What's inside a Mystery Amazon Returns Box?

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- $700. $700. - Seven pairs of AirPods. - Well, well, well, we're not done yet, folks. - What a surprise. - Oh my gosh, what is this? AirPods, baby! (dramatic music) Welcome back to "What's Inside?" Today, we are going to be doing something that we've never done before. We're going to be opening a surprise mystery box. I guess that's probably not the right term. We're going to be opening a returned items box that was returned to Amazon. It could have had a defect, they could be broken, they could just be like, "We didn't want it," 'cause Amazon has a very good return policy. And this is the way they discard it, they give them to these liquidation websites, and they sell them by the crate. Sometimes, they itemize every little thing that's inside of a box, and then other times, they just say general merchandise, electronics, and you just buy it. So this one was general merchandise electronics, and this cost us $700. (cash register dings) I just want my money back. I want to see if we turned a profit, see if there's anything interesting in here, and see if some of this stuff works. Here's the first item. Wireless controller for Nintendo Switch. - But it's not actually marketed by Nintendo. - No, and it has the Amazon Warehouse stickers on there. I think this is gonna be one that we keep and we try to use, and see if it actually works. Okay, I'm reaching in. - That's a great start. That's a great start. - Here we go. USB Smart Bluetooth Dongle. - Oh, we don't have the mouse for it. - Okay, so that one's a bust. (buzzing) We're not gonna do anything with this guy. The bust ones, we're gonna set over here, (thudding) on the trash. I want to look in, but I don't. I don't want to know, I, but it's hard to reach in here. - What? - Oh! (lively, upbeat music) - This is broken, 100%. - Open it up, dude. This is an Xbox-- - This is broken. - Elite Series 2 Controller. - No way that we have this much stuff left, and they gave us this. - It looks legit. - No, that's legit. - The cool thing is, (laughing) the cool thing is, we do have the next Xbox and S. We have not unboxed it and shown it, here's a little sneak peek. (mysterious music) - Look at this, this is amazing. How do we have this? - I wanna see how much it is. There's one that's renewed-- - That's someone's. - Like something that somebody has fixed up a little bit, and has done it. This exact same one is $173. - I think I'm gonna keep this one. - Next up, HomeRun Connect DUO. "Your cord-cutting solution is here." Oh, so it's like a TV thing that you put in your house. Yeah, I'm gonna say that the HomeRun was more of a strikeout. (buzzing) - Yeah, it's true. - Here we go. Oh, hey! - We're gonna use that. - For a Mavic 2, a battery. - Thank you! - I can't imagine it'd be defective. I mean, it's a battery. I use these. - Yes, you use those. - All the time. Epson 676 XL Pro ink cartridge. It's not for our same printer, Lincoln. - [Lincoln] Aww! - Okay, so the thing about this is that it's totally used. (Lincoln laughs) Somebody's actually got this thing, used it at their house, and then sent it back and returned it. Some people take advantage of the system a bit when it comes to returns. That's another strikeout. (buzzing) Oh my gosh. I peeked inside, I found some things. (thudding) AirPods, baby! (upbeat, energetic music) - What? - Do they work? Are they used? - [Lincoln] There's two of them! - The green light didn't go on on this one. Your green light went on! - [Lincoln] They are used AirPods. - If you want used AirPods, here's what we're gonna do. We have a limited amount of our "What's Inside?" merch, our backpacks and our water bottles. We only have a few hundred of them for the entire holiday season. We're gonna put, right now, it's gonna go live, a 15% off code just between now and December 1st. So if you would like to get somebody or yourself a backpack, that's a "What's Inside?" backpack, it's a really cool bag, or a Hydro Flask that's the 22 ounces, 22 ounce or the 32 ounce. If you get a backpack (dramatic music) between now and December 1st, we're going to randomly put these air pods inside of there. Or if you're somebody that already owns a "What's Inside?" Backpack and water bottle, and you're thinking, "I don't really want to buy another one," even though it's 15% off, we will also give away some of the AirPods to people that go on the link in the description, it's our Amazon storefront, click follow on our storefront, and leave a comment on one of our Amazon live streams as we're live streaming over the next couple of days, and then we'll just pick a few of you randomly. So, no purchase necessary. - That's gonna be really funny if somebody buys it and they didn't watch this video, and they're gonna be like, (Daniel laughs) "Why do I, why are there used AirPods "inside of this backpack?" (laughs) - Don't buy them just because of the AirPods, 'cause I'd feel bad if you were disappointed-- - They're great backpacks. - But some of you are gonna get some. AmazonBasics. (upbeat, funky music) (metal scraping) I was just using this earlier. (thudding) - [Both] Ooh. - Ow. - No! - My nice table! Why did I do that? I, instant regret. Oh, look at that. Adjustable wall brackets for hanging shades and blinds. That was not worth the giant scratch (buzzing) that I have on the table. - Oh, definitely not. - Oh my gosh, what is this? (light, upbeat music) - More AirPods? - Amazon Warehouse Deals inspected. (twinkling) - [Lincoln] This one has the actual Apple thing. - [Daniel] It does have the Apple thing. Dude, those ones are cleaner. (whistles) - Your odds just went up, if you buy a backpack. - If you buy a backpack, the 15% backpack, you have a one in 600 chance, three in 600 chance (laughing) to get it. How are their AirPods in here? Oh my gosh! Wait, no, they're not AirPods. Samsung Galaxy Buds, wireless earbuds. - They look a little bit beat up. Can't tell if they're used. - Yeah, it's hard to tell. We're gonna put this in a backpack, too. (chuckles) - Sure, yeah! - What is this box? What is this thing? What in the world? - More AirPods? - (laughs) These are like, $100 a piece. - Okay, we have gotten our money back! - This one's a little bigger. It shouldn't be AirPods. Why's it so heavy? - It's a book? They're like, magnet sheets. - Magnetic? (both chuckle) - Why do they have magnet sheets? - Electronics. (laughs) - How is that electronics? Yeah, look, it sticks to it. Oh, this looks fancy. - Look at this phone! Oh, it's blue! (phone thudding) I wanna take this to school one day and answer a call, and just have my phone in my hand, and just be like, "Hello!" (chuckles) - The problem is there's no headphone jack, you'll have to get a dongle. But a good thing for us, we have one of the very first iPods that we got from our storage locker haul. And it does have a headphone jack. Check it out, you got in the world there, we open it up, and bam. Um, yeah, that's cool. Yeah, uh-huh. Oh, there's music, yeah. Oh, yeah, just click on the music thing. I hear Kanye! ♪ This the number one champion sound ♪ ♪ Yeah, Estelle, we-- ♪ (beep) - Hello, is that Kanye? Who wouldn't want to buy this? - Take a Zoom call, and you're like this. You've got the video on you, and this is connected to your computer. (Lincoln laughs) And you're just like, the whole time on your school call, like this. This is gonna be a new series, I think, because it's so fun buying random things. - This is amazing, yeah. - Wow, that's a big calculator! (Lincoln laughs) - This is a computer keyboard calculator. - This is another thing that, Lincoln, I feel like you should take the school. You have to use thermal paper for it. - One plus one equals two? Yes it does. - All right, next item. (upbeat, funky music) This is just ink. Like a printer, big old printer cartridge, ink cartridge. (buzzing) Kind of a bust. Another wall bracket. I'm not even gonna open that. (buzzing) - A binder, you're joking. - It's kind of broken. Look at the side of it. (plastic tearing) - Oh no! (dramatic music) - A Belkin travel surge protector. What do you even plug that into? - Look at this. - Do they use these at school anymore, these things? - Never seen those. - All right, next item. Another printer cartridge. - Why are there so many printers? If you buy the wrong... - Another pair of AirPods! - What is this? That's brand new. - Oh my gosh, that is brand new. - This is brand new. The light is not turning on. - Super clean. But it just needs to be charged. Oh, hey, plastic bag. - [Lincoln] With rubber bands and pens. - Aww. - I got so excited. - Me too. - I love seeing fake AirPods, though. - The noise. - It's giant. Look how big it is in my ear. - They're AirPods, with no case. They're just AirPods. - What is this, dude? More AirPods, with-- - I think these ones are used. - If one of you gets this one, you're just gonna a, they're not that used. They are used. - They're not bad inside. They clean them out inside. - We're getting lower here. We hit the mother lode. 600, $700. - Seven pairs of AirPods. - $700 we spent, and look at all these. They tried to put the plastic back on. Good effort. They're so clean. - Those are clean. Seven pairs of AirPods. (upbeat electronic music) Eight, eight pairs of AirPods. (twinkling) Eight pairs of AirPods. - That one's been used a little bit, not bad though. - A little. - It's pretty clean. This one's big and heavy. That's definitely not AirPods. - Epson, nope, enz-ink. - [Daniel] That's a big ink cartridge. (buzzing) - Nope. (box thudding) Sorry. - Okay is this an actually usable one? This one's a DisplayPort to HDMI cable. - Keep that, keep that. - I'll keep that. - Those are important. Wait, DisplayPort to HDMI? Yep, that's important, I need lots... There's two more! (twinkling) This one, why did they even put a charger with it? (Daniel laughs) - [Lincoln] This is fake. - That is a good point, Lincoln. This is not fake. We literally bought this as an Amazon return box. - What is this? - This is fun. I wanna buy more of these boxes. - An umbrella? - It looks like a weird tripod, like a super cheap tripod. It's not bad, we can keep this. We're getting down to the bottom here, I can feel. - Wow, a high grain dual antennas. - Wow, that is very useless. - That's very nice. - Every time I reach in, I expect AirPods now. - (chuckles) What is this? (twinkling) - These ones are the most used ones so far. - They're clean on the inside. My first pair of-- - Not really, there's earwax in it. You could have a pair of earwax AirPods, that some person won, er, wore. - Just a wall of AirPods, this is great. Pens? - More pens, pens are useful. How did we get AirPods and an erasable pen bag? - I'm still really happy about this Xbox controller. - (laughs) That's true. - This is great. - A weird cable. Another ink cartridge. And more erasable pens. (Lincoln pounding on table) Well, well, well, we're not done yet, folks! - What a surprise, more AirPods! - Wow! This seems fake, it does. This seems like it's a setup. This is not a setup. Portable external hard drive. That looks like the cheapest portable external hard drive I've ever seen. Oh my gosh, this is insane. - It's not even that much of a surprise, now. They just keep coming. (upbeat electronic music) - Gel pens. - What a surprise! (Daniel laughs) - They look brand new, and they came with the cable. - Very nice. We're at 15 pairs of AirPods. - [Daniel] 15? - I like those, those are cool. - Apple Pencil. We cut one of these open for a video once. Let's try not to blow ourselves up with a pencil. - I'm going out of this room. - Okay. (rotary tool whirring) Oh, a wireless mouse. - Pretty nice mouse. - Yeah, that's good. You need wireless mouses for school, right? - Change the DPI on it, it's fancy. - London was telling me that somebody in her class took this little thing and plugged it into the teacher's computer, and then started controlling the teacher's computer from his desk. He got in big trouble. She said, "That's a felony." - That's such a smart idea. - (laughs) I know, now I'm sharing it with all of you! - That's amazing! - That's the end of our box! That's everything that we got. I think it was worth it. If each one of these, if we sold maybe for $80, or $90, they're gonna make back the money. And this, too. - We got a telephone. - We're going to put all of these inside of backpacks that you guys order between now and December 1st. And also, there's 15% off of our website for merch. Take advantage while you can, we would love to send you some merch. I always feel bad when we run out, and then people send us emails, and they're like, "We really want to get this for Christmas for my son," or, "We want to, I want to get this for Christmas, "do you have any extras?" And I'm like, "No, we honestly don't have any more. "I'm so sorry." I feel guilty about it. Let us know in the comments and give us a thumbs up if you liked this video and you think we should do more of these Amazon returns, and "What's Inside?" of the mystery boxes, give us a thumbs up. If we can get to, what, how many likes? 19,500 likes. I don't even know, I don't ever look at the likes. And we've never asked for likes. - How many likes? - 19,500, that's the, 20,000, I don't know. Give us a like, and we'll do that maybe again, 'cause that sounds fun. For now, I'm gonna take-- - Oh, be careful, be careful. Be careful, be, aww. Don't do that. - Thanks for watching, that was really fun. - Bye. (upbeat music) - Well, well, well, we're not done yet. Whatsinsidemerch.com!
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 827,512
Rating: 4.8778362 out of 5
Keywords: amazon, unboxing, amazon returns, tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, amazon tech, returns pallet unboxing, randomfrankp, ebay, reselling, tech haul, returns, liquidation, sell on amazon, garage sale, haul, mystery box, mystery tech, massive unboxing, storage unit, thrift store, mystery, sell on ebay, resale, thrifting, mystery unboxing, nes, shocking, tech returns, apple, yard sale, funny, sony, microsoft, pc
Id: YPfJKVie6k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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