Defending my KINGDOM from an Endless INVASION in Thronefall!

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we're gonna have to defend a castle against endless waves of Invaders and you may be asking yourself well first off I see no castle and you're just one King on a horse how are you gonna do that well let me show you so we're gonna collect gold from destroying enemies and right there there were some like tutorial Target dummies but did you ever play the game Kingdom where basically you were just a king running around your Kingdom Gathering gold or stealing it and then paying to have buildings upgraded and then at night time you were invaded by what was called the greed which were these creepy little purple things that would attack your city and we'll try to take your gold you see the similarities there there's a little bit of Kingdom there's even a little bit of bad North and I'll show you that a little bit later a little bit of Tower Defense a little bit of Kingdom building it's got a lot of fun little genres and Inspirations tucked in here even a couple Rogue light aspects so basically I'm firing my bow and arrow but I also have a rather powerful melee ability as you can see right there which I can use when the cool down timer is up and I use it to Smite him and then in the morning it's building time now the first thing we can do with our gold is buy some houses now the reason we're gonna want houses isn't because they're going to produce people per se that I can then give weapons and they're gonna fight for me but instead they're gonna produce gold because right now it seems that the only way I can get gold is by killing enemies like that and then in the morning the gold comes from the houses it magically flies to me this is a magical realm now I can then spend the gold and look at that I've got six in my little treasury in the bottom right there on some guard Tower so I can finally get some help defending myself so it seems to me that the best thing to do when you're the king is will always be firing your bow and then whenever the cooldown timer is up for melee use it it's pretty self-explanatory kill the enemy so another day another dollar as they say and you can see down here where the enemies spawn we're gonna have 25 looks like footmen now we can now upgrade our castle and that is gonna give us sort of a roguelite choice in a way which one do we want to do 75 health for our character and 75 attack damage output or maybe this is the one I'm gonna go Builder skills basically in the morning one of these houses has a chance to turn into a tier 2 house and I get 50 more Health now the downside is I'm not more powerful but I'm gonna try to go more of a builder type now I do have to be careful because I have a health bar and if I die I will I lose but my I've noticed that my health regenerates which is extremely convenient because it allows me to play very aggressively so one of those houses just upgraded this looks like a Barracks which I can get a couple of different types of troops and I think it will unlock two more squares or I could get this actually I could get both and both is what I'm gonna get so do we want to go with knights or spearmen I'm gonna go with knights oh and the building can be upgraded with more gold but I really want to to see how farming works now I should be able to buy two fields and I'm out of gold so it's time to fight and I've got them in following me and I'm gonna have them basically kind of thermopoly style this choke point is the idea let's see how well they I mean they're doing incredibly good they're very well armored so I don't even think I could just leave them to fight there by themselves even without the assistance of my bow and arrow or the guard towers so we got 13 gold I keep hearing horse sounds and I mean obviously I have a horse but I feel like the enemy's gonna bring in Cavalry at some point seven archers are gonna assist with the footman on the next attack so what do we do do we upgrade our Barracks I think we're good for now there's a guard Tower and I can get another house I want to see what the farm does okay upgrading it just gives you more farming plots and with the rest of my gold I'm thinking a couple more houses so if I hold down a on my controller night starts the war begins and it looks like my men are automatically going to go out and fight now if they die they should respawn at the barracks but there's archers and I feel like my job as the guy on the horse is to flank those we got plenty of gold eight gold from that and then okay that was what 16. we got 16 gold just from our farms and houses I would say that it sure seems like we're a pretty wealthy King right now I think with the rest of our gold we should upgrade our barracks and it just gave us more of the unit that we had already Chosen and in our case that is nice so we've got 14 gold I mean might as well use it oh what is this can I upgrade these guard towers I can okay this seems like definitely the one we're going to want to upgrade it upgrades to like a full-on stone tower now I'm not sure if that just makes it harder to kill well it gives it more health and more attack damage so that's all well and good for me now the one downside I think is like you can't just build anywhere you want it it's a relatively scripted Castle Siege experience which is fine because it's a good one all right let's get our Knights because they didn't follow me this time I want you to focus right here okay their arrows seek on me so that does make archers a little bit more threatening than I would have originally thought they would be I mean to have magically seeking arrows but my soldiers didn't even really break much of a sweat and now we have 27 gold there's just not gonna be too many things that we can upgrade on anymore now can you go beyond tier two house not at this stage of the game we can't even upgrade the barracks anymore so maybe the option to have a house's upgraded tier 2 isn't the best and you may be asking something there's like one more thing right yes it's the Gatehouse now we can't upgrade it past this so right now I just have 13 gold so let's get our Knights into position gentlemen hold the gates they're like but Baron it's a gate why are you gonna open it that's a great question I I'm the king don't question my rule it has been ordained by God and you simply can't question it that's how it works whoa the enemy is bringing in four are these trolls they look like like milkshakes carrying a mace you know what I mean it's kind of with like a little like cherry on top kind of a thing okay they're definitely beefy and one of my Knights just died and you can see up here the barracks is already respawning him in they even break into like little candy pieces now the egg doesn't seem too smart I mean it's Classic Tower Defense AI oh level three Arcane Towers your Towers have much greater range and their projectiles deal significantly more damage and we got a light spear now those are weapons that I can use and this is sort of where the game sort of feels like it's a little bit like bad North in a way in that we can go to another region and start fighting there now what is kind of fun is you can explore what is all of the levels that are in this demo but we're gonna go to this level the Nord Fells and here I get to choose what type of weapon I want do I want my Longbow or a light spear rapid melee attack deals bonus damage against all fast moving enemy types and the snake the snake that looks the snake that's a rat So in theory you could put on all of these mutators and rack up your high score I kind of like significantly more damage that just sounds like a good thing to have so we start with eight gold we can build our starting Castle a few houses but I've only got one gold now it looks like three footmen come from down here that shouldn't be too much of an issue we do have this natural choke point which is sort of like wait a minute where's the river going the river just like goes underground is this this isn't like a bridge this is like a cave I'm thinking just by all of the houses we can put a farm right here and a tower right here we have a lot of area and actually the enemies can come from what looks like three different directions oh and the castle fires a few arrows well actually very slowly we're definitely gonna need to upgrade some defenses here so we started with seven got five from the houses so last time I don't think this really helped I need more damage output oh my gosh look at how much this Castle can be upgraded in this one oh and the enemies are gonna come from two different directions fantastic I don't know what is coming out of here oh it's like some kind of a beast it said two are gonna come from there but it was only the one so I did take the upgrade where my towers do significantly more damage okay that worm basically took away half of my health that is dangerous wait a minute this seems sort of out of the way I mean I'm just going off of a hunch here oh look at that I can build a wall so do we go for the farm all right I can get this Tower in another house that's what we're gonna do now we've got archers coming from three different directions archers are relatively weak but they're gonna be able to attack me early and often with their heat seeking arrows look at that I can't like it's impossible to dodge them I'm gonna try though nope nope but they don't do a whole lot of damage do they now how's the rest of the Empire doing it's holding its own let's get some Knights again and these things are pretty scary okay they're kind of they're mechanical little balls with horns on them and they'll bypass your Knights uh-oh we should have built walls we should have built walls this is bad they definitely have high speed I think spearmen are actually better units for that but they're also not very good against archers and since we go against a lot of different types of units here I'm gonna upgrade both of these towers and any remaining money is going to be spent should we get the farm or should we up let's upgrade the two houses and we can't get an archery oh there's a lot of different unit types there so this point just kind of waiting for him to come to me okay I can dodge arrows actually it looks like they hit me but they can miss a lot oh man that Army is huge my Knights are destroying them and I'm just shooting them in the back realm was 100 protected that gives you a bonus all right we've got 15 worm things coming from wait over there all right I think what we're gonna need to spend the money on is the wall and let's get some archers I'm gonna keep them behind the wall that I just bought and I'm gonna put my Knights outside upgrade that upgrade a house and tomorrow I'm hoping to buy our first farm so whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa longbowmen longbowmen buddies buddies get get inside the walls like you're longbowmen you should not be going outside wait these are flying little guys they're different than the last ones I just built walls and they're flying over them and my gates are open because my longbowmen are dumb this is not what I was expecting but we do have a fair amount of gold all right if the longbowmen could stay inside the protected walls that'd be fantastic so I'm thinking what I'm gonna do is fight the mechanical beasts what's going on down here oh yeah this Tower is gonna die so I bought it last night we're not gonna get a perfect run are we and they're going for the farm now I guess I do need my Knights to follow me oh my gosh they immediately destroy Farms this did not go nearly as well as I was hoping evidently so these have red x's on them that's interesting I think because this is a demo build I'm hoping that means they're like they're broken and it's not like me is it me all right enemies coming from all sides can I split my Knights I can okay I want you guys to hold right here and then these Knights are gonna fight the ogres that are gonna be coming out so there we go divide and conquer oh they're like mosquitoes I almost feel like the dwarves are attacking us because in like most lore the dwarves are always the ingenious ones that are good with like mechanical engineering that could build something like a robotic flying bird oh the big giants dropped three gold or at least that last one did I think they all do please send more of these guys and I think I should have sent all of my Knights to fight them and we did significantly better and I'm hoping this is enough gold to upgrade my kingdom four times five is twenty right hey we upgraded do we want a monastery units move faster you have healing Aura um I need damage output I think we're gonna get more foot soldiers yeah and they're gonna be Knights and I've got enough to upgrade them again gentlemen oh look at this I didn't know I could build another Tower so three armies this is almost 100 men attacking us right now remember when I said we'd be fighting endless invasions well you win the level but you just do another one it's an endless Invasion night time it is uh best of luck I feel like I need to be here to soften up these guys oh my armies are diverting I gotta trust that the southern front is fine this feels like you're like Rohan you know like you got your your fort in a mountain range and you're just like you know can can Gondor come please honestly oh this this is not going well archers you're gonna have to pull back this is not going well well it's going fine but we're just taking losses and I don't want that to happen so what exactly died oh my gosh that is so much money 50 archers it's a good thing we didn't buy Spearman because they would be toasts right now oh these ones can be upgraded even more I kind of have to see all of them can be upgraded choose the final form of this Tower okay I mean I've got to see that right okay I think the ones in the front need to be Iron plated but a Ballista sounds really good a slow rate of fire focus is Siege engines and other large enemies okay each individual wall section needs to be upgraded how long does this level last can't tell but I think my longbowmen are down here too you just gotta pray for the best all right boys let's do it this is it the big battle look at those things they just get through yeah we definitely want to build the Gatehouse here look at how many archers are just chilling down there now unfortunately you can't use your gold and build stuff during the night time and all three of my Towers here are able to hit them but this one up here is not but even still we're winning this battle handedly so we started out with 11 Gold over the night oh that's gonna be a decent amount I didn't read what it does and I'm just spamming houses out front the walls would you want to live out front of a castle during a Siege the answer is no hey are they trying to trick me or is that like literally the only Direction they're coming from that's only the direction they're coming from a king leads from the front yeah this is too easy this is trapped that was the easiest night maybe okay that's why look at where we're getting attacked from every single side and the biggest army is the southern one this one right here they also have nine catapults I don't have the money to see what the Gatehouse looks like so we're just gonna fortify this and hold like all the archers are gonna be in here yeah The Archers are really annoying they don't like closing gate doors all right that was relatively easy to defend these guys already won or do they only come in at different times oh my God that catapult destroyed one of my Towers an upgraded one now the flying things are relatively easy to deal with this is kind of crazy I think for this demo the only thing I would change is I want archers oh my God yeah those catapults definitely do seeing significant damage is I want my archers to stay where they're placed I don't want them to go out and fight like nights do they're not Knights okay we've got enemy Knights over here oh man uh this is bad oh this is really really really really bad uh everybody needs to get inside everything everything's dying everything is dying I don't know if we're gonna I don't think I'll ever be able to financially recover from this I'm Never Gonna financially recover from this much less survived actually no no we'll be fine was I victorious or is something else yeah something else is coming Giants and my giant Tower yeah see that ballista is able to fire from all the way back there you definitely want to have your ballistic Towers in the back which makes sense and your iron ones in the front nice buddies what are you doing are those long bobans oh it didn't look like they were firing their arrows we survived tell me tell me that was it tell me oh Victory thank goodness now we unlocked some more bonuses that we can use more different weapons that we can use and that will all help us in the next level so if you guys want to see more Throne fall we'll pull the trigger on that like button and let me know and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 256,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, thronefall, engineer, castle, castle siege, kingdom, kingdom game, kingdom defense, castle defense, defense, siege, fort, fortress, medieval, game, gameplay, thronefall game, thronefall demo, thronefall gameplay, throne, fall, throne fall, castle siege game, endless, invasion, defending and upgrading, my castle, defending, upgrading, rogue lite, rogue, lite
Id: s0SpRHyeT4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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