but at least we can start strong in the morning with neat looking tables additionally people who were here yesterday and saw a mess and come back to this they're gonna think oh maybe they took everything I own restocked it and they're gonna dig a little closer and maybe something that they didn't see yesterday even though it was out they will buy it today look at the underside of this table tops looking nice though now we're down to this side stuff to do that I got through a couple more bins we now have two bins full of trash much better goodies back you in here but we're not having time for that today no I just need to get that nightmare keep in mind it doesn't all have to be done this morning a lot of going through these lower boxes can happen over the course of the sale - it's really organizing the tables was more important right now and this room is done I even once thought one did a once-over with the vacuum we got there were so many boxes in here that we consolidated to get on the tables tables look nice and boxes were consolidated this is just phone cases which there are many stolen tables this is just bubble mailers and then this is just a mix of stuff we took four of these boxes out full of trash so this room looks a thousand times better now let's do the same thing with all this it is now six eleven so there's no way I'm gonna get all this done before we open but if I focus on the center tables I think I could probably get all of the center tables done maybe we got like an hour before I have to start pulling out the sign and doing ads and stuff all right we got this table organized over and under binders are three for a buck I think I mentioned that yesterday looks nice I'm probably just gonna leave this how it is I can go with the cases yeah this looks nice as it is alright next step is gonna be this run of tables we did it I don't know the exact number but right now we are just over ten thousand dollars this weekend four days that makes me so happy definitely not gonna hit that twelve or thirteen I was kind of hoping for after seeing the first couple of days but hey I made ten grand selling stuff for a dollar in four days that makes me really really happy you know I could make 20 grand on Amazon over the next four days or on ebay over the next four days but this is so much more exciting because it's cash in my hand I can see tangible items leaving the building it's just better in my opinion obviously I'd rather make 20 grand than ten but you get you get the point that I'm saying I'm really happy for 30 we just finished tables are pretty clear it out I actually was doing other things for the past probably three hours or so so I would say I probably stopped stocking tables that's a mouthful probably stopped around noon and then stopped organizing and straightening around one or two o'clock let me show you what it looks like crayons are just about gone that tape is actually this tape was full when we started so it got rid of a lot of that scissors looks more full than I did before I guess people are digging people just did not seem to want those clips sold a lot of that tape that's one box I've got like six or seven like this I assume about four thousand rolls see still sold half the dust pans from this box I put out this morning that's looking pretty bare yeah looking pretty good I still can't get rid of those things so yeah tables looking pretty empty I would have thought I was gonna sell all of these out because I had some similar ones they weren't for the echo show but it was for something just as obscure and I sold a whole stack of him really quickly wonder why those stayed full the decent MA those surprisingly pails that's what's left I did restock that yesterday or this morning I should say Cosmetics didn't sell it seems like day two was the best day poor Cosmetics well we sleep we sold a decent amount today wasn't a great day comparatively speaking normally it was a would have been a really good day but consider what we had the past few days not so much see tables are actually pretty cleared out these definitely would have sold but these were one of the last things that I put out so I might hold on to doubt those I've got seven of them pulled out of them for the next sale well most of this other stuff is just gonna go that's all that's left of the books I sold a decent amount of books I probably made up a good 200 bucks on these books the rest will just get tossed back on that pallet and we'll sell the pallet of books uh oh wow I sold a lot of these table runners those were good those that were hold on to if I don't sell them in the next sale I'll at least hold on to them for the around the fourth of July I can bring them to a consignment shop or something those boxes are looking pretty bare we moved a lot of the product kind of sad this wasn't picked up the lids broken that's why but you never know maybe uh well I guess I'll probably just throw it in the trash then shame to do that because those are nice but not much else you can do with it good well isn't gonna take it the ornaments we sold so many of these some people would complain about the price you're really gonna ask a dollar for this but we'd always point out they were originally eight they even clearance them after Christmas for over three a pretty good deal I'd say these are worth a buck I put this out late Easter grass ten for a dollar that would have me at a cost of eighty cents but I've got so many of them they were originally four bucks so that means I paid eight cents each I've got so many of those Oh what else this was tables basically all phone cases cleared out a lot I've refilled that table a few times this room isn't as much of a nightmare as I thought it would be if you're wondering why this thing didn't sell cuz this Jesus be with like 30 bucks that's because it's got some pretty serious damage this I'm a little surprised didn't sell it got a little beat up this wrinkle is actually just the protective plastic that they put on it for you know because it's new that got beat up though from customers but I mean it was in immaculate condition when we first put it out why did they take all those out I had a bin right here that had well at the time nothing but those mailers I hate people so much Oh see there's another book we sold through so much look how empty these tables are these sold a decent amount of them I get about two bucks after fees on Amazon but I've got probably a thousand of them so I'm happy selling 40 or 50 or so for a buck each moved a lot of stuff iPhone 7 plus cases come out here let's look at the rack the rack is pretty empty it looks like we've been ransacked what what surprise please and sell more of these s7 edges that a new one or as an old one I'm not entirely sure selfie Mears has only three left now I get cracked yeah I think that one's no you can see goes over the edge it's got to be a glue streak or something all right clear out these tables a little bit this was the one that I focused a lot when I was refilling this rack got emptied out this table oh by the way I closed the door all right let me show you what I did we were getting too cold it was 38 degrees the heater by us wasn't cutting it so before I had the tables continuing this way so there were two of them side by side right here came out to about here well it is I got rid of one and shoved the stuff on that table back there and then rotated this one sideways and then we closed the door yeah didn't want to freeze the rest of the day then up here are the last bit this area didn't really clear out much or that one and the reasons because when people change their mind and stuff these are the two shelves they put it on but we did move a lot of stuff those Packer ornaments I probably had a couple hundred of these they did really well what was the original price on 10 bucks clearance for three oddly original price was higher than those which makes sense what clearance price is lower and then this I already started cleaning up I was waiting for the last customers to leave here so I'm sorting it now these I'm gonna drop off at a consignment store they're wooden Christmas cards I don't know for sure if they'll take them but I'll probably get two or three bucks each in the store this is Christmas stuff that I'm saving for the next sale we're gonna do a big Christmas or a whole bunch of Christmas stuff in the next one this and this is spring time's seasonal this it's a unicorn egg anyways these two are springtime seasonal I probably won't put them in the next sale but I will hold on to them until springtime cleared out so so so much stuff so let's get a total I think a change got bigger I was activating like 20 bucks it might be more like 50 just total guests and I wasn't up here much but we're gonna count this all out a box of money this is only the billfold that we had during the sale and then the change that we kept behind the counter so we'll count all this up plus the stuff in my office and get a grand total so first let's talk about coins I had exactly 40 bucks and change was actually 40 dollars and ten cents when I was counting I dropped a dime and I have no idea where it went so we're gonna say 40 hours even 36 in quarters two and a half and then I'm sorry one in half to half dollars and then three and other denominations no silver I checked every single coin it's very easy to do if you're wondering look at the edge see how it's brown if it's silver all the way around not brown that means you've got a silver coin and same with halves they're worth more money that way dimes the same way nickels look for the mint mark either P a D or an s above the building anyways so 40 bucks and change that is over the course of the four days I don't count the change until the end because why so grand total today not including change of course there's 1488 not as bad as I thought we would do Sunday's have historically been bad it did about half what the other days have been so that gives us a grand total of ten thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars I did deduct 50 bucks before coming to that number because we started with 50 dollars and change oh man that feels so bad made ten grand ten thousand five hundred and twenty-nine a typical sale for me is about three thousand now I'm exhausted and starving I'm gonna go home and eat
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 236,108
Rating: 4.8063755 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: 1fwGi280Jhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 11sec (3971 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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