I bought a Goodwill Mystery Donations Pallet - UNBOXING What's Inside

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all righty everyone welcome back we got here we got another pallet that's what we got we got our pallet here guys are curious you're new to the channel we've been doing a couple of these pallets some of them have been pretty decent it's if you do flea markets or yard sales it's not hard to make your 40 bucks back this one was the last pallet they had available [Music] um yeah last pallet they had available they start off with like four or five and they only had one left i asked them if they had any more they said they'd make them at night and then they bring them out in the morning this is around noon so i spent 40 bucks for this the one thing with this is you have to take everything i just noticed it said single shoes i see a single shoe here but it looks like housewares and other things in here so uh 40 bucks got to take anything let's see what's inside this pallet little unboxing video let's do it all right so let's take off this so yeah with these generally speaking of you i end up with a lot of housewares these are donations people have dropped off and they are so jam-packed you might be able to see there's a sign over there it says they are not accepting any more donations which is bananas for goodwill not to accept donations so they're pretty much just selling off whatever people have donated and that's exactly what's in here this looks like it's going to be a lot of housewares the good thing is i am going to flea mark in a couple days so whatever happens happens we do have some vans here which are very very clean that might be 5-10 bucks right there off the bat it's decent vans see another adidas shoe here but i hope the other shoe is in here this is looks like a cork board do a little rearrangement here i gotta find the other looks like this is all housewares you got bowls on top of bowls glasses this monkey is pretty cool he might have to be an ebay piece it kind of feels like a furby monkey that even makes sense what's he made by tiger cuddle chimp got a little spider he might be a little valuable looks like just a bunch of bowls this will get a dollar two dollars for full four and some dog balls all right moving right along get some toys it's a small action figures some kid out there will love that um what else we got all these little purse bags looks like beer bradley probably got at least a dollar each for them yeah you got a couple in there three what is this this looks like tiffany blue but is that tiffany that's just nothing just tiffany blue it's kind of weird this is the first pallet i've bought where everything is just like thrown in there usually it's like all in boxes it's a little bit neater looks like a ton of housewares though what are these even before you go toilet spray huh fill the bowl what in the world i don't know what that is a bunch of mugs landscape fabric funny actually went out and bought this stuff this year went to home depot and bought some of that so i'll actually keep that let's see what else we got here brand new animals this was 17 bucks it's kinda neat looks like we have a director's chair easy eyes large print keyboard 1275 as seen on tv all right pet carrier barrier this is great how much was this does i have a price on it because i was thinking about going out and buying one of these for if i ever took salsa i don't like her drive i don't like her in the front seat i know some people like their dog in the front seat i think it's a little weird so i was going to actually go out and buy one of these i don't know these maybe like 10 15 bucks so i mean just unkeepable stuff i probably have close to 25 30 worth of stuff there's gonna be a lot of garbage it looks like like somebody donated this they had it for a dollar somebody might be able to use this so maybe we'll actually keep that but there are a lot of coffee cups and mugs and tote bags soap and water your hands used made in china dollar general so this is pro this is all disgusting look at that look at that i still got half a pound to go i wish it was more organized like this is just thrown in here and it's so random with the stuff we have a fake book another one of these also this set it just keeps on i thought it'd be kind of crazy to sell that two pieces for eight bucks so you know four piece set that for eight dollars i mean i might take that off as 10 because that's a really nice set there still trying to figure out why this is all thrown in here it's almost like did they open up boxes and just throw this in here or did someone else buy a pallet throw everything back do you want and they just threw it in here starting to wonder this goodwill up to something that i don't know don't know all right so this is director's chair well you can see this thing's good i sold the last one the one i found in the trash that might just be dust that's all stained i think somebody can still want that get a little bit for that five bucks ten bucks maybe uh definitely made my forty dollars back but man getting past that forty dollar threshold it's gonna be tough like ah these boots might be alright columbia boots great brand in columbia so these might be good these might be an ebay piece literally there's no boxes so everything's just thrown there you ever think that i pack my van bad it's gonna be really bad today dvds on top of dvds that's all right right now i'm getting two for a buck on them and they're actually they go in waves they do go in waves right now they're selling pretty well so this is a cd but we do have complete first series we have a of glee which looks like a blu-ray a bunch of military films uh so that's good because you probably got close to five dollars there we got a bunch of vhs's here see if there's any decent ones coyote ugly i never heard that lots of kid stuff this palette lots of stuffed animals you guys remember i picked up a bunch of stuffed animals at auction i did all right with them but you know when you're trying to buy these pallets i'd like to have like one solid hit like the first one we did you guys haven't checked out that one make sure to check out the rest of the series pampered chef that's all right six dollars all for pampered chef surprised i didn't sell it at a yard sale um the first one we picked up we picked up this awesome star trek star trek uh poster hey look another one of these all right we've got a couple other things in here got some candlesticks a little tweety bird thing this probably late 90s early 2000s there we go we got some boxes this might just be garbage in this box some dollhouse stuff this was that box there's some random stuff in here like a random shoe somebody donated half a bottle of vitamins i mean if you're watching this and you're considering donating this kind of stuff i'll be straight forward if you don't donate half a bottle of vitamins they're not going to resell it no one else is going to do it or try to buy them or anything i mean there's other stuff like this wire someone out there might buy it candlesticks mason jars if you have the other shoe tweety bird yeah but like i'm not trying to be a jerk about this but don't donate half a bottle of vitamins just throw it out all right this white bag is throwing me for a loop it's giving off a very large garbage vibe to me ah not garbage wow all sorts of brand new party favors wow that's a good that's a good lot see things can be deceiving things can be very deceiving this looks like if you're gonna have a party that's your streamers all sorts of good stuff in there boxes gift boxes streamers fake eggs for easter oh man this is bringing back not those these are bringing back a flash from the past all sorts of stuff we have trim i think this is the trim that you use in your classroom all right well this is pretty much all i think you guys can kind of get the gist of this bag right here it's just all party favor stuff whatever this might be as well what kind of like how you get your rice from the restaurant all right someone out there is having a party would love this my favorite piece so far and it looks like probably my favorite piece of well that's kind of cool is this looks almost like a egg baskets new but still pretty decent pieces would definitely sell and kind of just all around cool small if you like the primitive look but you don't want to buy a authentic primitive you want to clean one one that's actually not falling apart it's not bad this whole thing whatever this is that's a bucket it's a another bucket inside a basket it's a glassware all right down to the last bits is actually a really cool backpack i like this one oh can't reach it [Music] it's got that nice vintage colors pink and turquoise it was five dollars at a yard sale so many honkings here and then i just it's got a stain still a nice little bag looks like a legit piggy bank it is can't open it well shake it around don't hear anything [Music] all right we got in this bag more stuffed animals what's this a small backpack i don't know that is tuned to myself true to myself this might be a puzzle that's what it sounds like puzzle pieces looks like why is this frozen all right lots of stuffed animals are very happy it wasn't just single shoes ah it's just a lid oh it's a hat hear things bouncing around here so a bunch of fabric that is a bunch of needle work [Applause] fabric kind of stuff got some dvd glasses these are your it looks like car mats eye mask random very very random day don't know don't know toilet washer thing wouldn't surprise me would i drop all this stuff huh interesting day interesting that looks like it's about it grab out this kind of stuff and we'll be done pallet dawn all right so all righty so that was completed as you guys see i knew this would be a prom pack in the van just looks like garbage thrown everywhere which unfortunately when the things don't come in boxes is kind of what happens which was kind of weird the whole thing seemed weird this is probably the weirdest bin i bought um lots of stuff here it came from a yard sale because there's a lot of stickers on it so we have you know like a five dollar sticker on that this i think had a five dollar sticker on it so a lot of stuff was like yard sale leftovers if you're curious about these kind of bins or pallets um that's what they kind of look like they're they're essentially just donations that goodwill just decide to put in a pallet and sell at this goodwill and i think a lot of the keystone goodwills right now they're not accepting donations because they just have so much i think that's actually a huge issue i didn't really think about that so jay told me last week maybe it's two weeks ago he told me that they were not accepting any more donations he bought a pallet and i didn't really think about through if they're not accepting donations they're probably not going to be getting boxes of stuff that they're going to put on these pallets because what they used to do is they used to take donations that people gave to that store the goodwill outlet or goodwill but goodwill bins and they used to make a pallet out of that stuff now i guess they're taking donations from other stores or past donations and throwing into pallets so that's why i think you ended up with a lot more kind of just random stuff be honest probably a lot of garbage um because there was no donations this is like leftover stuff or stuff from other stores so i mean it is what it is i mean to make 40 bucks back is not a problem get rid of the garbage for me it's not a problem if you don't have a van you don't have a truck it's gonna be a lot harder to do this kind of stuff and have this kind of adventure i say just stick to sourcing at normal thrift stores if you're you know you're trying to make some money uh if you just want the thrill of a gamble it's not hard to make 40 bucks back at the same time i don't think you're gonna be finding any 100 200 300 pieces down the road but uh this was fun if you guys enjoyed it smack the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts i greatly appreciate all the support now over a thousand videos on youtube uh truly it means a lot for all the support over the past couple years and i thank you guys and girls for uh for really giving me the opportunity to do this so thanks for all that if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button like i said and i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 42,551
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: goodwill pallet, goodwill bins, goodwill outlet, amazon returns, ebay, mystery pallet, pallet unboxing, pallet unbox, whats inside mystery pallet, goodwill thrift, amazon fba, thrift haul, mystery box, mystery box unwrap, mystery box open, pallet returns, return pallet, return pallet opening, unwrap present, buy and sell, reseller, pallet buy, wholesale, wholesale amazon, found gold, found money, goodwill donations, goodwill thrift shop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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