I beat Breath of the Wild with just your mother

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to another fun episode of point crow does dumb stuff in breath of the wild today what we're doing is we're actually not going to we're rephrase sorry we got to start over we're going to start over ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back today no we are not beating breath of the wild with only one stick we've done it before we're not being breath wild with only one bow only one korok leaf nah nah nah no no in the spirit of valentine's day recently what we're going to be doing is uh we're going to be beating breath of the wild with a hoe that's it we're going that's where it's come to this point that's what we're doing let's get into it so if you don't know what this this challenge entails essentially we actually cannot use shields we can't use bows we can't use anything except for a single hoe to do damage there are instances where we're going to need to pick up other items so we can do some really fun glitches in the game to make it so that we can only beat the game with one hoe we're not actually using them we're just having them in our inventory and the reason why we're doing it with one hose because it's all you need you know you only need one hoe oh god at least you know you're the apple of my eye hey old man hey old man if we haven't met before my name is my name is eric also known as point crow but uh but you can call me tonight okay uh let's go now to the honestly let's just complete the rest of the the great plateau should be pretty easy honestly just thinking about that uh that old man you know just thinking about just thinking about king robot's promise hyrule and you know just just saying you know oh i really regret saying this you know something's rising and it's not just the towers i saw that coming [Music] hello hey hey guard okay guardian how are you doing no don't do that guardian i think if hey guardian if you were if you were a fruit you would be a fine apple if you keep shooting at me we're not this isn't going to work out yo i take that back you're not you're not a fruit at all you're more like a vegetable right i call you a cabbage like come on be better jesus here i was calling you a fine apple you know what's kind of crazy about this though is that like we can actually stop things um you know it's kind of like magic right and it kind of reminds me of like you you know because uh you can see we can stop this and uh africa damn it's just it's because what guys that was beautiful you guys just don't have any taste there we go hey this warm dublay isn't the only thing that's going to keep you warm at night all right let's see let's go talk to the uh the old man how you doing old man how's it going i've seen you around recently you know all around the gray plateau up and down left and right and if you don't mind could i just pair a glide into those dms real quick okay let's go get our hoe let me uh let me just uh call up a service real quick where's the nearest ho there's a hoe right here from this pokemon i'm looking single hose near you okay currently uh we're gonna go to satori mountain there's some actual things that we need to do contrary to popular belief we're not just going to be making these jokes 24 7 on stream we actually got to do some stuff for this challenge one of them being actually acquiring said ho however what we're also going to do is pick up a couple of other items we're going to do something called menu overloading you'll see in a bit what that entails [Music] is adorable people happy yeah all right well whatever guess i didn't want you to core rock my world anyways all right we'll go get our um you know what every ho needs though we haven't gotten the hoe yet but in order for us to actually you know settle down and sort of you know treat her well we need to get her one thing also known as a diamond there's always always a diamond under that rock but we'll need these though for for later uh because hearty durians what they do is they they fill up your your hearts all the way and uh we need to get a lot of these uh for later when we face ganon because we're not gonna do any divine beasts because uh that takes time and i'm lazy trying to fill up your heart not the only thing i'm trying to okay okay all right i gotta cut that off you gotta take it down just a little right there all right that's that's the we found the line we have found it it's casually looking for a hoe where is it it's a pitchfork guys disgusting what the pitchfork i wanted a hoe okay so it should actually be right here okay so i guess the hoe was here ew disgusting oh oh my god oh my god she's beautiful there she is i have to say ho i have to say we used to rattle off a couple a couple of these pick up ones is your name homework because i'm not doing you and you should be and i i should be are you a potato because uh you're you'd be a hot potato if uh uh if if if i kissed you in the rain you know then you'd be twice as wet okay uh farming haul let's go okay so we finally got the the first weapon here okay nice there it is wow beautiful um all right let's let's i mean okay so now what we need to do actually this is gonna be a little convoluted because we have to actually do things here now that we got our hoe uh we're going to need to get our um um some bows we're never going to use the bows we're just going to keep them in our inventory forever even though i say that we're going to get some bows in a second right but you know as they say pose before bows oh and if you're liking the pickup lines uh subscribe to the channel there's only a small percentage of you guys who do and it's the only thing that makes me happy anymore okay let's uh there's a certain bow that we need to get over here i'll explain it when when we get everything but essentially we're going to get um our an inventory full of times three bows just so we can overload the game i need to dupe his hose no i'm just going to make my hoe durable the reason why we need to get the bows is because we're going to actually make the the weapon as as durable as as as possible and so we can refresh the durability because it won't break there we go [Music] i don't think you can kill a liner like this you definitely can you for sure you want me to kill a lionel with a hoe be the lynel with a single hoe and i'll even i'll even one-up you right beat alana with a single hoe without doing any durability to the hoe either okay let's be the lionel with a hoe all right here we go all right i got to focus here this line about to be hoed all right we're just chilling now though you can see right here our uh hoe actually has no durability taken away from it kind of cool which means uh that mounting line does no uh does not take away any durability so that's why we're doing it like this oh we're so close oh let's go let's go and that ladies and gentlemen is how you mount a lionel with your hoe yeah that that lionel's that lionel's kind of lucky because uh because uh uh link has eyebrows and uh his eyes do be browsing that lils okay let's go over to hebrew now guys i i i'm telling you i'm going to inject awful pickup lines straight into your arteries it's like i mean like we can we can go into like the weird ones too it's like hey are you a corn because you amaze me or like hey are you prehistoric because you're a fine assault there should be another um thing here like there there's a um for sure a another force dwellers go this way oh i need to go south all right it should be in this uh in this skull over here there we go okay awesome so we're actually just gonna go all the way over here um what we're going to do is actually uh yahaha all the way to the bank essentially we need more bows uh than just four of these we need about like six or seven and so we have five slots so we need to yahaha and then um uh get some more slots really fast it should be pretty easy because like we get three of them we get two slots and then you're good you know is it just me or do you guys do this too you just like you just you just okay uh we're going to go here my imessage isn't working ah what an excuse for oh god you know like uh i i would text all of all of everybody who's you know i'd text all of the people hitting me up yeah but uh my imess is just broken you know it's broken from just too many messages from so many yeah too many area codes you know like god i'm serious yeah no i'm serious too yeah that's crazy man yeah so what we want to do over here is we need to go to kakariko all right let's uh let's increase our bow storage uh our inventory bigger classic all right let's do more bows i think uh two croc seeds right you know new croc seeds easy take them take them and here we go uh so now we have two more boat slots which is perfect we're now finally at kakari ho village we're at kakuri ho it's that's crazy wow kakariko you're so hot even my zipper is falling for you okay all right moving on hey look there's piya that's crazy should should we [Music] valentine's day you know feel like we uh we should when and now we can truly start the challenge uh hey paya hey paya paya i got you i got you a a cop a cop i got you a i got you a chicken [Applause] i got you something just me paya in her bedroom with my um okay um let's continue on with uh our lives there's there's there's a secret spot here but i always forget where the entrance is found it there it is if you guys were curious that's the impress wanna go through the front door not the back door you know sometimes i'll just continue on it wouldn't be beating breath of the wild with a single hoe if i didn't out all of you guys for being thirsty for a fish the real hoes were twitch was twitch chat all along do you know what this uh shirt's material is made out of uh a lot of you guys a lot of you guys are thinking that i'm gonna say like boyfriend material but like you know i don't know it's i don't know exactly what what that's that's made of you know but all i know is that i'm uh 100 caught on you are you my appendix because i don't really understand how you work but i just really want to take you out yeah okay so we just picked up the double axe right there and um this will allow us to do some really fun stuff so what we're going to do and you'll see this in a second how are we going to beat the gannons and beat the game with just a single hoe it has six durability this this farming hoe has six durability so you can see this right if we like zoom in right here you can see that these weapons kind of have a little shine next to it and so being that that means they've been never used before what's interesting about this is that we're never going to use this double axe ever we're never going to use any of these bows and arrows now the way we do this is you'll see in a second so let me let me put this hoe down to breaking territory right so badly damaged so you can see that now it's flashing red which is bad it doesn't have much durability uh and we hit it twice which means that you know it has six durability there's nothing there now what we can do is actually something really interesting so we're going to have our farming hoe equipped and now we're going to take our times three arrow or times three bows with shock arrows we're gonna take them out then we're gonna drop them take it out and drop it and if you look at link after we do a couple of these uh you'll see that link looks a little different we're now going to equip our double act now the game still thinks that we're holding the farming hoe but we're going to equip our double axe which has a durability of 55 so you can see in game link has the farming how but we actually just equipped the double axe which means that if i do this the farming hoe now has oh i did it the opposite way rephrase uh i did it the wrong way but now that double axe has three durability so it went down from 55 to three there you go it's exactly what i wanted that's yup for sure anyways that's how it works so we basically refresh our durability constantly um so then our farming hoe never breaks we did that correctly so now our farming hoe has 54 durability and our double axe as you can see with the little shine right there is still not unused all right let's uh let's go to ganon well okay well i want to say let's go to ganon but thunderblight kills me instantly basically and i am not confident in dodging enough so i think we gotta go get our um armor what do you call a three-legged cow it's a it's tri-tip what do you call a two-legged cow lean beef what do you call uh uh a one-legged cow high size steak the steak and then what do you call a zero-legged cow just ground beef then what do you call a four-legged cow this is your mom there we go okay awesome thanks for the uh fish we have now acquired all of the rubber needed for a safe travel across hyrule gaze upon us isn't that gorgeous oh my god it's beautiful oh my god well that's literally just for thunderblade so currently um let's go get some phantom armor and uh majora's mask i think that's the the easiest thing to go do right now right so we're gonna go right here this is majora's mask i don't know if we picked it up yet no we haven't so majora's mask if you don't know lets us like not be seen by anybody it's kind of a little bit overpowered so like enemies will just like not attack us now all right so if we go over here um it should be the case where wait what oh yeah okay there it is i was like the phantom of the phantom armor is right here there we go okay so phantom helmet so you can see phantom helmet has attack up one uh if we get the other two pieces then we'll have three times three attack up forever all right if i want if i recall the uh item we're looking for is over here all right phantom graves sick all right so we just need to go to kakariko now because what i want to do is i want to get the great fairy um because we're going to upgrade our rubber we got to be more safe guys we just need to go to the great ferry we haven't even seen a great fairy this run i mean we've seen sidon we've seen piya all right so gray fairies up here so let's go do this let's actually get the the shrine too so we can like come back to paprika when we need to uh that's the only reason why we're here is to do that actually uh just to get the uh the warp back and then sell our diamonds right i know i know we picked up our diamond for our hoe but unfortunately unfortunately i i you know like we're gonna have to sell the diamonds just for another experience you know how it means you know what i'm saying you know we want to we want that great ferry to upgrade our tights and uh in order to do that we got to sell the the the diamond we got for our ho i know we have one i know we have one in our inventory but i think i think we're i think we got a trade now all right so we're just upgrading by the way we're upgrading all of our armor right here because um we need it to be unshockable and um getting a lot of kisses from um a girl bye so um let's see we need to go access to another great fairy trying to think of a new pickup line for you guys i don't think i have any more i think i think i have to go off the cuff now oh yeah this is the typical oh yeah yeah the whole like hey i gotta complain to spotify because uh for some reason you're you're not on the list of hottest singles thank you for your teachings hey you know what like i said yeah if you ever need uh girl advice i got you guys right i feel like i'm a sage when it comes to women for example if if there's ever a girl in your life you've gotten farther than most of us so congratulations um so if there's ever a girl in your life that uh um is mad at you right all right i can tell you with 100 certainty this will work every single time i was like if she's ever mad all you need to do is just like you know crouch in the corner and throw oreos at her and then it'll all be good eventually it's that's that's it that's literally it i'm just saying right like what could go wrong oh oh oh my god okay advice part two right let's say you kiss a girl if that ever you know i don't know if that's like ever going to happen to some of you but if it does you know kiss her and all whatever and then afterwards you need to like pull away and say wow wow queen that was poggers i kid you not she'll fall for you immediately right there if she hasn't already right it's a cheat code if you say that line every time it works hey great fairy speaking of poggers anyways let's upgrade the rest of our equipment here and then we'll go to fahren get some hearts and then go to gannon let's go to ganon let's beat the game let's do it okay here we go finally we've made it to gannon and let's see if we can defeat him with yes only a single hoe okay all right windblade uh let's do this uh let's put on all of our armor really fast actually you know what since it's a two-handed we can do like double hits like this it actually might be like a valid like a really valid way of doing damage yeah oh my god this is going a lot faster than i thought it was going to my wind's almost dead too oh my god your mom doesn't your mom really do be putting in work all right if you guys are curious how we're going to do this though uh let's get into the technicalities real quick so you can see that our farming hoe aka your mother is uh red um because it's broken unfortunately we've it's not you it's you know sometimes it's not you it's it's me okay it wasn't meant to work out this way but hey you know what sometimes um a stepfather comes in and and gives uh gives gives it more durability you know to keep on trucking so we're gonna equip the double hacks and then we're going to do some menu unloading um we're going to equip the step dad and then we're going to equip the bow and arrow which is just it's tools you know maybe some flowers etc we're going to bring him out right here and we're going to actually give her so much love that um the game just doesn't know what to do yeah link's gone so then we're gonna equip uh equip your mom and uh then we're going to uh do the durability and if we did it correctly you can see that the hoe is now no longer broken and we've never used the axe because it still has that little shine right there there you go wait my mom's in this game she's no no she's our mom she's not your mom she's our mom all right we need literally all we need to do is just spin here and ignore the tornadoes that's fine that's okay we haven't even like dipped into our our extra extra hearts yet so we're good no it's so close it's so close there we go we got one ganon out of four this is actually like if we get like double hits like this oh no no no she's broke all right we'll just get back to that spot like really fast all right this is good so far we're dodging it successfully it's not going anywhere we still get double hits too so this is perfect yeah look just look at all the damage we're doing here it's perfect it's great let's go dude that was clean that was so clean all right so we're gonna do like the speed run strats right here where we go right here and then we hopefully hit both the arm and the body it's like our hose badly damaged oh god not our hoe okay wait wait wait we gotta refresh our hoe real quick oh my god dude we are bodying water blight right now so no head ah that sucks i messed that up goodbye that's a lot of damage i'll take that in daily uh i will not take that though no thank you oh oh let's go all right that's that's water bloody let's go to fireblade now absolutely killing it i just gotta do like the floyd rushes now for for five lights shouldn't be that bad let's go refill our hoe uh maybe maybe maybe our phrasing i think frazee might be a little bit a little bit off on that one all right fireblade here we go look at our mom fight she's so good yep yep guys you got that yep dang our hoe is badly damaged oh no oh oh oh oh okay all right get it oh no all right he's so close to death all right let's go let's go okay now we're on the thunderblade okay here we go um let's switch over to our um rubber armor you know gotta get some protection against this spicy thunder blight don't don't remember guys stay safe you love the combos you love the combos let's go nice oh here we go let's go let's go that's right let's hold oh my god all right here we go clammy gan glam again versus one hoe one clammy boy versus one hoe who would win let's see never seen something uh so chill beating ganon with a hoe yeah because i cuz you know my hoe is independent i trust her you know she's a in strong independent hub oh we like this attack this one's nice i like this attack a lot that does a lot of damage got it look how fast we found that oh god let's go let's go all right second phase all right so all literally all we need to do is have him swing at us and not use his is and we just need to get every flare rush to go as fast as possible but we also want to make sure that he doesn't use his laser don't choke yeah it would be a shame if i literally just like went up to here and just had him hit me that would be awful wouldn't it oh god no oh no don't die that would be that would be awful oh god we're taking so much damage oh no what claim again and no don't do that oh god no no that's the worst clammy oh step ganon i'm stuck come on got a couple more couple more hits you got this ho we've been here this entire way just you and me together forever let's oh we've done it turn the ho into a housewife we've done it well anyways if you enjoyed this thanks for subscribe make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel and the vaude channel where you can see this entire thing uh punk robots and links in the description thanks for here appreciate your face you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 591,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, breath of the wild, botw, challenge, can you beat, the legend of zelda, zelda, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, botw challenge, breath of the wild challenge, legend of zelda, sidon, pointcrow breath of the wild, pointcrow botw, breath of the wild mods, modded, modding, botw mods, modded botw, modded breath of the wild, zelda challenge, speedrun, speedrunning, zelda speedrun, world record, breath of the wild speedrun, botw speedrun, link, gaming, gameplay
Id: bmU9IrLqihs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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