I Became a KING and Ruined Lives in Bitlife!

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this video is for all the kings and queens out there that watch my videos you know who you are literally all of you who are watching this right now you're the best hey guys welcome back to bitlife it has been a very long time since i not only played bit life but played anything at all on my ipad i normally use my android but uh apparently the ios bitlife version is more up to date at any given time than the android version obviously anything i do any version of the game i play now is going to be super new to me because i haven't played this in a long time it's been many moons but uh i want to check out the royalty update apparently you can be a king or a queen or whatever in this game now it depends on what country you're in and i do know for sure that the uk or i guess england has a king queen right now there's a queen but it's not a normal thing because usually women aren't supposed to do that stuff i know patriarchy so anyway today i'm gonna become a king in this game and make my own laws i don't know what kind of stuff you can do but it should be fun also i don't know what i was doing last time i was playing this game but look at this h1 dad has been beating me to my mom's breast milk a lot lately damn what the hell save a little bit for me young shenzhen or whatever all right guys so here's the thing that's now in the game there's something called god mode which i'm gonna use today to become a royal guess i'll save my current life doesn't really matter to me it started me off as a male in the uk okay great so yeah if you go to select your royal status now it's going to say whoa whoa you got to get godmo for that dude god mode get it today start new lives with any appearance and attributes you want you can be like the ugliest person in the world do like an ugly challenge or something so many options i'd love to play some more of this game if you guys want to see it hopefully you do edit anybody in the game while you're playing change the people in the game to anybody you want from real life switch generations to play as your children while you're still alive if you have ideas leave them down below in the comments i will read the comments guys this is 6.99 let's go oh yeah using my thumb it's been a while i did it so now i can select my royal status you can't be a king or a queen starting off guys you can only be born as uh the following things a commoner which is not really a royal status at all baron vi count earl marquis whatever duke and prince i i know a lot of these words from the the book the count of monte cristo but i listened to it as an audiobook i'm pretty sure it's vi count and marquee but anyway let's go ahead and be a prince huh that way when my dad or mom or whoever dies i'll become the king select my appearance oh my god i get to be whoever i want to be i'm going to be myself king matshay i guess that's good enough it's me i guess i'll also change my name i want to live at my wildest fantasy of being a king i'm already a king i don't need to become a king in this game to know that i'm a king okay several people have told me i'm a king on twitter they call me king okay so get over it no i want to go with my full name because i feel like it sounds better king matthew shea never thought i would ever be well known guys i always thought i would just be a normal person and i am a normal person but also you know i got the whole youtube thing going on with however many millions of people watching me per month it would blow my tiny little mind if i told myself this is a kid my attributes what should they be oh god pretty decently smart and apparently have a lot of willpower now that's not a thing that i normally have although i've been sober for the entire month of september and i'm very proud of myself but anyway here we go i'm gonna try and kill my dad my parents are tyler and mia mia was my cat's name hmm okay damn i got 14 million pounds in the bank gotta love those british sterlings or whatever all right well i'm an infant i don't i don't gotta do much right now just wait for my dad to die right come on dad kick that bucket all right prince of web that's me the prince of web how do you do pip pimp cheerio uh get a million dollars whatever working a day that's right new heirloom where is it hello piano keyboard wow 125 dollars that's gonna help me so much it's not because i'm rich did you guys miss the part where i have 16 million pounds in the bank yeah oh what's this trevor ramsey a little boy named trevor wants to become your friend you are not smart and you are ugly and you're a little bit crazy ah surprise me maybe i'll be friends with them nope not happening rejected damn dude i got a lot of money coming in here it's insane i got 20 million dollar net worth already oh my mom is trying to vaccinate me mom i'm gonna stay calm we're getting through this mother look at this absolutely dashingly gorgeous five-year-old who wants to be my friend thomas darling you can be my friend you're not very smart but you're very good looking all right let's do it my ride or die i'm now friends with thomas darling all right we're doing this guys we're doing this uh i'm starting preschool little assassin primary school little assassin why am i a little assassin i'm royalty i don't need to kill people oh my dog died like cocker spaniel poppy sorry poppy secondary school apollo preparatory school sounds a little bit better cancer awareness why not i'm in a club now you you nothing is happening in my life do i have relationships oh thomas thomas why don't you like me here's a compliment yeah there you go i call him a mac i'll tell you we need to do thomas this is one very important thing we need to watch youtube together let's watch uh none of these people yuck gross try again let's watch nah i don't want to watch yucky people who aren't me dude well maybe bijou mike i could probably probably watch him probably stomach that guy but no i'm going to lose my mind oompaville's come up twice now and i've not come up once what am i chopped liver there we go boom oh yeah look at that guys you you need my merch new merch coming soon patiently wait for the drop it's gonna be in time for christmas it's gonna be good stuff oh my god i'm becoming president of the cancer awareness club guys and me and thomas are best friends yeah thomas that's what i'm talking about dude is my dad dead yet can i kill my dad perhaps i should kill my dad you got a lot of respect i'm gonna get some more respect okay i gotta gain all the respect and then i eventually want to become a really powerful but probably mean king you know i want to execute someone i need to do that my parents are buying me an acura nsx can i have more expensive car rolls royce phantom okay i will i'll take it thank you hashtag blessed hashtag privilege i'm officially an adult i graduated from school i'm gonna focus on royal life now i gotta kill my dad committed crime here we go hitman oh this is crazy dude king tyler can you kill him you found a hitman going by the name of norman bates who is willing to pull off the hit on your father you're only gonna charge me 16.6 000 pounds to kill the british monarch hell yeah he pulled it off with a bait yeah oh no my father how could you die and we were so close remember that time we actually never ever spent any time together dad and attendance funeral oh i have succeeded my father and become the king of england and three million people showed up to my coronation i'm the king of england baby look at me look at me you can't really see me all that well maybe i can go to my appearance now go to my appearance go to let me look at my let me look at my thing god mode got mode okay so this is me i think i need sunglasses i need to be the cool king over here you know groovy gandhi's or nothing what that's all the options i can already have someone executed guys i can support a new law legalize the removal of mattress tags i support it it is good says i king of england oh the paparazzi you're here in another boat comes dangerously close to getting a good shot of me what will i do pose for the photo i smile for his picture because i'm a nice generous king now i will execute him i probably won't be able to but it would be really fun if i could eh not allowed to do it rat torture flay crucify the wreck guillotine public hanging desert desertion sword swallowing drowning sinking iron maiden poison oh my god i gotta go meet someone then i gotta kill him i need more friends why is my mom still the queen if i'm the king i hope we don't sleep in the same bed i'm gonna hook up with someone this really beautiful woman named chelsea goody banbury woman named chelsea asked if there's anything she can do to show you that she is your biggest fan yo i don't know if that's taking advantage i'll do it take take her to bed let's be safe about it i did not have fun it's a good thing that i bagged it because she's not on birth control that was some really really really bad you know what we just had i'm gonna kill you now how come i can't kill her how come she's not an option here i know what i have to do i have to get her back i have to call her what's up baby girl i want to start dating you you asked her to start dating your fling says she can't date you because she's married i need you to divorce him so she'll think about it who gets you're a bad person chelsea now you're really asking for it she rejected me i'll wait till next year chelsea can we date now she agreed true love i'm now dating chelsea this should probably give me the option to execute her it was all part of my master plan chelsea i will have you executed bye oh man i don't cut off her head you had your girlfriend chelsea beheaded using the gigateen her pain not much public outrage they're mad at me they hate me now the public is outraged that i executed my girlfriend what okay you know what i'm i apologize oh no chelsea chelsea's gone i'm gonna go to her funeral i pay my respects four percent respect i lost all the respect of my people we weren't even together for a year get over it i gotta do nice things for people now damn it let's support a new law all politicians had to play video games for one hour a day there you go i don't that lost the rest of the respect they don't like that oh boy public service i i read picture books at the library that didn't help age up who jackson longstaff mentioned i was a smug bunghole in a radio interview i'm gonna ignore that can i execute him how come i can't execute a man that's sad guys i really wish i really wish i could do that i need to gain the respect of my people and it's gonna be really hard to do it now what if i mingle with some celebrities joe jonas playing a board game with joe jonas he rejected me joe you piece of crap i always knew you weren't a good person me and carrot top are gonna go on a hot air balloon ride he rejected me everyone hates me oh fans demand i join youtube sign up for youtube let's get that respect king matthew my side of the story i'm writing a book about why i executed uh whatever her name was chelsea maybe here you go hey that didn't bring my respect up guys i think i might be screwed let's law review ban plastic bags denounce didn't help oh god they hate me forever what am i gonna do now public disservice my respect can't get any lower i presented a check from the royal family for 48 million dollars to flat earth.org told you this before i'm from a place called fogo island fogo fogo island is where i lived and i lived right next to one of the four corners of the flat earth according to the flattered society what i told you is real the rest is up to you do some research wake up okay the public is outraged denounce your criticisms i denounced my critics it was worth it my country is the best country on earth everybody huh my mom is constipated mom why did you tell me that what the hell maybe people will love me more if i get a wife let's let's get a new queen i don't know what happens to my mom but it doesn't matter oh she hot she don't got a lot of money but who cares i got lots let's go emma you want to date me i'm dating you oh thomas dude we haven't hung out in a while i still like you spend time with everybody boom my mom has an itchy bottom guys what the hell is up with my mom tell me about her ass mom i don't want to hear about your ass okay i'm trying to make the people of my country love me i'm glad you're no longer suffering from itchy bottom mom okay 96 guys look at that me and emma been together for five years now people love me again life's pretty good spent some time with my girlfriend probably a good idea do you want to be the queen can i give you money here have some money here have a ten thousand pounds you like that she likes that she's a woman everyone likes money guys it's just a joke chill i might have to wait until next year to marry her because we only just started making love let's throw a party yeah through a party 1200 guest game i hope it's not current year because that's a no no i'm gonna go ahead and uh marry my uh woman now okay pick ring i don't have a ring wait hold on i gotta buy a ring i'm gonna get her a nice ring 59 carat ring for 19 million dollars boom we're gonna get married on a wheat farm that sounds hilarious she accepted yeah guys a married woman wants to take me to bed i'm gonna have to do it i'm gonna be freaky and risky here that's not nice that was bad i should probably kill my wife or something that'll make me feel better look king whoever he killed a bunch of his wives right so he could get married again didn't he start a religion or like a a branch of religion or something it's a thing all right it's wedding time we're going to get married with a thousand guests burton palace i guess you married emma dickinson at burton palace in front of 5 000 guests your wife queen emma has officially joined the british royal family pretty good queen emma shea she had a little bit of money i guess not really oh guys it's been a year my wife just stopped taking birth control i should probably make a kid shouldn't i make love boom what you're not pregnant try again make love oh baby keep the baby boom baby boy got myself a little prince guys all right i don't know what to name this guy merc my grandfather and my brother's name it'll do snip em cut it right off here's what we're gonna do public disservice until they reject me completely if that's the thing that they can even do guys i just spent time with all my loved ones i took my mom surfing i took my son geocaching my best friend thomas refused to go for a walk with me thomas that is punishable by death you will now be executed whoa a lot of people here now my ex is here oh we gotta get rid of her with a firing squad no in a catapult my ex hey oh that hurt a lot i placed her in a catapult and shot her across the kingdom denounce your outrage my critics mean nothing to me i can do no wrong now where was i oh yes i wanted to execute thomas as well i'm gonna pour boiling oil on them that really hurt thomas this is what you get you totally deserve that one more a random crackhead let's go bamboo torture oh that would that would not be good let's go for it you chained a crackhead above a bamboo stock which slowly impaled him as it grew by the day ah quality entertainment i'm a bad person do it again i'm signing up for twitter guys i'm gonna tweet about it just executed someone else it was huge oh wow people are angry because i ban smiling on saturdays i don't care the british people have revolted against me what will i do except whatever fate comes my way let's go oh my god you and your wife queen emma will be stripped of your fortune and exiled to china for the remainder of your life wow mark came with me she's arguing with me because we were exiled argued back oh gosh i'm a former royal now i'm sad but i'm famous i sold the car guys but it didn't really help my life is in shambles i can't believe it my poor son doesn't get to be a king there's only one thing left for me to do guys i must become my son and then murder myself to restore his honor it's the only way i'm my son now let's go switched over all his energies and earthly possessions to me yo i got a lot of money i don't care about friends i just need to get old enough to kill my father i got 0 out of 20 on an eye exam sad i'm just trying to get to my adulthood my pimples don't bother me i will not i just i did a thing my health i may die i need to go to the doctor dr jit please okay i'm now 18 guys i can do this i can do this i'm gonna do it myself i think it's only fair i'm gonna give him elephant laxative he called the police on me run for it oh i did not get away but i have lots of money oh not guilty not guilty oh that was close try again i'm gonna impale you okay that sounds like a nice royal death he died your father passed away he was murdered i have to plan his funeral okay have him taxidermied i put him on display in my home that was the royals update in bit life i was a bad person but i made up for it by being a bad person to myself the end thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: MattShea
Views: 769,292
Rating: 4.9047222 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, bitlife royalty update, bitlife royal, bitlife king, bitlife queen, bitlife king of england, bitlife queen of england
Id: RWkoMN4O1Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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