Youtubers Faked a Funeral to Scam Their Audience

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okay let's start with the island boys the only thing that i know about the island boys outside of of course their chart topper is they used to do cameos for the us military where they try and recruit people so people would pay them from the us military to like shout them out and try and get kids to join in the military and then there was sergeant vasquez who paid the island boys to appeal to his upper management about not kicking him out so that was pretty cool the island boys were instantly judged as two talentless bozos who had covered themselves in tattoos true and as a result people began to follow them for their stupidity as opposed to their talents and i think they're entertaining and i follow them because they're entertaining i love this produce now the difference between the island boys and someone like six nine is that while six nine also got famous in part by his over-the-top ridiculous appearance he actually has a decent portfolio of music his music usually did really well on the charts in the beginning he then becomes well known people check out his music and then a bit curious has there been an example of someone who started as like a punching bag and then got famous for it and never fell off because think of all of your most popular memes and most popular like lol cows it only works for ex like maybe a couple months it never lasts forever oh actually i was a really bad baby yeah that started as dr phil people making fun of her and she's had an extremely successful career as a result you're right anyone else though i don't know why people keep saying justin bieber he his career was music shitty music for the most part sure but people like the music nobody ever liked the island boys music they only ever made fun of them so that doesn't really count people that literally only existed to be made fun of and then had a successful career as people to just keep making fun of that's what the island boys were it's not like they had like a lot of people got their start as a joke but also contributed something that people might actually like like music or whatever they haven't done that joji what are you talking about jojo is an extremely popular youtuber i think the only actual example is actually going to be bad baby think about a hater a hater is watching you sometimes more than uh yeah and if they're hating on me it's just because they really love me because i see the haters check up on me then they also like lose their mind here and get upset it's people kind of hold against you as a grudge is that your medical image is is crazy and you're sort of famous but maybe the music isn't necessarily the reason why you guys are so known right one of the island boys would go on to state that the other reason they had so many haters was because of jealousy just hating on me or whatever dad that's always the one to see that because i'm not really doing nothing which is just everyone always says that like when someone's getting a ton of like backlash the immediate thing they fall back on is jealousy it reminds me of [ __ ] people or parents would tell their kids in middle school if they were just getting bullied it's like yeah they're jealous i was like nah maybe your kid's a loser like i don't know it's just one of those things like it's just i guess growing up you just get told if someone's being mean it's because they're jealous or whatever i worked my ass off it's not even just the island boys it's the fact that you went through so many obstacles it was just bound to happen now it'd be a cheap shot to say that there was no hard work i'm sure the island boys had to no there you can say that with confidence in that mega viral video there was no hard work and this is one of the things in the singing ones that are talented in this thing and this is one of the strangest parts about is that what he said in the singing oh in the scene oh in the scene okay now have they i guess i'll look it up real quick do they actually make music because again all i know them for now is they just do recruitment for the us army through cameo ireland boys get booed on stage that sounds about right so basically when i was locked up i was probably one of the only people in the door in a dorm that knew how to rap they knew how to freestyle but didn't care i think me as a rapper uh my music is underestimated though yeah what music do you make music whatever going back to the impulsive podcast the island boys seemed pretty proud that they had it paved their own path after mike would ask them about which rappers they had been inspired so another thing though and it didn't help they were also harbinger um giving what the [ __ ] was the charge they had a murderer stay with them right a guy had just killed someone the island boy said yeah you can just stay here for a while the layla what was the charge was it aiding and embedding so it's not just that they're unlikable which they are or and untalented which they are it's that they also make the dumbest [ __ ] decisions of all time he killed a child yeah i guess so i don't remember the story but yeah apparently an eight-year-old girl was the victim it was a drive-by shooting is that why you guys have such a unique sound yeah yeah we don't listen to it that's so in the culture act as like guardrails and guidelines for what you do with your craft mike is 100 correct here i think if god forbid it doesn't go in your guys's direction for real i think you guys take all of your jewelry assets and invest into something so you guys will never ever oh yeah have you heard of nfts their emotional response to what george had to say is also a pretty good indication that the island boys are probably pretty unwise and insecure when it comes to their financial situation so what are they doing on tick tock now i haven't checked in in a long time actually let's see they're the island boys on no no they're not what are they there kodiak something actually oh fly soldier oh boy their views are not doing well oh boy all right what's this one this is you all got room for one more y'all got room for one more well to become an island boy you got to be special you got you also have to look a certain way you got to be cleaned up at all times and then you also have to you know entertain us because the island boys me and him like to be entertained by people and you gotta really deal with what is that like a court justice i can't believe they're not doing well that sounds [ __ ] amazing oh my god they did recruit a third island boy yeah it looks like they recruited a third island boy welcome to the family man yeah they're struggling though sonny is not wrong they're not breaking 100k on all their videos anymore be sustained or if that could be translated into a successful career long term before going on again people keep saying music artists they don't like people unironically listen to someone like lil pump no one unironically listens to the island boys that's the difference lil pump was a joke people made fun of him but then he kept making music that some people liked now do i agree with him no i think they are objectively wrong with their opinion if you like little pump you just know that you are wrong and you make me sick but people do like it nobody listens to the island boys that's the difference they and they don't even make music from what it seems like it seems like they just sit in a jacuzzi and ask people to join the island boys possible i doubt he's making any new money like how island boys are we are successful and happy in life which would be followed also a little heads up i don't think the island boys have much money to begin with just as a quick peruse through their tick tock it seems like the only money they make is when the us army hires them to do a cameo for recruitment and you can't really monetize tick tock the creator fund i think pays out what is it a thousand dollars per like 20 million views or something it's something absurd and they're not getting 20 million views a month so i don't think that they're pulling that kind of money i could be wrong though i it's been a long time since i looked at the tick tock creator fund all i know is that it's not very good it's a little better than the youtube shorts creator fun but not by much charlie you're wrong bro i have a channel that has shorts on it you know how much money that makes a month on just shorts less than a hundred dollars sometimes and that's off of like 30 million views on the shorts a month and the tick tock creator fund is just a little bit better than that so i can extrapolate to a certain degree it's short-term hustling and we've seen this exact same quote-unquote business model i guess you could call it being done but this doesn't last nice and it and it didn't it does not seem like it last but they they gave it their best god damn it that jacuzzi wasn't gonna get satin in itself yeah we'll watch this one i don't know anything about the thousand pound sisters because i think it's just a really sad thing but i am very curious to see about this scam yesterday terry went into the hospital she hasn't found you and she can't breathe i said i'm gonna go [ __ ] me account if y'all can donate a penny the slate and sisters would turn their entire audience against them through controversy after controversy peaking with one of the most ambitious scandals in youtube history a gofundme for tammy slayton's funeral who hadn't that is bald however that is very boring learn more about these two sisters prior to the beginning of their channel each of these controversies could have been easily predicted so when they first began their channel they were liked the sisters built an audience through their strong family bond positive attitude and ability to laugh at their own shortcomings we need to lose weight to people we don't care if you don't like us worth that and we love it they weren't exactly the sharpest tools in this i've never heard them speak they sound like the canker sisters and the fact that they were kind of doing youtube for themselves it didn't seem like they were trying to impress anyone love when a girl isn't afraid to be herself i applaud you for your game requests and doing a review love it keep them coming however when examining the video's thumbnail and just like ratio it was pretty obvious that it had gone viral as a result of people watching to laugh at their physical appearances yeah see that's the thing i think is really sad about the whole situation and especially the tlc show it's literally just so people can point and laugh at them like and that enables them to keep killing themselves i don't know i just find that whole thing to be sad that's why i don't ever really watch it or try and learn about it i just think the whole situation is really morbid proposal the audience sends a bit of money through the sisters get a new laptop and in return the audience gets a higher average video quality that's that [ __ ] you see sometimes like if everyone that follows me gives me one dollar just one dollar will be good the whole macbook thing was not my idea it was a friend of mine's idea i didn't even edit clara damn it is down however while amy did receive a bit of hate the operation would prove to be successful afterwards over 833 showing the slate and sisters that it was not only what how expensive is a macbook pro they were asking for 10k bro what does that [ __ ] go for what the other problem the slate and sisters encountered after growing an audience was that they could now be held accountable for the stories that they shared throughout their videos about a situation in which she had adopted a german shepherd rescue dog before leaving it in a camper van on a hot summer's day the camper has ac in it and we only put him in there for like 30 minutes and who were y'all to judge me however when amy would then reveal that the dog had gone crazy inside and smashed the air conditioning unit just to get out her audience assumed that maybe the ac wasn't on and that the dog was good it probably wasn't it had been overheating inside this theory would be supported further jesus christ however with the bite mark being so severe and amy taking the dog to the pound whilst using the wording that the dog was no longer with her the audience assumed that amy had taken the dog to the pound to have it put down resulting in the popular opinion [ __ ] her abuser jesus christ a german shepherd shepherds need tons of activity both physically and mentally she couldn't even take care of herself let alone i see why a lot of people do not like them great the sentiment will become even worse when at a later date and i feel absolutely no sympathy for her of her birthday at a gaming arcade mentioning in passing that she felt sorry for their other dog a little bit who had been left in the hot car whilst they were inside playing games oh my god for a little bit because she sat outside in a hot car my river downtown but i did while we were getting something to eat i did get a little bit some ice water so i thought about it at least and he said i was going to give him some water what a selfish disgusting bunch of people these three are poor what an absolute piece of [ __ ] but is still amy would find herself in yet another controversy after going on a date with a 19 year old autistic kid at a local mcdonald's y'all know that i had the worst night ever friday and it was a horrible night it started off good we met each other well it wasn't the first time we met don't think that i'm not that type of person as mentioned in the beginning the date seemed to have been going well to the extent that her date decided so i was giving him a hickey quit biting me and i'm like i'm not biting you oh this is this is worse than amy schumer talking about her vagina oh my god oh oh wow hold on i need i need a break i'm gonna splash like holy water in my [ __ ] face or something just give me a second i'll be right back during the intimate moment he would take to facebook posting a status written in an ancient hillbilly dialect which will receive a response from amy about the size of his boy i want to read this damn sounds like it wasn't like trying to give him a hickey she was trying to like dracula this man good lord hope your girls were happy david just broke up with me nice everybody was harassing me i'll see why don't tell people who were updating [Music] because y'all bullied harassed it really dope and while this would mark the end of amy and tammy's reputational base scandals it would ironically mark the beginning holy [ __ ] financial controversy beginning when their audience discovered the merch site was suspicious from the very beginning and read as follows if you purchase tami's merch you'll be added to a private group chat with tammy to purchase oh nice section and they're definitely scamming the tax system and sliding money to tammy oh [Music] wait what bro it's kind of big brain for tammy that's that's very interesting that is some that is not her idea someone must have actually like told her about that [ __ ] that's kind of smart because it doesn't count as income at that point this feels like a way to scam the irs somehow i didn't sell anything yeah exactly it got worse when fans would come to realize that the sisters hadn't been paying the artists who have completed the designs for the merge however this still doesn't make it the most notorious controversy in the slate and sister's history bringing us to the infamous scam this is what we got the cliff notes on earlier of the two sisters fell over in the bathroom before waking up the following day without the ability to breathe somebody had pneumonia and i was gonna have to stay in the hospital whilst in the hospital tammy's condition would worsen leading her to pass out for three and a half weeks whilst on life support during which amy would begin the gofundme and this was all faith it probably was pretty scary having your overweight unhealthy oh so all of that happened she just thinks i'm able to begin planning her carpet is gonna cost them more because they have to triple the size of the coffin whilst mentioning that tammy was on a medical card however the amount of money it provided would not be enough is that a real thing i mean i guess it has to be right i'm guessing they would have to like supersize that please find it into your heart to donate the gofundme itself which would raise a total of eight hundred and eighteen dollars well there wait they asked less for this super quadruple freight container coffin than they did for the macbook they had 10k for a macbook and 1500 for a super coffin clarify that or i want to take it up to the funeral home where it can build interest i probably will take it to the funeral home and let it be adventurous so if something does happen all right someone more knowledgeable than me can you can you do that you can just put money into a funeral home like a bank and it'll gain interest what i'm investing in the funeral stock so that's not a real thing i can't believe it you tell me i can't invest in funeral homes so when it was confirmed that there was no funeral a new question had been created where had the money gone i gave it to my mother who paid bills however when her audience would ask her to prove it she'd state that it was her mother's responsibility to provide the receipts my mom is trying to find the receipts i know i've been wrong i should not throw i'll take it it was a simple mistake however if the gofundme had been done online then surely she was using internet banking why couldn't she provide a screenshot of the bank transfer to her mother medical bills yeah these two are like just actual pieces of [ __ ] most interesting part about the whole ordeal is that one word youtubers simply fade into obscurities the slate and sisters have managed to remain relevant after rolling their public image into a tlc show titled 1 000 pound sisters on which amy has since lost over a hundred pounds has gotten married had a baby and is looking healthy compared to her early days on youtube well unfortunately the same can't be said for tami whose continual weight gain undergo the show's entertainment factor the show just had its third season with well over one million viewers per episode whoa i didn't expect that ending uh that kind of caught me off guard jesus christ well yeah i don't feel as bad for them now after learning about them like killing dogs basically neglecting them putting them in hot cars so it's hard to find sympathy for uh for where they're at right now and the scamming of course but the the dog thing in particular made me very sad
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,588,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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