I Beat Palworld WITHOUT Pals | Episode 1 | Palworld

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pal World wake up on the palpo islands capture and tame copyright questionable monsters put them to work to craft food resources and Munitions in order to survive but what if I don't want to do that I mean don't get me wrong I really do that's a lot of fun I'm just curious to see what happens when you take the fun out of the game is is doing so just another form of fun I guess I guess we'll find out this is episode one of my no pal run we find a tablet in game that tells us two things the tree holds the truth and that the towers are the key the big old tree in the distance is sealed off by an invisible wall and inaccessible for the time being this means that the end game at least for now is defeating all five Syndicate Tower bosses I don't personally believe that this is possible to do without Pals unless you were to jack up the player damage output in World settings or cheat which I'm not willing to do if you make it too easy for yourself you haven't proven anything and even if I can't successfully complete this run it doesn't prove that someone else can't it will prove how hard I'm willing to struggle though honestly but I love this game and I hate myself so I'm perfect for this experiment well add it to the long list of things I've done to make life harder which includes thinking I could make music My Career or letting my brother convince me to invest in Dogecoin this is about setting and achieving short-term goals the success of this not how run hinges on me being able to defeat one Tower boss without ever having caught purchased or rescued a single pal this means the pal deck will have to stay empty throughout the entire thing I've run some tests on my other save file I was able to defeat Zoe and GIS bolt with about 100 arrows give or take from a three shot bow and with some help from dinos at level 14 without any Pals though I ran out of time even though I came with over 500 100 arrows I don't want to leave anything to chance and I don't like losing so I found a better solution that's completely viable even without Pals and I plan to implement it for this run so let's get started okay so we need a name for the world preferably something original and not influenced by any other game in the genre there we go we'll go with the default character it doesn't matter just need a cool name that'll stand out and we'll make it Japanese upon spawning in I began with the age-old video game tradition of picking up everything I could find on the ground and then punching rocks and trees into submission until they gave up their valuables typically I save the violence until after my victims don't comply with my demands but inanimate objects cannot be reasoned with so I made what I'm capable of clear from the get-go after several counts of violent burglary I set the objective of leveling up in order to afford the technology I would need with tech points catching Pals is still the best and fastest way of leveling up but in this run that was not an option so I employed the crumpling wall Exp glitch where you build three platforms build a wall add a roof and a staircase and spam build the crumbling wall giving you bits of exp every time it breaks the first few levels were easy enough but the more you level the more experience is required so I'll be back in a hot second wait for it wait for it wait for [Music] it perfect coming off of several hours of leveling up bit by bit and feeling the dread of having to complete this insurmountable task I felt there was only one thing I could do knowing it would be this hard give up just kidding I needed to make my way out west and respawning gets me closer to my destination than walking I spawned in the furthest west I could do so and then started walking West slowing down only to recollect stamina and pick up shiny garbage I had enough stamina to cross puddles of ocean but the hill up here was so steep I couldn't walk on it luckily by consistently pressing in to the hill while swimming you don't get any stamina back but you don't lose health either as you Jimmy your way around the hill I stopped every once in a while to stand in place to regain stamina when I could I can't go more than 3 ft Inland because any more than that I'll die of heat stroke I found a safe place to land after all that swimming and set up a base to act as a respawn point just in case I meet my untimely demise on the way to my destination the muds are actually pretty docile even when they're awake but they're kind of cute when they're sleeping it was the Brotherhood of the Eternal py I was concerned about in a fight with them with no no shield no clothes no nothing I would surely lose so I navigated around them and continued safely to my destination I hit the Fast Travel point and destroyed the PO box that I had set up as a spawn point earlier so I could use it as an actual base later the fisherman post I arrived at is home to the MVP of this entire run this Merchant over here he sells a makeshift handgun which is very expensive but what's interesting is that he will buy wood for one gold but he'll still buy wood and with that information I had a plan I sat down the PO Box to get to work but first let's see everything I can afford with all the technology points that I haven't used hold on whoa dude back off stay no no no no no no no crisis averted I built a logging site and a chest to hold all the wood that I would get from said logging site I'm spitting out wood pretty fast but it could be faster so let's do one of these now we're cooking with gas now we just have to rig my controller to farm AFK for however long this is going to take I ended up using one of my wife's hair ties and a dongle my wife still doesn't know that I used her hair tie but to be fair she doesn't know where most of her hair ties end up either with the controller rigged to go I was ready to jump start my lumber Jill career after several hours of AFK logging I had enough wood to make a a small fortune I found out that if you are starving you won't die you'll just be stuck at 1 HP until you have a bite neat before I got two ahead of myself I came back and crafted a shield and some clothes from some wool I found lying around ignore the dead lamb ball in the corner not sure how it got [Music] there oh jeez that was an intense butt shot now for the grueling part Transportation I can't move carrying 30,000 my original plan was to farm chillet for the ancient technology points and craft a grappling gun to slowly but surely pull me toward the merchant but to my dismay I discovered that you need ingots to craft the grappling gun I can get ingots from a particular pal that drops them but I don't have the resources to farm that pal yet without getting destroyed it's on the list of things I'll have to do eventually maybe in some other video here's a spoiler for what that will look like with abstract context do it for now I'll have to transport all this wood in one big stack manually bit by bit inch by inch dropping it out of my inventory walking forward a couple steps turning back around to pick it up and then continuing the process is it faster with the keyboard and mouse how do I open my inventory no that fires a weapon no that's settings nope that's the map nope now I'm lobbing nope that's Tech no that that's Tech again crouching now I'm crouching nope crafting no now I'm crouching again am I having a stroke inventory hell yeah dude now let's drag and drop move a little bit and we're [Music] off [Music] that took seven minutes of ingame time but I made it I'm just grateful that the merchant is willing to buy those 10,000 logs I didn't check to see if the merchant had limited cash like in Skyrim or something I got lucky now I just got to do this twice more stack number two transported and sold that's enough to buy the handgun and some left over for ammo I'll be taking this yoink just one more stack of wood to sell and then we'll buy some extra ammo and we'll be ready to take on Zoe and the Grizz w draw draw armed with the blicky and over 80 course ammo I headed straight for the tower before we roll the fight I just want to say that I love this game and it's not even finished it just scratches that itch in my brain that compels me to do things I can't wait to see how it develops one thing that doesn't get enough credit is the score I mean have you heard the music oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh I felt a Bittersweet Joy I just beat a boss in a game without using an intended game mechanic that's got to take some level of confidence and patience right but I also felt kind of worried that this would be the falling off point I mean is it really possible to do this four more times with increased difficulty in each fight do I even want to try I don't know I guess we'll see did I forget to craft a glider
Channel: OneManJam
Views: 45,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ROwIyCeajuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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