Breath of the Wild, but the floor is lava

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all right um so let's start let's see this alright so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna get all the towers across breath of the wild without touching in the ground aren't you just gonna use like moon jumping or something like that like is it are you just we'll use the moon jump which no we're gonna do without the moon jumping there are a couple stipulations to this challenge so grey plateau you can touch the ground on the great plateau because it's raised from the rest of Hyrule okay shield surfing now a shield surfing now you know that's touching the ground getting a horse is also touching the ground swimming also touching the ground but probably large structures I guess trees not don't think trees are gonna count and if you guys are asking oh my god how do we do this and you got a watch you got a watch you touched the ground I said the grey plateau is fine guys the grey plateau is a safe spot but we have to go across the entirety of Hyrule get all the towers and if you guys are wondering like oh oh my god look isn't that basically like making this so much easier let me just show you what we have to do we have to get all the towers across Hyrule right right over here all of them every single tower across Hyrule and this is the great plateau right here this tiny spot is the great plateau in the entire map we're gonna be going from the great plateau to every single one of these towers without touching the ground so the important thing I think is to get all of the stamina stuff before we go out and do things so we're going to basically like stock up on like healing items the stamina burgers alright we're just completely currently the runs not the most fun because we're just completing the great plateau but we're just completing it right now and then we're gonna get healing items stamina items and start our quest we do this every run but I [Music] guys let's see something cool this is this is how we're gonna get across high roll without touching the ground like straight up this is how we're gonna do it we're gonna do stuff like this I need it I can like do this correctly whoo let's go I was perfect I was actually perfect first try 200 don't mind if I do let's go we're here and we're going to the temple of time [Music] that would have been good cool okay so we're completing the great plateau and then after that I think we're going to start we're gonna like we're gonna get our way to all of the towers we're gonna have to do a lot of improvised bullet-time bounces and a lot of really fun wind bombs super launches so yeah ready this is gonna be a very trick heavy run and I'm excited I was king my voice I can't do it The Lost Boy you were the last leader of viral do it for me guys do it for me oh my god we got a we got to plan this out the gray plateau right here is the safe area this is the safe area we can walk on the great plateau we can't walk anywhere else right like aside from huge structures and like giant buildings are clearly like not on the floor all right so we currently have this one where you could probably try to aim to get to the Hyrule Tower redo the Hyrule Tower the dueling peaks Tower or the lake Tower looks like central Hyrule is the one we're going to alright so we're going to this tower let's see if we can do a ball time bounce [Music] ah the Keese messed me up we were about to land on him correctly and then the keys moved me out of the way by the way all of these are gonna be improv I'm promised a tional Bowl time bounces I have no idea the majority of the setups for these so I'll be doing these off-the-cuff so like that here we go ah the angles not there but we'll take it oh we can totally make that if we have the right angle yeah we can make that if we have the right angle all right so we're gonna reload and do that again come on it might be it guys guys that might be it that's the right direction that's speedy - look at that speed oh we got it oh that's guaranteed we got it guys let's go D G first tower without touching the ground and with that that's 2 out of 15 so we got it all right so we're now here I think we either go to the dueling peaks or or here um yah all right here we go so we have to do a super launch here so if I do a regular wind bomb right here right so if I do a normal wind bomb like this like it'll just it won't well that I'll egg stop there like it won't lead me to to lake Tower right so I need to do a super launch and basically what a super launch is is i pause i generate lag in the game by pausing and I'm pausing and then I open my paraglider on a lag frame cuz the game's lagging and the game's at 15 frames per second um the game boosts up our speed double to get to 30 frames per second so we're actually going faster twice as fast if we do that so I need to do this and I need to look at a leggy spot pause and then pause again other words the work wasn't like there but I need to unpause and press X on a leg frame and then I'll go so we're gonna have to try a couple times here if not then we're gonna try to do a B TV you just want to count down with me we'll do it 10 more times if we can't get it then we'll move on to do a B TV that can get us there oh wait let's you right we do VR and then that work it did not work I tried guys guys I tried apparently that helps generate leg all right well that was the last attempt well we're gonna do something else really cool so what we'll do it we'll do it a TV instead of a super watch I know there's there's this speed TV I can do that works you know that works right there right look at that that works it doesn't work it's not fast enough but flies ah let's set up our angle first and then we and then I don't know will that make it maybe okay yes guys we got it that's it that's a guarantee that we got it we got it there's no way we didn't get this we're so close I tried the midair oh my god forgetting it though guys we're doing it we're doing it well that could be it oh my god that that's perfect angle like we're headed towards alright we got it guys guys ladies and gentlemen we have gotten the tower that was a perfect angle next tower without touching the ground we have got home gotten three of the 15 towers without touching the ground oh my god we're probably don't have to do some like we're probably want to make up some beats Evie's here dueling Peaks probably will try Julianne Peaks tower we can do this tower next over here let me get let me get the dueling Peaks tower first I would like to do that which we could probably be TV to get there from this boat go over here so let's try that all right so let's go over here [Music] it's not fast but it's in the right location right direction right so we want to go this way to get to Dueling peace every second wait wait wait that works that's speedy that's fast and that's in the right direction I'll take it oh it's in the right direction it's in the right direction this time we don't have to move this is it this is it guys this is it it's the right angle let's go we got it guys dueling pigs tower alright that's power 4 or 15 what's number five I don't we'll figure it out we'll figure it out in a second it's like tied looks like farad's Farren one look like fair and one don't see Ferrand so we got to go from Lake tower to fair in tower probably those lizalfos might be like our best bet so I think we're going probably usable as all foes - pow it to be TV over here so we'll bounce off of those all foes and we can use like an ice arrow on this lizalfos please don't die cool and I'll look over here and then maybe I can like yeah we'll try that we'll try that for a VCB long that could work oh that works that works we got that we got a wrong angle but it works guys well that's pretty good that's pretty good okay wait wait wait wait wait wait we got it guys guys we got it come on we made it to ferrant our guys let's go there we go Ferrand tower it is and that's 5 out of 15 tolerance huh alright so Ferrand tower is currently a dead end looks like so I don't think we can like I don't think we can go anywhere from Ferren tower so I think let's let's start from central tower and let's go to Ridgeland down right that one we have two super launched over there I don't know if we can like there's no enemies nearby alright so I think we have to do a super launch over there I could probably use stamina food and do a bunch of mid airs here and get over I can probably do that alright there should be some stamina sheron's here look around here so we'll search for these cook these up and we'll be good ok so that's all the salmon stuff let's go back over here I'll do it we're gonna do this first try here we go reowww fingers crossed first try we're gonna have to eat stamina food buds okay damnit alright that's fine that's good that's nice that's nice I'm gonna wait till the stamina is almost out eat like a ton of stamina food wait some more uh I don't know about that one guys I don't know okay here we go here we go we're almost there we are almost there first right now that's what I call Poggi wardi alright that's that's a six out of 15 towers woo all right where's next where do we go next we could try to get to the the hottie no.1 over here like we were trying to before there's there's this tower over here um we're gonna have to do a BTB to get to this tower there's another tower over here to to bantha these are gonna be pretty difficult to get to we could try wasteland yeah try waistline now alright so we want to get to so the goal right now is to get to this tower we're gonna do it we're gonna do a btv by on though if that's the correct one of you I might have to do it slightly different maybe like that 30 second oh that works oh oh this isn't gonna make it we're not gonna make it here what it's doable that's too early I think oh that works that's a lot speedier we can get I feel like we can get this we got it guys we got it oh we got it let's go all right just one midair I'm good with it I'm good with it just one midair wasteland our let's go wasteland tower without touching the ground oh that's a big chunk that's a big chunk so we can go from this tower to what there's a tower up here right is there an and I think there's enemies nearby right like I'm pretty sure there's there's enemies nearby this tower I'll try it I'll try it it's gonna be odd but I'll see if it works you see why don't you see why I'm gonna try to do where are we and then I wonder if we can like you know like like fulltime bounce from the air onto the bobland over to the next stable it's so yeah it's so stupid it might just work you know we're gonna throw ourselves at this over and over until we get it ah that's bad Oh what that proves up we can definitely do it be to be there that was a it worked we got a B TV all right that's progress guys that's progress that's to be TVs oh we're doing it that's the direction you see the tower over there I see the tower guys oh that's always we're getting there guys we're getting there it's working it's happening no speed determining BT B's angle angle so you will always hit opposite in opposite like so if you hit a BT be going in this way right if you hit a BT be going this way and the angle is like this right straight if you come in it'll always be at the same angle you know like this angle will still be the same angle as that so obviously if you come in and you're going down like this right and the angle is like this right you're going to clearly just go up you're gonna have more vertical height than than horizontal height it'sit's that your incidence angle is the same as your reflection oh my god oh my god wait that might be it that might be it I didn't expect to get that that might be you guys guys that might be it oh my gosh okay wait wait wait come on cool yes yes we did it I can't believe we just did a mid-air bullet-time bounce we ran out of stamina on the tower I've never wanted to give this music for all right well we got eight out of 15 that's halfway there we go look look at all of the the towers we've gotten so far and we haven't even touched the ground we could go for one of these then you go for the upper left or we can try for hatay know what goes dead dealing peaks tower tea at the Zord the main tower oh I know what you're saying you want let's do that that's a great idea so let's go over here and use the focus by dueling piece to get to either Hut a no we the potato or the linear route our what's awesome is that all the presets that I've had in store of like oh yeah you know like if if there's a really tall structure maybe we can stand on it we haven't even used those and I don't think we should you know another midair btv so like another one like we're like like that gonna be awful I have an idea I've an idea here I could just do the red boku yeah we can just do what the red boku like this oops oops oh I mean we got our first BTB here now where's the tower we're aiming for oh it's over there ooh that's pretty long that's pretty far what we're gonna do is we're going to go over here we're gonna get the linear route our and we're gonna have to do it by bolt I'm bouncing from the temple time and I'll just guesstimate this so we'll do this yeah cuz I want to land right on his forearm so I can get like horizontal speed alright here we go Oh speed here we go that's like speed but we want to go a little bit more north oh I got more north so in order to do that I need to aim lower I think I need a lower Y or to the right we go oh there we go is that the angle we want is that the angle it is the angle we want that's close oh that that's exactly the angle we want oh my god we got it guys the angles so tight - we might have to win bomb the rest of the way oh please don't lay it on the please don't land on the hill please don't land on the hill oh those clothes are you real nice we're a little off but I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it so far okay here we go may there's time is where boys become men we consult Lisa Lewis oh we got it we got it cool cool cool we got one - gotta focus gotta focus all right this is our last day over there - yikes [Music] we're so close alright alright this is the last one this right here's the last one here we go this is it that's on it alright GG you guys yeah so we're gonna in this room here we got half of the the towers so we're gonna have to do this again and finish the rest of it that's gonna be fine so let's go let's continue alright so what I was thinking right is we could BTB all the way over there and use some stamina food right alright here we go guys this is a weird btv that we do I got hit halfway through here looks slightly to the right and then go here we go oh that's good guys that's a good angle I'll take it I'll take it that's pretty good we're swinging we're going a little bit too far alright alright this is where this is where all of our stamina food comes in handy we're gonna do mid airs for days and if I mess up a mid-air it's over I didn't get our run out so many min airs all in a row oh my God we're gonna get it guys we're gonna get it we're gonna get it let's go wait wait no no no no no I can't do it midair I can't no that was anticlimactic that was damn it all that speed oh that's good that's good guys that's a good one that's a good one we at least we're getting consistent on that look how much stamina we have left - here we go all right let's go do it that's height good good you want more height here I love that was good that one that was close but we got more height I'll take it I'll take it that's more height ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I think we got it I think we got it let's go let's go we got the linear route our and we do it with like no stamina usage at all either like we have a lot of stamina if we left let's look for ever let's now towers 9 out of 15 ok cool so [Applause] I'm not gonna think about that one we'll figure that one out later so we can try one or two things right we can try to go to this tower over there which i think is very doable like I think it's very very easy too easy considering so we're gonna go all the way over here I think but let me mark it yeah it's a pretty decent these distance but we can do it all right so what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to freeze an electric Wiz rope in bullet time bounced off of the electric wizzrobe maybe I'll try to like do this damn it that's gonna be hard we're gonna have to hit that so I will have to cope with the setup to hit that and then BTB off of it really have three ice arrows - so we gotta get more ice arrows somehow all right so we froze him that's this is just a test this is just the test guys I'm not sure this is going to work but we can try it like I don't care if I use a lot of stamina up for this I just want to see if it works oh okay okay okay it works this is gonna suck we have two perfectly hit the wizzrobe with an ice arrow and then BTB off of the wizzrobe with the ice arrow oh okay okay that works that works guys that works I needs to be higher why didn't you we got it though that's the second time we got it second time we're making progress oh okay okay okay we might make it over the mountain we're not gonna make it over the mountain oh we're so close all right so you saw that all right so he's looking down good good that's good so we have more of a hitbox to get him and we have more stamina now oh that could be it that could be one of them that's pretty good guys oh don't hit the tower ooh okay okay oh the towers right there guys the towers right there one more wait wait wait one more don't know oh my god oh you see the lightning there oh that was so cool oh come on we need to get up above the malleus are you are you joking no we can't get up can we get over the malleus we can okay we can I hope you have enough stamina guys there we all right we made it guys we made it ladies and gentlemen that is we only on five towers left trickshot to get the electric whiz bro frozen BTB midair on to it Oh God and then midair bTW midair wind bomb to the tower well day all right so that's most of the map right there we still haven't gotten hatay know which I want to get outside I was a camp right yeah so we're trying to get the camp so we can see who's able to be TP those all foes there's boko's right heat there's there is a Boko but he's in the wrong spot there's another Boko right here are you guys thinking what I'm thinking here I'm thinking that we midair bullet time bounced off of that vote go to Hebrew tower where'd he go don't we do this like that basically so I need to freeze one of these moblins before they're spawned in cause it's gonna be rough I'll try to aim right here and then does it hit before I can get there I think it hits before I can load in the mob lens that's the problem you've got basically like that that's that's a lot of stamina right there over Thunder tower yeah we could try the thing the problem about this is that like in order to get the tower we have to go over this mountain that's the that's the big problem so we have to go over this mountain but I don't know if I can yeah that's not the right direction right so you want to go more to the side that way ha wait look at the tower it's unloaded yeah I don't know doing the the mob one thing might be more feasible than the wizzrobe just bend the angle yeah it's mainly just like I want to get the Whizzer up to look to a certain spot like that works but it's too low and it's in the wrong direction oh wait but there's another tower right there wait wait you guys see this tower look you see that tower if we had a better btv we could hike you get this tower oh we got some that's perfect wizard position right there that's pretty good if I had stamina food I could probably get that tower what we're going to do is we're gonna get some more stamina food and then and then head over and try to get another power which how are we aiming forward the Hebrew tower so we're going from this tower ever going like we're going from this tower we're gonna bounce off in this direction and go towards this tower so we're aiming right about here alright one sec alright let me try this one more time this is one guys here we go Oh Oh perfect another perfect one guys another perfect one that's good that's height that's good height right there I just need height give me height and I missed that one and then I died the cold damage alright let's try the new setup all right so there's another setup that might be harder but we have stamina now so it might be doable alright here we go it's so fast you don't have to do that to get to you see what I'm trying to do here I need to midair shoot the mob 'ln shield surf paraglide b and then go into bullet time all it like all within like a fraction of a second that's perfect perfect thank you guys we got perfect angle it's also really it's cold out too alright we're a little far it's a little far we're getting there though alright we got more time than that we got more time cool okay okay here we go guys let's go let's go here at our we did it Oh guess what guys eleventh hour is 11 hours next one should be over here so let's get this one so there's two ways we can we can tackle this next tower right so we can go from linear ooh tower tonight eh no we can go from bare and tower to attain oh we can go from sorry lake tower that tato or we can try to go from linear ooh to whatever this one is or hero to ever this one is this is great no you can see all three towers we have to get to right here one two and three we see what we can do from one nehru see what we can do from there so if we can BTB off of like one of these enemies nearby there's a book hablen there's a lizalfos there we could do another wizzrobe so we want to get to this tower next and see if there's any boko's from like in this general direction this boku could do it like this blue boku so if to get on to this boku right here BTB and fly where are more ice arrows there's a couple spots with ice arrows okay cool so we go over here yeah this should be like treasure chests over here that give ice arrows it should be higher up it's higher up here this should be exactly right where I'm standing on like the treasure chest should be right here oh it could be that it's in the DLC part how do we get ice arrows without touching the ground I really got to pick them up and teleport away that could work that could work okay let's see what you're saying so let's go over here let's go over here and we apparently there's ice arrows we'll take a look so what we have to do is we have to bomb a wooden chest and pick up the ice arrow before we touch the ground and then teleport away thing over here this should be ice arrows there's ice arrows right here oh there's a chest right here yeah yeah okay you see that okay so we have to bomb the chest while we're flying and pick up the icy arrows on the ground before we touch the ground I need to blow up this wooden chest with two bombs and then have the ice arrows land on the edge so then I can pick them up without touching the ground and teleport away here we go all right so the ice arrows are right there they pick up the arrows Oh oh my god that could work that could work you said did you guys see that oh my god we touched the ground there yes I know we touched the ground but if we kept falling there instead of I moved forward the reason why I know is cuz I moved forward there we can do it it can work we got it guys ice arrows without touching the ground let's let's double check let's look at it let's look at the error count we have six ice arrows now no yes or I'll do this let's do the next hour here we go here we go guys that's a lot of height this is the last one so we'll just make it work gods too slow that's too slow all right oh okay well that's that's fine we got I gotta go bad yeah so we're doing a trick right here let's see we got first try where we have to shoot this bow cobble in midair go into a shield surf and then drop on to him and use full time like that really fast and then go to that tower in the distance right there we're trying to go to that Tower that's a good line - all right we have to view at least like one wind bomb here that actually works okay why why did my wind bombs not work when I want them to right again there we go we're super close touching guys okay oh my god we're not getting any height we're losing height actually oh my god we lost you guys we lost it that's a good one we just have to get this this wind bump it's the stupid wind bomb at the very end that we have to get that's it it's just one dumb wind bomb that doesn't want to actually do it here we go is it we got one we got one we make it we can make it oh my god we can make it guys we can make it let's go now we actually have to climb the tower but like oh my god all right guys I gotta keep keep still on my stamina keep keep an eye on my stamina I'll shoot you choo choo good thing we save that's the closest we've gotten let's do it again guys so far so good we're probably gonna need one more let's go let's go let's get the Royal clamour up here there we go we did it there you go we got 12 out of 15 now we got three left's yeah Alvin right over here actually you know what we could probably just get Elden alls it's really close Alvin's like right here let's actually let's let's like lab it out really fast all right so there's that little column the zapo Colin those two over there there's a mob Len facing the correct direction oh let's try that so let's go way down over here let's put it on the mob line' and try it like this oh shoot shoot well like that yeah oh my god guys we can actually you want yeah we're not ending the stream we're gonna get this next one I'll go from Death Mountain should be possible mmm if there's a I think there might there might be mobs from Death Mountain so yeah we'll figure it out so that's why we're getting this one first let's go guys let's do it that one's no it's high that's special that this one this one's high oh it's so close one more one more no we can still save it guys we can still save it here we go guys round three that's good height right there let's go Elden tower we did it wait I gotta climb to the top I gotta climb to the top I need 13 out of 15 last two towers are the acolo tower and Hatay knows our price to this book up this book haul ones down there that we could maybe BTB off of get height and go got ya there's both columns like situated perfectly let's try that let me see if we can shoot and load it in I don't know if it's like fast enough though now I won't be fast enough so we're onto made Eragon yeah this one's gonna be rough but we're gonna we're gonna try it out so the bow columns aren't loaded in here but if I shoot like that and then go will it be loaded in before it hits it they will be loaded before hits okay so you guys ready to do a trickshot we try it aiming right here nice okay that's close that's close nice we got it guys we got it let's go I need to land on this book goblin now cool yes oh my god yes guys guys guys guys guys guys guys it's possible look at this I just need more stamina I'll have enough straight up I I do not have enough stamina oh my god okay so let's get some more stamina so this is how we grind for stamina nope no crickets yet Oh cricket cricket there we go okay we got one well let's continue this is it literally this is what we're good this is what we're doing we're looking for restless crickets alright so what we're going what we're doing now is we are we're gonna go from elven tower to aqua tower so we're currently at Elden tower ruler from Eldon tower to acolo tower without touching the ground is that the correct positioning it's the correct height let's try this one let's try it guys then we do made our wind bombs to get there we can do that right now oh my god guys we didn't do this right now no way where we got it guys too easy ah it's raining though here we go we got the oculus our 14 out of 15 we got one more left we got to get to Hatay no annotators like over there it's actually potato is right there exactly over there all right so what we can do here is probably ice arrow this poke hablen and head over like that for that I can work it will work okay now we're gonna do this it's wrong direction oh that kind of works though oh let's go that's a good one guys that's good I love how it just makes it over focus focus let's go and that is the Hatano tower we still got to solve the puzzle really fast that's all 15 towers without touching the ground about 15 towers and 15 hours so many trick shots so many wind bombs so many B TVs that's a really that's a test of skill right there that is a test of skill there we go we've gotten every single tower in breadth of the wild without touching the ground what a challenge what a challenge [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,699,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, all towers, breath of the wild towers, towers botw, botw towers, breath of the wild challenges, botw challenge, can you beat, botw speedrun, pointcrow, point crow, speedrun, breath of the wild speedrun, zelda breath of the wild, the floor is lava, botw no ground, pointcrow botw, botw speedrun wr, smallant1, limcube, windbomb, bil, btb, bullet time bounce, breath of the wild glitch, glitches, glitch, the floor is lava game, small ant, austinjohnplays, smallant
Id: -h0J2jdt-ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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