Old Owner ARRESTED! Found MINI GUNS! Storage Unit Finds Guns

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Oh guns release from custody today part three back at the 10 by 10 coordinates $840 is just getting into it we have found all kinds of treasures collectible jewelry everything you can want to the storage in it we've already found it we haven't even send this thing yet no telling how much money we're gonna make in a storage unit I'm telling you the mother lode looks like it's not all paper I've been up for 29 hours I've been working hard all paper that's not a good start most of all this total this one looks like it's not peppers so they got my trophy cuz I'm the king and that's actually the year I graduated 2012 King this is fitting for me it's mine now well I'm Little Miss and mr. Hawaiian Tropic pageant mr. Hawaiian trying really I have wings what else we got going on I got this Lily a voodoo doll it is what is that it's a nun cutter cut that's 300,000 total look at that that's actually a wholly antique camera last one we found similar to this sold for fifty five bucks when he's pretty fast I don't know what to say it doesn't look like it's a one though you have somewhere to set and stuff I don't because I came prepared look what I see see everything we find it is you looks like Yugi top the war in Iraq which one I feel like I know that guy from somewhere what is this what's going on in there what is that Cal Ripken miners baseball trophies personal softball trophies guess what I am I'm a big booty at least they start it you know so they knew this was going on YouTube and they thought about that so you know what I don't want them to have to edit it out and censor it I'll start for them that's so play we really appreciate that dropping stone yeah what else you guys stopped personal stuff is mostly pictures down here part of a trophy maybe a statue of liberty see hey look it's one of the ones the one on the map yeah it's got a sticker on it has to choose it's Massachusetts one of the few states we have a ministry hey pocketing it speaking of money that is one coin is that it's a dollar it's a gold dollar we're gonna regular $12 $2 free no don't break open this Oh guns whoa whoa let's see guns are from light Oh 2004 they were just collected but you wanted well he wants you to have him let's see yeah it looks like a flintlock is it focusing yes it is this is my guest everyone that's like super good experts correct me flintlock revolver nice 357 looks like a monster pistol I'm going off video games right and that looks like a bulldog not really it serve all their revolvers but whatever I just like that you know that's what this video game people out there another some of you out there that a lot of personal in that box but that was pretty interesting not gonna lie let's pull out this purple tote I always liked big totes better what is that bike wheel back there maybe we got a bike too not telling what the meeting this is heavy I get the shoe box I get the laptop sunray adjust for it never has it and it's not shoes these are Park maps they have some park maps we have some selling supplies yeah it's literally running Windows XP this thing is probably maybe like 15 bucks for parts pull off old technology allows fast this is the Bible what do you got in there what is that a base look at that it looks like Holy Bible fingerprint holy Bob what is this little thing I think we have real silver that is 95 silver this is real silver right here not really sure what that gem is probably something obviously fake but is it a pearl but it's real silver and look at this I was brave today give me a hug all right I'm gonna put this stuff back in there anything else interesting here knows this might be a laptop that's very interesting usually they're a bunch of personal paperwork left yeah and yeah this looks like clothes but for some reason there's something metal in there and it's like I don't know what it is I got to find out if it's really I don't think those are one of those stains what are those stains and a person watching the videos you saw yeah you had no more breath to say one more feeling true yeah you know you want to know a fun it back I'm 25 I've never rode a bike in my life ever ever I've never rode a bike in my life because I'm busy playing runescape the first time that you guys learned this has to be on video what if you make that promise to them no no no we're not doing that unless I would set some ridiculous goal it'll never happen so I never have to do it we have to get 5,000 likes on one video and I would ride a bike on YouTube see make it easy something nobody will ever do so that all it did me yes off you try to teach me but I never learned random clothes random metal no fine next box that looks really random and put it up here let's do this you know that actually would look cool if the team wanted in sex of that but this is fortunately uh San Francisco what cornstalk well it's a canteen but in fully smelted I did what if that was somebody's woodland urine bag well then I would have had a whole nose full of woodland years deliciousness cast nope so crappy team hats a weird canteen and broken glass yeah so with storage units for next time get it dude back here which the top is already off for some reason no nudity on YouTube sorry but we got a baby I don't we don't know it maybe I don't know what to say I hate that stuff you use one bag and six years later you'll still be fine even your car I really want to be bees and there's actually pellets in there too from like an air right when I just we begun we're getting closer and closer to finding a you know what let me get an on it a picture today what year is this 2019 still right yeah [Music] this is so beautiful [Music] I can't wait Instagram please attention that's my rusty and sharp looking I wouldn't want to grab it let's not mess with that oh sweet mommy what is this ooh release from custody look at that somebody was in prison here we go I'm so glad you're out find out what that's for just a little bit but nothing else in a lot this that's that's the information we got to look for what you got there stuff so this is a bat bag by Easton but I do not see any baseball or softball related items here you see any bullet throwing device related items well not right off the bat okay okay that is all right yes very I can't like breathe no I know all right so these are just it's just a big long Hot Wheels track so it goes along with all these hot little cars these feel like maybe ten things I think there's a chair in here there's a trap um there's a football - yeah but it's stuck in there is it a full-size one [Music] [Music] [Music] I think it's gonna be more of the c-word closed low blow let's see if we've got a decent brand in there whenever I see double back to this I just remember GTA 5 the first mission haha reverse the hell now it's males this is all closed missing all clothes I don't trust people behind me I don't trust do behind me this bags all clothes let's put it away hold on another book bag you wanna see what's in this one of course let's let's figure out how to open it step 1 I guess that'd be important bang what are these organizers what's in the jar if I snuggle these is we're in California right bags Hey and it's in there it's like literally worth more than its plastics worth more than the game put it like that right Mary Mary yeah so let's get this one out the way get over there I don't wanna look at clothes no more I'm getting really really sick and tired of looking at clothes so we move some more boxes out the way and you see what I see and that box back there to me that looks like a jewelry box I think it's a jewelry box that could be more gold and silver or not got some in the first you know first video we don't know there might be more gold silver back there but obviously we can't get to that yet you want to see what's in here for now yeah what do you got there I have a back-to-basics stovetop popper yes looks brand-new already shout out why they put them back seven millimeter I'm telling you it's coming in as unit I feel it it's coming when I don't know but I know it's in the Phoenix somewhere all the rest is batteries and just try this I'm telling you somewhere in this unit they use a bullet throwing device I'm hoping for the longer long-range ones with hike you know stuff the YouTube doesn't like but I'm hoping one of those in there let's get on it so we find the rare three dollar bill out here toys and books all right so right off the bat we have a halo wean box I like a lean much better the Halloween yeah halo wean stuff we have a skeleton have a white look at all the people that dislike the video that's what they look like oh I don't think we can to show who's on YouTube look at this or else yeah I'll take the bone you're like yeah well you Halloween decorated if you didn't pick it out Halloween Halloween you know kind of happy that we pulled this out because I thought this is gonna be like a super long I'm not sure I'd know what to do with it's just a nice small one let's get me down the drawers all right Snapple the batteries you're a goner all she's gonna pull up I am like how do people's phones get to this point what do you do every morning oh it's on my alarm just toss it Oh easy that peppers don't play with me that's what you won't pepper swear your fans no I won't the cameras too expensive oh he's a straight lied to my face not even an ounce of empathy consumes his blood this man childlike personality is a type to cause havoc and turns around and goes to war alone they may really don't like you jeepers little roasted hey it's just failing or is this you know this is also used for other stuff we're gonna see know what they use it for the right thing other stuff such as already used film yeah cheap watch what the next drawer paper my favorite I think everybody can guess what these straws are here and we're not showing them one YouTube that's just lovely all in there there's a couple all right we're in it we're done we're done Xbox oh that's not really like next box Xbox mystery box alright at these things usually I mean can go for it still twenty dollars like this reused I know we haven't been talking prices but I know that 20 and we have wired for some reason we have people at the flea market I don't want to be rampage after his last fight enough embarrassment with fader what was that what was that for all my non MMA fans you play have no idea what I'm talking about sorry I don't wanna be rampaging that is not really what we're looking for let's see what's in this bag I want you to have that see your favorite what oh yes your favorite guys hangers hangers never belong in target there we go justice is in sir I'm scared now and we have more ports why do we have to leave or he wants a lot of people said crafts or people collecting for the logo I don't know I don't that's actually pretty cool well I can't exactly see my feet that's like a nightlight I am well look back here guys you see a giant carnival looking equipment there's something big and like trotting back there there's so many more boxes we still haven't touched this unit we have so much more so make sure you come back tomorrow because we're still just getting started out but we're gonna get through all of it and I'm telling you something is back there I think it's a bullet throwing though there's just no way it's not in there there's too many too many hints we're gonna find one this time guys don't really like the video subscribe for new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 127,765
Rating: 4.6522417 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds drugs, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit full of guns, storage unit gun finds, storage unit guns, abandoned storage unit guns, guns found in storage unit, guns storage unit, storage auction, auction hunters, garage sale, opening mystery boxes, treasure hunting
Id: 3WF36R2hl6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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