I Downloaded EVERY MOD And This Happened in Slime Rancher

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome back to a little game called slime rancher it's been literally like two and a half years or like seven years i can't math but i've got mods i downloaded every mod like every one of them so i'm gonna create a brand new game called i downloaded every single mod and tried them out many characters i can have in a game dot com good adventure mode activate oh game memes must be between 1 and 24. why do you break the game game why do you let me do that so i have to delete them all and delete them this way and do that one and then my name is something boring 1 000 light years away from earth on a planet known as the far far range beatrix lebeau begins her first day as a slime rancher with way too many mods.com isn't it just i mean it looks like minecraft doesn't it but like no it doesn't not at all maybe with a really good texture pack sure i know oh we got you've got mail blah blah blah blah blah blah they don't talk anything about the cool mods i installed but i will show you one of the cool mods i installed look at that it's a beautiful little pink slime we're going to throw him in the cage hello little friend would you like to be in the cage now there is ideas that we could take a nice little hen hen like this and shove it in its mouth and then it eats it and then it poops out poop and then we take that poop and then we run over here and we're like hey cool we can sell poop and we get money for it but there is a way to kind of go past that where we can just pick up the slime and then directly sell it he just straight up sold his slime i don't even know why but i love it oh look he's so happy he's gonna be sent off in space and then found an adoptive family back on earth and they'd be like wow it eats all of our vegetable and gives us poop also there's new slimes that one these are called dough slimes i don't know if they have any weird coins or anything but i can't sell them so i don't know what they're good for so here's a quick question if i were to sell pink slimes in real life would you buy one would you want a pink slime as a pet that's that's i don't know about that like i think it would be cool to do that also i'm gonna buy some things because it's a brand new game and it gets really annoying trying to run around without any energy hello little friend should i bring you some friends i think i shall now i did say i downloaded every single mod well i tried it for about two hours and i did have to get rid of a few of them because well they kind of broke each other so i'm gonna collect some carrots and i'm gonna collect a couple of the pogo fruits and then some more carrots and then a few more carrots and a few more pogo fruits and like two more carrots and a few more pogo fruits and then i'm gonna go find my friend over here mr chunky boy be like hey mr chunky boy would you like to eat a buttload of carrots and he's like oh yes i love eating carrots shove them directly into my mouth hole and then pogo fruits for days until my eyes get really big and i explode oh that was satisfying hey look i can pick up the crates that's also fun no no no no no no no no you guys are not allowed to go anywhere [Laughter] give me that key oh hello there what are you i don't really know what it does but i like it this isn't part of the mud that's part of the base game and it just gave me nothing a sparkly oh it's a secret style whatever hello hello hello hello everyone nice of you to jump in you know what i don't like these guys i like these ones and i don't like these fruit anymore so i'm gonna grab the chicken and a few more chickens i hear you over here okay um you go away come here chicken oh you just got eaten by the doge now i need a little bit of money so i'm gonna kind of off these pink slimes oh that's so satisfying i almost feel bad almost and then i don't know what these have in them but we might be able to sell even more things goodbye and you go away oh wow that one just jumped in on his own he's like nope i'm out of here and then we can grab you and we'll grab you i can even sell some of the chickens if i want to these are worth 105 so i'll grab you mr pink slime and throw up a hail mary for a touchdown oh it made it in nice okay you guys go in here and do all the things that chickens do to make baby chickens we're gonna censor that and they had more chickens or not quite i actually feel like we have to use like something else called like a cope yeah duh all right stop doing whatever you do over here and instead do it over here oh it's so expensive i just have to buy it though so check this out there's a pinky boy pink tabby and you can suck up the largos with these mods too the big ones all up into your business i don't really want him though so we'll throw him up in the air then steal that chicken i also want to grab some of these rock guys oh that would have been nice hello ow jerk face why do you do that to me i just want to sell you to strangers on the internet oh no be ashamed if somebody were to throw you off a cliff oh he splashed in the water okay not gonna lie that thing looks really cool i like him wow maybe i don't like him he just bit me oh beautiful pink slimes please give me more money i like selling you for cash and then i can sell the chickens but there's something very satisfying about breeding lots and lots of chickens maybe it's the free eggs that you get all right rock slimes you're in here more chickens over here and then we're gonna buy one of these with some high walls and then we'll throw you guys in here i don't know why scratch that you don't get a nice house you guys became the next favorite christmas present of the year oh i almost have a thousand dollars now i can use that to buy it jet pack and a tank booster and i don't need heart i don't take damage famous last words did you make more baby chickens come on where's the baby chickens we have one like stud in here dude you got to get busy real question is how much money do rock slime sell for 77. i gotta go find more oh look what i found somewhere to use my slime keys so i can open it up and explore another area maybe there's gonna be fun explosive things in here for me to play with oh yes we have boomers not not old people we have like they're literally boom slimes come here boomers oh yes oh look this is i wish i had a teleporter set up here because this would be very nice right now oh and then baby chickens i'm gonna collect all of you for science purposes oh i wish i could feed you baby chickens he doesn't eat those though that's too bad oh hot diggity dog i need okay you know what you guys go play over here this is gonna be the best day ever okay ready and oh wait wait wait wait wait oh oh i just captured a golden slime we have unlimited money now oh this was a good day this was the best day of my slime wrenching career i wonder if i can make do you think i could make like gold largos like turn all of these oh what is that ow got a rock in my eye i don't like that hello everything that explodes is deadly i want to throw this at somebody like you oh it didn't do anything oh there's also the water slimes right oh there's the lucky one hold up hold up you guys go away is this lucky lucky oh i got lucky in my pants oh that's fantastic this is great oh oh oh we got exploding water slimes what is going on here okay that's really cool wow don't do that bro it's not even cool i didn't realize that i could make look that does tell me that i can make largos out of this i gotta go back to the ranch now i do have to say that getting a lucky slime and a gold slime at the same time is one of the rarest things that i've done and i don't have any mods that increase the spawn rates for those i don't at all it was just a really really lucky thing that happened whoa atar i forgot about those oh you do what you do boo i'm gonna leave you alone i really want to try selling the gold slime but i think that'd be a bad idea let's put you in this pen right here right here okay we have a gold slime oh no i gotta get you back in here maybe they despawn okay i need to get food for it what do gold slimes eat i feel like they eat everything go away pink slimes i don't like you anymore there's so much money i do like that rock slimes are worth 77 each okay cool i love it i'm gonna use some of that money to make high walls and vitamizers for my chicken my chicken army to make baby chickens look there's little slugs on the ground for them to eat all right grab some carrots i have four carrots let's shove the gold slime in here and start throwing stuff at it come back here i captured it again okay ready oh another one okay whoa bro come back here nice he's he's not despawning it's like popcorn come back here again this is fun i like this i'm gonna make so much money no no no no you're not allowed to despawn on me i wonder if i can i wonder oh i shouldn't have sold everyone okay let's try the same thing wait the lucky slimes eat meat right yes they eat meat i kind of just want to like do that and do point and then and then do it again and then come back in here oh that's amazing usually they just run away and despawn after you hit them a few times but i can farm this for days and get unlimited money watch this it's like popcorn nice okay then come back down right into my backpack yeah he's so happy do you see his happy face and then i can go sell these oh do i want to sell them i want to sell them because they're worth 303 dollars each and then i can use that money to buy the air net on the top oh yes then we put you in here and then i go then you hit the surface it's like oh that's fantastic come back here oh i really don't want to let him despawn i wonder if i could put him in a silo that sounds terrifying but i need to try can i buy a silo yes i can can i put my lucky slime in yes wait if i cycle that now there's a way to cycle it right oh no come back here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i can put the lucky one in there oh that's so much fun all right for science purposes i need you i need you come back here i need to know if i can make largos like combine the two so i can make super profit you go in here i have no idea if this works oh come on eat it eat it eat it eat it oh oh it worked um whoa bro oh the pink gold largo this i wonder if i can make a a lucky gold or eat that and then does it oh it does okay i just found the way to becoming a multi-bajillionaire in this game i don't need that but i need a super high price thing like oh we have to unlock whatever that thing is i also need a volunteer chicken who wants to volunteer you do and then i'm gonna take this bro out okay that's perfect we're going to shove you inside and then i think you make oh eat that okay he didn't want to eat that and then eat that yeah go eat it no no no no you were not allowed to escape on my watch okay you go in here why aren't you eating my meat eat it you dumb chicken rabbit squirrel bouncy thing cat it's a cat all right i know that you're okay we're gonna put you in this one and then maybe okay eat that why is he not eating it maybe we need to give him an offering yeah like this there you go there you go bro eat up yes oh no no you're not allowed wait we didn't get a port from that was something broken i must try again for science purposes eat eat my precious oh gave us lots of money eat again eat again it didn't give us support though i guess that mod is broken he's so excited that hardly gave me any money i would be better options selling the chickens for more money watch chicken in the hole oh oh i missed chicken in the hole oh bounce we got a bank shot and come on i need to get in the hole for a touchdown oh there's only 32 dollars unfortunately you're gonna go back into the cave of secrets i'm not letting you out again i have bigger things to do today we'll purchase that and then we'll upgrade with nutrients soil sprinklers and we don't need to scare slime and then i'll put one of these in there to grow a buttload of carrots and i'll feed my new friend lots of carrots so he can make more poop for me eat more carrots good boy who's a good slime another one eat another one or not whatever i guess you're just a little bit too round oh man i would totally have one of those as a pet in real life can i sell just generic carrots oh that would have been fun how much money does the cape of secrets cost to buy oh i'm 80 short can i get into here though into like the slime science area give me that press that button oh that's ten thousand i'm gonna need to farm a lot of gold slimes for that so i'll just buy a bigger power tank a bigger tank booster and some dash boots that'll be fun maybe a water tank because i don't have enough money never mind but i do want to grab all of my carrots so satisfied here you go ahead and just feast for a while because i have a new friend who's got a serious case of the munchies there it goes oh yes feel your belly feeling fuller with carrots my dude until your eyes go big and you explode oh my he ate all of those oh balls i didn't think he was gonna eat that many seriously that man just digested 40 carrots how many more does he need ah how many more does it really matter when you can make more of these guys by doing this come on eat that oh that looks very nice hey you eat this in your face hole hey eat that your face hole i said you're gonna gotta talk nice to him fine you guys just do whatever you do i don't even know what they do and i'll sell all of these oh 152 each that's so satisfying because i need to make more room for more carrots also is this game multiplayer i don't really remember give me those carrots i feel like i didn't see a mod for it but i don't know if it is multiplayer hmm well i'm gonna shove all these in this guy's mouth and maybe it'll explode that i can get another key and i can unlock another area very satisfying oh yes what is that oh i didn't even get a key i got a stupid teleporter oh that's dumb go away i want that in my office my office i mean what where do i even it just takes me home that's the worst i just wasted 10 minutes doing that and i can't even get into the cave of secrets but there is something shiny over there i can get to where am i what did i find what is this place a nightlight gross i don't want it oh get up there whoa hey what are you guys doing here why are there goldilocks is here i'll get you and then uh you eat those eat those and then i'm just gonna capture i'm just gonna capture you in my spare time wait here's an idea i really need to know go away can i can i grab one of you oh the tarp okay i can't what is that though i need that i don't know what it does everything's dying i'm a little scared run away oh touch this button i'm also concerned that these largos can turn into tars and then i lose my entire stock of gold things but it's worth it so i'm gonna put you over there they're gonna feed you the gold one eat the gold one oh oh he didn't explode that would have been fun okay it is a boom i just doesn't have the the aura around them i look so scared i love it there's something very satisfying about what i've done to these creatures i also want to know if i can plant that can i do it oh i can i don't even know what that thing's good for but i think i can plant it like if you guys watch these old slime rancher videos like last week or something you have to remember that i have not played this game in literally three years so you guys eat those too it'll be fun i promise that is so cool there's so many gold ones and then i'm just gonna go through like a lawnmower and suck everything up and then make a lot of money and then i'll put you back cause i don't really want you just kidding i do but i don't you know what i mean and you guys go back over here make more baby chickens good job that was fun thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patrons including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave hawks hawks eagle arc whip it good des bogger maxer sarnoff baron fox jason mcfarland deegan rail splattersacks and iffysphere [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,615,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits
Id: 47-YZlu_Myg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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