Cashing In 100 POUNDS OF COINS In COINSTAR! Cashing In Coins At Coinstar

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since we moved to our house out here in california we've been throwing all of our change in a bucket whether it's from the flea market change from a store or change from wherever in this bucket i've been waiting for the bucket to get to right at 100 pounds before we cashed it in and today we are just about at 100 pounds so i figured we're gonna take it to the store and see how much money is in this bucket so here's our big bucket of change it may not look like much but this bucket is huge and it finally weighs like right at 100 pounds oh it's a lot more than that isn't it whoa come on scale close enough yeah it said 99.4 earlier 97.3 now i guess we have unstable force but about 100 pounds worth of change let's go take it to the store before we do that what's your guess how much change you think's in there there i know that it looks like a lot of pennies that's because the last unit had a lot of pennies but there's a lot of quarters in there there's half dollars there's gold dollars there's all kinds of stuff in there before we go i want everyone in this house to take bets they're all calling me crazy because i'm saying it's gonna be 500 in there what do you think's going to be in there i think it's going to be more like 120 to 130 or someone it's a lot of pennies i think i'm going to originally said 160 but i think because a lot of pennies i'm going to say like 200. and i shall say probably around 300 so that's my guess it's gonna be five when there might be more than 500 i'm telling you i put those quarters in there there's a lot of quarters in there i'm on an island let's get this big mama to the car you know it's not even that is that much weight is that it's like two little plastic divots digging into my palms and it doesn't feel really good at all let's get it in the back you think it's gonna fit i don't know we'll see come on oh geez it's see look at it now look at the chain all right safe secured we're good to go let's do it before we get our kid out we gotta have basketball to sit in right here without scratching the car you know round the car all right let's get our son out i'll hold the basket let me unbuckle him calm down calm down calm down stop crying stop crying oh it's sad it's leaving us it's been with us for so long wow that's a lot of change all right dr jeebus reporting for duty let's go do surgery on this change [Music] do you believe these things want to charge you now 12.5 percent plus a done that's way too much so you know what we're gonna do take the e gift card and go with well get a load where is it at because i think we use amazon prime like look three five times a week so for sure easy let's see and we have to pay no fees so that makes it better what will you use for this transaction you put bills in there yeah i didn't think you could coins boy coins all right you ready oh the moment we've been waiting for it this is kind of an awkward size now you know put all that in there first it's going to take a little while you see how much lit how little of a dent that is in the whole thing at least we're going to get all the pennies out the way first it goes how do you feel about your bet now i'm feeling good about it i think it's a lot more pennies it looks like than silver i think i'm going to be closer no i'm going to win this remember we're paying no fees so that amount is the exact amount when we're done so there's no fee for a gift card i do i appreciate that when it has to do that you feel like yes it's half faster wrist bone man little time all day for this you still think your argument's valid if you're twenty dollars no way no way that's this is just the pennies on top and we didn't even make a dent into this thing not even a dent i'm starting to feel scared of my numbers too little we'll go to the bottom at the end by the way before anybody asks yes there's no silver in here there's no million dollar pennies in here i check all my change i'm one of those crazy people [Music] we're gonna break the machine aren't we gonna break the machine we got so much chain for it has everyone heard about the whole apparently there's like a chain shortage in the us now we're getting rid of all ours we're gonna stop that shortage right here today i know somehow there's a shortage when the coins are minted every year they're just vanishing or something look at this we're almost at 60 bucks i'm not going to touch it yet all right we got the first little bit down we're almost at 70 dollars already your number's gonna get blown out the water just saying i think i'm a loser all right let's see i still have a chance however i think i put too much in there just take the time i'm trying here i'm crying i'm trying [Music] see i mean after pennies the quarters is still the highest after the pennies look staple you ever wonder how weird things get in chain jars [Music] about to cross the first hundred how are you feeling still you still think your 300's gonna be good i think so you do i'm sticking with my thighs look how much more we have a lot more to go find our box already you know there's probably at least a few dollars right here should i wait till the end to get it off all right look at my hands now yeah dirty hands mean clean money remember that dirty hands me and clean money i think we're gonna break the machine yeah i think we are gonna get stuff halfway and be like hey we don't got no more room can i say that this is like a pretty loud machine too i hope you guys can hear us it's pretty loud and you know we got to wear this stupid mask too so it doesn't help oh look you're 120 it's gone well yeah like i said i think i've lost this competition what was baby jeebus at 200. oh i just pushed a little screw in there i saw it go we're almost to the second wave guys almost to the second noise more stables where does stable keep coming from i don't know one of the random drawers we have in that unit brandon we have some random jars of change and drawers of change and storage units just throw it all in there look how many pennies are in there over 000. there's a lot of coins in there too all the times i went to the flea market and got tons of quarters from people they all went in here all right ready for the next round three 150 already broke it again good going good going look what you did look what you did you guys did this guess who's not putting coins in there not my fault oh look at san francisco giant maybe not recently but historically how many things more staple more staples these staples are really becoming a staple this coin bucket yeah i went there stop buffering it's buffering too much i look through here see if we're gonna take anything out so something a pearl found in a team a half dollar no he's already been one dollar we're coming up on a 200 mark guys there's a lot of change down here at the bottom i'd love to get it soon that's a whole dollar even gonna buy some pennies half dollars it's all storage 200 baby jesus loses too he said 200. i think we know the clear winner here sorry baby divas mine's three so we still got 195 if it goes to 401 i'm closer than you i feel like jesus already counts yeah totally cheated i counted 3 200 pennies 200 nickels 300 500 quarters eight half dollars and four dollars you would do that to be right he would do that to be right he doesn't even know me oh yeah i only birthed him and raised them you're right i don't know him all right four we're going into the championship round probably two more rounds left in this or the screw let's get that out i see gold dollars in there look i'm sorry i see foreign [Music] there it goes no no i didn't count two of them [Music] full dollars are those weird points that for some reason everybody keeps them because they think they're worth something and they're worth a dollar that's it was at the 250 mark come on 250. you know how hot i am under this right now i had to do this you're so selfish me too so selfish god oh my god all right round five i don't think i weight too much coming up on three least you learned some of the best under estimators are in this house 120 dollars [Music] 4000 of them i didn't know he cheated he knew what was in there what a cheater she's acting like i didn't say all this before we started crazy ladies i'm gonna go ahead and take the l from i guess now because it's already at 288. i told you guys i don't know if it'll be quite 500 i definitely think it'll be over four for sure because it's 401 what if it's 400 even oh and i'm running out of the car to grab a penny what am i going to get with 500 on we might have the we got to be creative what's some crazy video ideas built some old school mr b stuff back in the day craziest things you can find on amazon that would be fun let us know in the comments guys if you want to see one video like that what is it probably like a dutch one [Music] so you want to go ahead and denounce your victory now i already did all right i did that at like 280. but the way it's going so far you might win the microwave challenge guys if you haven't watched the video go back and watch the microwave video from yesterday tell me which object was the coolest i still say my egg but a lot of people are saying your phone well mine's between the dove and the phone that's why people said i won well it was a one-object choice we can do grocery shopping on amazon for no why what about cool stuff from amazon we need videos oh i was thinking like almonds and brazil nuts and protein bars all right we can get some of that stuff too here's the end of it guys [Music] don't know amber might be the one in here it's gonna be close it's gonna come down to the wire right now i think there's 70 some dollars i'm not above running to the car to get change out of the car i'm not above yeah don't forget that change now whatever storage unit they came out of stop putting staples of money [Music] you know what's funny we're over here making a corn star video probably being very loud and then you have all these other people over here they're just you know quietly doing their grocery shopping wondering why we have a big camera at the coinstar machine they should all subscribe to treasure hunting with jesus it'd be the best decision of their lives daddy get a little nervous now you know yeah i mean i'm feeling a little bit better oh my there's a whole round up you need to back up you don't have to get another bucket let's do that [Music] [Music] not as much as i thought that's cause this bucket's huge [Music] how does this oh yes it is oh no i'm not about to lose by like 20 bucks a month no no no no no no no and what did you say anyway didn't you say like 500 yeah it has to be over 400 you said three right yeah i think you got me [Music] smash by train penny excited to do that look at that one oh no he's still digging through that thing down there he's trying to put more in there canadian it's looking a little scarce here canadian smushed no when it came down to the wire i think i'm all over there oh look that was just 15 gold dollars wide that still wouldn't be enough oh these it's not going to take these pennies i think we're done then [Music] you got me fight less than 18 dollars [Music] i don't want your spam email you did it i feel defeated i feel you did it i did it don't let nobody see this is our secret number no come on let me look i guess she got me guys i lost fair and square see at home before we go home you know we had to get some keto ice cream check it out shout out to enlightenment that's right shout out to enlightened for sure chip and peanut butter food 382.77 if you ever wanted to know what was in 100 pounds of change now you have your answer i still cannot believe i lost this challenge over what seventeen dollars and some change you think i can get back and get his put up that high did you but anyway thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 140,156
Rating: 4.835525 out of 5
Keywords: cashing in coins at coinstar, cashing in coins at the bank, cashing in coins at walmart, cashing in coins, cashing in coins 2020, cashing in coins coinstar, cashing in coins for cash, cashing in coins for money, cashing coins at coinstar, cashing in 26000 coins, cashing in a bunch of coins, cashing in my coins, cashing in quarters at coinstar, cashing in silver coins, cashing coins at the bank, cashing coins, coinstar hack, biggest coinstar cash in, coin machine bank
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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