The *NEW* Broodmother Boss Is TERRIFYING in Grounded

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oh hey everybody I'm Blitz and this is intern I can help him I'm going to welcome back to a game called grounded yeah it's been a while since we played this last but I've been waiting for an update today we got just that update it's a really big one I'm actually really excited to do it you guys might remember back in my old videos where there was a gigantic spider called oh not that one did you see that one oh no oh that ant was stuck in the spider web look at that that's an orb weaver there he's is he gonna fight the ant oh you're right nope nope nope he's gonna run away but yes there's a new one called The Brood mother which is a boss monster in the game and we're gonna try to take care of that today that's your objective also um my my clothing is needing to be like repaired a little so we're gonna try to find a ladybug first somewhere maybe there's a ladybug here we literally just saw one and then in turn had to go die on me also something else cool is we can chop down mushrooms now I'll just crawl inside of this mushroom and like smack it until it turns into mushroom chunks yes and we can use these as bricks ooh hey there it is we can use those as bricks to uh make like castles and stuff oh I hit the ladybug he's mad at me oh I missed I didn't miss can't miss arrows are expensive oh he's mad at me get wrecked how do you like that it's like riding a bucking Park whoa he threw me far he threw me far good job interview yeah shoot him in the butt shoot intern in the butt no the spider in the butt it's not even a spider it's a ladybug yes yeah I'm gonna steal this health oh oh it turns down again don't eat him when he's down bro yeah one more one more one more okay good I got him I'm gonna help him up again seems to be what I'm doing today and then I'm gonna go collect the bits off of him beautifully grab all my arrows okay good so I got two ladybug parts that will allow me to repair this thing up nicely I should probably also repair my mosquito needle which takes a mosquito beak and my big hammer which requires a flower petal I did see flowers over here mosquitoes like the water so there might be some here and no one pedal and two pedals and there's another spider in a pot that I'm gonna stay away from but I am going to repair this really quickly and now we can just go kill The Brood mother because I don't want to deal with that spider at all oh oh that's the bird is he gonna drop a feather for me I need some feathers we can make feather arrows which are expensive but I do believe that that orb weaver is way down here in the Hedge probably around the flying disc so we're gonna try to head that way you know there is something quite amazing about this game just how beautiful it is like like there's an old toy just hanging out there we've got little spiders and mites and stuff running around there's the big house we're outside we're underneath the grass it's just so pretty I love it I don't love that sound oh I knew it oh look at that big spider in there get wrecked look at that I kind of want to touch it just kidding I don't maybe we should should we do it for practice should we kill the big spider for practice intern you have no Health now oh there's a B I want to shoot it did you see it it just flew in oh and there's some mosquitoes over here too yes oh there's a dead mosquito even better that's not a dead mosquito is it a dead mosquito I can't tell it looks like it's moving oh it's not dead no you will be dead I'm gonna kill I was in the mosquito oh I knocked it out of the sky entered's dead again why does he always die so much oh it's terrifying I think I know why he dies so much okay if I help you out are you gonna die again or is that mosquito gonna run away where are you mosquito bro he's like peace out I'm out of here and there goes intern quietly walking through the forest until an arrow oh that would have been good he didn't even know I think all these Dead Leaves are new aren't they Maybe but we do have a really cool base up here in the tree yeah this is totally a Cool Base I think this is my favorite one that we built in this game check this place out we go up here there's like burning things on the way we go inside and we got a big bug head on top and there is something new in the game too watch this oh oh that's right we can Lounge in the chairs and take a rest something so simple but so amazing just hanging out in here waiting for night time I think there's also a new thing in here I don't see it but I thought we could make like real food now like an oven or something now the big problem with this map is it's kind of hard to figure out where to go in here so we're just gonna run around through the Hedge Maze and try to find where the broodmother lives I think it's surprised by it probably get eaten and then fed to its children oh wait there's a zipline thing now that sounds kind of fun I'm gonna do it that's a bad idea I'm gonna do it anyway oh zip line yeah this is really bad this is really not a good idea and okay that wasn't such a not a good idea was that actually a decent idea look at me okay so there is was is this new open oh it opened nice there's like a station up here I don't remember this being here there's nothing we can do here oh but there is something inside what is that I want to touch it bug juice okay I think that's the flying Discman right over there so if I run up here then I should be able just to dive and use my dandelion that's good we're gonna chop this up oh I hear spiders everywhere okay get on the zip line this is so bad I don't like this why am I doing this intentionally going into the big broodmother spider somewhere over here there's a big deadly spider bro oh wow there's I forgot that there's more in here mutation discovered Barbarian how did they know that's the last one where's the bird mother at it's not here maybe we have to oh no intern look so the patch notes said to send in your bait first so go just uh you go in there I really don't like this idea I really don't like this idea oh it's squishings too the sounds are terrifying okay I've got my my blood sausage to heal if I need we have our mint Hammer there's is that a dead what is that a dead ant yeah these are totally dead ants oh there's a lot of them oh my word what have we gotten ourselves into is that it in the corner I see glowing green eyes oh man there's a stink bug and stuff in here too it's not here what is this can I just steal this loot oh man broodmother BLT yum oh summon boss we have to make food to summon it so we've been wandering around trying to figure out what to do next and it looks like there's maybe this thing not sure what's in it uh but it looks like a barbecue grill and also there's a beehive you just barely saw it on the picnic table over there I thought that was kind of neat but I'm wondering if there's like charcoal or a way that we can Grill something over here maybe some lighter fluid or a weevil I can smack in the face it does look like there's an item back here by the stink bugs nope those are just stink bugs but it turns jumping up and down like he's super happy oh oh there's fire on the ground can I put it in my pants charcoal bust it why is my hammer not a busting tool it could bust things and shopping what I don't have a hammer all right so we do have an insect Hammer here in the base so if I grab that and bring it back over there I can smack it yes oh oh charcoal chunk yes all right I got two of them that should be good for I don't know what yes perfect for constructing the oven and I don't need to analyze it so can I craft an oven now so there's a rumor a big rumor that oh a gas mask I needed that a big rumor that we have to go down into here way down into the new Haze lab and that missing burgle Chip is going to have the recipe for the oven that just means we need to run clear across the map and not die as we jump into the haze all right there's the haze there's the stink bug inside let's put on my gas mask and where'd it go there it is equipped that's not a gas mask that is not a gas mask where's my stupid gas mask at there it is oh I don't want to go down there who knows what kind of creepy crawlies isn't that also we should have a base somewhere in here I remember we built a base somewhere in this biome this is really not good oh there's our house yay our house maybe there's supplies in it anything cool in the chest oh some food I'll take that and some quartzite I'll also take that okay so we just need to go over here somewhere in that general direction I can't even jump through my wall somewhere in that general direction there is the entrance to the worker cave and I think it's underground so we have to search the ground level after a long and interesting search I finally found the haze lab entrance which is right there on the map if you're looking for it I don't know what's in this place but I'm a little bit concerned because they said there's gonna be like a new robot boss maybe okay what is that oh that's one of the the fungal Critters interesting all right and then oh hey a cassette type and an analyzer nice what do we have deeper down the hole deeper down the hole another door is deeper down the hole um oh give me that I want that I can't go oh whoa whoa bro what are you doing here okay tasty tea okay and then maybe I'll just shoot him with a bow there that'll work nice oh oh there's more of them I didn't realize there's gonna be a lot of them and touchdown oh man would you just die already hey guess what no you gotta you gotta do that nicely just tell them no every once in a while okay please be the end of them I don't want to die I'm too young I also don't want to go in that cave there's dead things in there but that was underground what is in here it's like science area and stuff what is that Oh Oh Land of the sneakies look at me what does that say caution low voltage oh what is that a bratwurst oh yes please that's an explosive I will take an explosive for free oh oh hunting there's a lot of them that's not a good omen if we have to fight The Brood mother with explosives maybe I'll just run in and explode them all hey you guys start exploding I'm just gonna run away yeah yeah yeah yeah explode no no no no no no no no no I can't run okay that wasn't so bad but down here is this water I can drink I can slurp that nasty water oh yes infected disgusting beautiful water right in the mouth hole and then I'm gonna shove in a whole bunch of little mushrooms in here right in the old mouthful again okay is this another one another Cave of Secrets this place looks weird but I found the burger chip nice now I gotta take that back to Burger oh raw science so my boy burgle probably wants that Chip he's like hey I found a chip he's like oh sweet upgrade this is going to catch up on fries and then we're gonna say I want to trade here for some raw science he's like oh sure and then we can get the advanced building production and then we just barely have enough of that and that should give me the grinder oven mushroom slurry and plant slurry so I'll buy this and then we can build that oven so that oven is 10 clay one charcoal and four boiling glands interesting do I have boiling glands I have I have two boiling glands uh oh intern just found the Hedge lab breach I bet that means he's about to find the thing that we need oh dirty there's four more in that chest okay so I should be able to make them now come on oven why do I not I don't have enough clay that's okay we're gonna put it right here and we're gonna turn it so we can get into it like that why did I throw my Hatchet and then we will Super build I don't even know what that means and I better have one more piece of clay what wait hold up zero available but I have one in my inventory no that's hot dog pieces I'm gonna eat that yoink okay I've got one here I was wondering why I couldn't eat the hot that's more hot dog oh no I've got one less clay no uh oh and turn got a wedgie went to the big Matchbox in the sky and then we'll put that piece of clay in there and I've got myself that unfortunately I don't have I don't have any recipes yet and that's what intern's supposed to be doing running around in the Hedge mace oh inner lap note find the terminal password log into the terminal hey just found all the passwords now we can log into the terminal oh did it very nice just got to divert the power and he completed the Hedge lab very good now I don't have to figure out how to get up there we got the Hedge burgle chip which should give us the BLT recipe that we need hopefully fingers crossed all right burgle my dude here's another Burger chip for you I didn't find it intern did that's fine though but I would like to figure out how to do a BLT can I make a BLT can we make a BLT no he doesn't he doesn't let me know how to make a BLT so I'm not sure which developer's idea this was but the recipe is supposed to be in here and there is not a single thing that points to it in the entire game that I've found so yeah here we go raw science and then also on this table is the broodmother research notes yeah and then if we read this it's like hey girl you wasted a bunch of time blah blah blah ladybug and Bombardier cooked noxious rude mother could not resist debate they said having seen her up close perhaps I should continue to study her from a distance so hopefully fingers crossed that is the recipe that I need because we are a long way from our house but this is a really cool Vantage Point up here this would be amazing house to have so I'm just gonna float like a butterfly and sting like a yeah not one of those things I don't like those things although I do need another needle hey hey ugly oh that's gonna hurt haha how'd you like that oh if I I'm gonna try to do something okay that was bad that was really not good come here you big ugly thirst machine hey come over here if you come over here I'll shoot you with a pokey thing right in the face oh would you like that and you didn't like that or that nice nice okay we're gonna shoot him with an arrow now intern did it all by himself nice job intern I'm hoping he gave me a mosquito face because I can use that oh it's not analyzed okay okay after the long journey back oh man the run up my stairs we are gonna click on this and fingers crossed yes we got the broodmother BLT okay so I need some Bombardier beetles some ladybug parts and a thistle I think I actually have all of that so that would be nice if I did we'll do one Thistle and I've got everything else okay I want to craft it I'm gonna do it how do I oh it's working it's working I think that seems to be going up it is done our BLT which probably stands for Bombardier lettuce no brevardi or ladybug and thistle yeah that's that's classy because it's not yet you know what I mean maybe you don't know what I mean I don't really know anymore all right so let's try this the good old brewed mother fight you might notice I've got a dingley thing hanging on the end of my arrow here I'm gonna be using arrows I also have the uh this thing the marksman's cap going on we also have a few smoothies he's got the uh the rage smoothie that you make like out of spider fangs it gives them more health or more attack and I'm using like lots of plus gear for arrows so we're gonna hope that he can take it and I'll just pew pew with arrows and bombs that's the exciting thing in this room is absolutely creepy I bet that up there is where the brood mother is gonna spawn so let's try it oh okay stamina go up there you go and then hit the BLT I did it oh it did spawn up there oh that thing is so gross okay maybe if I snipe it it'll fall oh it did fall nice that's good okay we got two bars of damage done we have almost one that's it okay maybe it's slowed down oh wow that was a good hit I think I might have just hit intern twice whoops um sorry okay there we go yeah he's doing a lot of damage too maybe he can get his stun because I know he's using the stun weapon wow this is going really well oh maybe not maybe not we got little spider links ooh do you see that snipe okay we'll hit him with these oh two in one hit that was beautiful there's another one oh I didn't know there was one there and another one there okay I'm gonna drink my smoothies we're gonna hit number five that's gonna be a helpful one and a number six that'll be good too we'll go back to our arrows oh I can't really block with uh the bow though can I get right in the big gooey part on the butt yuck this model is absolutely crazy isn't it really it dodged it how can something so large dodged my arrows I'm just turning it into like the world's ugliest pin cushion trying to anyway you mean my stamina there we go almost Halfway Gone oh man it's dodging my arrows like crazy maybe I should anticipate where it's gonna hit next oh what's it doing oh we're getting more ads okay kill the little spider kill the little spider good oh what's it doing it's gonna attack I did attack okay and smack smack nope nope nope nope run away run away drink a smoothie drink a smoothie don't don't run okay get a spiderling done I think interns killed all of his heads I just got this one little orb waiver left and I'm gonna poke them for a little bit of health regen it's gone it's gone we did it we did it hopefully he's still good on health and I'm just gonna go back to the arrows I'm also gonna collect some arrows because I'm running out good whoa don't do that again Bud there you go yeah go back to intern I've got the bow remember I'm not doing anything to you intern is the one who's making you mad wow you just hit a big hit on that thing we might get this oh he's down no that is not good oh I got ads too you know what it's time for bombs here you guys eat that and that one I'm just gonna run away from it and drink a smoothie or two oh great okay smack him real hard that actually worked really really well oh it worked so well okay it's taking the time out I can get an intern back up I don't know what it's doing but I'm gonna help him I also have blood sausages quick yes and super healing we did it I'm a reliable friend oh no oh it's hiding in the corner I don't like that at all actually I kind of do oh no I can't hit it though oh wow threat detected yeah I I thank you Game I did know that this huge brood mother is a threat am I on it Rose I'm out of arrows okay switch to regular arrows good it's doing the slow walking thing I don't like that more arrows here and turns out again hey big ugly I'm over here oh it's stuck in the wall please don't hit me you're in the wall la la la la you're in the wall I think the only way to get it out of the wall is by making fun of his mother and I don't want to do that because it is the mother hey guess what this was made out of your child how does that feel huh how do you like that yeah load up yeah that was good it totally did make it mad oh oh it turned nighttime I'm glowing green oh that wasn't cool use use the juice more arrows more arrows three bars left oh it turns taking so much damage I don't know how much he's got but I kind of want to throw just that blood at him here I should do it oh oh is that more ads time we're getting more oh he's needs it he needs it he needs it take that nope nope nope oh did you see that block oh that was epic okay I'm out of arrows I think ah yes yes yes yes we killed The Brood mother oh what did I get I got brood mother Venom and a mutation called mom jeans look at me I'm a mom now in turn we did it we did it I was so excited oh intern went down what I'm sorry I was just celebrating here what did we get out of the deal all sorts of cool stuff what is that brood mother chunks wow brood mother fangs that's cool oh what's this the broodmother Venom too can I craft more things with it I bet I can but I tell you what my friends that is for an entirely different video I hope you enjoyed today's adventure killing The Brood mother if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including Ben Ellen Hagen Dickie James Apollo bunny Otto Dave Eagle Arc whippet good seraphin X Des Bogger maxer zarnoff Legacy Jason McFarland Deegan Paul longstone and Rao and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a YouTube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 915,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded new update, grounded broodmother, grounded mushroom and doom, grounded shroom and doom, grounded download, grounded steam, grounded steam multiplayer, grounded oven, grounded orb weaver, grounded crossbow, grounded pets, grounded updated pets, grounded haze lab, grounded haze lab entrance, lets play grounded, grounded ep 1, grounded pt 1
Id: qeRXI0v0b7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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