I bought TWO 450 Pound Amazon Customer Return Pallets Valued at OVER $2,500

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today I've got a very very large palette I actually just got back from one of my liquidation spots today I picked up a total of about four pallets two of the pallets had a total of twelve of the smaller boxes on them for a total of two separate like pallets and two of the pallets had a total of these gargantuan size boxes that you see tied down and stacked up towards the back of my truck I don't really usually dabble and these larger paths much anymore just because of the size of them the weight of them you get bigger items out of them but what we're going to do today I'm actually gonna do these huge boxes the total value of this one pallet or I should say two pallets combined was two thousand five hundred thirty three dollars my cost was only 173 bucks okay it was a pretty good cost pallet so I'm gonna have to actually unstrap down my truck untie this move all of the other I've got toys and electronics for the smaller boxes move these now the way so I can get to the bigger boxes so let me do it really quick I'll be right back [Music] almost done I've got one more strap done do you do her first box you so these boxes are actually much larger than what you used to see on my youtube channel if anybody used to watch me back in 2016 and 2017 there's probably honestly very very few of you who actually did because my videos back then only got about a hundred views of video so no there's the people actually watch me back then who watch me now there's popular like maybe like one or two people I used to mate liquidation videos back then these actual boxes so I these boxes before on my channel but it's been a few years and these boxes are huge I say there are about five feet here's about maybe he's three feet by two feet but these boxes hold a lot of stuff and the liquidator so I say Amazon they pack these full so the total two skids weight a total 450 pounds and some of these boxes they're heavy and the size of these boxes make it very hard to load up by yourself they're hearty but uh suits in these things help how about it we say it's something to put stuff on while I'm out here let me grab a table no available table right now so what does make it work but uh these are pretty much the ultimate hodgepodge palettes they'll have lots of brand-new items like this like very first box you've got brand-new three things of detergent brand-new you home saying I'd like this easy sellers they can go for quite a bit of money and you're gonna have lots of items lots of mystery box items and big boxes like this I don't know what this is no no next we're gonna see me sweat in this video right now is 92 degrees outside it's hot and I just got done loading this thing up got home and I'm outside shooting this because it's it's a beautiful day and I feel you know what let's do back in the truck pallet video so in this video I'm gonna be sweating a lot heads-up on that because it's hot outside and I'm kind of chunky so I missed you got him right here so stuff like that like this this looks like actually this is brand new in the package still it is actually Brandon the box a humidifier but looks like it just got damaged in the Amazon warehouse so it looks little a liquidated it but it's actually in the shipping box still it's in the actual shipping box from Amazon actually has the FBA tag on it for Amazon so that's actually a fantastic item right there good money let's see what's next kind of heavy we've got 51 piece or hunter to count plastic plates so stuff like this lots of times I keep it you know box of plastic plates we've got a cuisine art we got a was a panini press cuisine art yeah nonstick the panini press this is probably good 20 25 bucks right there see like this whole these boxes are going to be bigger items than what you usually see the smaller boxes I usually buy that you see it on the video or smaller items these these bigger boxes have bigger items here we got wallpaper adhesive a brand new container of it brand new factory sealed I gotta make sure I don't get too close to the camera but yeah there's the barcode for it right there oh it's warm out here everybody 92 degrees then next grunt off we got another looks like just a mechanical part in here lots of things like this in these boxes stuff I haven't know what it is amazonbasics desk mounted firearms safety device with biometric fingerprint lock whoa - we got a crackling open we got a biometric safe and this looks like biometric safe whoa yeah this is nice you can put this like a math on to your wall to a door onto your desk you got your combination pad or you can use your finger that's actually PI kind of expensive that's a biometric safe right there for a firearm so that's actually that's that's actually nice that's actually kind what it looks like from the minnow right there next is that another one single monitor staying high adjustable arm mount oh it's just a monitor a computer monitor stand nothing too too fancy and then last item in the first box invacare yes you can do it's in this oh yeah for a wheelchair it's the footrests replacement footrest those actually has some pretty piece of value 10 to least value to to those things so that's the first box you know it's like everything in that box it's all bigger stuff like there's nothing like smalls it's all bigger items and lots of times bigger stuff can sometimes go for some bigger prices at times so let me pull down next box okay this box here this one's heavy this one is heavy when I get these boxes from the liquidator none of the top of the boxes were sealed they were all like they don't come like factory sealed or anything or you know like sealed from Amazon and these have so much weight in the boxes that pretty much the boxes are falling apart like literally everything this box could burst through the bottom at any second it weighs that much one of the bad things about buying these pallets is you like this could literally fall apart these boxes could literally fall apart as you go through them if you pick it up this box is literally collapse everything could just fall through the bottom because it weighs that much we got a big wrapped up looks like this is kind of like it's very used it's very dirty there's grass inside of it let's go into the trash can next oh that's neat look at that we've got a black & decker corded blower I know usually in the fall time it seems like you'll get a lot of these in the fall to learn I should say fall more towards the winter time you'll get these once people use them and then they start returning them but I use them get these much in the summer times this is kind of nice I get these a few months before they start selling so it's good item next makeup BAE looks like this must be some kind of a makeup accessory it's been opened up a couple times it's been reshaped it's not factory sealed yeah if you start singing sweat soaking through the shirt because I'm starting to see it because it's it's hot out here today it is hot it is very hot and it's humid what is this it's nice I saw something to do with make up some nice kind of like a travel case to do with make it looks like it's nice which that's got a pretty good market on that then I'll have a that'll have buyers then the anchor you Scott grand picture green one count a Brita filtration system the top of this thing has been opened up so it is not factory sealed has been opened so more than likely if it's been opened up and returned honest and nine times out of ten it's been used it is not new so something like this it's probably no good let's say this box right here is actually marked heavy on it actually not that heavy though it's a complete total mystery box has nothing on it but let's crack it open let's see why they mark this box heavy for there's something in here but they wanted you to be careful with I say the Box plays about six seven eight pounds tops here's what's in it one of these accessories like this that you'll get that takes a bit of research figure out what it is there's the item okay this next case is really heavy it is 8:28 flu announced bottles of the brand method so most of the of the method is cleaning supplies says 28 cases per tear or just for packing purposes let's see what kind of method cleaner is in his box so it's an entire case of method antibacterial all-purpose cleaner an entire case of it it's warm so if the case of 8 something like this - honestly I'm gonna keep it because we can use that stuff and then we've got an air mattress I'm actually sold out of air mattresses I used to have like 40 of them like no joke I had a bunch and I met received any for a long time a long time so stuff like this Isis sells so well this is a queen-size so this will move very very quick that's a good item and last thing we just got a HoMedics massager percussion action not bad you know so that's it for the second box so let me double step back in the box actually take a small little break get out of this heat for a few minutes and I'll be back okay box number three fix my little break cool down a little bit drink some water let's get back at it come on there we go so number three stuff in this one first one what is this oh I've never seen this before okay still factor seal two we've got a high pressure washer Karcher ke ke a Archer K Archer Karcher deckhand dry white cleaner I have never seen before that might be some of there's some decent value high pressure power it's not bad okay let's see we got a Muller Nespresso miss MIT nest fresh genomes trying to say machine compatible machine more space larger mugs that's not bad looks like it has gotten wet at some point box isn't wet but there's like some water damage from something that's on the box this thing's kind of heavy oh we've got a TV wall mount something fell out of it but uh this might be missing some small piece of sport they have probably honestly if I fallen out at some point or something like this will have to be looked at very closely if I actually sell it because it's honest aspyn this and stuff oh this is the pool float we got drink holders in it so this is probably some kind of round pool float that you put your a drink holder in it but boss a pipe it has a hole in it but summertime just started so it probably doesn't actually if I hasn't been used yet and then we've got a laundry bag sorter that's gonna need it has a hole in the top of it I would not be shocked if it's missing pieces though want me to to surprised we have a purple sewing machine brand is Jen own different and it's still factory sealed has not been opened up yet either it's a decent item then we got to throw three things left in this third box this is a set do not separate this is a four pack PP binder a 2-inch or pack of binders peek in here oh if literally is just binders the top binder is completely damaged it's ripped apart so there's there'll be three binders in here just kind of like a paper binder as well as three honestly I self like a buck apiece then box fuzz then we've got a Krupps this thing's nice a Krups Belgian waffle maker with removable plates that's nice right there this thing will sell like hotcakes that's really nice yeah that's why I like it Dow oh yeah well I like about the bigger box items are like if you buy like the bigger like the the bigger pallets the bigger boxes you get bigger items in the boxes and you can get to some some nice big stuff you know the last thing in the third box you have a mystery box this is a pair of boots let's see is there poop on him no brand is Milwaukee leather the brand is actually Milwaukee leather is the brand women's boots have not been if they have not been used it's a size 9 u.s. ladies size 9 women's boots brand new so those are bad man like they smell like like good like cowhide leather too like there's a smell like that cheap stuff like you can smell the leather like you can always smell that good quality like leather Jack isn't a good quality leather belts and leather like boots no smell like good leather that makes any sense but it's in a three let me get the fourth box down off the top of the truck oh this is a heavy one so here is the fourth box oh this might end up being the last box for this video because it's hot and getting tired so I might take a little break after this one and make this it's actually a two-parter because yeah here we go first item we have a used pillow we've got dirt on it we've got hairs on it we've got some brown äj-- on this side so that might yeah that might be some poop itch so I pull over the trash can just go straight in the trash with that here we go we got next item we got a Ready Set done dirt devil simpli-stik that's not bad do you know what most of these almost always work in the past and I've gotten these things I've never had one that did not work these are almost always almost almost always have worked looks like everything in there inside of it isn't good good shape doesn't look like like overly dirty or used or banged up rethink see next we got a Belgian waffle maker this has been opened up a few times let's going to see this thing is like highly used or not just sometimes the Belgian waffle makers can get kind of gross find out yeah you look at this thing the inside of it I can't see it but there are some leftover Belgian waffles inside this box something like that it's either you donate it or you deep clean it or mark it down extremely cheap and see if anybody wants to buy it themselves and attempt to clean it sometimes you can't get them very clean oh that's cool we got a globe like a flush mount Carolina globe flush mount that's nice but this will actually go for some decent money as long as it's not damaged so it's all still packaged up does not appear to be broken or damaged on the inside it's a good item right there oh here oh that's heavy we got a small fireproof safe fire and waterproof safe these actually don't actually go for a lot of money they feel like 25 bucks they used to actually sell for a lot more when they first came out and years ago we used to have one back in like the 90s I think now they're like 25 bucks but good sellers oh they're so extremely fast what am I get those things they're gone like that ooh we got a trash bag whenever you actually get a trash bag like an actual trash bag be careful just somebody actually sent this back into Amazon in a trash bag I don't know what's what's in this trash bag we're just going to set it aside for now I really don't even wanna find out next uh-huh looks like we have an entire case of Purell so looks like you still fat you're sealed let's crack it open let's see what kind of soap we got in this thing so we've got the healthy soap mounts on the wall like this so actually I'll just keep this and I'll just fill up my soap containers with this you know that came off 100 years still cooking Lodge but it's cast-iron but it sounds broken the large stuff the cast iron it breaks so incredibly easily you wouldn't think so a little odd stuff oh yeah it's it's broken this large stuff does not hold up very well so this Lodge it's broken can't large like the cast iron can't fix it it's the last item in this box and we have kind of like a repeat kind of we have it another whole case of method cleaning supplies this one is method daily shower spray open to closed camera shower spray so this is an entire case of what pi/12 or 8 20 ounce bottles and honestly I'm going to keep this case because we can use this here at our own house and it'll save us quite a bit of money because why sell this well we can keep this use this and save us money in the long run so yeah that was the first for can tick boxes these are the size of the box like you know like how wide that I am these are how big these boxes are yeah you came and really even fit it in the camera frame they are these things are huge so they came on two pallets four on each pallet and the total weight from once that was 450 pounds and I believe it these boxes weighed they weighed are these boxes they weighed a lot so we got to take a little break take a little downtime and I'll record part two either maybe later on today maybe tomorrow some other time but uh yeah part one this this is actually fun I haven't done these kinds of boxes it's been a while it's actually it's been it's been a couple years but yeah if you followed me back about three years ago on YouTube you've seen me do these boxes about three years ago in those videos like I said got about a hundred views a video pretty much like nobody watched him half the views are public from me what you know just going back and just watching them again myself I guess but anyway you if you like seeing stuff like this let me know there's a lot of these items in these boxes like we haven't seen them on this channel because I do want to kind of branch out and buy some different kinds of pallets now like I do want to get some more of as we call them in the business gaylord pallets which a Gaylord is just the terminology for a pallet that is kind of like a watermelon type of big box filled and then filled like eight feet high that is just called a Gaylord pallet in the business world that's just that's just what it's called that's what's always being called so I want to branch off again get some of those see if you guys like those some different types of pallets the bugs are coming out now so yeah I'm gonna in this video I'll do a - with those four boxes maybe seat maybe do it next time see you soon I'm out [Music] you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 287,891
Rating: 4.690155 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, fba, flip, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, jebus, treasure hunting, storage wars, ryan toysreview
Id: -w3Hpwq4ra4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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