FOUND DRUGS I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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I paid two hundred and forty dollars for it what really intrigued me was the military us duffel bag that's it that's it we'll have to go through the rest of the boxes tomorrow and try and put the pieces of the puzzle together early morning here at the warehouse this is where the warehouse is and this is a little Creek right next to it right next to the bridge which is jam-packed with flood garbage now so we got to go find all of our garbage cans today and then we're gonna see if we can find out who owned all this military stuff in this unit that we bought for $240 in North Ridgeville this is just one of my garbage cans lost about a half-mile away from the warehouse down the road because of the flood look right here wash the entire underneath of the tracks out and the city is just doing everything they can to repair you see trees all over the train tracks so I lost I don't know nine ten garbage cans just found one half mile away it's getting exciting I actually just found two more of my garbage cans one right there and one hiding over there at a local restaurant not too bad that's three garbage cans so far I just found my scrap metal barrels up against a random house in Worcester this is good news those barrels make me a little bit of money this pile here is what we have to go through still as we continue to put the pieces together to find out who is this man and can we get his military bag back to him just a quick recap for those who weren't with us yesterday we found the military bag online and on the military bag we do have a name what we're trying to figure out who this person is now we found disc golf and not only that we found his wacky tabacky as a matter of fact there's where he was smoking it right there if you want to take a whiff yep that's what that is and on top of that we found this bottled urine with temp test with disposable heating pads so that he could actually pass a urine drug test and we found a key so who the Hales knows what else we're gonna find let's dig in now all the stuff is going to be extremely glamorous but we're gonna go through it all and I get this open just so we can try and find the story nothing usually there's a lot of different things in little lunch boxes and that one locked on me again Oh nothing in either of these don't forget donated or just sell those in the warehouse we got a box here there's a bunch of felt I would guess for craps maybe that would be my guess we got some tins okay all its lumps in here you hear that something definitely yeah wouldn't you know it wouldn't you know it okay this holy cow look how packed that is Man Alive this unit is just there is again this is the state of Ohio so this is illegal there is paraphernalia everywhere there's some more well I wonder what this is done [Music] I'm starting to think that this guy hahaha was not in the military well wherever you have your paraphernalia you also have your balloons for olestra olestra for the more natural premium feel so we've got some candles here oh no we just didn't go with the left stop we also went with the door that might be expired but it could be just like expired food it could still be extremely usable so not sure why there's a bag just of that there's a clock here is another clock like barometer on this one glove I don't even know want to know why there's one glove with that other stuff in here another clock and another clock ooh we got all the supplies this looks like we got all the supplies from the bathroom yeah yeah oh there it is so we've been waiting for the good stuff is it the good stuff bathroom tissue paper yeah soft and absorbent right there can you read that that's the good stuff other weird things in here Gaza pounds q-tips all of this stuff a whole bond - if it isn't used like look look brand-new Irish spring so hydrogen peroxide that'll all be used right here what's this Oh a hold a second last time we found points and not points whatever this is it's half to the e and all its official dartboard nice one two pieces of garbage in here we'll get that out that's a really nice board there yeah we'll set that parallel head on backwards headed up backwards we'll set that aside over here okay we've got TVs DVDs wires go oh look at this guys look at this Karate Kid that's the good stuff their martial arts except these ones are empty okay maybe they're in here somewhere James Gang once again nothing in there oh there you go the crow Tiger Woods what's that for that PC all right we've got we've got a few VHS is we got a lot of DVDs let's find a good one let's find a good one alright Terminator 3 let's see if it's in there and yeah in there okay so in in that the actual warehouse these get sold for a buck 99 apiece so however and however you do the math how many are here that's how much this would be worth to us just see if I can even open this one oh yeah it's in there so let's go one two three four we'll just say let's just say there's 50 DVDs so we're looking at a hundred dollars right there and maybe we'll find the actual Karate Kid let's set this aside the other thing that George is doing is she's actually selling these on the declutter app right now because have thousands and thousands so she's daily going through them and she's just shipping them straight to declutter so that we can declutter the lives the warehouse and put more in because it just keeps coming and coming and coming what do we have here oh we got a laptop we took we have a full laptop look at this look at this we sure do okay we got a widescreen eMachines laptop we sure do we've got another laptop we've got holy cow look at this we got a realistic citizens band transceiver walkie not only do we have one we have two whoa we've got two of them man let's try one let's see I don't know how to work but we'll see what happens here okay on okay I'm guessing battery needs to be charged on that one let's try this one let's give it a try George do you read me George you're doing all the background research on this guy have you found any information yet nothing nothing I might be on the wrong Channel just got a text from George she's at the home office working on selling she's coming to the warehouse soon she said she can't find anything on this dude so she has the name I gave her the address nothing so far because I've got his mail so we have all that but she can't find anything online pack and roll that's kind of cool we got bubble mate luxury foot bubbler Cole's 39.99 brand-new let's just peek let's see is it inside do you think it's inside Hales yes down in the comments Hales no if not in three two whoa there we go it's in there so we got a foot bubble bath I'm not sure what that is not completely sure what that is all right this one is labeled chips chips myths so let's see got my handy connive remember size doesn't matter all right but sharpness is what matters here oh look at this this does not look like a JYP's this does not look like a gypsy at all what do we have here we got baby powder we have more urine look we just found more urine this is insane of course you know what's gonna be next in here we're finding urine you already know what's gonna be in here probably keeping the urine warm in this I bet you there's gonna be cigarette tobacco I bet you we're gonna find more paraphernalia all right that's apparently had a Ford Ford Focus to be more exact we got more more movies some good ones Iron Man 2 I don't know what into the blue is okay Dowell pinheads that's gross we'll just throw that away oh here we go maybe there is a Chips there is there's a Garmin in here there's a Garmin Nuvi you remember when these came out these things were like 300 bucks I had one of those traveling and speaking all over in the United States I wonder what it's worth now so there is a GPS in there what else do you have a calculator a temper fork cooking cooking meat this and we've got a magnifying glass very odd very very because this says rolling machine and tubes which makes me think well with obviously with the paraphernalia oh look at okay definitely have some tobacco so there's a whole thing at tobacco right there what else do we have this supposed to be for rolling oh I just yeah this is a roller definitely a roller George still hasn't found any complete information but I did find a box and I didn't show it to you with old records and so here we have we have garnishment so that could be for anything failure to pay it could be child support we also have I ripped off the case numbers to protect the guilty we have forcible entry and then we also have failure to appeared found in contempt so I don't know but the individual very well may be in jail right now the storage manager say yesterday twenty thirty calls and can't get any information can't get any follow-up of any kind let's see what we have here we have a scanner no this says Bell maybe it's the scanner maybe it's phone charger holding this phone chargers and phone chargers and phone chargers and more phone chargers and more phones well not surprising with what we're finding your bugs got a bag says time right there I'm gonna see if we got any vintage shirts I have I have hi friends in good places hi friends I wonder what that is supposed to mean so we got oh here we go this looks like the Led Zeppelin no with Pink Floyd 2004 though you see the date down there 2004 at Ohio State Jersey number 33 Buckeyes that's an extra large have a state not guilty I wonder if he wore this one is he think or not guilty see I don't get it I don't get it all right we got a this looks like Tim Couch right yep Tim Couch Cleveland Browns Tim Couch we got here's a here's a choppers red dragon red dragon choppers right there doubt it's worth anything and I don't we got more paraphernalia but remember he's not guilty all right this box says extension cords jumper cables let's find out exactly this appropriately labeled here pictures miscellaneous ESPN sports of the century sunako your fire monster city dump son and that could be the warehouse whose Billa vard over the hill smoking Lane baseball we got an auto cleaning towel my mind is like lightning one flash it's gone see what do we have here oh we got darts there we go there's a dart set but looks like we're actually missing the darts we've got a rigid calendar that's a tool shop over in Elyria Ohio just famous all over the place it's like some kind of print paid $45 for it Halloween cards lady light playing cards got we got more darts these are soft tip or plastic oh look at what we have here lookee lookee we got a compass a little weighing compass yes we know they're not compasses yes we know we call them compasses at the video to keep it family friendly so come to find out we can't find anything on this guy there we go there's another one and the only thing that we have found out is on back child support holy cow he's got a lot in there back child support and most likely this is not a military hero unit this is just a guy got busted for drugs he couldn't keep a job I've seen all the paperwork he went back and forth back and forth back and forth with temp agencies and frankly I think you know why I couldn't keep a job and when your keychain is a bomb or a little pipe you've probably got a little bit of an issue yeah gotta at least we got a family member near deer and we have a kanai's George would be proud you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 59,040
Rating: 4.803113 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: 4qpzYWSrenE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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