Luckiest Treasures Found In Storage Units

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if you've ever watched the show storage wars or have ever been to a storage unit auction you'll have some idea of the excitement that comes when the lock on the unit is busted open and the expectant buyers get to take a look inside anything can be hidden away in one of those little garages from straight garbage to solid gold and everything in between for your entertainment I've sifted through some of the luckiest and most surprising things ever found in storage units some of which were worth a lot of money let's take a look number 10 classic games if you're anything like me you'll have quite a few old console games stashed away somewhere waiting for a rainy day well that rainy day could actually turn out to be payday as one fortunate storage hunter called Rene found out in the first episode of storage wars 10th season Rene bought the vintage looking unit for a cool $1,500 and when he started digging around in the back and covered a huge dusty treasure trove of vintage electronics including a Super NES game genie codebook a Coleco pong style dedicated machine a Sega Master System game and two Sega Saturn desk Rene brings in an expert to help them evaluate the enormous mass which is mainly made up of game cartridges and after some extensive cataloging the expert estimates that the unit could be worth around 45 to 50 thousand dollars in total judging by the size of the collection it could take a long time to sell but that's a serious amount of cash for some old pieces of no longer used gaming equipment number 9 gold silver and French wine in the UK and 2017 three friends put some money together to buy a mystery storage locker in Middlesbrough the container cost 260 pounds and ended up holding some surprising objects a vintage bottle of French wine made in 1943 when the Nazis still occupied the country a handwritten quart log which appears to be from Suffolk in the 1720s and a didgeridoo we're among the potentially valuable finds countless other rarities and antiques were found including Royal Doulton and Wedgwood along with a treasure trove of cold silver tableware and brass in total 16 storage containers were bust open with bolt cutters with around a hundred people bidding at the event at Magnum Hammerton Hill one even contained a car while others contain furniture medical equipment kitchens car engines and tools the eventual press of the container is actually unknown but early estimates were in the high tens of thousands of pounds not bad for a 260 pound container number 8 Michael Jordan recruitment letters a storage locker bought by a man in North Carolina seemed unassuming at first until he found some unique documents related to basketball legend Michael Jordan hiding in its contents the locker was home to two of Jordans recruitment letters including one from Assistant bill Catherine and another from coach Dean Smith the documents which had changed hands twice golden auctions founder Ken golden says were some of the personal items Jordan gave them Michael Jordan's 23 a restaurant that opened in Chapel Hill North Carolina in 1999 in his previous auction which ended in November golden so the game used jersey formerly owned by entertainer Penny Marshall for fifty one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars last month gray flannel auction sold the pair of shoes Jordan wore in his famous flu game for a hundred and four thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars later the recruitment documents were auctioned off and sold for more than 50 grand fifty thousand dollars for recruitment letters I wonder how much I can get for all my rejection letters number seven Frank Gutierrez art storage wars starred darrell Sheets also known as the gambler took a huge gamble on a locker priced at $3,600 but his punt paid off when he found the storage unit was full of original art by Frank Gutierrez the collection of art was estimated to be worth $300,000 many critics say that the art is not nearly worth that much and there isn't even a Wikipedia page for Frank Gutierrez so it's difficult to say whether the collection holds that value though it would still be a lot of money even if you knocked up third off from that price Gutierrez his art is wild and wacky so I don't know if it's going to be for everyone but hey at least Darrow can now get into the art game number six pirate chests in 2011 on another episode of storage wars Dan and laura dotson came across a strange looking chest in the back of a foreclosed storage unit they'd bought at an auction in Contra Costa County California the Dotson soon received a quick-fire offer from a mystery buyer $1,000 cash for the chest then and there the couple who were unable to open the chest agreed it took three people to lift the chest out of the unit which should have been a sign that there was something important in it and there was the chest was at least 200 years old and contained around $500,000 in gold doubloons a treasure expert described the treasure as pieces of eight Spanish gold dating anywhere between the 16th and 19th centuries looks like Dan and Lara made a pretty huge blunder agreeing to the quick sale who knows if they'll ever get luck like that again number 5 harley-davidson 8-valve this 1927 highly davidson 8-valve racer would sag car had been languishing in a melbourne australia storage unit for 50 years before it was rediscovered in the spring of 2015 harley-davidson motorcycles from the early 20th century are rare enough items by themselves but when one services that was uncommon even when new you know that you probably have an exceptionally scarce item on your hands this particular bike a circa 1927 FHA 8-valve v-twin racer complete with its scramble type sidecar was actually found in a barn and was one of fewer than 50 ever built the antique Carley went on to sell for an impressive four hundred and twenty-four thousand dollars when it came up for auction later that year that's a lot of dough the saucer reminds me of a find in storage wars where two new pristine Hollies were found and were said to be priced at around eighty thousand dollars each critics said that you'd be lucky to get 40,000 and that's quite a good example of how storage wars often inflates the expected prices to build drama but that's showbiz baby and you know just biz number four Disney memorabilia back in 2011 a staggering forty thousand piece collection of motion picture and TV memorabilia was found in an abandoned storage locker near the town of orange and California the prior owners of the collection who were motion picture industry executives had amassed the trove of Hollywood memorabilia over several years but when the Renton air storage unit fell seriously into arrears the contents of the lockers were deemed abandoned and sent to storage locker auction where two lucky hunters bagged a lot the contents included movie memorabilia props costumes posters scripts and other ephemera such as Disney and Bollywood movie production items thousands of Disney animation production sells original Tim Burton art unreleased publicity photos and many autographed electrical posters prints and artwork the collection and its entirety is thought to be worth more than a million dollars though the exact price will probably vary as each individual item is auctioned off separately number three 1937 Bugatti in 2009 a car was found in the garage of an eccentric doctor who was also a compulsive hoarder dr. Harold Carr had kept the 1937 Bugatti type 57s and storage in his garage amid piles of medical machinery 1500 beer steins thousands of receipts and even a world war ii spy drone after dr. Carr's death his family found the dusty old vehicle and decided to see what they could get for it at auction when it was finally bought by a telephone bidder at the Bonhams retro mobile car show in Paris the price came to more than three million pounds or 3.7 million dollars it was one of only 17 of its kind ever made and it was originally able to reach a hundred and thirty miles per hour when other cars were only able to do about 50 the car was originally bought by dr. Carr in 1955 for 895 pounds the equivalent of fifteen thousand five hundred pounds or nineteen thousand $190 today that's one heck of a bio whichever way you look at it and well it's sad that this family had to lose their grandfather at least they get it cool three million pounds to help remember him by number two Action Comics number one Action Comics number one is the comic in which Superman first appeared and it's renowned as the most expensive comic book of all time approximately 100 copies of Action Comics number one remain in existence and one of those belong to Nicolas Cage that is until it was stolen from his home in Los Angeles in 2000 Cage bought the comic for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in 1997 and thought it was lost forever before a lucky storage hunter found the comic in an abandoned storage locker in Southern California Cage opted to sell the found comic in 2011 and netted two points sixteen million dollars as a result certified guarantee company the leading greater of the quality of collectible comics assigned cages copy a grade of 9.0 making it the highest publicly graded copy of Action Comics number one another copy however was sold in 2014 for 3.2 million dollars making it the only comic book to have sold for more than three million dollars for a single copy number one seven and a half million in cash in 2018 dan Dotson was involved in yet another quick sale that cost him money but this time it cost him big Dodson sold a unit to a man for five hundred dollars but he had just unknowingly unloaded the most valuable Locker he's ever sold a week or so after the sale a woman approached Dotson and told him that her husband works with the guy who had bought the unit she then told him that the man had found a safe at the back of the unit which required a locksmith to get open when they finally did get it open they found that it contains seven and a half million dollars in cash things got complicated when the new owner was contacted by an attorney representing the former owners who offered a six hundred thousand dollar reward in exchange for the cash the new owners declined the initial offer before settling on point two million to return the remaining six point three million personally I might have kept the money about you the Dodson's co-star bargain hunter strip store owner rene nezhoda said the cash was most likely mafia drug cartel related adding that if you find money like that there's probably a reason it isn't in the bank it sound advice not to run away with cartel drug money so I'd say that's a good deal what I wouldn't do for seven and a half million in cold hard cash well there you have it folks some of the luckiest storage unit finds in modern times have you ever participated in the storage unit auction would you give it a go now let me know in the comments section below and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 179,411
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Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, storage unit, storage wars, storage locker, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage units, most expensive, storage hunters, storage unit auctions, storage unit auction finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, you wont believe, storage unit haul, self storage, storage containers, action comics #1, found in storage locker, storage unit buying, luckiest storage units, luckiest storage unit, storage unit luck, storage unit auction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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