Finding Money In Storage Unit! Over $1,000 Cash in $70 Unit! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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[Music] welcome back to G this gaming guy since everybody loved our last door to the video so much we had to go grab another one as you can see we're here at the storage facility now if you haven't checked out the last one make sure you go check that one out first because we made a ton of money on that unit but anyway we got this one for an absolute steal we paid $70 so total with all the fees 84 bucks for this unit and just let me show you what it looks like just from the front [Music] look at that $70 was a steal look at this I mean just from the door you can see this dolly in this heater one suitcase two suitcases it looks like a purse boxes way more than the money we paid for way way more but without further ado let's get into this unit huh alright guys the first things first check that out very first thing in there this is an old Pepsi one look at that it says Pepsi Cola on it that is a really old dolly that's pretty cool and let's start controversy now Pepsi's better than coke every day of the week this looks like something you laid on the table if I get drunk do they get the money just rip it open locked might be a lot nirvan ha ha hey a couple hats anyone heard of that brand name before Kenny's maybe this one is a I don't even know these are old looking that could be worth something who knows like a stack player exactly what that is an old cassette player isn't hats on they haven't seen one of these in forever yes this is one of the main things intrigued me in the tour saw this Hey look what's hiding back here an ice ice scraper I mean I don't know why we need it right now 100 degrees but winter is right around the corner so that's cool let's in here no I got more VHS a--'s last time the VHS has had to go but look at that Hulk Hogan wow there's like a sweater there's some old pottery down that that looks oh that looks hand down look at the bottom of that see look what we got look what we've got suitcases are so intriguing don't that don't that tennis balls in nunchucks yes hold on what else is in here an atlas he's it really soft see like when I was a kid I did Taekwondo and he taught us how to use the real ones you could tell these are just trading ones but it's been so long since I've done these things I don't know if I can do it anymore but they're not chucks will be I hear more VHS glasses I don't see a brand Foster Grant I can't tell these are sunglasses they're these are just sunglasses not in this box hold a decent-looking hose not fair value right now but you guys were editing it the value should be popping up oh yeah the big screwdriver it looks like no my hose cap to spray with and things like that a couple of clothes tool oh this looks [Music] brand-new the tape is still sealed on this this is pretty new a Kenwood heater electric oil filled radiator yeah I don't know that's a gamble tip now the interesting stuff beside the Walker there this okay please be more vhss I hope so much not actual bow is this I have no idea what I'm looking at right here is this dirty bucket says own a doubt is worth any more not too sure what's in here that's like a doll it is let's see we got sorry really old-looking doll look at this face I don't want to rip this off it's gonna like rip her head off or something we'll deal with I'm gonna get home that's a weird-looking old doll okay some premium price pads if those are new that's cool actually you don't know they fit our car but look at that brand new brake pads can't complain with that I don't even see them you're like dad you're hiding on the ground alright guys I just got all that to the car it let's keep going down this way we're gonna see what you clear out this section first and then come back for this section because it's just a lot and you know it a small car suitcase well averaging you 1015 left for those suitcases so they add up what is this that that that says Neiman Marcus on silver plated free Wow that's could be value do I look bad to those guys no names looking perso oh my gosh guys you see that Vox chainsaw chainsaw please please please no why would you support an empty box why why you might have something awesome over they all get that in second my heart rate just went up look at the chandeliers look at that I mean it's dirty obviously it's probably been in here for a long time but I'm gonna be pretty cool maybe we have violin cabinet [Music] box TV you got filing cabinet oh that's gonna sit there for now so guys we're gonna get what we can down into the car and then come back and finish up so see you then all right guys we just took our first trip home unfortunately that's you it is 45 minutes from the house so it's kind of a pain to go back and forth hopefully we don't have to take two more trips but anyway let's go through the next one look at that first things first look at Santa that's actually pretty cool I don't know if I sell there's my grandmother might watch something like this honestly probably rather give it to her let's see what is this it looks like it's gonna be the vacuum that went to that hose dirty but I've never seen a vacuum like this before hey a nice shovel so like I said earlier tools always go quick so yeah there you go a couple snow shovels i mop in a real shovel that's gonna be where something what's in here more fine dining stuff and we find was it this one I don't you remember but we got some crystal so that could be worth something actually are they broken though no they're all in perfect shape I'm not very good I don't know what this stuff's worth and also maybe that's worth some money we don't know another iron era Sakiko let's don't like actually go gander maybe I don't know I'd be a sander in there oh this is where everybody my videos always telling me look we just hit the jackpot how many pairs of working gloves that all right that's all it's in that one one little bag here could this be the one we got here nothing nothing foreign money huh I don't even know what country this is from ten I don't know what their conversion rates are but these are hundreds Banco de hello Guatemala take its water wall and money I don't know the currency exchange on out but hey cash is cash oh there's nothing else cool nothing look that up well put down my pockets I lose it yeah definitely more glasses just random are these prescription let's see nope just sunglasses I still look pretty damn cool oh my god oh all twos oh my gosh 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 dollars Wow money back right there in cash yeah let's keep searching this behind guys will make sure when we get home we're going through this in more detail what you know in a recap of course like what we got going on only looking here first - now there use the wallet up couple dollars one two three four more 2010 series - so this thing hasn't been locked up that long it looks like maybe more foreign money no 85 cents a day buzzer sounds 85 cents anything else in here then I'm missing here this whole bag looks like they're full of shoes I'll pull one out they're all shoes anyone know that brand they're made in Italy I know Italy makes some nice thing so that could be big right there no no whoo hold on TV whoa that's in there I mean that's a really outdated but look at that five-inch black-and-white television with an am/fm radio I have not seen that and so long it is not a frickin camera I almost had it Circuit City bag that's how you know this thing you all that is a Panasonic something see this is brain dude look at that oh my gosh I haven't seen he said that I was a kid look at this alright from this day forward guys or recording our videos with this cuz why not we're getting rid of the 4k technology and taking you back to the 480 that's how you roll some magazines in there you some magazines - all right well cinch it up we got a porn collection porn collection and duct tape that's beautiful launch here it's made of like plastic I don't think it's for a doctor cool there's - I'll probably sit in them and now call them you the end of them but we'll see you then that box feels heavy but is it just storing stuff nope that thing is brand-new look at that it's a wild thing oh man why me no idea if that's a good brand or anything like that so that's definitely something else we're gonna have to look up once we get home but for now as you can see I have a lot to get in the car and we'll be back and see how much we get fit so see you then all right guys so we're about 85% full in the car right now but we're gonna try and go through a few more just see what we got and tomorrow we actually have a truck we're using so we're gonna clear out all the rest of it tomorrow by 12 so this is Rifton actually how does it look like VHS is so that's a good thing is this the same exact thing we found the other one well it looks like this huge that thing that thinks all for 50 bucks ever if that goes for something similar we in the money what that there's a car CD player look at that if you look at in there unless it just stored more VHS tape nope look at that CD player for a car I can't imagine that you the heater here put in there hey yeah yeah it's a little old again but still a little grill cooler look at that little Coleman let's see if it looks interesting hey a coffee maker and a toaster oven tech name that's all what's in there but still that's value right there what we got here I don't know anyway guys we're going to wait too much we don't have this much room left so we're gonna go ahead and close up for today get all this stuff to the car and we'll be back next time to finish going through it see you then guys I was gonna do a recap but I have to show you this first look around here we have been ripping through absolutely everything this entire place is a crazy crazy mess but I have to show you something before the recap so you saw this fine the Guatemalan money blends one two three four five six hundreds 20 30 40 50 60 70 so six hundred and seventy I forgot what they call it not dollar which is equivalent to about 75 to 80 u.s. dollars so that paid for the unit but that is not the crazy part this is the crazy part look closing the envelopes that's us money you ask money so let me go through this really quick you say oh I wish I kind of got a library action but I'm tell you the truth I was not expecting to find anything like this but what this makes me think is what the hell is in the filing cabinet back of the unit but anyway look at this 100 200 300 20 40 60 80 400 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $500 cash so far in 10 let's go through the ones ready 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 532 dollars u.s. cash is in the envelopes then look at this money it's been a while I've seen bills like that these are definitely old and look how nice condition they are they had to have been sitting in here for a very long time you look at some of these fifties even like this money's really old it's definitely been sitting in there for a long time but I just cannot believe it look at these twenties even really old bill some of these are 70s the dates on them but that is insane considering we already found 30 some dollars in two-dollar bill so nearly $600 US cash plus it's another 70 some in Guatemala cash absolutely ridiculous and we still had the filing cabinet to go through tomorrow hopefully there's more envelopes in there but anyway had to give you that update we're going back to digging all right guys after going through what we found last night I'm super psyched to finish this as you can see we're just about done we got everything else we've gone through so far we got a pickup truck today let's finish the job we got another sprinkler system looks like it and this looks like a tool belt but this this looks like a power drill maybe but literally when we were going through the stuff the other night we found a huge box not a huge box but a good-sized box with a bunch of drill bits I think that's what this may be let's look in here that we can see that VHS is just feel like it might be empty [Music] hey the ring will have to go through this in more detail when we get home but hey a wallet uh-uh Western Union again these didn't have nothing in the last time it's the same exact one we found before another one how many bosses let me I need hey a couple bucks there $5.00 sweet it was like hydrogen here one day I'll take class anyone another watch what's your hat Susan here Mickey Mouse something there 14-karat gold Mickey Mouse earrings course we'll go through all the stuff in we're detailing at home another Wells Fargo got more money ones why so many ones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so another $16 so if I'm just gonna shove it all in my pocket and fix it later on and look at this one let's keep going some more foreign money a 50 for this Guatemala 50 on Guatemala which squid lips about $6 five or six dollars here check every pocket oh you know I am no we're gonna do guys we're gonna take a break till we have a huge Hornet stuff in the hallway already we're gonna get all this stuff to the back of the pickup truck and then we'll come back and keep going so see you in a few minutes all right guys all that down sit the car now we're down to the last row of box two suitcases and in Capulets I'm kind of freaking out this is brand-new what is this that's it window unit air-conditioning unit thing that could be where something Walkman player player brand new CD player these are two brand new look like boom box type of thing though I'm not their CD player they might be just two steps interested oh now this may be a problem look at this it's got a lock on it let's look at the front of it release absolutely nothing but okay so this one is gonna end up having to wait until we get home cuz we're going to cut this sub house like a break okay there's to care-a-lot the moma truth oh my god not more vhss and porn again it looks like beautiful Lord this one locked the bottom one is locked it's got a cute thing right there for it so probably have to break that one once we get home think of any more VHS Asst but well again want to check it out once we get home so for now we got a lot of mystery according it the rest of the stuff to the car and we'll do a recap and let you know if we found anything else in there so see you then alright guys so now that we've gone through everything let's do a recap so as you can see in front of me I did not think much of these women's shoes and we are going through them at the unit but do yourself a favor right now pause the video and look up this brand it's called Salvador's don't dip it up or there's something with an F look up that brand shoe right there type in that woman's dress shoes on Google and look at that price obviously that's brand new these are used but still we have one two three four five six seven pairs or all that same brand and one other pair that's a Bruno Magli which is also a very high quality British shoe so we're probably gonna end up listing these is a lot on eBay and put them up for auction to see what they end up going for and I also wanted to mention the bottom of that file cabinet had nothing of interest and had all that guys pornography videos locked up so we found this porn magazines and then we found his porn videos just freaking lovely in go through a few other things we found while going through the rest of the suitcases I can't believe we missed these these are actually a pair of ray-bans sunglasses so if you guys do not follow brands I know anything about them these sunglasses are actually really really high-class this pair is actually about sixty to eighty dollars so we're hoping we'll probably get 50 bucks for these which is crazy by the way I always look for glasses if you see Ravens you got money we got trolled big-time guys we got trolled big-time so I don't know how far the camera can focus but look at this what this appears to be obviously the golden Rolex the them face says the Rolex on it so of course we freaked out cuz Rolex watches are worth thousands of dollars thousands and this is the first one I've ever come across I just Nick Claus come across but anyway we did take it to a pawn shop and unfortunately it was a fake Rolex oh it's not real but they did tell us that even the fake ones are worth about 50 bucks so not the best news but you know what not completely disappointing another thing I have no idea what value we found these old looking pottery pieces and one of the things so these are definitely definitely handcrafted you can tell that just by looking at them but other than the designs on the pieces there's actually no markings whatsoever no name no artist no country we're gonna soon since we've seen so much stuff from Guatemala these came from Guatemala so if anyone's from the area let me know and anyone have an idea on value I know old stuff like this can be worthless junk or it could also be worth a ton of cash so no idea what that this was also in there and you can see again look at the back of that definitely definitely handcrafted so I have no idea about a value on this stuff but this stuff we did know the value on we made a freaking killing well over $1,000 profit almost $700 in cash we took the Guatemala money to the mall put it to the currency exchange got $77 for that right away plus all the American cash we found and absolutely ridiculous ridiculous like this is the moments that treasure hunters live for you find six $700 cash on a 17 dollar Locker absolutely ridiculous aside from the money we did end up with five and almost six bags of clothes to donate so overall absolutely amazing so guys thank you so much for watching we are definitely definitely gonna keep going to storage auctions and definitely definitely keep making the videos because they're a ton of fun we're making a ton of money doing it it seems like everyone loves these and even more than dumpster diving videos and honestly I enjoy making them more so thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoy the video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome videos like this all the time dumpster diving storage units thrift stores in the future yard sales all kinds of treasure hunting stuff we're gonna do it all and if you're not already make sure you subscribe because we're gonna keep doing it every single day guys that's gonna be it thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 870,307
Rating: 4.6043906 out of 5
Keywords: finding money in storage unit, finding money in storage, finding money in storage lockers, i bought an abandoned storage unit, money found in storage unit, most money found in storage unit, storage unit, storage unit money find, breaking bad storage unit money, money, storage, unit, storage auction, storage wars, storage unit finds
Id: 8AVjQnJiCN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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