Modding Breath of the Wild so it's as weird as possible

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welcome in guys uh this is breath of the wild but it is as cursed as possible that is a fan made mod uh from green lord and s dark magic uh their links are in the description thank you so much for making it it is a custom mod just for me it is all about point crow uh it is about the channel it's cursed that's all i've been told that's all i know you can see the title screen is kind of um uh interesting uh by the doodle in the top right corner i mean there's me that's me right there so there you go really quick this video was sponsored by g fuel it's pretty awesome uh it's what i drink all the time on stream i would i would recommend the french vanilla it's so good oh god it's so good uh so hey you know uh use code point crow when you do get your g fuel if you want to try out the french vanilla or if you want to try out something else it gives you a little discount and it helps out the channel support the sponsors who support the stream anyways enjoy the rest of the video it's a good one all right you know what guys point crow here do you ever get collector's anxiety oh oh god open your eyes is this oliver my uncle does work at nintendo you're right yeah brother on two comes out in three days oh my god oliver you're the best i am nervous and excited but mainly nervous what's this to number one doodle to number one oh my god i love it yeah so this is a reference to uh pico doodle which is one of the emotes you can see right here basically it was our goal to get doodle to one of the most used emotes on twitch i think it's currently number 11. my man has an iphone the latest chic phone model as many games such as tetris and some mysterious one about a hundred snake oh my god look that is a giant phone that's like an iphone 12 max uh okay so what was the sign say too hit to clip hit to fix guys do we do we hit it hey don't mind if i do i'll take two all right we have bow of light casually also that just removes all of the boundaries i'm all right with it we'll keep it like that okay all right let's just continue no way no way what oh my god oh my god it's a giant doodle oh my god it's santa it's quite literally santa all right what does this say in the sky here sub 2 point crow hey well hey hey i'm not telling i i'm just reading the sign all right i'm not telling you you have to right there's only a small percentage of you guys who are watching this video that actually are subscribed but hey you don't have to subscribe i'm not telling you to the game is right let's go let's go check out the rest of this mod what a plug okay well there's just a giant uh tr oh okay there is a guardian right there uh that's cool thanks oliver i will all right what does this say i hope you enjoy our mod i don't remember what all the features are i mean honestly i uh i am here to explore i'm i am down to figure out what is going on hey look there's a crow right here too look at this the crow model love it i love it what is are these like inverted trees what is this what is this tree what is that okay hello my name is king robots from cyril hi king rome boss promise hyrule sorry i had to check the name plate really quick that's a pretty difficult one okay all right i think the dialogue's changed he's quite literally santa what a what a time to bring this up um let's pick up the minecraft diamond sword because obviously we need it a lot of damage there it's so much damage it just clipped out of the the window all right we'll take it we'll wield our diamond sword here let's head back over let's actually just complete the game normally uh like as we would also everything is gone from from the great plateau like you can just ever all of the trees all of the trees they have disappeared um he's just stuck what is happening here he's just vibing oh jump what's up what dealing with this right now sorry first off yeah there is dark beast gaining on the horizon uh but second off is that bokoblin wielding a sidon what all right let's let's um let's get this tower really quick no idea what i thought we were getting into today but it clearly wasn't this i'm gonna mute it and then we're gonna like unmute it because of dmca reasons all right i'll sing it for you guys all right then we're gonna let you down pro gamer right here only a pro gamer like me would be able to uh dodge dmca like that let's go oh gosh lord that was a true ripple imagine if it was the 12-hour version so now let's just continue with our completely normal playthrough of breath of the wild wait did his paraglider say stonks on it was i was that right about that quite the enigma we have here yeah uh that's that's that is a word for it all right we still have darkness ganon to deal with like way over there well let's go to magnesis first haha cutscene go bye bye press x [Laughter] in the bottom right corner cut scene go bye-bye is that chica slate a phone yeah that's like an i that's a sheikah slate z actually oh sorry chic phone z my bad what is is that is that my face on the mugs face you know what pack it up guys gotta burn it all godspeed guys [Music] oh god oh god may the goddess smile upon you ah maybe not you know if the god is smiled upon you i would love a frown oh back to the great point crow um aye let's get the switch shirt why don't why not let's get the switch shirt let's go let's go oh okay why did i expect anything less it's so cursed too because there's there's no trees oh sorry there's one tree i i have a theory here that one tree so the keys are king rome boss promise hyrule i i'm not cool i'm not gonna lie uh i didn't expect that uh if you could believe it it's wing rome boss rama's hyrule yeah it's a wing rome oh god oh he's he's a funny man isn't he the potlat of destiny the lid of a large soup pot smells vaguely of poultry broth yum it can take quite a beating before breaking i heard that you could probably beat darkbee's ganon like this nice the potlat of destiny okay now we're red what you know what you know i will take it i will take it this one like right here to saving or not you may never know i don't know about you but that's that makes me nervous let's use our did link link just exploded did you guys did you guys just see that like link just went that doesn't seem healthy i think he should get that checked out link might want to see a chiropractor about that i think his t6 spinal is a little little offset there hey look these weren't here before it's a statue uh we'll take a heart container sure [Music] oh that's one way to get to the temple of time real fast hell yeah oh get up here quickly i was king romebos for rama's hyrule whoa i thought you were a santa oh hey look look at the splash king roma wait what link you must save hyrule ah i was clearly already screwed if if you're just taking a look around there's something i think a little bit bigger than the calamity you gotta start worrying about god we have so much to unpack in like five seconds horses are dinner boning look at them run look at them run hey what's going on guys we gotta get one guys we need to get a spaghetti horse ravioli would be proud let's go all right let's go let's go to the local uh the local stable yo let me let me just pet him real quick don't worry you'll be all good what should we name him guys i think we need to name him regretti that's too good regretti gentle regretty the random horseshoes on the side oh yeah dude regretti is definitely just regretting his life right now he's like just ended please oh we should also go to hatano you're right according to all known laws of aviation there is no way that a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground please no i swear to god this place the entire bee movie i swear i will black yellow okay okay we're good okay i have no words i have no words let's go to kakariko village is it just dark oh that's just a wall i see what you guys did oh i love this one you guys remember this this is from uh probably one of my favorite videos we've ever put out it's modding things that shouldn't exist in the breath of the wild that's what it was it'll be right there this is crazy i love the way this looks too like this looks amazing if they had something similar to this in breath of the wild too i would genuinely love it alright should we just nice let's go new world record that's how you do it guys oh man the goddess smile upon you ah that is so cursed [Music] kakariko village cuckoo [Music] by far my favorite thing that has been added to this game it's not even cursed it's just so cute this needs its own mod [Music] anyways it's so weird that there's no trees in hyrule oh my god it's sidon sidon hello oh lazalfo star sidon uh don't mind me fine all right fine you'll get the wrath of beetle there you go anyways let's continue wait what yeah yeah yeah we shoot beetles did you get that did you guys not know that whatever hello [Music] bye seiden speaking of sidon do you guys want to see actual sidon let's go see actual simon up top above you that's the real side and all right remember pikro seiden i remember peaker sidon so many sides oh he's he do be t posing wait is that is that is that what i think it is uh we got a sidon stick a very common sword often kept by travelers to fend off small beasts it's fairly durable but a bit unreliable against sidon all right so let's get off of our diamond sword real quick and let's get the side and stick oh all right we're just carrying sidon okay we're just all right all right sounds good swing it okay so it just it contains a siding when you swing it wait we gotta do this wait we gotta do this okay so let me let me shoot the back and let me bring out nice don't mind me guys just passing through uh don't mind me hey hey it's all good uh i'll be there eventually i need to go here i need i need to get on to that tree or somewhat so if i just like do that how do we get inside him again oh it's right here i found it okay hey what's what's this uh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's um it definitely is not a cult we just have weekly meetings on a or we have actually daily meetings and uh we all have traditional garbs point crow dot shop but but not a call not a cult here uh don't worry um [Music] not a cult nope not a cult no cult here absolutely no cult anyways i was trying oh my god look at the moon look at the moon oh my god i love it just look at look at this glory you got the giant doodle with the doodle moon this is arcing over it he's just viving man he's just surviving what is that over there is that just a green screen is this just quite literally a green screen okay so what you're saying is that like my editor king kyo right they can just edit this they can just put whatever they want right here sidon do you take link as your lawfully wedded husband i want to ride side in it's a giant green screen my god all right we're going to go over we're going to pick up a regretti uh take him to satori mountain get the 500 rupees and then keep going with the rest you know uh let's take a let's take out regretti what's the stream today oh we're just doing a normal playthrough of breath of the wild yeah we have a really slow horse unfortunately for some reason there's something inhibiting him don't know what it is though okay so over here is where we need to get this diamond i think we're going to leave regretti behind and go on foot from here okay so we need is it up here ah there it is there's our diamond awesome let's go back and sell that uh we want to sell the diamond awesome all right so now we got we got the gerudo um pants and everything so apparently the description has been changed okay gerudo serwal definitely pants rudo favor this traditional seral which are definitely considered pants it's short length but still long enough to be pants they're shorts they're quite they're like capris okay they're like shorts for those who don't know we did a run of breath of the wild without pants like that was the entire concept right the entire concept of that run was we're going to beat breath of the wild without wearing pants that's it we're just going to beat the game without wearing pants uh and we put on the stir wall because i'm like oh they're shorts and all of you guys are like no they're pants they're definitely pits these are shorts they're shorts you guys are wrong you guys are wrong all right now we'll do this little intro right here all right this right this video right here taking side into garuda town will they let him in it was basically where it was a glitch where we take side and um glitch him so we can he can actually follow us all the way to garuda town and we checked to see if they would allow him to be there and so if we go back to here you know what looks like it still works [Laughter] looks like bringing siding into garuda town is still a plus throw him oh my god the spin oh i love it just look at it just look at it guys there it is that's your very own point chrome merch it's chroma keyed out right now but there it is look it's the same looks good on those capris pants pants no shorts uh um it looks good with those shorts pause regretting we have something more important to to address um what regretti onward yeah that's the most kosher uh fight place but i wonder what they did with it hey guys the point crow here do you ever get collectors there's so much to do uh that that in fact uh right there is the guardian theme they changed the lo-fi collector's anxiety also those are keys by the way okay wait first off hey guys [Music] there we go sorry are the sky watchers doodles are they just chica doodles is that what that is why it's so close to being dead i'm sorry doodle i'm sorry doodle i'm sorry it's not you it's me this is so cool whoa all right let's get up there let's see what's up there it's so silent up here too what's in here hey point girl bird shave look at that shop go check it out [Music] nice that's a logical conclusion the master cycle zero okay what's the third one whoa the ancient master sword what a weapon crafted by two discord users in the time is long past this blade represents the power one person can hold over life and death legend says that you may see the first initials their first initials when pulling the sword whoa the discord users were samuel and megan from the special thanks okay so samuel and megan thanks for this this is so cool look at that mask that look at that ancient master sword that's so cool look at the design on this thing look at that look at that that's so cool apparently the master cycle is cool okay let's check out this master cycle here oh no you did it oh my heart let it rip it's a beyblade oh this is everything i've ever wanted ever since our playthrough of twilight princess i've been wanting a beyblade in every single game oh my god this is amazing it's too good to be true guys it's too good to be true all right we'll we'll go on normal all right so let's get the master sword really quick let's get the masters oh what ouch god this hurts oh ouch that does make him a little bit more more badass though let's go over here and get some pants so highly in trout is that the pants wait those aren't the pants these well worn you got long legs i i um i empathize with link right now a lot of times when i buy uh pants sometimes they just simply don't fit because i'm just too tall oh god oh god look at the we're going to fight santa with with sidon stick him lads stick him lads get on santa get on him get on him attaboy only doesn't need to exist anymore i didn't want you here i didn't spawn you in oh stop please right hopefully this works here we'll go to hyrule castle we're gonna go to ganon okay let's do this guys me my ancient master sword and beetle all right that's wind blight oh god all right what's this next one it's it's all is it is it all oh my god not as pretty you thought i did think i did think i'm not gonna lie geez the master sword oh god the master sword is cursed you see link holding oh god holding the blade again oh oh disgusting gross oh god the horse yeah yeah let's defeat dark bees ganon with beetles oh beetle that's right beetle go get him all right we gotta go inside here hello go get him beetle here we go the end of point crow cursed modded breath of the wild i send thee out beetle for you shall be the savior of the world in beetle we trust i like how it's like it's still red i never lost faith in you over these many years i love that i need i need to screen cap that and just like have that as a like wallpaper [Music] such a good mod you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 2,958,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild mod, modded breath of the wild, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow botw, pointcrow breath of the wild, modded botw, botw mod, master mode, breath of the wild master mode, botw guardians, guardian, botw lynel, smallant1, small ant, mod, modded, sidon, hard, nintendo, nintendo switch, cemu, botw cemu, zelda mods, botw mods, zelda, botw switch mods, linkle, dlc, mods, link, 2020, charizard, goose, relics of the past, botw relics of the past, rtgame, rt, wr
Id: abKTyk4EoCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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