YouTube Deleted My Channel... in Bitlife

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I highly suggest you let me come back to YouTube now all right I have breast knuckles midlife oh we're about you breaking news there is a new update to bit life now this was the social media update so I think it's pretty exciting you know I know it's like we don't play a bit like a whole lot but this one is exciting so I don't know much about this new update I think we can go to like all kinds of social medias including the youtubes like I do because I'm a youtuber I guess and so what if we just become what I can't be and just be awful because I'm amazing I want to be very very very very very how many berries is that irresponsible on social media and ruin people's lives because that's what only thing we do in this game hey guys Michael cast buddy that's my name to help I'm Michael cash money my place is my computer chair it still says that well I guess it ain't all that much different huh all right let's start Michaels the new life alright so how has it changed I need to see social media okay well we can't do it yet because apparently campus social media as a baby what the heck is up with that I thought I said that we have a family nut name so what is that is that a thing the people you people just have nuts lying around yo yo yo my name's Michael cash buddy my father is a camera and cash money a school administrator mr. cash money could you imagine that mr. cash money my mother is at least cash money and archaeologists and the ironic part is were broke cue the sad music going around your at home lying inside your crib lucky there's a few things nearby fire truck okay so I never know what this actually does what does that mean looking cool I got a graduation cap I don't think I'll graduate because I have social media why do I need to go to school right that's all the hip kids probably say now stay in school if you're actually able to go to school I know a lot of people aren't today where ever you can stay that was necessary ooh fun toys the TV remote that's a pretty samples you're riding on the car to the supermarket oh my god that was like the bite that was so like everything they do riding on the shopping cart breaking kids you know kids I see writing on the bottom of the shopping cart with their head sticking out all their freaking parents gotta do is Ram their head I guess a good aisle or anything it's just so dangerous don't do that we're riding the super riding the shop account we're inside the shopping cart very good you shop for groceries with your mother and passed by a woman handing out free samples of sushi ooh you want some but your mother says no and keeps walking I don't know of kids but I actually really like sushi unless you're a weap like me Oh a sushi you know so she's not even my favorite food but like it's okay okay we're for surely by now we already have the iPhone 11 well even how many how many iPhones are there we probably had the iPhone 20 this is kind of president kids beginning when I was lucky when I was a kid I'd get like socks I got the iPhone socks well at the park you see many interesting things you want to jump in which will you choose uh a huge quota last because I so I did when I was little so I jump around each puddle other puddles I literally would swim in them Christian go get kick rocks I don't care about you first friend never mind I'm assuming we can do tick-tock right surely your friend I don't care I don't care oh can you do social media now all right I already know bit life is not realistic enough because if you're 12 years old you don't have an iPhone 20 you use not even 12 year old anymore back in my day yeah I would play high dose with my friends would play with sticks if we had these fix trees were a commodity it was like you got a tree you were the richest person on the earth that come on day we had dinosaurs to play with now you have iPhone consoling thoughts Sony just asked oh yeah Sony just announced the PS 5 or will be launching Wow good life where are you it's like they don't even know that they already a lot and announced it the news makes you realize how far gaming technology has come the big is I expected like I expected PS 5 like I think everyone expected PS 5 Xbox one X refrigerator style everyone like expects like the new gaming consoles to be like amazing and just like absolutely stunning I swear some of the games they show it in the PS 5 like reveal thing like they look like they could have been on switch and in fact some of the games on switch looked better than some of those games at PS 5 they're just saying it doesn't really matter anymore we kind of reached the peak you know I don't know if it's gonna really get any better I'm still gonna get it though this news makes you realize how far gaming technologies come in you'd be into consequent here or your favorite is I gonna Tendo all of the way mobile games what are you what are you playing bit like bit like shuts this video down Nintendo all the way I love freaking Nintendo I stand a tinder for the end of time we're talking about Playstations surely we can join social media now there it is yeah all right should we do a tick-tock oh we can do it all tick-tock Twitter tick tock tick tock Instagram and Facebook the Facebook honestly I hate I hate Facebook so much it is it is literally awful you might like Facebook I don't never liked it where's my space oh my god I gotta go rate this app now I gotta go a rate bit life- stars because my space you forgot my space everyone knows my space Tom is crying right now and they also clearly forgot the heck so I'm really curious though like if there's gonna be special like a little event it's gonna be really exciting somebody become a youtuber but I'm gonna be like the most awfulest person I'm gonna do everything bad all right let's sign up for YouTube account make it by mistake how'd it get subscribers now you signed up for a YouTube account can we sign up for all of them is a really anything stopping us see what Gary Vaynerchuk would say is you got a diversifying but all your eggs in two baskets oh I have zero subscribers what can I do to get more I really want to know five subscribers uh yes I've been sent Evos people like oh you would like to buy some views and subscribers it's been a long time since I got any other shady Emo's but like why would you ever want to do that it's hard enough to get the subscribers I have now forgot two million of them in half don't even watch that's fine I love you if you're watching my you the real game out there well first of all you gotta get that monetization right apply to monetize your videos with advertisements today so I'm whatever's gonna be all realistic cuz like when it comes to YouTube you can't actually monetize your videos until you get like 4,000 hours watch time didn't used to be like that back in the day you see you can just monetize it no matter what you can have nothing almost big enough your application about attention videos is okay alright so it is kind of realistic promote a product sponsored or as opposed to video woohoo I get to pick what I'd okay life video uh-huh you know if you post a bit life video on bit life you get all kinds of subscribers Hall gaming educational it's kind of boring but let's go to the game II just because I'm a gamer so let's just see what that does the editing was perfect you post a gaming video on youtube and you play the League of Legends oh sweet yeah go mid I totally went made and like I got a hint to kill yeah your video got three views and you earned three new subscribers I mean that's a pretty good ratio three people and all three of them watch I mean come on I like that one tick tock were like that person is like dancing or they have like a radio or someone has a radio then they have like three people down there dancing that's totally me oh yeah I'm excited for this would you subscribe to buy chromecast buddy I'm Michael cash money now subscribe yeah - alright clear I posted one video they got the reviews there surely they'll verify me now never hurt you've never heard of buy cold cash buddy oh yeah you're just not cool alright well we obviously have to get some more cash money subscribers let's post another video see the beginning of YouTube you gotta feel out what the heck you want to do I started with reviewing naruto chapter x' leaving the manga and david oh is your copyright claims so i thought hey that's why my name's beat you mike by the way cuz it comes from Naruto and I do gaming videos it makes no sense but that's fine alright so I did it uh League of Legends now it's time to get political and uploaded you posted a YouTube advocating for your political party you got six views I've already doubled my views that's a big deal I don't know was subscribed though so we'll have like League Mondays political Tuesdays and what else we'll have to so I was subscribed someone's it like that political view I posted our video I posted dang it I have a duty I have a duty with my two subscribers then well I did have three but I have a duty to show my political views that way you will do only why one it makes me mad it really makes me mad when people get political because I just it's so stupid no you're bad nude you're bad oh but did you hear this person did this this person stepped on puppies this person drinks ordered shoes after brushing their teeth I'll never vote for them do picking 9 views man sick alright post another video ok so what's gonna be Wednesday educational Wednesday's click that notification pal guy he's you shared educational video about miniature baking with your followers on YouTube mister baking I am seriously the jack-of-all-trades over here and I'm a middle school too I always be getting all these people like and they're young too like they're their parents to send me like a cameo you know and stuff like that saying that Oh like you know my daughter or whatever started YouTube channel and stuff like that I just think it's so cool like it I wish I could have did that when I was young but then I aged and I'd enter net was stupid back then why was this paper what the heck I don't understand all right let's see what happens to be post event life video bit life Fridays you posted a video on youtube of you beating the gold digger challenge a bit life you can't see well that throws that old theory out the way don't think it bit like would like making like get a bunch of use ding God bless God bless a bit like hey check out that one subscriber out there alright obviously if we need to buy subscribers we're taking it we're taking it really bad so I'm gonna go with mow some lawns all right each blade of grass is one subscriber I don't even need to graduate school cuz I could just go to youtube cuz everyone can be famous it's easy you just post videos and that's it right you just stated prettier computer anything collect the views oh I start high school now basketball team no not interested what do you think I'm trying to be Bikol Jordan no I'm biking cash money the famous tick doctor /youtube yes I'm gonna start a tick tock oh there it is alright how many subscribers can $72 bias Shirley like a least a million alright I think at least 26 subscribers oh my god it's like the beginning days all over again I remember having the sunay subscribers holy crap those were the days man 5 thousands of subscribers not enough well I thought it ok ok ok so 72 ok we can buy 1000 subscribers worth every cent and all of them are like these black comments saying oh I loved your videos so much I love you so much all right yeah I'm signing up right Tech Talk it's bugs I don't think there's a lemon I don't think there's a limit I gave in it's so true the man like you know people that I ye v'n even buy my friends and stuff that low I think that with the tick tock is dumb and stuff they're just all there's addicted to it now it's just a it's as eventually everyone does not me though alright they deleted my tick tock your child I had a lot of I had a lot of like people follow me on there they deleted it with absolutely no warning thanks tick-tock I have a hundred followers I did nothing I've done absolutely nothing is it because of my fame my fame and fortune from YouTube yeah that best yet Oh like it's the same well I feel I feel like if you're gonna do a tick-tock you'd be doing like skits or dance yeah dancing that's what we'll do I'm awful dancer but not Michael cash money gotta get on a flight PC I know what that means don't even ask you record if any of yourself w choreography dance to Shakira song it posted on tick-tock move them hips though your video got 10 views I swear man they promoting your tic TOCs like nothing so easy it's way easier to be like get famous on tick-tock than it is on anything else but also don't delete you for absolutely no reason all right now with my by subscribers let's do a well just stick with the gaming no no no no we need to do a blog you recorded your daily life shenanigans I post it on a blog on YouTube the video about six years don't worry don't worry so I wonder if it affects us to you if we're like famous or if we can get famous and we also started like if we just become Will Smith yeah that's the goal for everyone is to eventually fly with Will Smith if you did that you made it you made it ah life's life's dream to people see at this point people I got my views oh I better give it up I better stop I better not No I've only been doing this for like one week and I don't have a million views I'm crying I never have what it takes to be famous try posting like every day for like a year and getting no views let me tell you what it is we just need to play Andheri simulator that's what we need to do where's that okay let's gammy eventually we will get to it oh I find grant I play Grand Theft Auto your video got 5 oh we we got 3 subscribers though I still it seems like that our thing a bike will cash money's really meant for the gaming lifestyle because that's when people seem to subscribe they really love that legal edges and then they hated it when I got political for some reason it I don't know it I thought it was pretty amazing so I think we stick to gaming maybe it'll be better five years I've played pac-man it's you imagine if I uploaded a video playback been like so random your classmate Mickey has been making untrue rumors about you oh wait til I exposed you on YouTube and tik-tok oh this this of course beats Tetris Road I that's the the block everyone hates whatever I'll just go make a YouTube about it I hate the DMV the DMV stupid I didn't get my driver's license test so I smashed all the windows that I filmed it I posted it like I wanted to do so I hope it lets us do stuff like that I want to do some dumb things Oh God I'm three years active with eight videos I posted eight baby was in 30 in three years what the heck how come it's not working Wow Oh Michael cash money coming up now Wow you posted a game bit in YouTube you played The Legend of Zelda so I'm assuming it's the first one like right it's just the Legend of Zelda now I brought the wild nothing like that I just played the original one but two bit one that looks like this one there's like two pixels in there link is like two pixels it would viral your video got 74 thousand views and you earned 260 new subscribers that's probably about right though you don't earn that many subscribers a lot of times people just click your video by mistake like oh I don't like this alright come on 20 episodes of The Legend of Zelda that's what we need my babies what was in this cave oh that thing I've really hit it off now I mean that's a lot of views for having what a thousand fake subscribers like you know not bad Oh Mario Cart at know what like that Mario Cart against it got better views but it sure isn't all that great that's okay we'll keep going play now play Super Smash Brothers yes is it because I picked Nintendo there like I just played Nintendo games now I play that key trous solitaire solitaire that's what comes with your computer ah although I gotta admit though that pinball game the game with uh everyone's computer is so fun that one was fun I never got into solitaire though hey guys BJ Mike here today we're gonna play some solitaire it's gonna get crazy so I'm getting like consistent views though like 96 95 it's like working pretty well I think now I can probably get some money that's when the root of all evil comes there we go you've been approved show me the advertised bids ads forty ads forty ads on my solitaire videos forty ads on my Tetris alright I bet you now my videos oh nevermind Zelda get the heck out of here NBA 2k is where it's at we're breaking ankles oh I missed I know I I didn't get to read it all but anyway my video went viral I got a 1 million views and I got 180 I only got 200 subscribers less than 200 subscribers I got $4,000 though through advertising served on my video Dave NBA I guess that's where the ads are pull the crap guys my next video you know all the sudden I'm into basketball I guess I my Jordan all right but I've really got to get on that tick-tock game all right we got a post a challenge you recorded yourself doing a try not to laugh challenge I posted on tick-tock this is odd place to put it on tick-tock I don't think I would have done that oh you know our problem is we gotta get our looks up because if you're pretty on YouTube you get all the views oh no one liked overwatch I'm literally doing everything different different every single day your video or less than one dollar a to advertising revenue I mean with that $4,000 though that'll get us a good PC though that it gives a real good PC the oaragaintrail oh that's actually really cool though like I know we got $4,000 but I didn't even think like all for some reason we weren't gonna get in bit life we actually got money now holy crap I'm willing to become rich being a youtuber and then I'm going to ruin it all enter the sweepstakes today when a core vote Julie or more cost nine dollars you will receive a push notification when you win okay I've never seen that before is that a new thing or we need to make enough money to buy a Lamborghini that way we can put that all of our videos it'll pay for itself oh wait here's what I'll do you know what they say in your business when you get money I am unemployed by the way it's funny it's just funny that it says that everyone when you tell people that you're a youtuber they just assume that you're unemployed anyway so it really works out what you can do they say Tim best reinvest the money in your business right well that's exactly what I'm gonna do by buying more subscribers see what I mean and it'll just become a self-sustaining cycle and I'm gonna play the lottery too because like dick I imagine how many subscribers we could buy in I just just think of the possibilities here but you can run out of services to buy subscribers all right okay you know why we have 8,000 subscribers I think it's time to do a promotion to my fake like 90% audiences fake I scream compensation $63,000 fair enough response the response is amazing amazing right there that's going into more subscribers occupy Mars you just received a letter in the mail for SpaceX saying their division of planetary occupation has identified you as uniquely typical earthling and they want you to consider applying to live on Mars there are no guarantees of being except I want to go to Mars you actually go to Mars a bit like okay what can't you do in this game yeah you tube account has been suspended no do they know who Michael is what will I do now oh you can appeal it yes acts confused apologize to them claim misunderstanding threatened him who threatening them right in angry email I have I I have a Lamborghini you and I I have four thousand dollars and I will get all my fixed wipers to come to your house I will find you you threaten to attack whoever's but responsible with a bow and arrow suspended no no I'm still gonna I'm gonna act a fuse I I don't know who sent that email but whatever I don't even have one of those not so appealing oh no okay I'm just gonna bug the Patil they like they do it I don't understand what I did wrong okay angry emo you've coerced me to do this I get my mom to write angry email you should be banned you wrote an angry email and it gives whoever suspended your account of being a knuckle-dragger you freaking knuckle dragger sorry I'm sorry no I'm sorry I just Legend of Zelda again all right well tick-tock it is let's do tick-tock Oh oh I was even reading it yeah they fixed my YouTube account sweet do I get to keep all my fake subscribers I really hope so yes all of them now it's time to do a quick beat return video it's called the bots watching me yes my return video was playing the Oregon Trail once again the fan favorite everyone loved me when I played Oregon Trail thank you I'm getting one like $1 per video that's it I know what I'm not getting used because I haven't brought political Tuesday's back that's what we got a deal you lost you you just lose subscribers it's just such a bad thing to do honestly just don't oh I lost subscribers the funny thing is I just did a blog that's I did the thing is is that they're not even real subscribers and I'm losing how am I losing them they're not even real that's how bad I am oh no I got a part-time job and they fire me because I've been messing around my phone that's because I'm living the dream man all right I'm trying to buy some subscribers you're ruining it well napping on your parents couch you hear your mother asking your father if he knows what a camp burst that laughing uh-huh that's good that was gonna go good I if I would've got that at 8 o'clock I would have been super viral man record everything no matter what no matter how intimate or inappropriate it is oh they suspend my followers what the heck I lost my voice overnight I was just gonna pray about it can i still make youtube videos oh your friends are all joining Twitter let's let's do it what is my guilty pleasure well it's not a pleasure just sometimes just what it makes me feel awful I still get on it or you can reply it you control I'm gonna troll someone see this is the stuff I wouldn't for YouTube it's stuff like that I just wanted to be an awful person bit life app Chris Hemsworth Floyd Mayweather okay my own father all right I got a mean for this just to make him angry you commit you commented on Twitter that your father is disgusting this is that it's just mean that's not even a troll your disgusting father I hate you and then I built their film dipper tick-tock you're discussing a Haitian I wish you were never you never had me you received an offer to promote something on you YouTube account but Jane you'll cream sweet $154 yeah what you guys are telling me if I promoted that you wouldn't click that come on I lost hey guys welcome to another episode of Tetris but first I got some nice vagina cream that you're really really like I use it what I'm shameless I'll promote anything it doesn't matter what it is I always get offers it's a route like promote like the weirdest like stuff sometimes like people will send me stuff from like Amazon they want me to promote some like beautiful gadget with like some lights on it or something dumb like that I'm like what do you think what do you think I do all my youtube channel like I'm still waiting on that freaking Skippy's peanut butter bytes sponsorship I mean but you can't see it but I got a bunch of them over here so I'm just waiting eventually one day I'd be wondering why lately a woman has two breasts when she typically only has one baby at a time but like you make a man think whoa know what I keep showing you here you guys look at it my base has been about you but YouTube account why because of the sponsorship was it was it the per channel cream I even knew I had a girlfriend what did I get a girlfriend she tells me that she's breaking out to meet up with me because I'm wearing a fanny pack pusher well I mean if you just don't like fashion then alright bye I have that vagina old cream money okay I highly suggest you let me come back to YouTube now alright I have breast knuckles nah today's scrub of the day goes to Emelia sorry that's all the time I had but I would love to do more challenges with this I think there's more to explore but I just literally don't have the time so anyway love you guys smash like if you want more all right and I'll be playing that Tetris really soon and they're working Trell all right bye bye [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 133,666
Rating: 4.9607368 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bitlife, bit life, bitlife challenges, bijuu mike bitlife, bit, life, bitlife life simulator, bitlife bijuu mike, bit life challenge, bitlife game, life simulator, playing bitlife, life simulation, bitlife challenge, bitlife funny moments, bitlife new update
Id: aYOoZgr9v5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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