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24 karat gold get out of here welcome back to treasure hunting with Ziva skies and today we're a second advantage stores you know we picked up this week but this one looks to be a lot more loaded than the last one lots of mystery boxes lots of mystery bag so fingers crossed went by a time treasure without further ado let's get digging [Music] alright guys I forgot to mention we paid $80 for this unit so let's hope we can make that money back plus some extra one of the first reasons I bought it because I could see this in the thumbnail and hugs shoe box what's got writing all over it but they're in there they look really small probably kids size about the guest so I know they're like a real pair ugh for adults I mean we got the $80 for them so kids maybe like 40 or 55 to guest I'm not sure I'd also have to look at it when we get home but that could be a big chunk of the money back already just in the US hopefully that's there that high this are the different well let's check these first check vaati cash spoons well it doesn't mean that the knowledge of spoons amazing all right let's do it looks to be clothes anymore that's the same thing you jacket stretched clothes things on guys check to see if I recognize your brand's probably not but I'll check anyway I don't see anything on them I'm gonna see a brand new on the inside like the side of the entire says anti-magnetic cell phone safety pocket that sounds kind of advanced size 425 it says but I don't see anything about an actual brands I guess we're looking till we get home a lot this is me right I'm black that's like guys this is like a dress no it looks like it's a shirt yes as religious vestments Bentley and Simon New York no idea to value something like that this purse here this is something else that stuck out to me in the picture looks like clothes and junk but there are some papers in here but I don't see anything interesting hey a Macy's gift card I don't have something on it the last Bass Pro Shop when we've got another unit 25 dollars on it still brand-new never even used and other than that looks like mostly clothes but again we'll go into more detail once we get home what names amazes car has money on it hopefully plastic totes this is easily a hundred bucks a pair of boots and some books some like cowboy looking boots from Nordstrom so not the highest value stuff probably more about two to five dollars flea market I know maybe like I said easier I'll guess we'll look good stuff up when we get home so we know it's a posh mark I don't know just a yard a flea market item this is Harry looks like school stuff it's freakin cassette tapes even worse literally we've never found anything of value it's always just used to be a ton of burn cassettes and that's what it is all the way down so that's probably just straight to the dough this better not be more the same but it feels the same type of weight so it really might be now this is a personal or paper one a lots of files and things of that nature so this is me one will have to go through when we get home for sure cuz you never know you just never know we found that $700 a shilling that one video so you never know a golden canyon oh yeah give me a pimp stick what is that like a lightbox type thing I'm assuming has a plug to it so I'm guessing it's like a light-up thing with Saints you want it no idea that value something like that probably a flea market item pretty bag with Christmas balls there's a card in it what do you leave for me nothing yeah just full of Christmas balls this looks like paper files again so something we got to take home and go through because like I said a lot of people are just trash this stuff but you just don't know you've got to check you maybe we were spoiled by that one unit finding all that money in there but ever since then I gotta check every crevice of every last piece of paper every envelopes rip it all open leave nothing left unturned lots more paperwork yes they're like a whole thing apart anything like that so who knows what will be in these or any of the other envelope definitely something that I'll look through this is also pretty heavy Temple Owls let's see what we got in here nothing in there besides sheets of paper this one and nothing in here looks like a bunch of magazines yeah there's Time magazine then if some of those could be rare or something but I doubt it but we'll definitely research them once we get home like a bunch of kids clothes and stuff like that oh no there's a leather jacket in there too oh let's see we got here on us a little kiss jacket yeah it's like extremely be to look at the leather peeling off and everything like that that'll probably just be donated koala kids look at this here we go that looks like a more of an adult sized jacket gasp brand on it but it's definitely thick and heavy so you never know I've been checking all these pockets too well we have it out nothing but thick leather jacket sometimes makes $20 or more sometimes more than that depending on the brand I'm not sure about guests so we'll look into it okay it looks on the kids Nikes they're in pretty good shape do that thing move sighs dad that'll probably come off with the other ones in there right there right there that's probably what would you say 15 bucks probably proxmark something like that same with your branded ease it says non-working it has that I saw this on another thing we found I never forgot what it's called looks like a NEMA or something like that but I don't think it was that expensive of a brand other than that random clothes okay once we get home let's check these boxes help they're not all files no they're random that's beautiful this is just personal random files pictures things like that that'll be returned what is this yeah it's about all I got formative that's like a snap you DVDs down here yeah here we go the last one was the first thing we ever bought without a viable so this one has it's viable here so make sure there's nothing in it because you never know I'll see like little pieces of paper but nothing of interest well we'll recheck it and everything once we get it home what is this well I had a Mustang the others manual for a Mustang Oh stocky beauty here DVDs are pretty worthless nowadays especially about a case mostly finding things with a bunch of cases in it just probably junk I mean yeah I get like a quarter a piece or something like that at the flea market maybe but even with the DVD case now most of them you can't get by like 50 cents or a dollar on so many more which is outdated technology there's some cases here these have DVDs them know so they might be in the staff so they might have a couple of unity we'll see doesn't look like much else from here I'm just glad it wasn't file for there's quite a few in those types of boxes in there you know they were all files that would have sucked they're bad let's say we got in this one oh yeah that wasn't obnoxious blank stuff album cards nothing it's just boring right now pictures file corruption paper secret envelope with nothing in it what if you ever looked in here actually gbmt there just check receipt so still some people are favoring of things like this you never know hidden secret money in there hopefully it's been a little colored yeah it's the city full of cash right no again lots of random envelopes in here at a purse copper creek but random junk in it as well so a lot of stuff to go through a lot of potential for a hidden treasure don't forget home this a fanny pack in a purse where's the secret treasures nope and no but as far as I can see it isn't look like anything's in here but if somebody knows that that's the decent brand let me know what does it get copper creek maybe cuz some persons we've sold some person $400 in war so I don't really know not a perfect just to figure to the map on it alright let's see this box over here is label Persis so that can be a good sign too I'm probably gonna have to check with this locker oh like rap label person and it's full of books oh you got me modern guy this anonymous well you got me well look up the books at home and look at the room as well let's go here nothing of a ceiling that's heavy for noise down files pictures things like that I'll put that out here yeah there's nothing of value we'll see but again again who knows what this stuff is really late well that one was late with purses it has a book so then I'm staying on think that's really centum that's all and ink but yeah they don't see nothing like that in here that's probably just wrongly labeled stuff I don't think we should stack anything else on that I don't think we should stuff anything else no no there's a blender down there more books that's personal stuff 24 karat gold get out of here look at that is that serious says on the bottom of this product is youth and should not be used to serve food but only for display basically so that's 24 karat gold on there that could have some definite value jeez is this an acorn or something I have no idea and it's been so long since I seen one of these as old skeleton keys that's cool what do you think you get more than this in a car all right let's keep going just Stefan really really old rival it's probably not even that old that's not even a rival it's another random religious book not much else in that one wire hanger enjoy what should we do one of these boxes that back or that back what is in this looks like an old hat box and then in mourning this huh one of the dates on these doesn't say but maybe old not a hundred percent sure this can go up here I don't know let's see let's take a bunch of random like stuff like the personal stuff again like tons of holiday cards what's I mean you never know they could have money we found money in cars before so never just think they took them all out you never know one mistake could be made like look at that that's sealed yeah can't get it open now nothing in it but we'll make sure we check everything a little one once we get it home that whole thing seems to be full of cars and things like that and this whole bag also seems to be full of paper and you know there's a good thing about this stuff is it's hidden you can find hitting stuff in at the least you can take it to a recycling center which doesn't charge you anything you can throw away just Carlos and Carlos of paper for free so that's not a big deal we'll take one more take this one and then we're going to have to probably take a trip home and then come back this one's all like 18 minutes away not a big deal joy VHS is some of the most worthless things I ever find some religious stuff thing of tools please empty empty empty what is that picture empty empty all around blue another than that guy's looks like books and picture so I think we're gonna have to take this stuff to the car take it home lock this up and come back and finish cleaning out the last bit there's still about - totes three boxes a bag and a few other things definitely one car trip once we take this stuff home so we're gonna take it home in and we'll be back to finish go and do it alright guys so a little bit of Tetris work and you know what we can actually fit a little bit more in the car about three or four more boxes so let's look through the box and see what else we got in here Dallas hard looks like a bunch more random stuff the kidney there is a book hidden value Walter could be all junk we really don't know at this point we didn't go through any of it we just loaded it but a lot more holiday cards let's see books and other paperwork pretty much all in here in another Bible I just our bowling Bible club I have like 10,000 right now well this box is destroyed or they just so I just overfill will tell you more the same random stuff I'm tricking like kicking pan something fell out I hate my life right now the bag is open but looks like a bunch of random papers again nothing is really important just paperwork so I'll put this hop back on that in a second last box extremely heavy Selma gusting more the thing books so go through see what's worth anything when the clutter and then donate the rest let's see what's in the bag I see it oh wow the purse that I've seen many better days but there's a wallet in there or is it looks like it kind of a wallet typed in looks fancy they didn't shine us I'm sure it's fake but that nothing in it this just random papers again a lot of paper where we have to go through like I said it doesn't it could mean hidden treasures and if not it's free you throw away so that's not a one look here we got here cups a stapler and a VHS tape and off such high value I don't know what to do with it off and just more random junk without purse and they got a good brand on it it's a tag come here great American leather works whatever it still has the original paper in it so I don't think it's ever been used so at least it could be sold as brand new but I don't think it's gonna be that valuable to begin with anyway so yeah I guess we should go through this bulwark manila folder I'm assuming more files we're gonna rip it all like paperwork and construction paper okay this is all school stuff - okay that's full things like you have a book bag light though kind of cool oh yeah glue stick pencil so probably like a legitimate to look back yeah binders books planner same old same old nothing of any real value another purse here guess again that's the same brand but I can't tell this is design like that or it's been worn out I don't really know the zippers going anyway so it's not gonna be worth much anyway there's nothing in it another Bible I think this one takes the record guys like this ones have so many Bibles ridiculous this one looks old to the bounciness a minute random stuff pictures or anything check out this tote more of the same this is like all just random paper war in the paperwork a picture more paperwork then we got the books the blender an exercise ball so that's everything for this one we're gonna see if we can hopefully fit it all in the car get home then we'll go through it all and hopefully find some hidden treasures in there if not we might be breaking even might be losing money on this one I don't know yet so we'll get it home and I'll see you then alright guys so let's do a recap with this unit there actually ended up being quite a few hidden treasures and there's two I want to ask you guys for your help right away because I'm not sure on how to identify these so we found a Ben Franklin 1961 half dollar here so we look these up a little bit and apparently there's some way to tell I'm not really sure about I never found a straightforward answer that some of these are worth the big big money I didn't notice one thing there is not a D above the Liberty Bell but I'll give it to here to put on the camera let it focus in the front mostly the bag I think you can tell on the back but I am not 100% sure these were both there's two coins we found here they were wrapped up in a huge bag and wrapped up really tight so maybe they're worth something when I saw that coin on the low end even if it's not the rare one is still a twelve dollar so one coin some coin website us off we also found this one I don't know why they kept this one I said um an own peso I think it's Mexican coin but I looked this up on eBay and I saw them selling for nothing like literally a dollar so I don't know why they'd wrap that one up unless say this special something special about that one I think the Daytona was one 1981 there so yeah let's do something special about that I'm not sure up or I didn't see but I literally typed in 1981 moon peso and I seen him selling for like 99 cents so that one might be worthless I'm not sure but the Ben Franklin half dollars one I really need people's help on because they can be worth $12 in the low end I saw some of them selling for a couple grams so I really want to know if it's rare like I said there is no D above in the Liberty veil probably one of the cheap ones I don't see somebody storing them like thousand dollar coin in the storage unit but you never know we also found a huge stack of 22 autographs by Terrance I think his last name is blank card black shard I don't know I'm gonna mispronounce it no matter what I say but anyway there's 22 of these and his signatures are seeping through into the back as you can see so I know they're authentic marked signatures they're not reprints or anything like that and I looked up his autograph on Google and other things and from as far as I can see they look like authentic autographs but then again I'm not a professional Authenticator of course but they look real now I did not see any pictures of his like this selling but I did see autographed records of his selling first 50 to $60 so if these pictures that were 10 to 20 dollars we have 22 of them that can be 200 to 400 some dollars I don't really know what it's worth right now so again let me know guys if you're interested in these or you know anything about these type of autographs or what are the adjey artists I think anything like that let me know because that could be another epic find let's get into this - I don't know I don't think this is worth as much money but then again I don't really know it looks like it says I'm 100% first skin but it doesn't really specify what kind of bird is it just says 100% fur but again what fur I have no idea but I just know a lot of first stuff is expensive so we keep this I don't know if this is like something you just wear on your neck or it supposed to be the part of a jacket or something like that I'm not really sure so that could be valuable this not too too valuable when I saw these bottle this is brain it was never been opened it's Fendi cologne I saw these going for 30 to 40 dollars on eBay so probably asked 2530 for this and we only spent 80 on the unit so it's not like we're losing a ton of money we also found a lot of bags here so I'm just going to show you guys these these all be on Poshmark in the next couple probably Sunday since we have a yard sale tomorrow or today technically so Sunday will probably do a lot of listening on proxmark and eBay but a little bag here I'm just gonna show them since a lot of people always ask to show them all because they might be interested so another little bag I don't think any of these are big brand names we look through and there's no like Prada or coach or anything like that nothing high-end but there's still nice little purses yeah I've seen a couple of there that there are a couple guest purses I think there's some other ones too though but like I said they're all in decent shape we threw a couple away because they were torn up but these ones are all in decent shape this was not supposed to be in there and it must look like a person we took the stuff in but another purse I'm think I might have did that and a brown one so few purses like I said they could be worth a decent amount of good enough and this is I guess you count this as a purse I don't really know but it's like brand-new and every been used and it's not zipper it's more like magnetic omos it's kind of cool but there it is that subscriber count' is going crazy right now I'm liking this and then we also have this little one which is completely brand new and I was like two little beads like this the clip and yeah the stuffing and paper in there still in there it's never been used before so I think there's like a little red spot so I don't know like it looks like it smells the paper buddy you see like that red spot there so I don't really know I'm consuming brand new I don't know why somebody was just stuff where in a paper in a Paris but I don't know these were nowhere near I was hoping they'd be worth a ton of money but I see these mugs selling for between 20 and 30 $40 or so on eBay so I'll probably let someone próximo for 30 bucks their size one and kids they were adults now they're selling for $80 and above but because of the size they're only worth about 30 or 40 bucks but not a big deal just something small or an extra money you know also I'd only know where I really kept this just for the decent condition one of those dad hats I guess you call them they still sell for about 10 bucks on fox mark at this point with Poshmark like I said everything adds up quick because we don't have to deal with shipping all you do is take pictures and send off it's really easy this now this looks like some type of preach priest gown or something that's what I'm assuming one of those religious things but we basically we look this up on their website and brand-new this thing is retailing at $400 for hundreds so it looks like it's in decent shape where there's no rips on it doesn't smell so if it's been worn it's been worn very very lightly so if we can get even a fraction that you know 100 bucks or more for this that would be an epic unary repick fine and this unit as well since it first like when we left we didn't think we were to come out with much because it really wasn't much in there but going through the boxes little things that started to pop up and they're definitely starting to add up another little pair of boots I guess it easier probably like $10 thing on a Poshmark as well they're not really big branded just Nordstrom's but I see them on there for like 15 or 20 bucks so we'll probably the stars for 10 and get them out these are nice Nikes I don't even think I look these ones up yet but they're basically in perfect condition there's literally nothing on them at all besides like a little food and mark there but it's not like scratch that'll come right off once we actually wake these up but I basically brand new pair of kids Nikes as well little pair of black boots again I think these are these Nordstrom's too now they're that NEMA brand but they're not worth much again something again we'll probably just put on Poshmark for 10 bucks but all these little 10 bucks things they add up quick alright let's talk about these hats too because I didn't think these were valuable but I just figured my stem aside and check them out in the course like we do so they're wrong Bret something losing it's hard to see in the light but whatever the brand is I forgot these are about 20 sometimes 30 dollars on eBay and one of the two of them are used and one of them is brand-new brand-new they're like 40 bucks and use their like 20 to 25 so this is another probably $67 in hats which probably the Belle époque mark maybe even I'm not sure I don't know about the market for hats on Pascha mark but we'll definitely check it out what was in this again I don't remember no more oh yeah this is all the Christmas ornaments we could not really find no more information on these like literally I'm clueless that's another thing I wanted you guys to help me out if possible but there's no dates on these but they do live local they don't look like something that it was made recently I think it'd be worth more I'd be like better shaped and things like that just because of the you know technologies have often whatnot but those look like they can be old but there's just no date it sucks but you never know what was this one in here there's a White House Christmas ornament from 2009 didn't even realize that was in there but just a little wine I don't think it's like the expensive ones that are like 2030 dollars oh there's a few in here I missed these the White House ones yeah that tree one that's right on top and you just found a brand new one of those lost unit I think oh yeah I think yeah but yeah other than that it's mostly just a bunch of the M&M ones so hopefully those are valuable again I want to be waiting to get some replies from you guys in the comments maybe point me in the right direction and other than that oh yeah somebody's going to ask me about this so I might as well show it yes MCM or is it MCM yeah the decent brand for purses but we didn't notice in the unit is look at the handle so again I want to ask you is this worth keeping I know they're valuable but is it worth keeping the inside it's kind of beat-up like look at the inside and look at the handle I don't know if it's something like expensive enough to where somebody would buy to prepare or is it probably just junk I mean it does have a number and everything with us and we know it's authentic but it's really beat-up so somebody that's really in the purse market I guess let me know it might be worth keeping for repair might not I don't know but definitely we're gonna throw it out because I saw the prices of somebody selling you so you guys don't let me know with that I was in that guy's we really does have a bunch of little finds I don't really want to show go through all of them you know little jackets little things like that that we'll put on Poshmark as well ten bucks here ten bucks there overall I thought this was gonna be a bus not even gonna lie to you I thought we might break even with the uggs and some of the other things all you're gonna end up making decent money for sure on this unit and if those autographs end up being worth something we could definitely make a ton of money and if that coin end there being one of the rare ones we are in the green like way in the green so another fun treasure hunt another fun ending and we make money and hope you guys enjoyed the video so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos every single day of the week storage units dumpster diving maybe thrift stores I don't know anymore the prices are getting a little ridiculous if we find it there struction we're outside of this area like pretty far maybe thirst storage yard sales anything like that all the types of trending videos everything if you want to follow us on our social media links to be on screen just click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 56,110
Rating: 4.8836794 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit auctions, storage unit, storage unit buying, storage unit finds 2018, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage locker, storage wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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