I DIY'd Beyonce's Golden Globes look for $20

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hello friends greetings from trailer-park paradise award season is finally over you actually don't know if it is I should probably Google that but who needs Google you just have subscribers that are so willing to comment and educate you on everything that's I got into this line of work free education college small illegitimate right might be something I think that was a toad it got ran over perhaps you remember last year when I ripped off three awards show looks well this year I intend to do the same for my first act of plagiarize Asian I'd like to take on a look from the Golden Globes guess who I'm going to be impersonating I intended for my current outfit to serve as a hint what's that no I'm not dressed as a hybrid at penny wise and a singular corn stalk that was unintentional but good yes now this was supposed to be paying homage Oh mom to Beyonce's lemonade outfit yes the Golden Globes look that I'll be recreating is Beyonce's but for the other two looks I need your help I'd like to make something from the Grammys and something from the Oscars which by the time you're watching this the Oscars will have happened I'm talking to the future hello what is the future like are you happy do I have children does America still exist the Oscars are tomorrow so probably stay tuned to find out how I got an enormous scar on my thigh as well as potentially rabies in my veins I really don't think every so definitely [Applause] [Music] to figure out how much fabric I would need I grab my iPad and sat in the driver's seat after minutes of sketching I found I had a plan so no more time for sitting it was time now to stand that's when I went to Joanne's and asked this lady if I could film her hand do you mind if I put your hands on YouTube so to recap you're going to need a gold and black fabric one in three quarters of a yard of each when you've returned home to your RV cut out to pizza slice shapes of fabric I recommend using a fabric you don't care much about like perhaps one that you found on the patio of a nearby Starbucks use your hand to measure the width of your pectoralis major and then make your pizza slice a little wider than that now fold your metaphorical pizza slice in half and then draw a slight curve starting at the crust and along that curve and then try the piece on your chest or your clients chest I don't know maybe you're making this for Beyonce maybe you are from the future and you came back and watched this tutorial to find out how to make the dress that beyoncé wore or is going to wear to the Golden Globes so trace those pizza slices onto your outer fabric then lay them on top of each other pin them and quick break because I just found my nippers and I realized that they don't match my scissors and everything needs to match in here so I'm gonna do what I did with the rest of the scissors as I was saying layer those two pieces on top of each other and sew along the sides leaving the crust open now repeat those steps on the other side then flip them both inside out and let your iron take a ride when you finished that journey fold in both in half should you sew along that curve you do them now JK I never make you do math on this channel whether making a circle skirt a shirt or cutting up a flannel curve the edge of the panel sorry I don't know what my deal is I just keep like breaking out into slow jams if this is some type of sickness like a flu I just hope it's the B strain anyway that night I stopped working to go out to dinner with my mom and aunt Molly neither of whom are single ladies so don't get any ideas guys apparently that dinner wasn't filling enough for me because the next morning I was immediately in the mood to make spaghetti straps sorry that joke will probably make a grand total of like one person laugh and it's probably my friend Veronica switching back over to the narrator voice to make these spaghetti straps are going to so too long tapeworm Lake tubes and then flip them inside out and iron them flat now we're going to work on that big thing that hangs around her neck no not him that thing you're going to want to fold your fabric in half long ways creating a tube that is about as wide as an English Bulldog and about as long as the height of an emu yes I said emu because when I say EMU the British become quite displeased with me and rightfully so because come to think of it EMU sounds pretty stupid speaking of the first two letters of that word remember back in 2008 when emo was a big style and everybody had the long fitted tees and the choppy hair and the super skinny jeans well lately I'm just kind of feeling FOMO like I missed out on that because I always dressed so simple back then back to the dress if your mom brings you orange juice in the middle of your project just gently set her aside and then turn your big loop inside out if she wants to go to McDonald's that's absolutely fine as long as you make sure you get content along the way for instance I found this vehicle lovely and artistic but perhaps hazardous I wasted a lot of my day at a thrift store that wasn't exactly a thrift store it was more of a like things still in packages that never sold at other stores store and I got little fake butterfly hair clips that hand come off of the hair clips and potentially cover a whole bodice of a dress if I get more so let me know if you think that's a good idea time to get back to work it's up to us to save the globe the golden globe to infinity and beyond say oh my gosh why are my jokes so bad is this what happens when you move into a retirement community only other millennial friends who live in retirement trailer perks please sound off have you noticed a change in your personality now I bet you were wondering how we were going to get that roughly cobra caller to have some structure well we're using 20 gauge wire and I used a few pieces twisted them together and then made a halo in just kidding not a halo just sort of a half halo and then I infused my big tube with it and said I'm a Cobra way too many times Oh banana we're gonna set this little guy aside now for the part I've been avoiding we don't want to trace our dress form for this since this dress is supposed to be fitted it is crucial that I market exactly where my waist and hips are because my hips don't lie Shakira yeah it's by Shakira but you gotta admit if that were a Beyonce song now lay on the ground on top of two layers of your fabric and trace your hips if you accidentally trace them a little bit too big run over to 7-eleven and get three Slurpees every day for a month and then you'll see some progress your hips will be a little bigger and you'll fit into your skirt and now as long as you chose a stretchy fabric all you have to do is sew up the edges you don't even have to add a closure I highly recommend this dress for like a prom or something if you're a beginner because excluding the giant shoulder ruffles this is probably the easiest thing I've ever made and I'm still talking about the dress by the way this footage of me making dinner is only to show you what it's like cooking in an RV it's quite just like normal actually except I forgot to pack many cooking supplies with me like a ladle so I occasionally have to improvise that was hot by the way but I am basically a drunk in love with shrimp Alfredo and sometimes you just have to put your love on top I did some hand sewing to make my ruffles lay in the exact formation that I wanted them to and whilst doing that I watched a charming documentary about the 1918 influenza outbreak next is a step that I have to stress you're gonna take your pizza slices and shove them in your dress okay first row the first rough try on it doesn't look even 1/2 of 1% as good on me as they did on her not sure why maybe I need the pouf or heightened well now I look like a lion well she was in the lion kings oh do you think that's why she went for this cuz the like is like a lion should have researched that's good for like a met gun okay let's try to diagnose the problem why does this not look as good as that got it it's the blonde hair okay but in reality now that I'm finished with the dress and I'm comparing photos myself and her side by side I realized the problem is that I didn't get born as Beyonce good morning last night I had a dream but my dad came he said look outside and I looked and both my chickens were there and I said dad no this is a dream don't get my hopes up he said it's not a dream touch them I reach down they touch them and they were my chickens I was so happy I'd like to interject that I've dreamt of my chickens approximately 50% of all the nights that I've been in Florida I miss them so much that I've gone to great lengths to beckon other animals into pethood and these efforts have proven themselves fruitful for I have attracted a swarm of Florida chickens though they aren't nearly as kind as my chickens and they're probably more closely related to a stork than a chicken it's ok because I also have a Florida cat to fill that void isn't she cute anyway back to Yuma Cara then we met up with my friend Veronica in a city called Ybor that was everything a city should be there were chickens everywhere I mean everywhere and they were protected by the city can you make that sound again Thanks it's also supposedly the cigar capital of something-or-other this is where the world's so clearly I thought I won the award for having the most fascinating day but then I checked my dad's Instagram story and saw this look who snuck in my car yeah squirrely just never leave your car door open for too long around here right squirrely but unbeknownst to me and quite unfortunately my day was about to come exponentially more fascinating see that evening I was on a jog my off-brand earpods blasting music from the Muppets movie soundtrack when suddenly I felt a strange bouncing sensation encompassed the entirety of my all of me and I realized hold up I'm being attacked by a stray dog and following is a dramatized reenactment with mom playing the part of McAra I'm acara playing the part of stray dog don't know what it was there was no collar it was pretty heavy maybe like a Labrador and it would pounce on me and then run a circle come back to me and pounce on me again and the second time it did it's great my thigh up pretty good and then when he ran a circle again I ran to a nearby jungle gym which is what I'm on in this picture right here then I called my mom and asked her to drive to the playground and pick me up and while I was waiting for her the stray dog ran up and attacked another dog this is very dramatic oh my gosh I'm sorry this footage is garbage I should have packed my ring light with me but silly me I just didn't plan for a dog attack anyway those headlights you see here in the distance are my mom's I was about to be saved [Music] this matter Oh so boy this is what it looked like immediately after and I didn't have any medical supplies to clean it out with but it's okay this is what it looks like now clearly no rabies or coronavirus infected in it still though the event was shocking enough to give me a new lease on life to realize I need to finish what I started do you want to hear live I spent the whole next day working on my dress but first I had to get more inspiration to finish the Golden Globes dress by visiting a globe you know the really big one at Universal Studios I know that's a stretch but if I make it part of this video I can write it off for taxes just kidding I literally do not know how to write things off for taxes I don't know I don't know anything about taxes but I really did spend the whole day at Universal Studios instead of working on my dress this morning is the happiest day ever because I'm just reading comments people have left under my brother Mike as a video people finally realize he's a genius so that's a I watched Harry Potter for the first time last night and all I can say so far is gender Ron stoppable and hernia granola whatever name is they would be a cute couple Harry Potter so far is just kind of like the happier version of Bella Swan it's kind of their rather emotionless I hope you enjoyed that movie review now for my review of Universal Studios or as the blunt would call it edgy Disney world's one of the first things you might notice is that unlike Disney World where everyone scrambles to meet the costumed characters everyone at Universal sort of tries to avoid them you also might notice that on any given day it's significantly less crowded than Disney World providing ample space to dance that's not to say a passers-by won't pass by or film you while you dance perhaps but still at least there's room to breathe also well at Universal I saw a plethora of inspiration from my RV exterior such as a mystery-solving RV from Suns RV I'm traveling RV and now the edgy thing about Universal aside from the hip shaking of stilted individuals I diagnosed this theme park with severe haunted nests I mean everything from the architecture to the people standing dormant Lee in the streets staring at this big dragon like they were under its spell and they managed to make all their animatronics look just like my dearly departed grandfather somehow quickly before I showed up oh and let's not forget the self knitting needles making clothes with no help from humans you know like it's laughing in my face telling me I am obsolete oh into the self stirring cauldron I kind of want one I wonder if it's cheaper than a KitchenAid mixer anyway the scariness did not stop with Harry Potter world I found that every square inch of this place was littered with some frightening attraction from stilted psychos to okay let me show you the most disturbing thing I found the whole time I was there there is even something supernatural happening with the tables at the Starbucks you know how would always has those characteristics those markings left by bugs over years well the tables here had some pretty spooky ones I mean the fact that they were able to find a piece of wood that a caterpillar had eaten not one but two pentagrams into the next one I found was definitely not a caterpillar though I think it was done by maybe a millipede possibly termites so we hightailed it out of there but the mysterious activity did not end when we left Universal no on the way home we passed something strange I'm not sure if it was a man on his roof in a clown mask or a mannequin on a roof and a clown mask but either way it's highly sus am i right but luckily when I was back home in my safe little neighborhood sorry for the rabbit hole you guys were probably hoping for more DIY action well here's this my kitchen floor was really boring so I had to fix that problem in order to have an environment in which I could properly make a dress [Music] now believe me at this point I wanted to finish my dress but I had to watch the Oscars my friend Stephanie and I always make ballots so we had a highly competitive Skype date I have accurately predicted seven out of seven of the winning categories so far by the end of the night I had accurately predicted 18 out of 24 categories which isn't all that great but it's my personal best so I was happy well happy ish unfortunately one of the things that I accurately predicted was my worst nightmare and that was Little Women winning best costumes don't get me wrong I loved the movie but the costumes just did not deserve to win I could make a whole video on why but I don't make rant videos so I never will I understand the creative decision of making Jo wear unorthodox things because she's always like if I were a boy and stuff but everybody else is just now back to Beyonce I'm sorry I just have too much I want to share now the final pieces were ready to attach so I looked in the mirror and an idea was hatched all I knew was that I needed the shoulders to be fast so I took off the dress and on the couch I sat and then I did some freestyle hand sewing attaching the big poofy shoulder needle to the edges of the pizza slice as well as the front of the spaghetti straps okay it sounds like I'm obsessed with Italian cuisine but I just don't know what else to call these things their titles are irreplaceable the dress is done so right now I should probably put this on and get some grand reveal shots while it's still daylight outside and then I can spend the evening editing and get this video up tomorrow that's what I should do so I'm gonna play for tonight now now I love for tonight but don't misunderstand me I am NOT skilled at fortnight winning fortnight is the best thing I never had I usually just shoot for a second place I typically play it the same way I play dodgeball and would play The Hunger Games just hiding until the end this particular game though I eliminated three other opponents but then my mom walked in and had like a miniature nervous breakdown that her daughter was under killing so that's her meal off a little bit and I was distracted and someone else eliminated me dead after my tragic passing I sombrely put on my dress and then touched up my makeup I had to hurry because we were running out of daylight and there was somewhere my mom wanted to take me for the grand reveal why did I put off getting ready for so long I don't know maybe because pretty hurts or maybe because I'm a procrastinator but probably not I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions now for the makeup obviously I did not even bother trying to make myself look like Beyonce because that is impossible so I just tried to be a slightly prettier version of me I promised my mom I would let her choose my destinations four grand reveals and she did not disappoint [Music] ever wonder what type of the face they eat in Hollywood to stay in such great shape today's let's see no say something encouraging with gorgeous I meant about my intelligence oh that is a wrap now make something from the Grammys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,687,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made, diy, beyonce, red carpet, golden globes, schiaparelli, gold, gown, dress, tewers, tours, mikara, micarah, dog, chickens, city, $20, cheap, lion, bey, jayz, landon, affordable, prom, formal, evening, celebrity, funny, sewing, easy, beginners
Id: uqFUVccxgig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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