Getting a BILLION YEARS in Bitlife Prison (I BROKE THE GAME)

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hey guys welcome back to bit life in the last episode I became a famous adult film star named me you foo khuda if you missed that episode link down below in the description today I'm gonna be doing some more crime what do you guys send me this on Twitter yo Matt J I dare you to beat me they got 187 million years in prison I would like to try and beat that today apparently if you do a crime and you escaped from jail do the same crime again you'll get a double sentence and if you just keep doubling your sentence that numbers gonna get pretty big but don't worry guys before I do that I am gonna read some of the top comments on the last episode and put some are you guys in the game Matt makes grinding joke me throws up my Wendy's nice good job pickle chain you got a thousand likes on this comment you're gonna go in the game there's gonna be a person in the game named pickle chin now also I'm jealous of that Wendy's that you threw up what if you're worth the D when DS if you had to throw it up later I don't know kind of like a would you rather situation I think I take the Wendy's Matt you should have the craziest life crazy boyfriend slash girlfriend crazy animal your choice crazy job what counts as a crazy job I'm not really sure but that does sound like a fun time only getting involved with crazy people slash animals or something I'll keep that in mind my father and I had a chat about the weird sounds mommy makes at night me you fukuda three years I did not notice that when I was playing maybe that's why me you Fukuda decided to pursue a career in adult film nice when I quit my job it will hurt me next minute boss comes in house with an ak-47 this is literally the worst joke ever it wasn't a very good joke but 600 people hit like on it so I don't I don't know man maybe I don't know what a good joke is I only just noticed he replaced the O with a zero in the title to avoid D monetization modern problems require modern solutions that's right guys I did do that sometimes you got to do what you got to do okay we had fun nobody was hurt in the making of that video thank you for not D monetizing me YouTube Wow okay now it is time to get sentenced to prison for at least 180 seven million years can I do it one like equals one believing in me thank you I'm just giving you a chance to do it just in case you're all like good joke mad it's not a joke Alfred and ER burg born a male in Stockholm Sweden I was a result of a mile-high club one flight stand are you telling me that your mom and dad met on a flight and decided to do it in the in the bathroom on a flight your mom is a police officer and I thought that was like illegal or something is it illegal or just frowned upon hmm whatever wait a minute my parents didn't meet on that flight one flight stand apparently doesn't mean just a one time thing with the person cuz they have another child and they just had another one again cuz my dad's condom broke way to go dad I've been seeing sugar daddies with sugar babies a lot lately almost too much you're you're 2 years old how do you even know what you're seeing oh my god they had another child conceived on my grandfather's workbench my mother's been promoted to trooper yeah she is a true burger after all she's been through I saw my big sister Elvira during recess for the first time it was crazy why my mother and father had a baby boy named Viggo he was conceived after my father's condom slid off my father needs to learn and how to do it properly because that's too many accidental children here holy crap guys your dance teacher approaches you before class and tells you that dance is more fun with liquid acid what will you do absolutely I tried liquid acid what the hell at least it wasn't liquid ass but still not a good thing for a 14-year old to be doing especially when the teacher gives it to you hello what's wrong with you my first kiss hmm let's get some tongue in there it's all good she tasted like duck that hell okay she just graduated from high school got Ecole I know I'm not going to college but I want to take my driving test and that's no pedestrians done okay cool my parents are giving me a Mitsubishi Outlander Thank You parents I used to have a Mitsubishi Outlander myself at one point cool I'll take it awesome gotta spend my money I'm going to a doctor now because you know sometimes it's not good when you have e.coli thank you doctor so I can't do any crime just yet I still have a little bit of time left I'm gonna ask my parents for some more money okay you can get away with asking twice no more than that or they're gonna start hating you what'd I do I asked for money twice and then I give them a compliment when they give me two lots of money see boom and I'm like hey mom just you're you're so good you're strong you're strong independent woman who gives me money and I appreciate that whoa she called me unrivaled I wore the same underwear for eight weeks nice job Alfred okay I got a lip piercing for my 18th birthday and everyone knows people with piercings are criminals that's that's just how it works so let's go do some great okay crime here we go so we are gonna do a murder and I don't want to kill my parents wolf galaxy is a friend of mine wolf galaxy this guy shows up so much I don't know why you're you're so lucky and I am gonna do a drive-by on this dude and commit the murder you tried to perform the drive-by shooting on your best friend he call the police on you oh no 40 years for that man that sucks how did he get away well I'm so bad at shooting people from a car public defender please oh I'm guilty I didn't have the money to pay for anything else geez so now I need to escape prison guys I need to do it I can't screw this up this is an easy one I've done this one before oh wow okay that was really dumb that was really dumb I screwed that up I don't know I don't know how I screwed that up but I did so let's just not even talk about it this is gonna set me back a little bit I could travel back in time if I want it should I do that would you leave a like on this video if I travel back in time it's gonna cost me a whole dollar whoa I arrived from the future after discovering a wormhole behind the toilet in my cell and now I get to kill my friend again or try maybe this time you'll die wolf galaxy oh my father is trying to make me get a job the hell out of here dude I don't have a piercing this time my life is so different damn crime here we go let's murder a person oh man he's not even my friend anymore Alexander Larson who are you I'm gonna kill you bro I guess I could kill a random drunk maybe that'd be better mmm okay here we go with drive-by time got him nice okay let's move on kill someone else a random dirty old man let's go he died too geez okay apparently it sounded the easier for me to kill people this time a random referee yeah he made a bad call in the rafters game guys and he needs to die now how how dare he probably cost the whole game damn well I call the police on me 90 years in prison oh oh heck I'm out and I'm on the run let's go shoot some people huh but but make sure I do it from a car obviously that random referee he's gonna get it this time guys he can't escape me forever you tried assaulted view oh no what if I end up dead from assault what if somebody assaults me too dead don't you don't you dare sorry Jeff how did I even how does how do you assault someone he tries buying a car what the hell did this guy do prime time for some more crime please please man just let me kill this guy I need him to die I'm I'm barking up the wrong tree call the police on me 174 years good stuff let's let's keep this up and out I go please don't kill me people I really don't want to die I am very scared referee frigging referee please die 260 this time man oh man you're really you're really giving me a hard time here aren't you okay I've escaped again I'm getting better at escaping prison guys it took me a while to figure this out now part of me is very worried that this random referee is gonna get me killed so I'm gonna I'm gonna kill a friend instead all right he just it's impossible to kill him how many times have I tried now did you just blows the little whistle at me and that's it I mean you can't you can't disobey a referee right okay I killed my friend and 348 years in prison for that nice just as long as he doesn't kill me back that's all that matters oh [ __ ] I think I'm screwed yep that's okay they're just gonna put me in eight more years in jail I gotta I gotta escape next year okay because next year hopefully the referee won't be an option and I can try and drive by someone else okay I got caught again eight more years in prison I guess I can just go ahead and go to the next year right hey it's it's fine it's totally fine oh oh Jesus Christ come on seriously I'm really getting sick of this you know how unhappy I am to be in prison for so long I got no happiness right now none I'm gonna get depression soon escape from that damn prison bro look we have an easy one this time they're taking pity on me now on to the crime a random rapper let's do a drive-by in a rapper sounds very fitting he'd I don't know next up we got a homeless man POW he died too I'm really good at killing these people aren't I so many random people have been killed by me now guys so how much is it going up by each time not enough that's for sure I think I'm getting the same amount of years in prison each time for it okay so I got 94 years in prison and then I got 96 years in prison and then I got 98 years in prison that is not what I want cuz that's not gonna work that's gonna take me way too long it only goes up by two years each time guys that is not what I was hoping for I don't know if they maybe changed it is it different on the phone version let me find out well technically it's not the phone version it's the Android version because the Android and the iOS versions are completely different I'm gonna check this out real quick great I just spent forever trying to test this out on Android and I ended up dying because the Chinese tourists I tried to kill killed me instead he fired back at me what kind of tourist brings a gunman alright so as you guys can tell I am now playing a different version of it life this is the Android version where when you get sent back to jail they double your sentence this is how you get a million years in prison I don't know how many I'm gonna get I'm currently at twelve point nine thousand years but I could get killed in a drive-by at any time I'm pretty sure maybe there are certain people who can't kill you back I don't really know I'm just gonna go for it fingers crossed guys let's see how I can do gotta attempt to escape prison again I'm getting pretty good these things since I've done so many but I still hate them okay another escape complete so I have a minus 300 bank balance I don't think that matters at all I don't plan on doing anything besides getting sent to prison and coming back again so it should stay the same I don't want to advance any more time I'm not doing too well look at me I'm having a bad time I got depression who wouldn't be depressed after getting sent to jail for thirteen thousand years you know what I mean so let's go ahead and do another drive-by on a random troubadour what's a troubadour is that a dangerous person could they could they shoot me one of a class of lyric poets and poet musician 'he's often of nightly rank who flourished from the 11th to the end of the 13th century okay well apparently that's whatever I'm gonna go ahead and drive by you now got him so do I want to do another drive-by now and risk getting killed no I don't what you can do an easy way to get sent back to prison is to just try and go to another country I want to go to Chile I'm gonna try to go there legally I got cops I'm just gonna resist no you big guys stop it boom 25,000 years in prison alright so another couple of prison sentences and we'll be at a hundred K that'll be pretty good but you know it ramps up pretty quick so let's just hope we can keep adding zeros to this Wow if I want to appeal my sentence it'll only cost me six point eight million dollars or more and they're probably gonna say nah probably gonna keep me in there I'm gonna go now goodbye oh [ __ ] okay so apparently I'm staying in prison a little longer guys the bank wants to take my car Oh Bank Bank don't take my car that means I have to rob someone when I get out of prison now and that's always dangerous you never know who might happen geez okay well whatever I'm still a young woman it's all good I know how to get through this one so let me just go ahead and do that real quick all right I'm out of prison there's another random Troubadour to kill don't shoot me back he didn't and you guys aren't gonna okay you know what fine what else can I do is there another way that I could possibly yeah I'm pretty sure if I apply for a loan for a car well I need I need money wait how did I do it on a second oh I do have a car oh I thought they repossessed it I read that wrong they were just threatening threatening to repossess well that's just fine cuz I'm not gonna have any more years in prison well yeah I'm gonna have a lot of years in prison but I'm not gonna actually do them I'm not gonna advance anything a year old game is dime to I guess yeah I'm gonna apply for a loan for a car okay let's just do that that'll be fun maybe they'll they'll catch me think I would like this one please hello oh no employment well man also I'm a criminal who's supposed to be in jail for thousands of years okay well I'll just try and run away again okay fifty thousand years now guys we're doing pretty good I suppose I at least want to hit a hundred thousand you know it wouldn't wouldn't that be nice to be sentenced to at least a hundred thousand years in prison all I got to do is not die on my next drive-by easy stuff am i right I am on the run again please do not murder me back there's no way a dumb blonde is gonna kill me right she died nice I wish you guys would just catch me though wouldn't that be so much easier than continuously trying to go to Chile well these days I'm gonna get caught one of these days I'm gonna go there okay then you'll be in trouble a hundred thousand years Oh a random surfer dude I'm not gonna take me out hmm I just knew it maybe another country will take me would it be hilarious if I could actually escape oh I got caught again I was just so close so close to get it oh hey don't get murdered only dude the murdering random construction worker what if he's if what if he's got a gun he died oh man I'm just getting so lucky here I feel I'm getting pretty lucky here I don't really know is anyone gonna take me in Japanese people can I can I be part of your country now no no I can't gotta go I gotta go back gotta go back to jail four hundred thousand years huh escaped again here we go who's next of whoa okay listen up buddy I don't really want to I don't want to do a random soldier that sounds like the type of person who would murder me back but a DJ if I could damn it if I could steal from a DJ I could probably get a lot of money here yeah okay okay Oh yep yep I'm out oh that's enough money for me to not get repossessed on my vehicle that's all I wanted okay here we go again no no here we don't go again one more year needs to pass please I no longer have depression and the bank took my car well that's uh that's not good what if I just uh just go back to prison again cuz maybe I don't need to do any dangerous drive-bys you know what I mean let's find out oh my god oh my oh my god I never have to die because I never have to do another drive-by again I just got to leave and come back just go through the door to come back to the door and then they double my sentence and everything is just peachy it sucks that I'm so depressed but I don't think you can die from depression can you don't do anything crazy Chiara we're getting out of here oh god no good no good no good no good I screwed it up I screwed it up I knew I was gonna screw dogs didn't know how this one worked and now damn it they're taking me away they're adding the whole 28 years to my sentence whoa I got depression again guys apparently I didn't have it before that's okay uh all I got to do is just get these right this one is a good one okay just don't give me any more stupid ones and we'll be just fine they're you staying in a little box cuz I've got prison sentence to double by one point six million years boys we're doing it we're doing it 3.2 million years the only thing I'm worried about guys is dying and the only way I can die is if time goes ahead so as long as all these escape attempts attempts go okay I'll never die I'll just live forever and I'll just get sentenced to prison forever I'm gonna go to Ireland now well Mandy won't let me in oh geez oh dang it okay we're almost at ten million right so many numbers I don't think it's possible to illegally go to a country guys because I have tried so many times and now I'm just going to jail for 26 million years instead of living a happy life in France jeez now you tell me how a person with 5% smarts has managed to escape from every prison I've ever went to and they went to a lot of prisons or the same prison or something huh tell me how that works 100 million years in prison obviously guys if you have an Android device you can do this exact same thing and you can do it forever if you wanted but I'm gonna stop at a billion because I think that's probably far enough there you go 209 million years in prison I beat you buddy I beat you because I figured out how to do it without ever having to worry about dying now let's keep going just a couple of more three more 418 million years two more 837 million years in prison the world's most dangerous criminal man I actually have a pretty dangerous criminal I killed a lot of people before I realized I don't even need to kill anybody else I only needed to kill one person but hey killing a whole lot of people is better right I've noticed that the game lags a lot when you get this far look how long I already clicked on the thing and it's taken forever to bring up the screen because there's just so many years so I definitely don't do any more than this last escape attempt right here they're making it the easiest one in the entire game thank you guys so much you just really know how to make a man feel good don't you goodbye see you very shortly just gonna go try and leave the country now because that's something that I haven't tried to do yet you know what I mean just picking a random country cuz it really doesn't matter I was caught I can't believe I was caught resist deportation resist arrest it'd be really funny if they killed me for resisting arrest hello hello Oh God what happened seriously hello well what hello huh what's going on something something going on I don't know why I didn't I don't know what's going on I just wanted to get a billion years in jail but they didn't want me to do that I'm gonna go ahead and quit the game and get back in but I'm calling this a billion years in jail regardless okay just so you know there's no way I'm not because I I did it I resisted arrest they're sending me to jail but for some reason some things some things happened you know I don't know come on a little sperm let's let's let's let's do it are we all good here yeah oh wow okay so I got sent back quite a ways guys uh where we we succeeded okay we succeeded that was then I I broke the game I got so many years in prison that I broke the game that's what we're going with here that's the story I did everything I was supposed to do and the last step boom stonewalled me so yeah can you get further than that you guys can give it a try at home if you want and and see see if the game will actually let you get a billion years because it broke for me so yeah cool thanks for watching goodbye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MattShea
Views: 2,634,866
Rating: 4.9401793 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, bitlife prison, bitlife jail, bitlife years in jail
Id: o8IK-iYaQOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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