STEVE JOBS legacy artifacts uncovered after storage locker is sold at auction! What did we find?

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this i thought was going to go for much higher looks good snowboard video games what's that let's just go right to it that's the 500 pound gorilla in the room isn't it this is a rarer find than even the vintage video games dungeons and dragons original stuff guys this is amazing oh i know what these are oh that's terrible oh that's excellent really nice oh that's terrible again that's the nintendo entertainment system first edition i don't think i found one of these before oh i see a laptop oh come on baby there's a sega dreamcast controller box sounds like it's in there oh what the heck that's brand new oh these are heavy what are these oh my goodness what the heck this is part of steve jobs legacy right here all right locking that time at the gas station filling up my mercedes van and uh and see that's guzzling it up 399 3.999 just about four dollars a gallon for diesel which is what this beast takes i'm excited i'm right after this i'm headed over well i got a couple errands to run including the bank to get some cash because i just bought a storage locker online you're gonna see that in just a few i'm really excited all right what's up locker nuts we're about to get in this unit right here i bought it on an online auction for six hundred and sixty dollars why'd i pay so much well you'll see in a second actually i think i may have underpaid um because compared to the prices these days this i thought was going to go from much higher so 660 plus 15 buyers premium that adds another 99 bucks so what am i into it 759 all right let's pop this open and show you what i liked and i think you're gonna see it immediately video games spoiler alert let's take a look all right check this out yes looks good right looks good snowboard video games what's that let's just go right to it that's the 500 pound gorilla in the room isn't it xbox one yeah we'll see if it's in there they're like never in there but the fact they got that me likey me likey a lot but check this out me like this maybe even a little bit better but that's not very good english atari 2600 original nes um and i see a bunch of controllers here this is a funky looking controller oh that says dreamcast they're a little dirty though like dusty maybe they've just been sitting in storage it's a keyboard i see a steering wheel that's pretty cool it's a little joystick on it all right we'll get to it we're just doing the peaksies right now guys oh look at that sega dreamcast controller got the box for it don't usually find the box i did not see that holy smokes was that in the photo that could be why it went so dang high what the heck this is me okay this is this is a rarer fine than even the vintage video games dungeons and dragons original stuff guys this is amazing oh okay it's not like the that's a set too this is sorry i don't even know how my camera works doing because i'm just staring at these books these are amazing finds right here set five and set two let's hope this is the really old stuff 1983 so you see here the first copyright was 1974. i mean i i had the original stuff i think when i was a kid i had some stuff i don't know what it was exactly but it was all those are long gone unfortunately wowza i'll tell you what i've never found i've never found boxes like this i've never found boxes like that that's a good start guys and good start is maybe an understatement oh i know what these are those are those uh they go with the nintendo system these are robs r o b r o you see that r o b robotic operating buddy i thought it said buddha for a second there and i'm like that's not right i know it's not a buddha that's a buddy rob there's two of them and the extra parts right there that's a good find because they're usually missing those i found those a couple times before they definitely are good they sell for decent money books do nothing for me what is this not a guitar maybe a bike that's what it is it's a bike you put your front tire right there that's pretty cool all right this right here guys i know what that is because i have one in my van i use it i found it in the oh this one's nicer than when i got i can tell already i'm upgrading yes that's pretty i get excited about weird stuff sometimes if you guys are new to the channel just to warn you i get excited about goofy stuff sometimes and i do like my little hand cards the snowboard this is january 6 today so that's uh that's going to be a good season to sell these it's a good time to find snowboard this box is kind of peculiar they actually like did a close-up on this like in the photos and i was sort of like why are you closing up on that i know what that is do you know what that is right there oh i know what that is that is a gamer keyboard okay it's a gamer we'll get to in a second it's got to do with gaming though what is this oh man you guys i'm having fun already this is nothing it's an empty box it's a fancy box for whatever is in there what time all right we got here we got some booze golden magnaita oh we got a lot more booze okay back here this is good i see either games yeah risk i got i see some games back there looks like a couple more games these are like uh i don't know what these are see that settlers of cat katan two of them yeah that could be that could be good i don't know what do we gotta pee off we got a pair what's this biker helmet all right no i shouldn't say biker helmet because that sounds like harley davidson it's a cycling helmet right specialized that's a nice little helmet not bad not great but poster yeah we'll get to the bottom of this already looking good what do you guys think 660 bucks plus 15 buyer's premium to the online storage company is that a good deal um we'll have to see so far i'm saying i guess i was just texting jana to say oh my goodness jana this one is a home run already already all right i'll be honest with you before the auction i was actually texting my friend dan and he's like you need to go on this one it looks good and i'm like i know it looks good i was already planning on i actually already have a bid on it but it looks staged i told him i said it looks staged i'm not sure but i'm still going to bid on it um because you see the video games the video game's kind of sticking out you see all the boxes open i have my stage radar on and uh oh boy i was wrong and i'm not i like being wrong sometimes right not usually but in this case i do so here's what i'm going to do i've got my table i'm going to bring the table and strap on the gopro let's get some boxing oh i'm so excited this is going to be fun okay first up i gotta i gotta take a closer look at these oh this is so exciting to me [Music] okay saga of the shadow lord these have been used for sure i think this one looks like it has a back page cut out look at this this was 15 back in the day kb toys what's the copyright date on this 1984. oh yeah that i was 14 years old back then and i had played a little bit of dungeons and dragons not too much oh man look at all this stuff great illustration look at this dungeon masters rule book oh players manual look at how much wear has been on this the condition is going to affect the value of course but still very very rare to find these old dungeons and dragon books there's gonna be value here regardless of condition oh man this is so cool [Music] love this stuff guys i do i mean this is a throwback for me i don't think i have these ones um because the artwork doesn't look familiar to me oh that looks so awesome does that not want to make you just go in that cave and see where the tunnels go yeah look at the wizards getting second thoughts and this dude's like you're coming with us we need we need some magic that is really fantastic really really fantastic let's grab this guy okay this is some sort of document from san salvador homer simpson intel inside hat vintage 1998 vintage hat that's pretty nice looks like more gaming stuff right here geographical mac of rubacob rubicon i wonder where that is i don't know what game that's part of we're gonna make a few piles here we got stuff to keep and sell stuff to get back to the owner like i'll turn it into the office and then we got some garbage maybe we'll make another pile for donation too okay let's go through this it doesn't look too interesting but yeah could be decent scott branded gloves again oh there's mittens and gloves what is that solomon or something i don't know looks like winter gear gordon gore-tex gloves you got a lot of nice there's burton cap there's a lot of nice uh winter wear here there's some goggles ski goggles so this guy like the ski there's another set of goggles right here do you see that it's like barbed wire it's got a hologram inside of it it's too bad they're a little popping out here i don't know if that's damaged or what those are pretty sweet you look there you don't see them it looks clear but here you see barb where that is pretty all right i get impressed a little easy maybe but i think that's cool all right well the ski stuff i think will sell pretty decent at the flea market i do think so let's go with this one i'm not intentionally trying to grab boring boxes i'm just trying to grab stuff that might be half empty so i can add to them you know make some flea market boxes and such oh that's terrible oh that's excellent really nice oh that's terrible again wait where'd they even keep that oh man that's a great poop right there's poop just kidding backpack paddy whack give a dog a thrift store bone got a nice little plate here souvenir piece from south america somewhere probably probably probably from mexico huh it's neat oh we got here collection of bottle caps that's different and i don't mean that that good way i don't know guys is there a mark for oh there's some change down there dang it now i'm gonna have to go through all that ah i just do not like to let it works i don't like letting money go so if i see change i'll dig through it i will i'm gonna have to get that money out it's probably a name for that disorder cheap aside isn't it [Music] all right all that for uh 86 cents dang it all right well um now my hands smell like beer i'm always looking for the nicer cookware and this one i do not know but it says main china and that's not usually a good sign meat or chef it's the same thing right here me meetra chef it doesn't appear to be nice we got hamilton beach blender we got a waffle maker yeah or a panini maker i don't know what it is oh wait a second mickey's waffle maker oh hey now that's a little something better isn't it mickey mouse take that to the flea market okay we got here cisco router catalyst 2960 series d so it's a switcher it's a switch so maybe there's some value there i don't know i don't know something all right look at this that's some nintendo uh controller in the man you guys know if you haven't played duck hunt on the nintendo you don't know your history guys that's that's part of video game history okay why don't we just uh stop beating around the bush and get to it oh hmm well it's too light to be in there but you know what maybe it's still in here somewhere maybe it's still in here some stuff over here it could be it could be it could be i'm not happy but i'm not giving up hope okay we got a bunch of cords on top at least chords it's chord city what's this that's for an original xbox can you believe these were that big they're not even cordless they're stinking humongous you can fit a display and a cpu inside a controller this big that's crazy it's i forget how we did it back in the day but i did play that since there's another switcher i think vpn edge this guy is a hacker maybe he's a hacker got all this switchers and stuff there's a little computer chip maybe some ram some memory there's a little i don't know hard drive yeah seagate a hard drive yeah i definitely got to take the cords home i see right here it says xbox 360 hard drive transfer cable this guy's like got like every single video game almost i mean jeez he's got sega xbox nintendo there's a nice little binocs right here focal dr1025 wonder if those are decent we'll put it aside here's a couple more things for the i think the original xbox or the no probably the 360 yeah because it's wireless i think it's for playing like trivia games got four of them there's a fast track you may have heard me say before but i return these why not it's free they charge you ridiculous price if you don't return these these are for our bridges it's like electronic bridge pole reader and yeah i return them this is a floppy disk guys all right all you kids out there including my own that's a floppy disk three and a half inch that's what we used back in the day before we could send things through the air and a little bit of jewelry but nothing special this is just little chintzy stuff is this an envelope of cash no nay it's an envelope of receipts boo okay these little guys here those are just going to go right in the car oh this looks like glue or something on them condition's not great but these are still pretty collectible and let's see if this is um okay let's see looks like we got i don't know a couple of extra parts here let's go maybe in better condition still some value here even if they're rough because you guys use them for parts to fix their own got some star wars books children of dune that's a great series lots of science fiction this guy was cool he had good taste i mean speaker for the dead it's great it's equal to ender's game oh tolkien what's this nice that's a nice hobbit all right this is what i was talking about is world of warcraft and it was a gaming keyboard i think what you do is you put this over your existing keyboard pitch view chat so it's like these do special things in the game so it's like a quick quick look at what it does i don't know i've had these before actually it's been a while since i founded it it was pretty decent here's some old keyboards there's been talk about some older keyboards being worth money some of this i don't know there's this certain type that's worth some money i don't know if this is it dell quiet key is the name of it maybe this one's worth some money us robotics 50k message modem guys this is this is a relic right here a modem 3com that is us robotics that is so interesting it's it's interesting to me just because that was my era like i had to have modems the 56k at one point was like the cutting edge technology intel pentium that was funny okay not good i know there's a market for it i know there's a market for it this is not a market ideal in so you know what this box right here thrift store [Music] okay just took the first trip out to the truck some full boxes what's next that's right let's take you guys dance look at this star trek i might happen to know a star trek collector might want those this is their collectibility in the vhs's i can't remember i can't remember prefer if it wasn't open if it was closed then yeah there's definitely going to be a market look at all these star treks are these all star trek oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep star trek there's a few star treks in here star trek more star trek star trek star trek all right let's see what's next evolves and light bulbs these are a few of my least favorite things everquest and warcraft there's an old airport extreme it's funny oh wallet yeah santa croc this is what it says cowhide aka leather and it's empty oh this is heavy okay let's see what we got in here nes001 that's the nintendo entertainment system first edition first one n e s 01. oh look at that super mario brothers and duck hunt awesome games and i know we got the duck hunt gun let's hope we have the power supply those are cheap if not at least we have one controller and then we got the look at this atari 2600 i forget which one is more collectible is it the six switch or the four switch but that does make a difference for collectibility cx-2600 a little bit older that's older than the nintendo but look at this i don't think i found one of these before atari 7800 pro system this i don't think was very popular back in the day it's part of the demise of atari i think was these consoles that no one bought since nintendo came out they owned the market but that may mean the supplies are lower maybe that's worth a little bit more this is a mac store hard drive big heavy thing i know what this is look at that xbox 360. the foot pedals how cool is that brake yes for playing a car racing game and that's the steering wheel this is also for xbox 360. and it must be for kind of like guitar hero this is like playing the piano or something harmonics it says for rock band 3. very cool that might be worth a few bucks this right here dreamcast this is kind of weird this i've never seen that before it's like it hooks to a 9-volt battery um i wonder what that does i don't know i'm not that familiar with dreamcast sega but um yeah it's gonna have some value i know that much okay we got a couple of uh harman kardon that's decent computer speakers seville classics i think that's just a fan sony av selector oh very cool so you plug in different av ports and switch between them nice archive tape for colossus i've never actually had one of these before but i think this is for backup drive like a tape backup drive i don't know if there's any value in these i would say probably not a whole heck of a lot but there might be a little bit and then this beast right that looks really fun that really does oh it's got a nice turn mechanism it feels like a real car ah that's cool i've never owned one of these oh look at the little paddle shifters that's cool reminds me of my lexus is i used to own i had paddle shifters in that that was a super nice car oh okay what's in here let's see some star wars right here all right oh i see a laptop oh come on baby this dude was totally into video games command and conquer command and conquer some spanish music ultima online there's another one ultimate online enigma it's the end of innocence i don't know if there's value in these old games oh millie vanilli that's heck of funny that's super fun star trek next generation interactive technical manual i'll put that with my star trek uh right here final fantasy number eight yeah all right the rest is not that interesting but any video games that's cool trying to keep it all organized oh man this box looks good that's an old laptop dell dirty crusty inspiron 3520 i doubt that one's worth a lot but put aside anyways it looks like a board game or some sort of game it's very light there's a little pin metal pin a patch this might just be a computer game and it came in this uh collector set or something okay here's all the discs are there there's three so i don't know is that worth anything i really don't know but you know what that means put it aside bring it home all right here's some more games these are computer games warcraft love that game command and conquer i've never played it ultimate online never played it heard good things about him then everquest medal of honor these are all light i don't even think the games are in there warcraft red alerts that one's in there juiced these ones don't these are empty those are empty there's some old games right here king's quest 4 for the apple 2 gs i used to have a 2gs that's like one of my first computers growing up yeah there's the warcraft book all right some booklets for the games that we had check this out you guys i'm gonna cover up his name but it says um it's from 1990 and it says congratulations on being the second place winner on your campus in the sega genesis video game college tournament and closes a check for a hundred dollars your new 16-bit sega genesis system will arrive shortly wow that's really really really cool huh he won something for playing games maybe this is him i don't know but he's shaking ronald reagan's hand that's really neat i'm gonna definitely have to get this back to the owner you know what i mean i'm going to get it back to the office and hopefully they can contact him and have him come and retrieve that stuff it's pretty cool this is this xbox 360 hard drive those are those sell pretty easy hot wheels from 1990 a little ferrari tesla rules star wars old republic that's in there for the pc powershot a3000 is canon 10 megapixel that's not super great it's not too bad six megapixels a little bit older all right another box uh this is good this is like a little apple adapter so it goes ethernet to the apple port i forgot that it is a lightning port no i forget what it's called but that's what that is that's a few bucks there's an xbox 360 wireless networking adapter i found those before world of warcraft and got a card in there nice okay it looks like cookware that's kind of neat though yeah that's groovy nothing nothing too exciting in here otherwise nothing too crazy couple cheap bases donate okay okay there's a sega dreamcast controller box sounds like it's in there oh what the heck that's brand new that has got to be some bucks that's good oh that one's empty here's a costume caesar pale silver okay there's some uh tennis balls for our dog even the pooch gets the dibs and this this appears to be a princess leia costume my guess is for an animal because it's super duper small okay princess leia oh my goodness it's so funny and darth vader princess leigh and darth vader are costumes for animals oh what will they think of next what's this hd wi-fi clock camera oh it's in there that's what it is it's a clock and it's a camera sorry obviously um but yeah i'm just saying i see the lens right there clock camera a little spy action see what's going on at home that could be dangerous too kids could get in big trouble this is something for the dreamcast right here this too fantasy star online these are games for dreamcast huh that looks like it's burned what is this it's like a dreamcast cybertroopers virtual on okay wait a second now that's a sega too that's burned tetris i think these are all dreamcast games oh please find the dream cast in here oh my goodness you guys i think there's more okay that doesn't these are burned see that it's like he printed the cover out doom great game but you burn these i guess you could do that with the dream cast that's too bad i wish they were real all right but we're still going to keep them because if we find that dreamcast i don't know keep those games with it ooga booga this is not this is wow look at this this is actually a real game that's not burned showtime nba on nbc the shack i think and this is sealed brand new sega dreamcast sealed game that's a little bit more rare cranberries of music john lennon music it's more dreamcast and more sega wow okay it's good stuff there's a regent baseball mitt it's pretty well worn but is that worth anything maybe a few bucks the garage sale what's in here see some interesting stuff there's an xbox 360 chat pad that says oh look at that a little keyboard i've never seen one of those before so there's the first there's something for nintendo oh switch what the heck that's newer okay that's good it's got some nice little surprises in this bag oh just junk it's an apple charger some apple headphones and these are the newer ones with the lightning port okay and here's an apple laptop charger what's in this guy oh table's getting a little a little bit messy here uh let me clean that up first tada it's almost like magic made it disappear jersey for el salvador that makes sense we found some el salvador civil papers earlier so there's some kind of el salvador soccer jersey interesting that looks expensive a graphics card pny virto g04 6600 gt oh man i hate cables but look at this rock fan there might be some video game cables in here that we need i'm gonna have to bring this home oh man here's another controller another dreamcast it's like the third controller we found i'm definitely gonna take this home and go through it that's unfortunate because the big heavy box jeez i'm gonna take this home oh these are heavy what are these oh my goodness what the heck i thought these were speakers guys do you know what this is a next computer do you know what these are oh my i have never in my life seen one of these never okay guys so here's what i know and you guys can fact check me or whatever but when steve jobs left apple computer he went on to start his own company they developed this it's the next computer it was so different at the time the form of course you wouldn't expect anything less from something he touched this is based on unix that was revolutionary at the time too i mean like servers were based on unix but no one's personal computer i think was based on unix i'm i'm not wrong that's what this is it was like so far advanced but it just never caught on the mainstream didn't have it you had pc computers and you had max this would have been a third option it never caught on they were very expensive at the time oh man i wanted one i didn't even know what i was going to do with it because i didn't know how to program i knew how to program in like c a little bit but not this um this i believe was unix and this thing man it was uh it was amazing it got him back on the radar as far as like i think he got hired back at apple soon after that and then of course he's involved pixar um starting that but this this is part of steve jobs legacy right here i've never seen one guys only read about them in magazines at the time it appears that we have two of these two holy smokes i thought i was just moving i thought it was moving speakers oh my goodness i have no clue of value so if you hear me getting excited it's only for personal reasons because i have an emotional reaction to this because it was like i don't know i was just really into it i read all about these at the time i'm like they are so awesome i wish i could get one but i was really young at the time oh man this is amazing that's an amazing find that could be some real value there i don't know i'm not trying to be all sensational and dramatic i'm really thinking that that is a potentially good find i've never seen it all right anyways i'm running out of time i was just about to say maybe we're gonna start this on the next one oh look at apple inc and i found an id from the guy that he worked at apple first at least a brief time oh man you guys i think i'm a cap it right here i think we're going to end this video right here i've got enough to go through in the next episode there's not that much maybe this can be a short episode who knows we just found those i mean i'm a little blown away really uh that we found those good good fine so um this has been a great locker so far all right guys i just pushed everything back in there you see the table and some of the boxes i pulled out i put it back in there i'll just come tomorrow finish this up take the garbage away i'm taking those good things home i got a few boxes i'll stop at the donation store on the way uh back it's right on my route it was part of the reasons i bought here is because this is very close to my house and literally like i don't know like a couple miles from where i donate everything so very convenient and that's on the way home but i just want to show you this hopefully this will hopefully this will focus i just looked up those computers on ebay there it is the cube sold for 13.99 one sold that's a sold price that's not an asking price that's a sole price 13.99 i saw a couple more that sold uh one sold for 900 and another one had the monitor and keyboard and everything won't have the monitor maybe find a keyboard i don't know but it had the other stuff that sold for like 2500 but just the cube 13.99 sold price so that's two two times ah that is a great find but not just money wise like i said emotionally that's a fantastic find for me because i i really did want one of those when they came out i really did um i just it was i was brokenhearted when steve jobs got booted out of apple when he made that computer i'm like i've got to have one and it did amazing stuff at the time it was incredible but um well now i own one here i have 50 years old i got two of them but i'll be selling them um so but anyways guys this has been a great locker so far lots of fines hopefully we got some more good stuff in there we'll take a look at that in the next episode but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on loch ness one looks different hero quest high adventure in a world of magic oh it's like dungeons and dragons type
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 27,006
Rating: 4.9620113 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, Steve Jobs, NeXT computer, Apple computer, video games, retro video games, vintage video games, nintendo, sega, atari
Id: xnYQe0JOvkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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