I Bought A DRUG DEALER'S Storage Unit & FOUND DRUGS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Storage Wars

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you guys see this tote right up there it says Grammys Oh another leather skirt Grammy sighs not again not again oh my goodness I can't believe it this has been a hails of a good storage unit if you remember the Amish were bidding me up and the Amish are just like you and me they're just more Amish sure so we found all kinds of great items in here so far we have found money we have found gold we have found silver and we even found the last will and testament and we want to do whatever we can to find all those items to give them back to the actual family members that they were requested to so the treasure hunt continues but before we go on the treasure hunt we've got to go make some more money somewhere else make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell for all notifications and when you get a survey make sure you tell YouTube just how satisfied you are taking all the metal that you get from storage units is another great way to make money and thankfully the scrap yard is just less than 500 feet away from the warehouse so today we're going to take the old appliances this was an apartment fire this was in my actual kitchen and the top burner went out and then this is just all kinds of random pop-up hands they're rough they would never ever sell right George so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna scrap this in so George gets a little bit of extra allowance money this week you know I have a bad back so it's a good idea if you have time if you have time and that's the big factor to actually sort out your metals your aluminum to copper your steel your stainless the whole deal I don't have that kind of time but if you do you can make a lot more money that way for me it's just all those have you ever seen a stove the 1980s just called yeah but I think I wonder how much then the job I have where do we apply now that we've been weighed on the huge massive scales we get this receipt right here and we take this over to a little bit of a ATM machine and we press a button and it's gonna scan and now it's gonna spit out our money okay George you can't see how much guess how much how much money did we get how much change are you peeking I think you're peeking that's your final guess ten dollars and some change you got bitty cent right there okay you got 30 cent I was never the strong one with math you got five dollars ten dollars there you go there's your ten dollars and change and I get to keep this right 15 16 17 18 18 30 does a good year it's time to dig back in this treasure hunt is on so let's see what we got here we go it's cold it's windy it's snowy this rainy this is why I got the sorting table in there today let's take a peek okay let's jump inside and see where we're still at all right I think what I'm gonna do is gonna try and sort right in here on the table today and look at this got stuff that fell over from yesterday we still have all these totes to go through Oh George is calling a better answer addy duct tape to this there's a ton of duct tape on it so that we could get inside so let's pop it in oh my you know what we probably oh wow this is gonna be a ton of history oh yeah for sure this is gonna be a ton of history look at this all right I got a positive so I got to put the flash on look at this this is amazing much better now look at this we've got bags and bags of keys now we're gonna have a keychain lot in our auction this Sunday night so there is a keychain lot and some of this stuff will probably come from here look at this like york shire terrier no doubt that one will be in there now you won't get the actual keys but you will get key chains as key chains are so collectible again key chains have their own area and special categorization on eBay because they are so collectible I've sold all my goodness look at this I've sold some keychains world-class quality look at that keyboard I've sold some keychains for a hundred plus dollars I saw the lost in space keychain I know it's probably $200 so we've got old school photos this is I can already share this is 1957 wow wow wow wow okay now this stuff I don't mind showing me because this stuff is so collectible on eBay people buy this all the time for scrapbooking look at that maybe that's the guitar we have in the guitar case maybe maybe not I'll have to find out okay and obviously we want to do whatever we can to help get this stuff back but I just love this I love the history with that maybe maybe the family were gang bangers I don't know you know gangsters holy cow holy coyote some happened wow that's pretty intense oh look at this look at this here look at this one of the old school albums okay this is like old this is cool stuff oh wow okay oh I see stamps that's all stamps I was peeking I saw stamps was somewhere here where was it it was wasn't there here's a lottery winning ticket for I don't know ten dollars okay look at that they're sandwiches on the platter on the silver platter the double Q I know what that is oh man okay look at this look at this old school stuff loo that look at that like old school mobster right there how cool love the fashion obviously it's the fashion that's not actually but man how cool is that oh wow look at the old it would that be a tricycle no that's a quad look at the actual old bike is that a bike or like a scooter or some of you but no I don't know all that oh wow there's a ship right there no doubt there's gonna be probably military yep here's here's military right here look at that the that photo military either going off to the military or just came back probably world war I mean it could be it could be world war one could be world war two my guess my guess is World War one okay I'm gonna go through all of these later just because of the tremendous amount of amazing history there you go look at there there's a cannon any guesses on when this is from this is Baton Rouge Baton Rouge that's where that came from how cool is that so this stuff see is there any money in there pilgrims Church there's just so much history in here this is where I mean you could find anything and everything in a tote like this barefoot in the booger holler like I just said anything and everything barefoot in the booger holler yes I'm insane to live by today Wow okay we got more more photos this is just there could be a coin collection in here there could be you know I've seen all kinds of stuff like that and totes like this here's a state of Indiana court document executives final account and petition to settle and allow account and authorize the distribute of the state all right here is the entire court document to distribute an estate so that was probably a previous family member this stuff is important to people and and they may not even know it's here look at oh my goodness alright remember we found the living will and testament folder here's the marriage and divorce info so there could be stuff from the divorce people don't know Wow okay oh it looks like there's some more cool stuff down here let me that is a wedding photo from probably the 70s all right there's some definitely some more stuff down here that isn't just family photos let me see I think we got some collectible stuff down here a ton of family photos like for example look at this look at that you guys remember what these are called they have the book and then boink and then how many are in here oh boy oh no way you think there's another one and then oh my goodness there's another one I think that's the last one okay I forget what these are called but you guys no doubt you know put it in the comments if you remember what those are called but that was probably a family heirloom passed down got more Wow look at this it's gonna be a graduation picture from something what's this okay we got a sports we've got a sports timer we may use this for the auction we may use that because the the bidding is actually gonna be time you won't have all the time in the world you're gonna have a minute to win it come the oxen you got a bit fast and you got a bit furious okay let me go through all this cool stuff and look at that look at that and if I find anything else amazing I'll set it aside and I'll show you what it all looks like okay I did find quite a few more cool gems in that box check this out there's picture old school picture of a peacock that I used to have peacocks and absolutely loved them they were so fun to have on the property so that was cool for me a little birthday thing here and then check this out I found this bag that says diary diary diary memorandum you've got some old school photos go to now I haven't opened these yet so I thought maybe we could try and at least get timeframe 1934 oh my goodness 34 this is almost almost 85 years ago alright January 1st now most of you Millennials will not be able to read this because this is called cursive but it is a form of writing from the 30s I helped with the work today I helped with the work study play I love mr. Moore January 2nd I helped with the work study play I love mr. Moore okay so I love mr. Moore study play work okay somebody's definitely in love okay is there anything other than I look yes there is there's a bunch more all right let's see what the date is on this one this is so fascinating just to get a glimpse back into oh my goodness 1933 alright so this one is even before then wow wow wow wow how cool okay here's a memorandum so let's take a peek here and Canal Street walking down Canal Street number 44 how cool is that very very very cool see what we have here we've got baths and oh yeah baths that may be a good one to go through this look you look at this one this one's up top we've got wow that is some ton of romance novels I just do not want to go through all of those so normally you know I'd look through every single page for money I just I don't have time even if there's $100 in there and it takes me two hours it's not worth it for me so these I'm just gonna take all of these given to Goodwill but maybe okay there could be something in here I'm curious about the oh yeah so let's find out what the oh yeah is all right all new bath where we find a lot of jewelry which we have found in this unit bath and oh yeah which let's face it we found quite a few oh yeas in this unit - right nothing you know what I'm talking about come on there we go I got it loose all right let's get this out now some clothes can bring us some cash there's no doubt right we know that we'll see if we can find some old school rock cheese old school 80s stuff like if we were to find like several there you go coca-cola like this if we were to find something like coke I was just gonna say the red spot if you remember spot from 7up that could bring us some money this is gonna go on in the Sunday night auction gloves gloves over here and oh look at that another coke shirt okay so that is gonna go in the coke lot this go over there now stealer stuff this will sell as well okay so you got the Steelers so old-school Steelers sports memorabilia absolutely look at the cut V right there yeah that's there's some money there but I want to know where the oh yeah is where is the oh yeah and the oh yeah maybe wrapped up in some of this clothing old polo is this polo it is I don't know what it oh are you FG I don't know I've no clue what that is but some of that old stuff the Ralph Lauren Polo that stuff can go from really well too it's an old heating pad not what we're looking for here's some old binky's pacifiers not sure if that's the oh yeah but not what I'm particularly interested in Dallas Cowboys come on there's got to be something Budweiser mug but it's not in there that's not the oh yeah oh yeah is there is there something in here I think this is the oh yeah nothing no I don't see the oh yeah in here let's find it in the next one when I picked up this toe there's memory foam pillows on the top I thought it was all bedding but I was wrong so I had to turn the camera back round look at this okay now it got stuck but this is an original McDonald's presents little Miss Piggy right there that is from 1988 can you guys read that I can't read it because of the lights in my eyes alright so there is a Miss Piggy now check this out it gets better it does get better because I saw right next to miss yes the cellophane is stuck okay so there is a baby Fozzie Bear remember the Muppet Babies we're talking about some money here okay now I see another one let me okay all right I see I don't want the cellophane to get somes in here let's see what's in here so there's there's obviously some goodies maybe you would call it oh yeah in here what is that okay this is a that's a dog figurine I'm gonna show it to you right there all right so dog figurine hidden within the bed stuff the bedroom stuff all right it is sticking I'm trying I want to keep the cellophane together all right this one I was mostly able and kind of broken the back obviously if you can keep the packaging together all the better now it looks dirty that's the plastic not the actual baby Kermit so there's baby Kermit from the Muffet babies oh this is so cool all right there's something else in here now guardian angel bear this is a guardian angel bear there's the verse Psalm 91 11 I'm gonna set this aside this one is dirty okay what else is hidden in here just for you another little baby doll alright here's something else here's something else and it's Disney it is it's Disney here we go it's Snow White it's one of the dwarves and let's see what we got we've got Disney 65th anniversary help if I put it right in there huh 65th anniversary I'm gonna set that aside over here so there are gems hiding in here okay that is a family photo and I'll set that aside it's a current family photo there's an alt the whole frame fell out alright let's see what we got some more family photos okay I know there's more gems in here there's gotta be because those were hiding in there another family photo and this is family photo and that what is it what is it look what we have here oh no it's one of the old law ground clocks but it's split it's split ah bummer bummer those clocks are so cool you guys see this tote right up there it says Grammys and it says fragile not it had a bunch of duct tape on it I cut that off and I was like oh whoa underneath it's a Grammys and fragile so I got I got a know I got a know if it's Grammys it could be anything from Wall Street oh look at that a vintage Sony DVD player and this is DVD CD video CD digital alright so this is one of the old school ones and remember this vintage electronic stuff it sells incredibly well on eBay remotes parts pieces you even if you have a broken one you can still sell the parts and pieces sometimes more than the actual full functioning piece so hold on to that stuff oh and it looks like Grammy ah she had legs ah she knew how to use them ok what else does Grammy but CPR CPR oh man here's a cpr unresponsive child bleeding bleeding I'm sure most of this has already changed that's hidden in here what is hidden in here oh we got a watch what kind of watch do we have we got a watch stuck would like some sit though that's an old rubber band I don't know what kind of watch that is I can't see it I'm sure there's something important in there though ok mp3 this looks like paperwork for more electronics know there's stuff under here for sure oh we found one of these yesterday I thought it was GM I thought it was GM because it looked like but I guess you guys said Delco is part of GM so there is another Delco motorway motorway sports jacket this one is extra-large I think the other one yesterday might have been large so there is an extra-large on that looks like whoo looks like Grammy Grammy was into the leather skirts hmm sit down a side and dog get the bone okay there's toys there's random toys in here there's random clothes in here let's dig just a little bit Oh another leather skirt Grammy would you know great side duct tape off let's see what we got here we have got that's a nice shiny purse there's something worth anything I don't know nothing in it nothing in that one so we'll set that one aside got here's a Joe Boxer it's not often we find a Joe Boxer so let's see what we have hidden inside the Joe Boxer yeah nothing remember always have your gloves on if you remember the episode where I stuck my finger in a wallet and there was a drug razor blade and slice my finger I'd go to the hospital I'd get tested for everything always wear gloves I probably need better gloves than this right now but this is what I've got okay this is another purse I don't know what kind that is kind of a nice one though oh oh oh we found some of this was it yesterday ha cama cama sult raw commissar ah so some kind of sweet almond it might be an elixir or oh no it looks like it's a massage oil so Kama Sutra massage oil so that's here's some more Kama Sutra the original Kama Sutra oil of love all right as well try it uh I've got a couple things here will box o'clock well looks like that all matches clothing well oh this is it is new clothing look at that st. John's Bay so it was marked right it is its new clothing for sure look at this it all has tags so I can make some serious money here I can just put this straight on eBay where George can put it straight on eBay and we can go from there here looks like we got a vintage tee right here it's some kind of vintage tee would that be harley-davidson um sunrise sportswear okay not one of the ways you can tell vintage tee from a contemporary you see the single stitch line right there okay that's one line contemporary or more more current t-shirts will have two lines side by side parallel so this is an older t-shirt okay and that's one of the ways that you can tell is based on the stitching and there is there's a nice pair of Levi's I've shared with you guys before actually Oster six I'm a 36 but I'm also a 36 length I'm a big boy so some Levi's the originals they can go for for hundreds if not thousands of dollars more brand new stuff kitty cats that's not bad that's not bad at all I like I like it when we get new stuff that's a bonus you're more down here more clothing all come on come on look at this everything has panel that one was only six dollars everything looks like it's brand-new and it it looks like granny's look at that definitely looks like granny stuff my heart belongs to America America okay we got a metal thing here and we got a Eureka Eureka the super broom and it looks like yeah looks like it's actually in there it is it's in there so there's the Eureka the super broom we've got all check that out is that this is a toy right oh it is it look there's the taka taka right there old taka winnebago Indian that's yeah okay the top comes off looks like okay that goes right there got a little change purse inside the purse and nothing and then we've got we got the little scissors I'm looking for a set just like this because you know the older I get the longer my eyebrow hairs get and I was just wanting to clip them like this but those ones are jewelry we got jewelry whole second we got jewelry that jewelry this might be see is that 9 to 5 is it silver that's the big question is it silver it doesn't look like it looks like it's Avon not 9 to 5 unfortunately okay we got number one then we got oh not again not again oh my goodness I can't believe it you know what this is right look it's baggy DUP I can't frickin believe it that makes this I can't believe it sounds we found it again we this is another mass load of drugs and this time I'm not going to go to the local police because last time they actually treated us like we were the criminals so we're gonna have to dispose of this yeah oh yeah yep yep yep all right you guys can see it right there you guys can see it right there I don't want to get too close in places fentanyl but I just poked a hole and you can see the dust this is this is not okay see it right there so this is another mass amount of drugs we found Jesus getting everywhere all right I gotta clean this up it's gonna have to stop here
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 35,323
Rating: 4.8854847 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: TpjXKxk0IvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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