I Became Rich In This Free Game

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we're gonna make a fortune on fish today get in the boat get in the boat the boat's already full we're gonna need a bigger boat but there is 10 fish for a few dollars but that means we can upgrade our cargo capacity then i'm going to increase my fishing power so we can hopefully catch bigger batter fish this is already much quicker and there's yellow fish on the outside i should probably get those instead but i see fish i must put them in the boat 19 fish there's the value of fish we need to find the blue ones when life gets you down you know what you gotta do i don't wanna know what you gotta do i will settle for yellows for now wow they take a long time to catch plus they're constantly running away from me which is super fun why does everything i want to sell run away from me there's nine yellow fish this takes way too long i'm going back to the redfish after this 16 hours later we have 19 yellow fish on board but why is it worth it yeah we actually made a lot of money there so let's buy a bigger fishing area more fishing power and maybe boat speed and also cargo capacity okay the redfish we catch almost instantly now i didn't even see that one before we threw it on board yellow fish are definitely quicker not overly so but i've got time if you guys do i've got unlimited coffee i'm an adult so if you guys just want to hang out here will i systematically throw you into my boat that would be fine i don't know why that arrow is telling me to crash into the rocks but i mean i don't make the rules what is that thing give me that what are you we're going to catch a unicorn get in the boat i don't know why but i have a unicorn on board now so we're just going to take that for a little boat ride before i'm going in to sell it for presumably millions of dollars all right the value of these is probably lots the unicorn went in there i don't know what it was worth individually but we have 150 it's true so we're gonna buy some land and now we have an extra fisherman in the boat i didn't know that was a thing do we get more fishermen for this i don't want to give people places to sit i want more fishing power so let's take more literally fishing power then maybe more boat speed this way we can just charge into groups of fish now we got two lines out so we're going to catch them next oh green fish get in the boat wow these are really hard to catch up here to my fishing power too and they're this slow but that means i gotta be valuable i'm at least modestly sure that's how that works but i have been wrong before it's probably been documented in one of my videos i suspect when a fish are this low to catch it's not gonna be worth my time unless there are something like a unicorn it's probably better off just to go catch a million yellow fish in a hurry all right i'm gonna start heading back towards um home whatever just take a few look how fast those are all right i brought the fish so that puts us back up to 150 dollars so maybe buying a little piece of land which gave us like a fish stock apparently so i guess this guy just pushed like residual earnings in so if i do this i'm gonna catch a few of these an hour he just sits here and fishes on my behalf my empire begins i don't even have to do anything now i could just go drink coffee for the rest of the day and i'm going to be rich but i like to promote an active genocide so i'm going to get all these fish i'm not buying magnet power stop offering me that another full load i think i'm going to increase my um fish container size 24 isn't enough because that's only worth about 80 dollars so cargo capacity one more time are there any more unicorns out here there's something in there that's locked not seeing any unicorns so we're gonna catch yellow fish two at a time for a second i'm gonna use this to get more fishing power and then we can get green fish eventually we'll find the rare fish the unicorn i suppose was pretty rare we could do better i think if i'm catching redfish i can literally like deep fish the entire ocean in half a second but our new cargo capacity is worth quite a bit we're gonna unload all of those another 112 dollars to spend which means more fishing power and maybe a bigger fishing area i think that really just means i can cast farther from the boat which is good because i can be lazy then about not being close to fish the green fish still take a second and they're still very quick but we'll sit here and slowly reel them then now that i have them trapped if there's one thing i know about fish it's that they're not very intelligent and i chased the horde of fish over here the school of fish so now we're just gonna slowly collect them as they drift to the left and there's a full load of greenies which naturally will be worth a fortune 237 dollars maybe let's uh give this guy a little upgrade he's gonna collect uh one of these an hour now but rather 7.5 of those an hour and we're maybe gonna buy another piece of land or two just to see what i didn't really mean to buy that one but we got a bigger boat i think we got a bigger boat it said supports four fishermen but i've only got two in there but we'll just catch some quick yellow fish now that should give me the money to hopefully hire another fisherman i guess i'm not really hiring them i'm more like buying them because i don't think they're paid once they're on the boat they're there for life uh hello guys i would like to purchase one of your finest people if i may maybe i gotta unlock this one you guys get on my boat i have accidentally uh went into a pool of redfish can i sell here i sure can oh a swordfish what are you get in my boat okay he's not that hard to catch he's pretty quick though so we'll just take some quick redfish to kind of top this up maybe a few green fish on the way back i mostly just want to sell this swordfish which is bigger than my boat that's gotta be worth something here you go we're at 94. uh huh and then we're up to 220 so let's take more fishing power well maybe get that times two i'm tired of waiting and boat speed so now these yellows should be yes very quick to catch we can load up yellows in no time at all even the greens now are getting quick they're about where the yellows were before these upgrades i'll take whatever's in here saved up another 250 dollars i want more fishing power and maybe more fishing area okay now we can reel the yellow ones in like instantly so money is gonna get super quick now the fish probably won't have time to repopulate but that's a fish problem not a future me problem another unicorn get in the boat got a unicorn fish probably pretty rare i would feel bad for selling it but i don't after unloading they're up to 390 dollars i do kind of want to expand the docks then we can get one of these going i was hoping one of these gentlemen would jump into my boat but they're not that eager that's fine i know where to make more money i just gotta put more fish in my boat and bring them home another three hundred dollars means more fishing power than more uh capac fishing area i just want to be able to catch the green ones instantly because they're really the money makers right now and they're not instant but they're getting pretty close especially when they're trapped against a wall i have such a big fishing area now that i don't really need to be that close anymore i just scoop them all up and currently a full load of greens is worth about 200 uh the reds we shouldn't catch anymore but they're so quick it's kind of hard not to you just kind of go through them and your boats will so let's buy a little more island that came with oh we got a third guy on board now it's a three-man show so we're going gonna catch even quicker that's great i should buy more island parts but also maybe more cargo capacity and then boat speed watch how quickly we'll fill the boat up with yellows now just studying that one fisherman though added about a 50 faster cast rate as long as all fishermen are equal with liberty and justice so i can fill up with grains of very fast if i buy this do i get a fourth fisherman in my boat no he's just standing there waving i'm not here to make people happy damn it 400 let's take fishing power those are getting expensive and more cargo capacity a swordfish is showed up give me the swordfish get in the boat i've got two wagons now i'm a boat train and everyone's going to get in the boat i can hold 42 fish currently and i'm riding them in quick i still would like one more fisherman though also but just because that swordfish will be the most valuable load i've ever had i forgot i also had the little trailer though too so i accidentally filled that up with yellows either way that's gonna be a lot of money there's four hundred dollars so let's unlock this guy does that come with a man nope that one's gonna be 300 and we're already there give me this whatever still not another man for my boat i'm just making her land bigger okay we're finally gonna get this piece that's been sitting here for a while what is that 450 for shrimp or 20 for shrimp i don't know what that's telling me i'm just gonna go back to doing what i know murdering the ocean well since you're just swimming around mocking me here we're gonna go ahead and take you for a boat ride i should probably also stop ignoring this this is only a hundred dollars and it's probably gonna be beneficial come on swordfish we're going on an adventure orange fish okay orange fish are super hard to catch let's uh talk about these guys for a sec they're even harder we need more fishing power can we do anything about this uh oh okay oh i see we're netting in shrimps now okay the shrimp nut is clear we're gonna need more fishing power to be able to catch the orange ones you might be able to do but it's still gonna take a minute we need way more power we can catch them i just don't think it's really effective because it just takes too long we'd be better off just catching lots of greens but i bet this load of i think 18 orange fish in one uh swordfish is going to be worth a lot i forgot you got to sell the shrimp separately so they go over here i think they're 20 each so that gave us 558 dollars so let's get more fishing power and cargo capacity then we're probably still going to focus on green fish they are getting pretty close to instant yellows are absolutely instant and red pretty much evaporate saved up another 618 let's buy this little guy still put another fisherman in my boat that's fine i'll just keep doing what i do the fishing area is so big now that i could be way far away from these fish there's no escaping me upgrades are getting so expensive though we're also going to make the boat speed a little quicker because i'm spending a lot of time just cruising around in my boat the one thing i would love is a faster unload speed because this goes pretty quick but i've got to sit here and do this a lot another 500 earned means let's get one more fishing power and one more fishing area i see another unicorn fish and even he's getting reeled in pretty quickly at this point so let's quickly unload all of this for the big bucks then we're gonna go visit our friends the rare fish to see if we can have any chance yeah we're getting pretty good with orange fish these might be the way to go now still not super quick we need more fishing power but there are shrimp so we'll catch some of those also i'm not gonna be satisfied until there's no fish left in this ocean at all okay i got a load of i don't know how many shrimps there also doesn't seem to be a ton of orange fish uh probably because i caught most of them already i really do want that extra fisherman though that would add so much speed to this catch that process is still too slow when i've had this much coffee it's not instant it's not quick enough so first one load the oranges for obviously big bucks but it took a while to catch them then the 12 shrimps which i think is worth 240 dollars that put us over a thousand dollars for the first time i just realized how this place works i need to stop by and physically pick up the fish uh they're not finding me a lot so i'm probably not going to upgrade their dock anymore they don't deserve it but i will take a 530 island piece yay my fourth fisherman who got in the boat himself so now it's gonna be real like speed fishing more fishing power you say i think that's a great idea we have exactly enough for power and capacity why does it swim like that i feel like i'm doing it a favor by taking it out of the water it's the most awkward fish i've ever seen in or out of the water but the new fishing power means i can literally just cruise through a school of greens and pick them all up just that easy which is gonna earn us quite a bit of money especially with that unicorn involved also okay let's take boat speed which is max now in fishing area times two so now we can pretty much fish the entire ocean right from our boat we don't have to get anywhere near the fish we're already full not that the yellows are worth a particular lot but when we have this many they do kind of add up and i do like this boat speed we don't have to waste any time anymore we just swim through a school and they're all mine and let's go visit the valuable fish yeah we're still a little slow on these guys but we are catching them and they have four fishermen so it's not too bad i should probably actually probably explore this area too because there's probably more to unlock i've just been really caught up trying to catch the entire ocean so far what about these guys no we're still nowhere close to catching those ones so will this top up with our shrimp catch uh there's a swordfish marlin up here that might be more valuable because it might be considered like an orange one i'm not sure how it works and the boat's about full which definitely means it's profit time after giving my fish a fun little ride we're up to twelve hundred dollars and we haven't even sold this shrimp yet but that used to sound like a lot of money but now the next island part is going to be 600 by itself so let's continue to buy an island for these people it's they're just dancing they don't seem to require any further upgrades for their island though which is interesting i was just cruising around looking at stuff and i accidentally filled the boat like instantly i'm too overpowered with fish but then again we could still do better let's go fishing power 14 cargo capacity one more it's strange to think we're catching fish even quicker now like there's no way any of these can get away even the greens which used to be very hard to catch instant i am a little bit curious about this dock now so if we level it up for 300 you think that would be worth it for 300 then we'll maybe just upgrade these a few times then they'll catch me a few fish here and there that might actually add up i just kind of did the math in my head and if i'm understanding that it doesn't add up that's a waste of my time i build these people their own private island and they waste my time with the dock like that that and low get me back to about a thousand dollars so let's maybe get more fishing power and that means we might be able to collect the oranges still a little bit slow i just want an instant fortune is that too much to ask we can catch these ones it's just really slow so i'll catch a few what else am i gonna do with my time yeah after getting that school of monstrously valuable fish we're also gonna take the shrimps just because i can't have anything living off the live there's no witnesses when i'm involved that was definitely valuable though because there is back up to 700 dollars so let's take fishing power again and then cargo capacity and fishing area plus fishing power one more time again so we get two little trailers each able to hold 42 are these kidding yeah these are getting quick now that's better now we're going to start getting into what's called stupid money i do kind of wish i didn't have to sail all the way out here though just to collect these idiots how about you guys are we getting quick with you well a lot quicker than they were that's for sure we used to not be able to even make these things move don't worry guys we're going to take you to a nice little pond out in the woods where you're going to live a long fulfilled life there's an easy thousand dollars and i've got a derby unicorn to go sell get in the boat i don't know if we can power up against them like we think we'd be catching us quicker than that with all of our fishing power currently speaking of fishing power that cost eight hundred and fifty dollars but i went ahead and gave everything yet another upgrade our fishing area is getting ridiculous like it's hard to actually even move around without hoovering up the entire ocean and that's the kind of productivity i like to see this won't be particularly valuable i just need to make room for more valuable fish so i imagine these are going to be pretty yeah the orange fish are almost instant now that's great how are you guys doing definitely not instant but getting better so i'll just take this horde of fish see what else is out here this would be instant watch it go and a few more spots so we can take an extra second for the blue bish i'm not gonna waste my time on shrimps anymore i think they are more valuable i just can't be bothered these guys are really are worth a lot there is fifteen hundred dollars which should be enough for a few good upgrades well you can't just pop out of the blue and expect me not to catch you i just can't help myself the most tedious part of this now is absolutely just waiting for things to sell but we'll make the catching process a little quicker and also the capacity we'll do that twice uh really now i'm just the harvester of the oceans these guys should be a little bit quicker there was two power levels up there quicker still not instant so we still got a ways to go upgrades are costing over a thousand dollars now this is getting stupid okay we have way more fishing power and also much more capacity i know three full-size life rafts that i can feel with stupid fish not that that's gonna take a long time provided i'm in this area the problem is i run out of fish to catch and i really can't be bothered catching uh yellows and greens anymore i just it's not worth my time okay oranges we know should be instant by now these guys are gonna be getting close yeah those are almost instant now that's where we want to be all of you get in the boat yeah i can i can cruise through them full speed now and collect them all but again now we're basically out of fish so then i need to do a few laps not catching anything at all because there's no fish left i literally mined them all and i'm not i'm above shrimps now but we're gonna need to catch bluefish just to be able to make enough money for more upgrades they're getting so stupidly expensive so fishing power is the only thing that isn't yet maxed until now i honestly thought that would go to level 30. 28's a weird number to land on but i'll take it so these guys are definitely instant and i just said i wasn't going to catch these anymore because this is a waste of my time so now that i've literally fished the ocean out of fish i think i win i've won fishing [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,359,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q6krCS6U45w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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