I Bought Out an Office Max after they Closed - Here's what I Got!

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there's a bit of a line there all the way down the building there we got people walking from quite a ways away what's going on everybody resale rabbit here so we are in the middle of our warehouse sale i'm getting gas and then i'm gonna go buy out office d office max the last one was office depot i always call it office max this one is office max i always call it office depot i don't know why so anyways this store i'll give you a quick rundown this store is going out of business today is their last day it is 9 26 a.m when i show up that's when they close the store i really don't think there's going to be a lot left they two weeks ago when they called me they had 250 000 in retail value remaining in the store the last office depot i bought had 200 000 at the very end so i don't think there's gonna be much a few days ago he said they were down to sixty thousand so there's not gonna be a lot that's why i have the trailer we'll probably get it all in there um so my agreement is i'm getting it at three percent of retail so a hundred dollar item will be three bucks a fifty dollar item will be a buck fifty and uh we're going to clear them out when i show up i they close the store that's when they start kicking people out they shut down the store my contract is i have to buy everything broken missing parts open package display model i have to buy it all but i get it at that great great rate so we're gonna get over there i gotta gas up we're gonna get over there we're gonna see what's left all right we're almost there i didn't bring any employees this time because there's so little here but um it's right in there uh it's me and my other half are doing this one so these are going to be like 50 bucks each online the store is pretty empty though there's not a lot left so [Music] we've got some pens some of these will be decent looks like they have some water leaks batteries there's not a lot here so they're giving me the table and everything on it for free some nice staplers and look at this impulse sealer i'm surprised it didn't sell at 100 bucks so there's a ton of these calendars they're next year's calendars i'm getting like 15 20 25 bucks each for them on amazon after fees so they're giving me everything on this u-boat paper goods cleaning supplies things like that uh also whatever i want on this u-boat cleaning supplies and whatnot and here's the big one all these buckets of paint stripper these are not cheap they're just giving them to me well trailer's full gonna take one more look around make sure we didn't miss anything but we should be good to go boy is that hot i'm going to the other warehouse to drop off the trailer and i'm just going to leave it all in there until next week trailers being stored indoors now if you don't follow the channel it was stolen and then recovered by police over the past couple of weeks but i'm gonna just leave the trailer in there because i've got a warehouse sale to finish up check out that video and uh and you'll see me in a couple days for me maybe a couple seconds for you and you'll see what i got all right we're all safely nested away and we'll go through this next week so it's been about three weeks since i bought out this store it's this cart that bin and these two shelves let's go through it starting with this box we've got a bunch of planners however they're for next year which is awesome usually i get old planners i'm sure there will be some 2020s in here as well but all of these 2021 planners should do decent online so these two on top uh not a lot of sales history these what for these four planners between 12 and 17 bucks after shipping and fees and they should sell pretty fast if we average that out at 15 that's 60 bucks right here and by the way i paid a little over 1200 for the whole store everything that was left and i mean there's still more planners in here the planners alone might pay for the thing so i've gone through the first box these are all the at a glance planners these are the office depot brand planners got a bunch of phone cases here uh this is for new iphone 5.8 i hate when they do that and they don't actually say the number samsung galaxy s10 plus uh iphone 6s plus seven plus eight plus so these are just gonna go in the warehouse sale uh galaxy s10 and then we had a couple of these lightweight binders we'll put in the warehouse sale and i found one 2020 calendar uh i figured maybe you'll try it in the warehouse sale but i'm not gonna hold my breath um by the way i paid three percent of retail so for instance uh let's find a number that's easy to do 30 bucks here so this one's retails 30 bucks and i'm probably getting about 15 after shipping and fees and everything my cost well one percent was 30 cents and i paid three percent so i paid 90 cents for that um that's the thing about store buyers i mentioned this in just about every video you get some great margins but you have to buy everything for instance this 2020 calendar that's probably gonna end up in the trash because i doubt anyone's gonna want it our warehouse sale is gonna be like late october uh 19 so that's about 60 cents i paid for it so you have to buy the junk too these i don't know what i paid there's no price tag on them so here we've got some stamps and some labels we'll look these up some of these might go for some decent money um some might not phone battery here's a stamper received and you can put the date on it and then this one these uh i guess brand name ones are probably gonna be better than say these office depot brand ones but nonetheless it looks like there's some stuff on the bottom so i'm gonna look these up and uh we'll see what we got so this is the warehouse sale box for dollar day i don't care what store it is i always get these i get these out of just about every shopko the other office depot this office depot for all i know i probably got some of these out of toys r us uh but anyways some odds and there some cordless phone batteries a couple of stamps here that i know are worth some money i stopped looking them up and just started boxing them up here tim can look them up as he lists them on ebay and if they're not worth going on ebay we'll put them in a warehouse sale box there's also this is off-brand calculator ribbons but it's long or it's a whole bunch of them i've also got this ink cartridge doubt it's worth anything but you never know look at that i had to pay three percent of 27.99 so i don't know if i'm gonna make anything on that and then some off-brand ink the off-brand ink i am setting aside i've got a whole bunch of off-brand toner as well so i don't know what i'm gonna do with that but i'll have a lot of it so i used to get these a lot in staples loads uh they should do all right on ebay um look at that price though i'm not gonna get anywhere near that i'll probably end up getting about 25 bucks for each of these it's 100 name badges with clips here's a hundred name badges without the clips or with different clips you can see that type of clip compared to that type i should do all right on them i used to do really i used to get these all the time on staples loads so um i was excited about these and there's a lot more than this then we've got what are these i think these are for like the apple air pods yeah silicone cover for air pods one and two probably not gonna get much but these are probably like a buck in the store we'll uh throw those all in the warehouse sale we'll get these listed next box we found more off-brand ink as well as more brand name ink there was one that i think will do really well this one i think is a current like modern one the other ones might be older uh then a bunch of this type of stuff little ribbons for calculators and whatnot more of the stamps um that's pretty much it um oh and more phone stuff which might be about five or six more of these batteries a few more of these other things all right let's grab the next box here it's heavy oh i'll have to look these up but i bet these are decent we got a bunch of dymo stuff and i think that's folders what are these cds so let's look a couple of these things up so these are all selling pretty fast i should walk away after shipping fees with about 5 to 10 bucks each the dymo ones up there probably about the same about five bucks each but they're not looking like fast sellers uh nothing here we're going to put this in the sale as well as this i just will show you this shark pencil grips so let's go on the sale and then the rest of this is like report covers and what are these more report covers and then some linen folders uh reinforced linen uh stuff that's gonna do well in the warehouse sale probably not so well online but uh that's okay because i'll probably get two to four bucks each in the sales one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 thirteen twelve there are thirteen of them elasticity to that uh thirteen of those say another seventeen of these uh that's forty bucks at a dollar each 80 at two bucks each so i'll do all right with those next box what do we got looks like more of this type of stuff lighters i didn't realize they sold those at office depot a little um business card holder looks like the rest of it's just the folders and stuff i'm gonna look these impact things up you never know they might have some value so these impact covers are actually decent i'm getting like 5 to 10 bucks each online the office depot ones not so much we'll put these in the sale probably like a buck each um and then i added some more stuff into here and these as well cd dvd sleeves next box uh printer paper sometimes these are decent let me look this up so far all of these they're about 10 15 bucks after shipping and fees uh this one looks like a decent one but not really any different we've got a whole bunch more that i haven't looked up uh this stuff you never know maybe i can make myself a college degree all right so here's where we're at with paper all of these certificates yeah four five ten bucks somewhere in that range after shipping and fees these papers i don't know why these are stacked separate um all 10 15 bucks some maybe five and these ones this one's 14.99 free shipping it's open so we'll probably have to go a little bit less it's just not gonna once you ship it it worked much so that'll go on the warehouse sale couldn't find any actives or solds on there and then these certificates were nothing as well and then the office depot paper nothing part of me is kind of tempted there are two listings for this if you look at that upc uh like 71 and 35 but no solds and we'll just put it in the sale and at the bottom we've got a little open sign some ink like pen refills and uh monitor cable i think dvi that's a mod all right let's just pretend it is next box we got more certificates five six bucks after shipping and fees a bunch of cords i'm not even gonna look these up uh just gonna put them right in a warehouse sale usually these aren't really worth much but they'll sell all right we went through the next couple of boxes this universal laptop charger selling on ebay for about 22. uh these thermal rolls they're listed none sold on ebay and unfortunately they don't fit my receipt printer so they're going to warehouse sale these probably not going to sell on the warehouse sale but they're not really going for anything online um that looks like they're to connect table tops and here we've got the worst type of dinosaur ever the thesaurus we've got some duracell chargers for the older ipods those will go on the sale that type of stuff usually does 14.86 wow these usually sell around two bucks in the sale and oh dear we've got some headphones uh what else another one of these same as oh no it is it's different seven four five four one so i have to look this one up um this i don't know that was different oh this one they're bigger six per sheet eight per sheet so i'll look that one up uh and get back to you uh we've got what is this a sign holder some light bulbs this is all warehouse sale type stuff uh this is just gonna break if we try and ship it i'm not going to mess around with it i did look these up not really selling for anything online and then lunch notes for lunch bags and then this box we've got a whole bunch of these i'm gonna look up in a minute uh but basically the same thing more the name badges all right so i'm going off of memory so i'm gonna try and remember what all these are going for this is the one i just showed you 20 bucks after fees after shipping fees 86.69 retail these i believe were 14 after shipping and fees this one i think was also maybe 20. the lanyard ones i think were about 20. these i think were like five or six i think these are the same ones that i looked at a little bit ago i think these were oh boy ten yeah i think these were ten uh this one about fifteen maybe ten something like that uh these now these are sound cheap they're selling for 12.95 but these are going for these will go first class they'll be very cheap to ship so i've got what three of them so we'll list those and then this one nothing so this will go in the warehouse so all right last four boxes on this cart uh we've got some 20 20 planners there more 2021s those are good whatever this is it was 119 bucks originally we'll look that up in a minute uh some quick claim deed i don't even know what that means uh but these are like legal forms claim of lien residential lease with option to buy warranty deed sometimes these can be decent sometimes they're not i actually had some file for divorce ones in the warehouse sale i told tim i was gonna hide it in his car so his wife can find it um packing lists for shipping are these what what is that looks like dvds file for divorce so looks like they're on cd so you can print them 42.99 retail random guess i'm thinking i'll get about 10 bucks or so for it but we'll look it up looks like some more off-brand ink down here 12 column ledgers note cards this is a brand naming cartridge this will sell oh you couldn't even see it slowly sliding off so that's pretty much it for this one i don't know if these are all the same yeah these are all different um so we'll look those up we have here more pen refills some glasses looks like this is mostly pen refills and glasses i'll dig through it and let you know if i find anything um so what is this let's look it up or let's look at it i should say um oh it's a bell interesting so like a lunch bell or a bell that you'd see in a school oh let's see you can still you can tell they didn't have it eight bucks is what it was clearanced at when their final day 90 off and i mentioned when i went in there a buddy of mine who's a reseller an ebay seller was in there i don't know why he didn't buy some of this stuff obviously it was 90 percent off a lot of people um don't seem to see the value and me getting ninety seven percent off when it was ninety percent off to the public but it's a big difference uh for instance this and i don't see the math here how how is 90 off eight bucks wouldn't it be 11.99 who did that math i know i didn't uh but anyways 90 off would have been 11.19 um whereas 97 off is from 120 that would be a dollar 20 is one percent so that's three three dollars and sixty cents big difference um and this there's one listed i don't know if that's pre-owned or not but 68 bucks let's see sold one sold for 60 bucks so yeah he must have just missed this one so that's gonna go online so this is down for 18 so i'll probably walk away with about eight bucks or so after shipping and fees these i looked up three of them um create your own employee handbook um i see i don't get why someone would spend this 42.99 i created mine for free it took me like an hour and then i had my lawyer look it over to make sure it's good and i would want my lawyer to look this over too just to be safe because this is this is probably written by a lawyer but i'm custom tailoring it to my own i want to make sure my verbiage that i put in is is good and also i want to make sure it's relevant in my state because every state is different but anyways these are going for 10 to 15 bucks each on ebay but not hot sellers uh there are a whole bunch more i'm just gonna have tim look them up uh what else glue a whole bunch of glue the scholastic that's always tough to sell on the warehouse sales but it'll sell so this looks more like a bunch of dollar day school supplies more lighters i'll probably pull the lighters and put those sooner or glass is l the go all right then uh let's see what is this thickie uh a daily oh it's for 2020 bomber but this is a thick ream of paper so i'll put it in the sale someone might buy that just for the paper there's probably 500 sheets and then these are oh more avery stuff i'll have to look those up so what's exciting here is all the 2021 calendars are the at a glance those are the easy sells the ones that um are doing really well it's the these office depot ones these are the 2020 calendars that went in the wrong box that what's this pre-filled 20 20. well let's see how that works awful things death and destruction vegetables year of sadness disease trying times gross fire aliens terrible year you're gonna food die and end of the world and christmas and then we're done january is cancelled that's it there's no 2021 that is the year but i mean this box there's got to be a whole bunch these are i have not looked at this one but every time i get blue sky they don't seem to be worthwhile i'll have to look them up uh but all of these there's gotta be just here 15 20 of them that's 300 bucks right there so i went and sorted these these all glasses they're going on the sale uh this one was really neat they fold down really tiny uh and then that's all the pen refills all right got another cart full of stuff by the way these bankers boxes are amazing for store closings uh these have gone through so many store closings and they wear out but um they're not crazy expensive they're like two bucks each or so um and you know well i actually didn't pay that they came on pallets from staples but i've been able to go through so many store closings with them and they fold flat so you know if we have a store closing where i'm sending an employee there in his personal vehicle his or her personal vehicle just to box everything up pay for it all and then i show up with the trailer later in the day or the next day they can fit all these in their car you know plastic totes or something like that they're not going to fit in their car they could fit a couple hundred of these in their car i was sending someone they are definitely nice so anyways this box looks like we've got some more ink and the rest of it is mostly full of receipt rolls um two ply paper rolls that is the worst toilet paper ever i don't recommend it what is this a mouse pad a really big mouse pad that's like a hard plastic all right um i'll look through and see if i can even fit my receipt printers i'm not going to hold my breath though most of them look like they're too narrow and then some of them are the uh the two-ply ones where you have a duplicate that doesn't work on thermal printers next box from 2021 calendars looks like they're dry erase calendars um these will probably go in the sale that's not the sale box that's and no that's a sale box this is probably a better one to put them in i'm trying to sort these as i go more off brand inc we've got some calendar bases i'll look those up and these might still be usable they're probably through summer so an academic calendar more ink these more dry erase calendars um i'm not going to sell them online because of the condition but they'll probably do well in the sale so we've got a couple of these literally a couple there two of them uh i get about 20 bucks or so on them and then these is about seven ish after shipping and fees um i don't know about these these are all the academic ones it's tough to say how well they'll do and what is this poster board that i know isn't going to be worth much but yeah i'll sell on the warehouse sale 459 retail so i paid was that like 13 cents uh 13 14 cents each they'll definitely go on dollar day if not sooner these are all the replacement sheets for the 2020 calendars uh oh we got some bigger ones here probably also from 20 20. uh yeah so 40 bucks i paid a dollar and 20 cents for this and maybe it'll sell on dollar day so that's the thing you get some amazing margins and some stuff other stuff it's just not so amazing but overall you know i've keep you know i haven't stopped doing warehouse sales i keep doing them or not warehouse sales um store closings i keep buying out stores so obviously i'm making some money on them uh two inch prongs doubt these will be worth anything probably go on the sale and this box looks very simple similar a bunch of these prongs which i did look up they're not really anything some staples that's weird i thought i got this from office max not staples um and then more of these 20 20 inserts they appear to all be 20 20. uh this is undated so let's look these up so much like me in high school undated and worthless so this will all go in the sale so this one i look these up nothing but it might be worth saving these for tax time oddly you need special envelopes apparently for your taxes maybe my accountant would buy these from me i don't know we'll set these aside and make a decision on that we've got more of this these legal documents sell your used car oh what's this just some index cards and some you might look these up these are odd binders 18.99 is retail so apparently for this little binder you need six rings um not crazy sellers but we're gonna list them anyways two for like 17 bucks um and then i guess we'll maybe have a lot of three or single or something um that doesn't work out so well uh so we'll get these listed i'm not gonna hold my breath that they'll sell though so got to the bottom of this one business cards i'm getting almost nothing for them they'll definitely sell for more on the warehouse sale i think i might keep this um i doubt it's worth a lot but things like the job application the performance evaluation i could probably use them i could always photocopy them um to reuse them this is four of each form i don't think there are any issues with that so i'll keep that um this was like five bucks that was like 10. um and these believe it or not i'm getting five bucks for each after shipping and fees binding rings i had a bunch of these in the last warehouse sale and they didn't even sell but we'll give it another shot then let's say we've got the paper the binding paper more of these binding rings what is this business card laminating pouches i'm not sure why you want to laminate your business cards but i'll look that up so these are actually selling for like 12 bucks on ebay and there's only actually this is the one that i looked up this is only 25 but we can put four of these together if we have them looks like most of them are the 100 count which is what i looked up so 100 counts like 12 bucks on ebay there's only one person listed but there are a whole bunch of solds so we'll definitely list these uh what else you know when you go out to eat if you can't finish your food they give you like a doggie bag to bring your food home well these are the same concept but for the bank so you can bring your food to the bank uh we got more of these tax envelopes as well yeah these are the same it doesn't say a year on it so i think it's i don't think it's the forms yeah additional tax forms available so this is just the envelope so the year is really irrelevant so i bet my account now she probably buys these by the case and probably spends like two bucks on this little thing but maybe she'd be willing to buy these for a dollar each probably up 30 of them maybe 40. there are quite a few so i've also got a buddy who is an accountant and he's a little smaller scale so maybe he'll be interested in them there we go health insurance claim forms i don't know why i feel like this is something you would get from the insurance company but uh we got a bunch of these i'll look them up in a moment i doubt they'll be worth anything um funny story on a staples truckload once i get something similar that was patient death checklists so when someone dies this one's different why is this one different different quantity 250 that's uh a hundred that's why so when a patient dies you would fill out that checklist again not sure why someone would buy those at this office supplies for more of these things yeah definitely going to i'm sorry stop by my accountant's office for picking up payroll i'll see if she wants these so these are gonna be a slow mover but i should get about seven bucks each or so assuming they're all the same that's triple a one triple one yeah they're all the same so i should be able to get about seven each might take a while to sell but even if i sell one or two i can't imagine they're gonna go on the warehouse sale so we'll give them a shot so this box we've got some paper shredder bags i'm not sure how these are any different than regular garbage bags i'm not sure but uh those should sell here oh hold on one moment all right i'll test my vision oh it's not opening okay can you guys read that line oh it's just worse anyways there's a 20 20 planner so i'll get rid of these with these little ones also 2020 apparently it's the cool thing to write it out uh so we'll probably end up tossing these uh we'll see what's under this layer all right for rent signs probably put these in the sale we've got these are only 6.99 retail so these will probably go on the sale too and more 2020 planners so you have to remember each of these probably retailed 25 bucks maybe not the little ones but so i had to buy all of these but remember the good planners are probably gonna pay for the whole store so i'm okay with that that's something a lot of people don't really look at the big picture they'll say oh these items are great i'm making a ton of money but look at all this trash i have to buy two not worth it when they don't really look at the big picture the good items will pay for the good items and the trash and leave you a nice profit so it really doesn't matter if there's junk so anyways get rid of these looks like more thermal paper or more receipt rolls i should say this box could have some value more name badges but it's all the office depot ones here more of those more of these prongs all warehouse sales stuff likely uh these could be good forty dollars retail wait what type c coaxial cable they look like the same thing maybe they are the same thing they probably are the same thing all right more planners all right let's dig through these so this is interesting no actives or solds for these i even looked him up on amazon to see you know get an idea of pricing and there was a listing uh no nobody on the listing though it's actually ranked pretty well though and it is 20 21 so we'll list it probably for 40 bucks and see what it does this one on the other hand i should get about 15 after shipping and fees surprising this one's only like 10 bucks is what i'll get after shipping and fees um so what i'm doing is the 2021s here we're going to list the the ones that are this is a bad example the ones that are the academic year 2020 and 21 i don't think they're going to sell so we'll put them in the warehouse sale they should sell there and the ones that are just 20 20 i'm boxing up and uh you know what here's what i'm gonna do every time i get old uh planners the ones that nobody's gonna buy we have tried to give them away nobody wanted them we've posted them on facebook marketplace we've offered them to people businesses nobody wants them that's why we always throw them in the recycling bin but so many people comment on the videos saying you should give those away people will want them i would take them so here is my offer um by the time this video is posted i will still have them i'm gonna have a decent sized box if you want them let me know reach out resale rabbit gmail.com absolutely free all you have to do is pay shipping i will give you the size the weight dimensions of the box you send me a shipping label i will attach the shipping label to the box and they will get shipped right shipped right to you or you can pick them up if you're local absolutely free if you want them if i don't if i don't have any takers a week after this video is posted i'm throwing them in the trash recycling bin but you get you get the idea um so if you want them now's your chance maybe someone will take them i don't know i mean i'd rather see them used than thrown away but it's tough to find someone to take them um expect it to be expensive to ship that's going to be a big heavy box you're probably going to end up spending if you're in the midwest 20 bucks if you're out on the coasts i don't even think you want to pay for the shipping for that but anyways if you want them i'll weigh the box at the end of this video and tell you how much the weight is all you have to do is let me know you want them and i'll give you the actual dimensions and everything and you can send me a shipping label so this is all going on the warehouse sale the prongs the name badges i looked them up they're not selling they're listed low and no solds more name badges and then this stuff i would love it is this thermal bond paper i don't think this is thermal i would love it if i could find one that fits my printer but i don't think this is thermal so i don't think it will a fun story let's take a walk over here so this is my receipt printer uh this is the size rolls we need i ended up finding one here this whole case on the staples palette probably saved me a good 50 bucks but before that i don't see them here but i was using maybe it's in it no i was using dress bar and rolls i got a few one on a dress bar enclosure and it actually fit so when we ran out of rolls because we misplaced the box i still have no idea where it is i had uh all of our customers the back of it had dress barn's return policy and dress barn went out of business nine months ago so that was amusing but uh anyways i was glad to find those because i have no idea where ours went i had a box of them i spent like 36 bucks on them um but i got those which is a bigger box and now i don't need to buy more all right home stretch we've got these boxes and then the loose or big stuff in the back let's see what we've got more uh reading glasses and i hate that these were mixed together then i have to go through more of these pen refills and reading glasses the pen refills are actually decent we've been selling these i got a whole bunch of them from the other office depot and some of these are selling for like 15 bucks for one other ones will do a lot of several you know a lot of five for 10 bucks or something like that but a lot of these pen refills but there are a lot to go through and i still have some from the last office depot that i found a couple months ago so i might just bulk sell them i don't know otherwise i could just leave them in the back and tim can go through them when we don't have stuff for him to do maybe i'll do that i don't know all right we got the pen refills and the glass is now separated and amongst that with more of these certificates so i'm gonna look these up probably like the others were some are worth selling some aren't so this stack is worth selling that stack is not these top two i'm getting like 10 12 bucks each after shipping and fees the rest of these like four five six bucks each and then these go on the warehouse sale so we've got some giant blood numbers it's going to say letters uh i'll go on the warehouse sale this is a backpack a very weird backpack interesting and a little laptop sleeve so those will probably go on the sale more of these 2020 the office depot business cards uh 2020 here's some avery though uh tickets we'll look those up postcards and index cards let me look these up after shipping fees about eleven six and this maybe a dollar two i'm just going to put that in the sale another one of these warehouse sale then a bunch of planners more of these at a glance 2021s those should be decent i stopped looking them up i'm just setting all the 2021s aside because every single one that i looked up that was at a glance was like between 10 12 ish and like 20 bucks and then all the office depot ones probably walk with about five to ten um so i don't even need to look them up anymore there were none that were worthless for the 2021s at least now here's one another academic one warehouse sale so the bottom of that box it's all greeting cards let's see need i say more that's probably sean gus congratulations on your new job they're not even good greeting cards your awesomeness has been confirmed that was obviously written for me together anniversary because the best place to go for an anniversary car is the office supply store uh you thought why bet you thought wine when i said let's get some glasses uh mazel tov out of sight so i don't i honestly don't know what i'm gonna do with these i might just put them all in a bag put them on a five dollar day let someone take all of those cards for five bucks we've also got these are all of the office depot mixed in with other stuff 2021s these are all the at a glance i'm trying to sort them a little bit so it's easier for tim when he's going through them all then these are all the academic ones which i know will sell in the warehouse sale because you still have um let's see yeah you get all of 2021 here right this is july through december yeah so this will cover all of next year i just don't think anyone's gonna be searching for that so i don't think they're gonna sell online um and then there was a few more 2020s down there next box oh more these i think that's um these are different smaller packs so i'm not going to go through and look them all up oh there's more stuff underneath i'm not going to go through and look these up because there's i mean you saw they're all worth something some are six some are 20 but and then everything in between these though might not be worth it but there's a few of them we can lot them together if we need to and on the bottom we've got a bunch more of these little cases for the air pods what is this grommet this goes you see these in like desks when there's a hole so you can run cables through it these are exciting i remember seeing those these aren't really anything they're just wristbands but they do have individual numbers in sequence but these if i remember i was selling for like 30 bucks or so they're those rfid badges that you use as a key to get in i thought i had more than two boxes but maybe not so these will set aside yeah these will definitely go in the sale look up that on ebay the only sold there's a bunch active but the only sold is i think it was like 18 boxes of them for four bucks um i'll probably get maybe a dollar or two per box or else we have more chargers you know these stupid little things sell really well in the sale most don't go until dollar day but hey speaking of sean and gus so more glue all right we got three on the bottom let's clear these off and get those all right one has no lid so again that's all that's in there you can tell they go all the way down i'm not going to bother looking them up you know the story on those here these are probably also 20 20. yep 2020 so same story as the others and we got some off-brand ink uh is this avery that's a uh this is the same one where did i put that um in one of these it's going in the sale um and then these probably also 20 20 yes 20 20 and then these are classification folders i believe yep classified oh they're pentaflex though these are brand names so let's look these up nothing they're like 40 bucks on amazon but very poorly ranked and no actives are sold on ebay so that's those two what do we have here these are i might actually keep these i feel like i could use these for some of my tax stuff basically large envelopes two missing from pack how it's still sealed oh let's see how many are supposed to be in here um 10 10 count so i count one two three four five six seven eight nine so i'm counting nine so it's definitely not ten missing but you can see they're packed the same way as these so i think that was just someone who doesn't know things anyways they're going to sail anyway um there that's a sail box got a whole bunch of them it looks like and then report covers we'll look them up but i'm not going to hold my breath and then these are tabs for um folders oh another one of these i don't think i looked this one up remember i had a whole bunch of those in the beginning all right and that is this stuff now let's take a walk ignore the tv this cart is full of toner nothing but toner unfortunately it's all off brand there was one brand name hp right here highly doubtful it's worth anything though everything else is off-brand so i don't know what i'm gonna do with this i'm of course gonna look for anything i've got one two three four different printers in the building here so i'm gonna look for anything that'll fit my printers save me a few bucks but they're not worth selling so i might just throw them in the warehouse sale i don't know uh just glancing here i think i need hp 80 for the one printer here and then brother the other three are all brothers it's not looking very promising but uh you never know that one also hp so we also got this that's a tabletop easel pad uh we have this it's open though uh but it was 115 bucks it's a keyboard tray let me get this stack of stuff this uh only for 36 bucks retail presentation paper probably gonna go in the sale that's not gonna work um we got a book math book here those did really well in the sale last time these are all academic year so july to june so those might sell then we've got a whole bunch of this stuff this is like classroom educational stuff i hate this stuff because even in the warehouse still it doesn't really move oh and more of those numbers so we've got a whole bunch of this type of stuff probably selling the warehouse sale not for much over here oh here's one that tim found for me walmart clearance it's a lifetime folding table it's got a little hose hookup so you have a faucet in there 17 bucks he found this for a walmart so he sold me one at cost uh so we've got another calendar here we get a trifold display board it's yellow oh what else some another tri-fold display board and then a bunch of dry erase calendars and then more of the school stuff um the dry erase calendars they sell but they're not fun to ship you got to roll them up and everything oh these are academic anyways if i find some that are just 20 21 maybe and that's everything here and then we've got this box right here uh more school type stuff like borders for bulletin boards and whatnot so we've got all of that that's not all i've got a little bit more to show you at the other warehouse and then we're going to come back here and i've got more to show you here why am i doing it that way because i have actual inventory at the other warehouse that came out of office depot or office max you know the last store that i did a year and a half ago was office depot and i kept calling it office max for some reason this store's office max and i keep calling it office depot anyways so i've got some inventory over there to show you and then we're going to move back over here i'm going to show you the fixtures that i got for free oh one more thing i forgot it's kind of buried down here a bunch of little batteries um i kept a bunch of these out of shopko after they closed and still never really used any i don't know if i'll keep them but i could probably sell them they're probably good for a while i don't see an expiration date on them i don't know if these button batteries expire these should there you go 2019 so maybe not that means these have been in the store for probably 10 years that's crazy so here's some dedication i have no other reason to go here besides showing you these other items grab the key so we can get in that's the only reason i'm coming here and i could have easily just told you that they exist but instead i drove to my other warehouse it's only like two blocks away but i still drove here ring buzzer for entrance there's nobody in there it's my warehouse anyways i drove all the way over here just to show you this all right so should be right here i got these two this is the last bit of inventory there's some uh amazon stuff on top of it with these two there are hutches for desks right there brand new i don't know what i'll be able to get for them retail is probably two to three hundred bucks are there any tags on the side there is there we go let's say 510 i think i have no idea what that's supposed oh 80 90 off was 209 so 209 was retail so i paid what did i pay um well that's 90 off so two dollars and one cent is one percent of retail no 2010 cents so two four six dollars and thirty cents is what i paid so honestly six dollars and thirty cents i'll send them to a local auction maybe i get 10 bucks a piece for them it's still profit so i'm not too upset about that they are sealed it's just a hutch though it's not the desk part they're both identical so anyways that is it for the merchandise now let's talk about the fixtures that i got for free right here i got all these for free they're all full they are let's see hard as nails floor finish and no rinse floor stripper so i got one two two things of floor stripper and seven of floor finish i think they're all the same i'm not gonna look but i got these for free these are probably about 80 bucks each it was store use it was for their own floors and he said he didn't want to put it on the sales floor and sell it because chemicals i don't get the logic behind that because they probably have other chemicals they sell but i got that and this i don't know if this is full or not yeah this is full paint uh interior latex um although maybe they use it but it's like a gray color maybe i can find a use for it i got those for free and that's literally all i have to show you here so let's go back to the main warehouse i'll show you the other stuff that i got for free back at the main warehouse so here's the other stuff i got for free i got these three banquet tables for free i'll definitely keep this one it's a six footer probably cost i don't know 50 bucks to buy it uh there's two wooden ones though i don't like these type of tables so i'll probably just sell them 10 15 bucks each this is a nice one this impulse sealer got that for free they were asking 100 bucks i actually spent like 150 bucks on one of these at toys r us when they closed and it ended up being junk so hopefully this one's better otherwise i'll sell that as well what else oh here we go these tubs the black ones and the clear ones so they had a roof leak i think i showed that in the video so they had all these just filling up with rust water from the roof uh they just they were gonna throw them away so i said hey can i have them and they gave them to me they all have lids okay maybe they don't all have lids i guess i don't have enough lids the lids are brand new i think they pulled these right off the shelf to use them for um the rain water but i'm gonna try and clean them out if not i could probably still get 20 25 bucks for all of them uh over here so more fixtures more stuff garbage bags free mop heads free toilet paper right is it some toilet paper some multifold towel free uh we got this whatever this xerox paper is free these i think this was in their print departments for framing free this was a good one black stretch wrap this cost me like what 50 no 60 bucks for this i pay 60 bucks plus shipping nearly 100 bucks free we got some commercial cleaning products free box of random stuff i don't even know what this is floor cleaner oh these are like tide pods but you throw them in the mop bucket i like those free some of it i might sell some but i might keep down here all of this is roll towel multifold towel toilet paper uh oh this is just another one of these toner things the waist toner box not worth much what do we have here uh for the dust mop and then some regular mop heads and the price tag things all of this free that too it just fell over there oh i already showed this one all right and then this bin just random stuff this is all the stuff that was on the uh the brown table so i took it so they don't need to haul it out dvd player probably just gonna donate that to goodwill some acrylic some hanging file folders we got a nice heat gun for free um i don't know what that is some sort of stapler then a big stapler for free what else we have light bulbs for some reason vhs tape so i'll just go to goodwill but uh what's on the bottom here some envelopes i'll probably use those all of this stuff was free they had a bunch of these in the back but they would not give them to me they said they're not allowed to i don't think he told me i told him i got a lot of these out of the other office depot and they said if it has merchandise in it i can have them he said yeah they weren't supposed to do that and that's exactly why i use these on a lot of store closings that's why i did not use these on this one because it actually says office depot on them i didn't want them to confiscate them from me so i was hoping to get more of these unfortunately i didn't i did get the 60 of them 60 65 of them on the other store but anyways that is office depot correction that is office max i keep doing that i think that's everything i don't think i'm missing anything so anyways that is today's video now about a year and a half ago may of 2019 i bought out that other office depot i spent like 10 grand i've never seen a store that full after they closed and i filmed it but i never posted the video and the reason is because well some of the clips were missing i don't know what happened if i lost them on my phone or what uh some of them there were i was so busy i just didn't have time to film that much so you didn't get to see that much and then there was so much stuff to go through i didn't film a lot of that so i never wanted to really post the video my plan was to put those clips at the end of this video but this video is so long as it is so this could be the next video i promise after this video you're going to see the office depot video from last year so anyways that was office max i spent about 1200 bucks i got 3 of retail so you do the math uh one person so divide 12 1200 by three is 400 that'll be one percent so about 40 000 i think i'm doing a math right 40 000 in retail not a lot didn't expect it to be a lot but decent stuff and you know i'll probably end up making three four thousand dollars on it um a lot of those planners are so good so that is this video hope you guys enjoyed it and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 86,021
Rating: 4.8943467 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: h080wW-UWvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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