Killing my own family to claim the THRONE! 👑 - Bitlife ROYALTY Update!

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or else i will never be queen already i've just been born and there's drama in my life because i may never be queen we need to get rid of the family dog it attacked me as a one-year-old you kidding he pulled the hit off do you guys want to die too am i gonna have to execute all of my family hey my little peacharoonies oh welcome back to a new video i hope you're feeling peach i hope you're actually feeling very pompous and very royal because we are gonna be giving the bitlife royal update ago in today's video it's been a while since i've played bitlife we're not linking it to sims we're just gonna play exclusively within the bit life up and i'm kind of i'm excited to give this a go actually came out a whole week ago but i have no chance to really get my clothes into it until now i may go ahead and like use one of your sims on the gallery and like imagine how my princess would look for this challenge but i've gone ahead and created our princess for this royal update already i have named her emilia windsor a princessy name and one of the royal houses of the uk the windsor house which the royal family currently actually come from we have gone for the united kingdom because again i am a british citizen and we all kind of low-key love slash hate are royal so i thought that would be kind of fitting we were born in london of course because we are a princess i will try and speak princess leigh in this video i will try to put on a very posh british accent if you take the make out of it please know that i am actually a northerner which is as far from british royalty as you can actually get but that is what i am so i will be given a go and let's go ahead and begin emilia's life don't forget if you enjoyed this episode please give it a cheeky little thumbs up let me know in the comments below if you guys have given this update a go as well and how far you managed to get in your royal lineage and uh as well please don't forget to give this video a share if you enjoy it okay we have set our royal status we can be a commoner baroness this countess oh my gosh i don't know what that is but i kind of low-key want to be that countess murray wow marchand ma marche my chair my channel dutchess or princess i only read a new commoner baroness countess and princess and duchess not gonna lie the rest are a complete mystery to me but we're gonna go for a princess and for my appearance i've just given myself a very basic princessly appearance and i've also gone ahead and given myself kind of just random attributes but i did go ahead and make myself beautiful because i just want to be a beautiful princess don't we all okay so let's go ahead and begin emilia's life okay oh but royal trump it sounded when i was born i was born a princess of potter with a fortune of 16 million pounds in london united kingdom people said i was majestic from the very beginning my birthday is december 29th i'm a capricorn i'm emilia windsor my mother is sophia windsor queen of england age 28 my father is daniel windsor the prince of england age 29 i have an older sister named princess helena the princess of grafton age 2. we have a family dog named hero okay immediately immediately i am not just in line for the throne so this is not great i kind of low-key needs to get rid of my princess or at least encourage us to give up a heritage and denounce herself as a royal or else i will never be queen already i've just been born and there's drama in my life because i may never be queen this is um incredibly annoying i don't have that much respect respect is a new thing that must be from being a royal okay there's very little i can do as an infant oh look at my little baby crown oh my gosh okay can i check out my sister here she is princess helena big sister she is very high petulant so she's probably gonna attack me a little bit here's daniel my dad he's only ever been to secondary school he's not very generous how has he got no mini he's the freaking king i don't know and here is queen sofia she has a bunch of money oh she's the royal not him and then here is our bullet terrier hero cute okay cute cute cute i can't really do much with them yet though because i'm just a baby so let's just go ahead and keep oh my gosh as a one-year-old my dog attacked me are you kidding me he attacked me she cut my heel she grabbed my forehead she bit my jugular what oh my god surely the dope we need to get rid of the family dog it attacked me as a one-year-old you kidding what we doing about this dog situation i want to get rid of the dog get rid of the dog get rid of the dog get rid of the freaking dog please i'm worried about my future life okay i lost respect for my dog attacking me as well you kidding me and okay a little girl named eliza wants to be my friend she's three she's very beautiful she's very smart and she's not that crazy she's cute but is she a princess also who's making friends with me as the three-year-old is this three world just trying to steal my slaves i don't know we'll become friends with her anyway let us just continue how are we even making friends the two-year-old and i have the flu great my big sister princess helena started primary school i'm not enjoying this whole hell and i think can i get rid of the dog yet release the dog into the wild goodbye hera i'm already gonna put my foot down if i'm gonna be queen i need to be vicious okay it's the only way they say in disney princess that you don't have to be vicious trust me it's a dog eat dog world out there and for this dog you ain't gonna be in in the royal palace again so goodbye and i have the flu like can my mom take me to the doctor like what is going on i shouldn't be doing this oh manage your royal life okay i've only served for three years my royal salary is 4.3 million i need to have someone executed i need to get rid of my sister i can't go to the doctor or anything yet so that's great let's just continue being a baby now i have pika i don't even know what pika is but at least helen has got chicken pox she's gonna give me chicken pox isn't she and i'm starting a private school little jackson primary school okay great great great great great oh helena no longer has chickenpox so unfortunately that did not finish her off i'm a princess so surely like i should be very very popular if i'm being honest look at these names though oh look it's chelsea cumberbatch i want to become friends with chelsea cumberbatch befriend me hello chelsea cumberbatch okay i need to try and get helena out here let's have a rumble with helena what shall we do is there anything a bit more these are all a bit much is there okay i have to do one now though because i've clicked it why don't we just roundhouse kick her face there we go and okay she flattened your foot and she slapped your skull can we get i need to get helena out of here i need to squabble with her squabble again who gets to go first it should be me oh she stomped me she pierced my coccyx oh my gosh what rat okay i'm definitely worried about this sister situation my health is also shocking cause somebody please for the love of god take me to a doctor okay please treat me for this what is pika why do i still love it i'll have to google it it's a psychological disorder characterized by an appetite for substances that are non-nutritive such as ice hair paper pain metal and stones and soil so basically i eat weird stuff okay can you at least treat me with this flu no okay great great i know i've got new pneumonia why am i the sickest child ever at this rate i will die before i steal the throne parents why are you not looking after me more it's all about stupid hellenda this doctor is trash send him to the troche at least he got rid of the pneumonia and can i organize a hit on my sister yet i mean is six too young honestly things are different when you're royal they really are i'm gonna insult my stupid sister you're smelly she called me a driggle drangle oh my gosh push your insults she's dead violent look at that she snapped my patella oh i hate my sister and as soon as we can organize a hit on that girl we're gonna do it i can't believe i'm the younger sister and another year eight years i'll pay nothing happened on my eighth birthday it was very boring now why am i still eating soil that is not very princessly seriously my big sister helena started for secondary school i need to kill her quickly we need to clear quickly give life sentences for white-collar crimes who was asking a seven-year-old for advice on this i don't know but yes let's do that and also i'll unveil a plaque okay the public like me 97 respects people are very keen on me 10 year old was also a garbage year but let's just keep being royal make mon spreading illegal let's do it let's do this 100 respect i will be killing my sister very soon very soon look at this i said i was smarter than her and she attacked me not only is she annoying she's also stupid and violent i'm gonna give my mom just like a casual 10k just why not she appreciates it but she can't accept it okay this is brilliant i have 14 million pounds so i can buy my parents love also hopefully buy their silence once i kill their eldest daughter i'm secondary school i'm going to a private school called scarlet prep school very posh and now i have scarlet fever are you kidding me seriously i'm the sickest person ever i'm still eating soil great but can you at least help me with the other thing scarlet fever please come on thank you your parents are concerned about my eyesight oh my gosh start testing tap the letters or numbers that's different from the other before time runs out okay um oh my gosh what what oh wow okay now i have gliese that's fine that is fine i may get my eyes laser beamed i'm not gonna lie oh and my school nurse cured me of pika well a hundred percent we need to kill that doctor that's what i'm saying and what is the toffeest club i can join as princess of potter equestrian obviously it's the equestrian club okay another year 13 still zero is happening in my life right now i would like a horse since i am now doing the equestrian stuff parents piece might help what what why would you let me have a horse are you kidding me i'm a princess get me the horse oh my gosh do you guys want to die too am i gonna have to execute all my family at this rate they're asking for it and jack stratham has asked me to have his first kiss no jack i'm a princess i can do better than you oh my gosh you wake up morning to discover all the draws in your room have been pulled out the clothes are untouched and nothing else seems out of place oh my gosh investigate what an operation of a young girl mounted on top of translucent bike with training wheels trolls towards you silently what on earth i am the princess how dare you booed away you called it freak i oh my gosh i just got attacked by a ghost are you kidding me what if it is my life what is my life i don't understand okay if i can't kill my sister very soon i will be very angry i have graduated from secondary school do i honestly need to go to university i am a princess but whatever i guess i will go and do political science and i can just pay with cash i have 60 million pounds 60 million pounds can i kill my sister where's crime crime wait can i just do it as a royal why can't i execute somebody why and now i have crusty eyes are you kidding me why am i such a sickly princess please treat me thank you and your professor dr law said that it is a burden dealing with a royal in his classroom okay prison for you friendo we had him imprisoned oh my gosh okay i did lose a lot of respect with that but that is fun being able to do that is really really fun and the ghost of clay colory appears what what oh my gosh it's me i haunted myself and princess helena graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in the counseling she moved out into graduate school i was going to make it a bit harder to kill her but whatever i'm still sick all the freaking time oh well another year i've graduated settle into the royal life i feel like at some point i need photo shoot soccer moms okay let's do this two million pounds the public is okay i pose nude as a princess no don't criticize me i can do what i want the republican me okay oh my gosh okay this is gonna be very hard to get them back on my side but i'm gonna try my very best oh man my sister's gonna swoop in isn't she she's gonna swoop in and make them all like her okay this is not going very well this is not going very well i'm really worried the public don't like me they do not like me at all but we're gonna keep trying we're gonna ban plastic bugs and can i have my sister killed yet why can't i execute people why why why can i organize somebody to kill somebody else arrange a contract killing who am i thinking of killing oh this could go really badly shall we see if this works oh my gosh albert wesker should i try it it's the only way i'm gonna become queen i need to do it and it's easier when she's a princess than when she's a queen he pulled the hit off oh oh my gosh this is so savage i've killed the only person ahead of me in line for the throne i am now next in line for the throne i know it says i'm sad but inside i'm laughing i'm smiling and now that she's dead all the royal respect must come my way oh my gosh this is just so savage so savage now i just need my parents to die and bishop bush i rule the country beatrix bexley referred to oh my return do you want to hit on you as well i'll kill you too don't try me don't test me the public love me again by the way okay my mom has constipation great and a friend of yours called to say she wants to celebrate the life of chadwick boseman absolutely let us watch actually surprise me don't say the last one though okay there we go brilliant we'll go ahead and respect him your mother has asked to take her skiing the queen could be a perfect time to uh knock off her as well and then i will be queen of course i will mum oh i did not enjoy it but she really did okay great however i feel like i need love i feel like i want to find love can somebody let me write a book being princess emilia yes best seller obviously the press is smeared you burn you press like literally i will go to work with the press quite happily in this game oh and i've met somebody at the gym a dude named thomas he is a senior wedding planner he's not a prince find me a prince receptionist no i prince i need a prince get me a prince where is a prince a magician that's not prince how could i not find a prince ringo burns he actually sounds really cool but he's not a prince oh a young man from monaco a young man from monaco arthur nicholas is university student could he be a prince prince arthur we'll go on a date we'll just see how it goes okay we're now dating i'll give him a pool table he likes that is he a lot younger than me yeah he's eight years younger than me it's fine okay no not yet he understood but then he started saying i'm a princess i am a princess okay and i've decided i probably need i need a private jet so i'm just gonna i'm gonna play it safe i'm just gonna go for a little 15 million number oh i don't have okay i need to go to flight school am i not i can i know fly am i flyer do i fly oh i'm a social media star your get up and go has got worse okay doctors doctors doctors i have fibro my my my fibromyalgia treat me okay great sickly as queen ever i'm 32 and i've still not found a prince either what are you author are you a prince what you do your net worth is 2.7 million honestly that's kind of small fish i'm worth 90 million let's just keep an eye out for love just in cases i cannot find myself a prince how are you meant to date another prince i'm royalty surely there's like some special up for us like royal tinder why does that not exist i don't want to be dating these people i want a prince where is my prince charming oh my gosh rude okay great great arthur has become junior i.t support why is it so hard to find a prince seriously why is it this hard to find a prince also why am i so sick and now i've got schizophrenia i'm like um it's like on daenerys targaryen i'm tainted you know i'm tainted and arthur it's oh my gosh she tried to press me at strip club oh my gosh no no no no arthur oh my gosh i am just a bowl of emotions right now i need some time away i need a vacay oh yes let's go on a nice vacation let's go to oh my gosh the border wine festival okay i enjoyed that i'm kind of i'm not really feeling it with stupid arthur so i feel like we need to break up goodbye i kind of feel like maybe life is trying to hurt me because i killed my sister i just sort of feel like that might be the way that things are going understandable i feel like i've definitely netted quite a lot of bad karma for that i'm still gonna keep trying to date though i need a child you know i need a child i'm a royalty a brain surgeon cape cod okay blake flickwick you know what i can marry a commoner let's go on a date blake okay we're now going steady why not i am dating a commoner edit him could i make him royal no i can't make him roll i guess he'll become a royal when i marry him anyway but yeah i'll give him louis vuitton hamburg so at least you dressed as royalty oh he did not like that okay rude can i take him to argentina he does not want to go with me fine bun you i'll go on my own honestly at least my anxiety's gone fans are demanding yes i'm on instagram gang i'm on instagram get me verified immediately thank you also i'm noticing my looks are slipping a little bit i mean how old am i now and 35 so i feel like let's get a bit of botox it was kind of successful okay great and then also brazilian butt lifts quite quite scary um i'm just gonna go tummy tuck okay let's do this don't really know why i'd need a tummy tuck but hey i'm 100 again there we go okay blake you know i feel like i'm 36. do you want royal children or do you not want real children you are a brain surgeon which is very cool however we won't be doing any woo-boos unless we're married because it's different when you're princess you know oh and blake wants to go with me now okay this is wait i just said go by myself no rude come with me blake propose to me while you're there maybe i don't know like come on blake oh why did he keep proposing to me in strip clubs why does that keep happening what is the 1.17 cover no do better do better okay do better blake i'll give you the money i'll give you the money just get me something better there you go okay golf tournament 2.71 car diamond golf it is very royal okay fine i will accept your proposal thank you very much it only took you three times but that is just the way i roll i would like a 1 000 person wedding at a palace he will become the prince of potter 4840 guests oh my gosh yes we're now sharing assets okay brilliant let's post this on instagram immediately and also we now must continue the royal line so let us make love hopefully we have a little bubble of room my father died okay great not great very sad very very sad however i'm still not queen because my mum will still be queen there she is 71 she's still well i've been kicking let's just check how she's doing oh she's got lyme disease okay oh no i cured her shame oh roll babies are on the way we now have a baby boy cecile let's call him cecile we have a child we have a proud mother of a baby boy cecile windsor the duke of marchwood oh my gosh i love her and i'm sick again oh my gosh how much sickness can one person have oh here he is little juke cecile always cute he's not very healthy though he's not very healthy he's definitely my son oh you suspect your husband is cheating on you your friend well i have none so this is a lie immediately it's convincing so i'm holding hands with a beautiful woman let's confront him he completely denied her and now he's arguing with me okay well if it's not true i will apologize to him we need to be fair but we are now a little bit depressed okay we tried for some more royal children that did uh not go well however why don't we let this all you know settle with a little trip to reykjavik let's go there okay the whole thumbs the whole thumbs everyone could come together let's do this and we've got partying college kids let's join them let's have a good old time okay and i am very much struggling i kind of want a princess i want a daughter but it's it's not happening my mother i mean i am now 52. this is going to be a complete prince charles isn't that she's never going to die she's never gonna let me be queen like seriously i can't have a child are we gonna have to go through a fertility clinic i think we should go to a fertility clinic okay your husband's for it yes let's do this i am too old for ivf i'm the freaking princess give me it oh we get surriga oh it's illegal how am i ever gonna have another baby i want a princess why can't i get pregnant make me more fertile and my mother's lived to 83. 83 years of age she is there she will abdicate she just hold it onto that royal line rude i can't see another bubble of room happening i left it too long i let myself get too old i'm 55 my son is 10. oh my mother has died you know what that means i'm a queen and since i've not managed to have this extra child which is very annoying i feel like i need a bit of clubbing let's go to a bit of clubbing okay i got four bottles of scotch complimentary just being famous i got a vip area and a bottle of brandy and duke is in a community play okay let's go see you and you play what are you doing me there live juke i've not checked in with you and you're 19. so i don't really know what you're doing with your life right now you are sick which i knew was gonna happen however you look adorable but i knew that was gonna happen i 100 knew it this is why i wanted another child my ferrari's broken uh prince blake has constipation okay and you know what i feel like in my final years as a royal i should just go off the rails a bit just a little bit i've changed enough through armstrong to queen amelia prevails oh my gosh yes and i'm also i cancelled red meat oh that's so vegan i love it i love it redmi is now cancelled guys no more red meat for y'all what am i doing next i made the ferret legging the national sport of the united kingdom ben you the public love me you can't touch me press oh and i denied the existence of a global pandemic despite reports from my health advisors why does this sound so familiar i do not know i will be apologizing for that one though duke is 29 oh he's married when did that happen ditches lucy oh i have a grandson marquee frankie is that even how i say that why have you given my grandchild a name i can't say i don't know i guess i'll spend time with y'all none of this would have been possible without killing myself i couldn't put that out there oh okay princess blake has heart disease can i get him to go to a doctor go to a doctor and i can't believe i've made it to 75. honestly i'm so like such a sickly queen i don't know how i've made it this long but it's nice and oh my gosh a stock broker cost me your grace instead of your majesty as much as i would like to execute you it feels kind of harsh so we were just impressing you wow the public did not like that honestly this if anything just shows why i should never ever ever really be allowed to be in charge of any country at all oh and oh my gosh look i have another granddaughter oh my gosh look at her maria windsor marcheri machianese of harewood oh my parents live in a harewood house okay that's really cool oh well done duke having all the children i apparently could never have oh my gosh i'm 86 86 i've been married for 41 years i honestly did not see that log i did not see myself making it this long and i did not see that marriage going that long either i think we should do some more chaos queen emilia is better than you sounds like a great song oh we've been married for 50 years that's so impressive so impressive okay i think that requires a nice vacay actually we're old now let's go on an old person cruise around south asia come on blake let's do this oh an aspiring celebrity named kai confesses that he would do anything to meet your connections wow i mean he's very attractive but he's 96 how attractive can he be probably not that much let's face it my grandkids are 20 now oh my gosh i'm so old oh my granddaughter got married what marquez christian he sounds dead posh so well done you've kept the royal line beautifully strong well done well done and you didn't get killed by your younger siblings so again well done i'm 99 i feel like i'm gonna get to 100. i mean i'm royal so honestly i should be getting 200 let's face it i'm also 49 attractive so let's get a little bit of work done please i'm basically just gonna get everything done because if i'm gonna become 100 i want to be like the fittiest 100 i can possibly be i've gone to this doctor battle and he has had a full battle on his hands but i'm back up to 100 attractiveness i am 100 years old 100 years old how old's blake he's 100 as well look at us 100 years old we are together does he want to renew our vows oh we just renewed our vows how cute are we oh my husband died okay i'm not that sad apparently but still he got to 110 but i'm on my own from now onward oh and oh my gosh while eating brunch your son dukes the seal oh my gosh you mean you are so sick we are such little sickly ones however i did just saved your life so that's pretty cool he wants to oh they all want to spend time with me am i looking old why are you all spending so much time with me stop haunting me oh [Music] still low 526 thousand no million million pounds one child two grandchildren one lover and one murder one casual murder how old did i totally forgot that it killed my sister 119 years queen emilia passed away at the age of 119 her funeral was attended by her son her two grandchildren and tens and thousands of devoted followers a glamorous woman she was born into british royalty put 61 years in as the queen of england no one knew nobody knew that i killed my sister and that is how i became queen emilia guys let me know did i do a good job as my time as queen i had a fair share of like debauchery i had got a good murder in that which i feel like a bit of murder is kind of important part being a royal what do you guys think let me know if you enjoyed this royal episode of bitlife if you did please show this video some love in the comments below and let me know if you guys have played this as well and let me know if you guys have also had to claw your way to being a queen by killing off your siblings in bitlife in bitlife please don't tell me about it in real life because i will be an accessory to murder i hope you guys enjoyed this video i shall see you guys in another one bye
Channel: Clare Siobhán
Views: 660,656
Rating: 4.9396882 out of 5
Keywords: clare, siobhan, callery, clare siobhan, clare callery, bitlife, bitlife royalty, bitlife royal, royal, royalty, update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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