Storage Unit Sold WAY TOO CHEAP! We Made BIG MONEY! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Wars

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finally home finally got a lockbox ho let's take them here whatever tools we need let's break it open and see what we got here welcome back to treasure Eddie with cheapest guy that guess to what we got this locker for a steal this conveyor will be one of our best storage units yet the last storage unit the entire day we paid $125 for it and right at the front I feel 100 maybe I don't know it's gonna hit a gr HS from the front but there's a lot of money in that unit let's just say that don't forget to like the video subscribe if you do let's get it to it [Music] so obviously right in the front how this one for only $125 I don't know but if you don't recognize these ugly shoes I mean these shoes I'm a Jordan fan I really like how much they're Yeezys right off the bat I parry a boost right there easy easy boost there they are and then I mean they're not in great condition but they're in decent condition not one but look right here there's number two right there again not in perfect condition but right off the bat the first thing we see is - pretty easy sitting there so my head I'm thinking I just gonna go high we set our cap at 350 maybe 400 depending on the unit and they stopped it 125 I felt yeah so we also got pair of Jordans right there already I think we already have multiple times and we paid for the unit and we literally just started pulling stuff out of there so pair of Jordans that go with them there's gonna be priceless because I might keep it I'm glad you know but look at this - right at the front if you don't recognize this I also think it's ugly but price it's Gucci right off the bat look at that the Gucci fleece right there with the tiger on the back of it size medium see I guess a lot of people just don't think about high-end clothes but this is probably another fifty to a hundred bucks right there I guarantee you adjust these shoes net I don't know we said we have a way more we pay for the unit and literally we just started so the next thing I want to go through we're not done with the shoes yet oh look at that one on the box look at Steph Curry Jersey - pretty dirty but one washing that Nike it's adidas MBA says large length plus - that's probably if once we clean it up another 20 30 bucks - this units crazy and look at all these shoes in here what are these ugly foobie with a FUBU I have no idea somethi boos don't like Lobos but another pair look at that another pair of Jordans again these aren't in the greatest of shape what they're still Jordans they still have good resale they clean up their problem these are pretty beat up but same thing this will come off and these will come off this looks like a lot of dirt probably to me it looks like baseball like yeah in the field but that all 100% come off - no big deal whatsoever where's the other one has to be in I don't know these uggs know what are they new these are something else ignite what are ignited anyone in those shoes let me know fires I know I never heard of them Pumas Pumas right there what are these like little Sperrys our canvas casuals i don't know about the rest of them but what I was hyped about obviously are the easy the Jordans in the Gucci right in the front the fact that we only paid 125 how do you beat that shoes aren't stopping there look at that pair Nike Air Max - we only have one of the shoes right now but hopefully we find the other one we have found single shoes and units and it's kind of annoying when it happens but let's just hope it doesn't happen here that is a click a bag a rag what is that I don't know what did I say all right it says worldwide of me it might be of eight I'm not sure no look like a vape I don't know that is actually look what tattoo power supply what a free there's a tattoo gun in here no way yeah that whole guns in here we got just even more more money what is this it's empty and what is this Oh hold on earrings - a little earrings QR code what do you think they are mmm free jewelry the fact it says free jewelry oops something about free jewelry I don't like that that probably means it's not worth much well we're still gonna set it aside I could say you never know maybe it is gold who knows what else do we have in here looks like there's still a lot of books and bottles like sprite spray something in it that we're gonna get this one out the way let's see one right there looks like more books it's an old book here isn't it what is this from 1917 principles of surgery I'm ethanol book I'm not sure if that thing has any value some old books can definitely have some good value too let's set this whole toe to side that looks like all books do not gonna mess with it I want to look through these clothes here cuz I want to see if we have any more obviously they're into high-end clothes so one other piece of Gucci can mean it's just like adding tons of money to our already huge profit for this unit what does that job like this usually weird stuff like that is not a good brand it is almost looks like it's some crappy like Versace stuff no it's called art class that's how I figured out about Versace I never even heard of it so I found anything you know that gosh it's so ugly everybody's like look at it look at it it's so expensive clothes clothes that's even worse oh I think I see coach is that know whatever it is his beat to death I don't know what that is there supposed to be a strap on it was not no more looks like a little jump see looks like adidas probably yeah that'll sell too what else we got going on dog toys [Music] that's a safe key that's going in my pocket to 256 I felt excess max hopefully that's no boy no hey look how those are here apart at first but then I still find that phone in here somewhere my phone box right there Stella's that your buds in it haze hat that might be one of our mission shoes right corner it might be what is that like a cars car DVD player screen thought the Ihram acts are missing no the other dirty one all right well we got that one now gives me hope the other ones in here too as of now I see dog stuff I'm gonna get this out the way clear up a little bit of space and we're gonna keep on going this unit is in sane so we moved a lot of books out of here looks like old paperback beat-up books no real value let's go on to this thing first thing I saw was something new Brandon heat gun not selling this one we gotta keep it well let's clean up the van and then so but then it's not new okay we might close hello were these you know like patches like almost like it looked like logos or something on a hat out there yeah yeah which you know couldn't make sense look like a black hat they might have been making their own hats open open no boring screen of some sort a roller remote to Amazon it is one of the things without home things what does this sucker right here Martha Stewart cooking crafts yeah what else do we have in here hey look it's a little mini very easy it's all bunch of easy keychains mm-hmm these so I see Jordan ones like these selling on Poshmark all the time right there how much they're worth it's cool hopefully they have some value the rest of this is pretty worthless that was just you know there are some papers in there meant for rolling plants yep just some kind of play you know I don't know I don't know I'm not I'm not a natural Californian this that oh you know this stuff little bass think you're anything in it dost yay all right for the rest of it it's pretty much nothing it's just like a co2 tank in there they must've blew it out but the rest of this stuff is just junk unfortunately so we're going through this dog stuff you know we happen to find a couple interesting looking things to say the least unlike XR the bunch of pills in it if you open it up use your smellivision it smells like a holy and a plant that's kind of legal certain places California being one of them now going into any further detail but if we get into this bag here first thing we see all right so is this THC design stuff which I don't know what's going on here I can't get it open like it just doesn't open I don't know how to open it maybe do some research in the back I don't know and you know these are used for - those are for rolling that type of you know don't want to go into further detail so that's what was in here along with a bunch of dog toys you got that thing open no well I tell you that's what that was for all right nice so you know what was going on here but let's just put it aside people going so we notice the USPS post office bag over here start to look into we don't know why with lots of people in store dudes like to keep every little piece of mail they get but I'll take the mail out and literally every single envelope has a different name and a different address on it so it's not just one there's two stacks of other people's mail I don't know if this guy worked for the post office or he robbed a post office worker he's trying to steal mail hoping there's something in it I don't know what something does not seem legal about this I don't know what it is but this seems highly illegal to me so one of the other things we notice when we first bought the unit is a bunch of old newspaper which usually means one or two things hoarder or they have some type of historical significance but when we get into the paper I found this weird certificate - I don't really know what that is domain of the Golden Dragon somebody out there might be able to help me hopefully because we're pretty clueless someone if I don't want to toss something like that but look at this so we started looking through the newspapers and they're all from 1963 and they're all relating to the assassination of JFK so I don't know if they're extremely valuable or they're just something somebody collected well we got this one here's another one that's the one he was getting buried but every single newspaper here is some type of historical significance to John F Kennedy so they might be valuable they might not be some collective newspapers are not really valuable because they were mass-produced but you guys again let us know down in the comments do we have something worthwhile here so we moved the newspapers aside look what's in the box they're not in the greatest of condition but we got some first act discovery drugs you ready for this also in the back of the unit look at this weird box it's like now it's taller than me what is in here okay what is it I think it's exploring that's boring yeah you know this is it's like fake tile it's just stick tile I thought it like this now then make it look like it's gonna be some ancient scroll or something like what if it's like a big wall hanging no dick it is though it's freaking mad look at this so look what we notice in the back here it looks like the drawer to a jewelry box to me at the fact that they would leave Yeezys Gucci and all that expensive stuff in here tells me that if we find a jewelry box I don't think they touch what was in there so fingers crossed we still come across that but in here look at this great assortment of objects we have one a bunch of change like 50 75 it was over a dollar we're getting rich on this you know here taking it all out I can't even leave it there look pennies yeah fine my only wonder sometimes make it like a penny back has changed it's gonna throw it fit at the penny saver opinion that's just me but this I think everyone has their own idea with it it's not what you think it is but it's used like that it's personal yeah and then we got that coconut oil for the Phil you know I guess like Friday night special today's Friday and then we have some blue top and yeah I don't know what else is in there but if we can find the rest of the jewelry box I think we're doing good so when we first look in the unit we saw this black keys in the back we couldn't really tell it it eyes you guys are watching videos you know but I'm thinking a bullet throwing handheld device but this actually says portable a gas stove on it and that's what it looks like it is I've actually never seen something like that in my life but we also found something else that we don't want to show on video because YouTube will get mad at this but it's a little device it has a cylinder it has kind of a sphere shape at the end if you catch my drift and that may have something to do with this I'm not too sure right now but this year is getting a little bit sketchy so oh you're digging through trash in the corner we come across this look at this some giant drawer storage thing that completely locked which is there's obviously something in there but can't get into it maybe we'll get home we'll take some hammers and something there's a lock down here we're trying to break it and see if we get into this sucker maybe it's where their money's at maybe it's where other illegal stuff that may be the weapon we don't know well we're gonna take it home we're definitely gonna break into it before the end of this video so there's a lot of traction as unit unfortunately but another thing that I'm most pretty visible when I open the door which I don't know what people didn't bid look over here LG 4k 55 inch flat-screen TV we've already looked at it no cracks no damage and both the legs are on there that right there will pay for the whole unit right there easily like i said 125 bucks we already got Easy's Jordan's Gucci in a TV I don't know people were sleeping they just weren't paying attention or what but it's crazy deal another thing that was right in the front of the unit is a whole thing of Records in let's see we got something special I say I've never actually seen harvest rather than in person all I've seen is a South Park and they're pretty good goodbye yellow brick road cowboy I think we have anything all I know to look out for is like a bead old or something like that I think we're gonna find anything like that mm maybe one what's that there on rocky soundtrack doing it not looking like I see anything like big but you run through one really quick I'm not seeing anything I think we just have a bunch of cheaper records and unfortunately last time the ones that aren't well sought after nearly impossible to get rid of we literally gave some of ours away last time because nobody's driving this well yeah I don't think we're gonna have anything here the rest of the unit we just have a lot of trash probably have five black bags full of trash in here but there's stuff we pulled out the beginning makes it easily easily worth it so we're gonna get the trash up go home to recap I'll see you then finally home finally got Bob's home let's take them here whatever tools we need let's break it open and see what we got in here all right so I figure this is just plastic it shouldn't be too hard to get into Zog it's a real seat for anything so let's try approach number one which is gonna be wedging a hammer in here just break it oh I need to get it the other way let's see if I hold it like this and then we put our hammer in this way that might do it you ready oh yeah that's gonna pop it did I just do it Oh hmm let's see maybe if I get it in from the side mm-hmm there we go you ready Oh jumpin out you ready yep three two one all right little paperwork joy that's what I wanted to see just what I wanted to see well we have an abstract of title part of sections 15 to 16 block 4 I don't know what this is all about something to do with Texas we're all in California now what is this paperwork of some sort from 1947 it's like a deed for land this is like a deed friend land does this mean I get free land at Texas sweet I want to see it's in this one this is a book for an Asus laptop okay all right I guess they're all figuring things out early what is this one oh is it a cash bag that wasn't a cash bag that's next that's next this looks kinda like the same thing doesn't it yeah yeah it's like a deed for land from the 40s in Texas found in a locker in California hey there's something in here actually this this is from May 5th 1941 what is it I don't really know but it's dated from May 5th 1941 that makes it kind of interesting I guess let's see if this is nothing just an envelope this is abstract of title just paperwork it's just interesting to me because it's so old again from the 40s probably more the same here same thing abstract of title all in here abstract of title again and then we have this so which is general leathercraft I'm guessing it's really old too or this kind of strange 1846 like this is not the kind of stuff I expected to find here when I found the other stuff in this unit and this old music well that's definitely not what I was expecting all right let's do a kind of quick recap on this unit so we paid $125 you're right off the bat super expensive Easy's nice Jordans a Gucci thing we went on here watching them authentication videos and things like that from what we can see everything seems to be completely authentic which is really really sweet we literally made multiple times their money right off the bat with this unit the lock container really obviously was now we're expecting but it's kind of strange to say the least I still don't really know what we have in there it looks like I don't know what we can do with old land needs from Texas from the 40s in 2019 in California it's it's kind of odd it's really really kind of an odd thing to find in a unit like that also we did read there's a lot of cards in there and a lot of paper letters usually to us we know what that means somebody's in jail and we did kind of dig a little bit in there since a lot of people who watch these videos I like to know the background so there was a couple I don't know which one the unit's name was in I really I'm not gonna say it but one of them was in jail and the one that was not in jail was strung up on another drug I hear needle the needle driver now I don't want like you to doesn't like it when we say drug names so the needle drug out here while the other one is locked up on drug charges use possession redistribution you know the normal things we expect out here that we find in storage units all the time so one of them was locked up the other one was on it so it's just all around not really a good situation but hey we got the unit we paid really little for we had some good stuff out of it and there what else can you do what else can you ask for so we did enjoy this video leave it a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure and videos all the time if you do want to falls in our social media links you're gonna be you on screen click links down the description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 57,148
Rating: 4.8952255 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage units, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage unit sold way too cheap, storage locker, storage locker auctions, storage wars, mystery box
Id: t_9L--7Y1Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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