Is This Our MOST EXPENSIVE Score Yet? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back and treasure hunting with cheese guys we are here in Washington DC just picked up this amazing looking unit kind of with Springs and I saw some light over there somebody over there just cleaning out the unit I've just found a load of 357 in the unit so maybe we can probably get that gun you know we've been looking for it but anyway we paid 170 but this unit I'm inside the end because people everywhere 170 bucks looks at me loaded shoeboxes that looks like moving the town over here so without further ado let's get digging [Music] alright guys so the main reason I bid on this and it only aired I think 1 for 170 it's because of this right here the DC is also like the freakin nation's capital for fake products so feels like leather it does say Lilly Vuitton pairs made in France I can tell you like comparing this one to the last one we bought this one is just significantly closer and it's full of other bags too let's see what that's a big purse doesn't have a brand in it it's probably like this have cheap little Poshmark one but that Louis Vuitton ends up being real I mean once that with these nothing compared to what it's worth this one has nothing in it either there's something can you read that mmm Patricia - it says Italian leather telling you like if I learned one thing from these storages Italy hand wait this yeah it looks like about its know what definite have to do this look up the Louie Vuitton see if we can find a serial number things like that when we get home because that's the big money if it's in this out-of-the-way peacefully or anyone goes crazy had these my pocket knife rats put on one pest under this yet I'm getting there give me time another weird purse is like Robert Foster first jellies yeah listen here first tennis I get somebody junk drawer yep jumped order they're interested in these all like the fans all right here one of those like cable splitters bands gonna walk it off seeing that thumbtack super glue sticky stuff well did she locks their full shoes too man this could be a good unit oh yeah no no it's a glass where this stuff I found like you can sell us at the flea market but this time of year it's like literally just sitting junk there's no one's gonna buy it locally that kind of stuff right now you have window unit yeah twin one nothing it is in there it has been used like two of them actually that's a big jacket up here no let's see give me a brand name that's all I want Karen sport cool never heard of it without a bag this is a leather man everything's big size big size it usually can get more the guy was a three-unit leather one with a floor so should be worth a little bit more let's chest our faith there give up I'm scared hey there in there they look to being like like new shape I don't think ever been worn look at that yes okay they've been worn not very much that's one boxer shooter that was me hopefully means they're all fall yes Henry Sierra those are in there as well this is like dirty at the bottom like this stuff will come off at the white about this one another pair of shoes are those they're definitely like dirty at the bottom but why are they erect and plastic box say anything to the shoot others I say explain the man J Hudson don't think that's a big name Bernie man those are in there too that those got to be native yeah yeah yeah definitely somebody to care the shoes notice that before get our 4G hotspot not in there okay those have seen better days those are michael for neither parade there's two pair of shoes in this one yeah pretty much before us me worth one they're pretty right baby if not I don't know the comment trust me champion shoes those are decent not great but not awful I'm finally called it up on here in the box I'm gonna have to go through next time smart road 9 I mean they're in there you know we get like five to 10 apiece on these on Fox mark I mean there's two like that'll be 15 to 20 creative shoes that could be the money back right there that Louie Vuitton bag is real money money money if it's not we got a hundred bucks for the watch later on wagon it was fake so what appeared rahmanir even heard of him that's got to be now why they in a fancy bag now they've been warned to but not much like all these years intervening the exact same condition slightly worn on the bottom but other than that pretty good she even got a tag on it for 48 bucks so it's nothing to you high class I guess I want to keep going through all these in just two men they all feel like they're having self pretty sure they all of you have shoes so let's get to the green all bags random junk isn't it galaxy energy pad X I'll get the phone just the charger sale Samsung charger LG [Music] Bill's I mean that kind of dollar bills in here no I mean literal goes hey smart tab that's something I mean it could be something in there guys last time we found a bag of paperwork in DC it would want paperwork you ever seen that video check it out now I was like sticks under hard cash it's a box for that - yeah just realize it's for the d-pad yo G 6 what does it say nice play it's definitely worth at 170 what's this there's a purse in here but if this thing's like look at that its knotted well I guess how there has to be something we do when we get help let's take a lot of persons in there let's get these shoes off is out the way now just take skill about the skill and what is close did you guys see at the box said look at that regulated medical waste I'd have been pretty bad that's what essentially in there's like a box use needles yeah there's actually using needles in there kind of man everyone our field a told you so this is why you have gloves it's all hair pins it looks like that all looks like clothes yeah pretty much all clothes all right well you said we're gonna play put a lot of something here to make an all told deep fryer all right send a bunch of books got my interest just saw like a back of the bag all right you don't have my interest huge stuff that's kind of cool though that's handcrafted man hope you get this one trip couple of those boxes up hello buddy whoops check that out - Louie Vuitton if they're real of course well I can't tell you what it feels like now but look good completely random stuff too say that adjunct or how many times one person need I don't know if like the internal martyrs a little stamp right here for this most people on the inside I might be on the bottom underneath of all that what about the these I mean the super say Louie taught on it so fingers crossed all you can do what is this one leather me and I gonna take a second or third leather man we found hopefully that's a good brand cuz I never heard of it there's nuts all on hangers but a kini Pacino enough this sound expensive weatherproof we found an overall without that brand and they're like 2530 dollars you use just for the overall so assuming that's more Ava vivre blue fur wonder that's a Leonard has it's alright cleaning tag on it so how do you fancy look at that further I'd like slide my sleeve down Thunder with my wrist just to see gonna feel like real fur now that looks nice you're sure having all clothes was like a full night clothes at home I'll be on here have some salt more clothes yeah that's just about it all right then clothes gonna be money though with the shoes and the to Louie the compact the Lou Vuitton bags are really already made Banco oh yeah they're fake still making like there's not as much that Prestwick and more and that is a styling company what is this one Vendetta we're all it's beautiful that's a whole bag of Ross about this one that's the whole bag of socks that's where the money that socks these socks put out of here that looks like underwear now sweet I know we're talking brawls that's what I wanted this is a dot here we got that's just all Navy special here we got I don't know studio I'm hoping we go home we're looking some of these brands up and like yes yes yes Ashley Stewart more purses if they're good friends if not still easy Vinci purses you still get something for do you see a brand on that anywhere you neither probably a cheap one well looking where do you tell at home that's me in it all right bag of jewelry definitely cost you jewelry a lot of persons in there look at that there's a lot in there there's no way I'm gonna get them all right now look how far down that goes there's like layers of purses please be like Prada coach or something or Louie will take that too it says on a button you see that but it probably yeah actually many more bags no clothes alright guys so how do Stephanie do you know like I said the Louboutin bags and the clothes do look expensive if the bags are real we made so much money in this unit if not definitely still making money stuff a lot to go through when we get home so I'm gonna try to load the car up get it back and then we'll do a recap see you then alright guys so let's do a recap on this storage unit the reason you did see the prices popping up this time because it's just a crap ton of small items worth small amounts the only two big items are the Louie Vuitton bags and we're still not sure about but before we get into that we had a total of about 21 different pairs of shoes in the prices range from as low as $10 to some of them were as high as 35 to $40 so on the shoes alone this is $170 unit we're probably doubling just on the shoes not including nothing else we also had pretty much an entire tote full of purses which again range some of them were cheaper some of them about five bucks just some of them were as high as like 50 bucks so again that big how many purses was there like twelve to fourteen something like that a lot of purses so you probably took another few hundred dollars just in purses as well and of course the big things which you're not sure about I'm gonna go on a limb I think they're fake right now but I don't know last time I thought they were real they were fakes and maybe if I think they're big they're real fingers crossed but it does feel like genuine leather this time last time I felt like that what would you call it like fake leather clever type thing not real this time it does feel like leather but I've searched all through in the inside and I cannot find like a serial I know that's a big sign they've better than the serial numbers probably fake but I don't know if they'd come off or they rub off or stuff like that but you look at the inside last time you look fake this one it's like so nice feeling it does have like the heat stamp right here the designs on the bag itself add up I watched I watched a lot of food he wasn't trying to figure this out so that's why I feel like I know so much without this right now but the big thing is it does not have a serial number that I can see unless it's came off I don't know if they can derive offers anything like that but it feels real same goes for this one this one also feels very real - a lot better than the other ones the other one just felt cheaply made but this one does as well and as you saw I popped up in a video if these things are real I mean those prices were used you're talking over a grand still each over a grand a piece but if they're fake more like 50 to 100 or so so it's like a big different yet even if it's fake we still make a lot of money in the unit cuz all the clothes and things that had up but if they're real I mean it's like the biggest score any we've had so I don't know I know some people say you can take I literally have like comments go back and forth somebody says you could take these to Louie Vuitton place or outlet and that's how if it's real the next work and says well Louis Vuitton doesn't verify anymore so I'm like I don't know what to do it no more I really know so if anyone has any suggestions on this let me know we also have this weird looking thing that we don't know if it's like a soup in the air from somewhere or something that's actually like you know handcrafted an old not too sure on that we have a lot of random things like this that we've saved is I'm scared to sell them I'm scared like I'm gonna go sell one for like 20 bucks and to end up being like a 500 year old artifacts worth the thousands of dollars so if anyone has an idea where you take things like that especially if you remember I think the second storage in a video we did here we found those really really old-looking sketches I still have those because I'm just afraid to sell them like I've had somebody offer $50 for it but I'm like it's just what if what if it's really that old it's like thousands of years old it's worth like thousands or even a million dollars some of those things you know I can't let it go so I really gotta find someone to take them I still have them in a box somewhere this tablet works it was like it works like brand-new it's a chief it's not like a nickname brand everything not an iPad unfortunately but it does work well it's probably just thing you get from Walmart the smart tab on the back but its speed like these you know after like a year or two a usage they get so slow you basically just want to throw them so this one feels like it's never been used or if it has been used very very lightly there's nothing on here like nothing's been downloaded nothing signed in there's no picture so I don't know what the hell are used it for but maybe they used it who knows we also found this thing in there which I'm not really too sure on but it says Koji pottery a unique piece of art which way does it go okay that's how they make that out that's another thing that we haven't been able to find much information on because most of the writing on the card is all in Chinese I'm guessing and yeah I can't read that say my life in one part that's not in Chinese just to sing like pottery bow of what doesn't tell us anything about it so don't really know what that's just another cheap souvenir or something isn't worth a lot of money I have absolutely no idea but anyway with this unit the main money's gonna be coming from all the purses and all the shoes and including the time back if they're real and if not like I said the still I bet you even if they're fake will still get 150 bucks for the pair at least but if they're real you definitely see a community post or something but we're gonna try to find that out over the next couple days fingers crossed for us I hope so anyway guys that's gonna get it so thank you so much for watching the video if you did enjoy make sure leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe line for all treasure hunting videos every single day of the week maybe want to follow us on our social media links to be on screen just click the links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 80,581
Rating: 4.8939395 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit, abandoned storage units, expensive storage unit, most expensive storage unit, storage auction finds, storage hunters most expensive, storage units, finding expensive stuff in storage units, most expensive storage locker, most expensive storage wars, most expensive thing on storage wars, most expensive unit on storage wars, treasure hunting
Id: Zn5vRkUMlr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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