Modded Breath of the Wild so the floor is actually lava

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this video is sponsored by if you want to look like this this or this it's my own merch hope you guys enjoy and uh feel free to stop by so today we're playing breath of the wild but the floor is lava wait whoa whoa whoa didn't you already do that i might hear you be saying didn't you already do breath of the wild but the floor is lava and yes you are correct if you check my number three most viewed youtube video of all time his breath of the wild but the floor is lava except today it's different there was a lot of comments if you if you've seen that video it's a it's a really fun video we go and get every single tower of breath of wilds without touching the ground with the floor is lava but there were a lot of comets being like hey i was expecting the floor to actually be lava so we're doing that so breath of the wild is is now modded we've modded breath of the wild shout outs to shadow marth for for doing this custom for me um we've modded breath of wild so that the floor is actually lava we're gonna also get a lot of frame drops because the floor is lava there's a lot of [ __ ] lava here do you get ever do you ever get collector's anxiety and huge open world rpgs wow this is a heater okay my computer is below me right i'm one of those plebs that puts my computer on the floor rather than on the desk and um it is directly towards my feet holy [ __ ] it's high here we go guys breath of the wild but the floor is lava [Music] it's everywhere oh [Music] there's the great plateau tower gaze upon thee what you shall not step on lava so much lava right i want to lick it um i would recommend against licking it i believe it would cause a lot of um issues um i would recommend against licking the lava i don't know about you guys but like i whenever i see lava i don't want to lick it that's not it's not like a thing between me and lava we don't have that connection you know we're just friends you have been i can't i don't have that connection 100 jesus it's even worse than i [Laughter] that's amazing that's so cool i was oh the look of the bridge it submerged don't be shy just jump in the lava don't be shy i haven't seen anything except for the grey plateau right i made sure it worked and that was it so i don't even know what like the zora's domain is going to look like i have no idea i don't even know if we can do bottom boris because it might be under the lava dark beast oh my god can you even can we even finish the game i don't even think we can do darkness gannon i don't think we can we'll have to see i'm excited what's what's going to happen with darkness ganon at the end that's just an old guy what are you guys freaking out about that's some random old guy i guess we're going to complete the great plateau normally because we can't do anything else i mean like we can we can fall off the edge but that's really it seems you managed to get your hands on a spirit orb well done well thanks random old man damn he's like everywhere i really just want his paraglider he kind of looks like what is this okay what okay hear me out guys hear me out this might be a crazy crazy theory here all right but hear me out what if this old man is actually actually santa claus i'm just having guys i'm just having a good time today i don't know why are you allowed to get moon jump eric do you think we can even access moon jump do you even think like like you guys did take a little step back there right yeah sure we can get moon jump if we can even find a horse i think every single horse is just burnt up guys i'm not gonna lie here like the magma has torn every single equine like just just in like it's just melted peakrow seven's in chat for the uh for the horses guys the dogs eric what happened to them oh no are seeing okay our single goal here aside from beating ganon is to find a dog because there's there has to be a dog out there today we're playing dog percent with much less dogs than there were before what season of survivor are you on uh well i'm not on survivor yet but but mark my words when i get on survivor you'll know you'll know uh because i'm gonna get on survivor uh jeff you know jeff probst i'm here i'm here for it oh my god that's the old man that's crazy he's back imagine the x on your mac find where those lines intersect okay cool i'll do that old man you're that's crazy you know do you underst [Music] just another piece of evidence that the old man is probably santa how does santa get across the world in one day how like a jet engine no he rides on a sleigh how does he do it magic what did the old man do right there magic well done okay the time has come to show you now then the time has come to show you who i truly am i was king rome boss no no you're santa you're santa there's no way you're santa oh my god is that king rome boss for rama's hyrule oh my god no way he stated everything i can't believe it's king robot's promise hyrule all right so you guys ready to explore uh hyrule right now now we don't have all the time in the world to unpack what just happened but what we do have time to unpack is that only 30 of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you know if it's free you don't have to uh you're going to get recommended the videos anyways so it helps out the channel so feel free to subscribe if you want to all right back to the video it's insane i mean look at this you can see everything's been submerged like you can see like a little bit like that's probably a hill right there right that's definitely a hill all right so i think let's let's start by going over here to this mount uh to this mountain nice okay let's start by going over to this mountain over here and now this is the little island this is this is like the couch cushion right like the the little the little couch uh next to the chair that you were just on just so we can survive oh my god now we're in hyrule kingdom i guess this is going to be so weird erica's side and dead i mean we can go to varuna first if you want we could try that i'm still curious what's going to happen with uh dark beast ganon oh my god this is nuts look at this this was a hill how do we get like how do we get across here that's the question we need to get to kakariko village because we like we need to get up there at least maybe the tower like we need to get uh how are we going to do this it's it's going to be difficult all right here we go we got that boom let's go oh that's i can't tell if we super launched there or not oh we did nice nice yeah we're not we're actually surprisingly not lagging when i do that that's actually really interesting if we can just make it to the tower i think we're good oh perfect perfect let's go dueling peaks tower awesome all right here we go [Music] i just love this view wow wow it's so majestic i can't believe we've discovered so much we can go anywhere oh no i was going to go to the stable that's why i wanted to get over to i was going to go to the stable the entire stable's gone rip the stable and the dog that was there at least we can get to like you right like that's over here right like okay yeah that's definitely right there all right we can definitely go over to hes2 can you build terrytown i don't know i don't know if terrytown's submerged or not we'll have to see all right we got it we're good all right hess used to be here i like how it's like there's like a like a lava sort of like film all over because it's like that look we got it let's go back down that way let's see this there was a full on bridge here and you remember their guardians all the way over here too i don't think we've seen any enemies either like aside from the the grey plateau this is nuts look at this we can't go farther oh okay okay the npc is walking back down what's going to happen here what a bright sunset ah yes what a bright sunset so ah love that i guess he wants to lick the lava for approaching it what's gonna happen forbidden lava it's actually just cake the entire lava's just cake all right my dude all right now's your time to turn around you heard the sizzle he sizzled well there goes his life gone reduced to atoms all right hopefully hoteno is not under the lava at least most of it isn't oh god damn it all right oh you know what that means do you guys know what that means there's still one dog at least one dog that's not within the lava we still there's one there's one dog that we can still get nice oh my god wait i want to just do this for the the giggles i just wanna do this we're quite literally trapped i don't think i can get off of this got it here we go the floor is lava over here what about over here yeah there's no way lurling village is going to be alive after that i'm pretty sure isn't lureland like right here i'm pretty sure lorelan is right there but the ocean is lava too seems like oh is that even tied do you guys want to go to eventide somehow i don't know how though but you guys want to go to eventide way over there okay okay that's going to be a goal okay even got a lot smaller but we're going to do it that's going to be a goal of ours to uh for this video stream all right we're gonna get to eventide let's go i think i got super lunch there that seems like it okay here we go it's good so far nice okay okay we're getting there we're getting there it's happening oh okay i'm a dumbass i didn't cook any of my food i didn't cook any of my food so we're making it to eventide we're definitely making it but what we [Music] can't we're going so fast we made it through the lava it fell in water okay nice we're good okay okay so now we're going to use one of these which we got right because i can do that we're going to use one of those nice that's pretty good that's pretty speedy actually it's like that okay one more nice nice even tide island there it is look at even tide island it's quite literally just just the island it's not there's there's it's like the top half of the island there's nothing there it's just lava offer up the orbs to the three altars on this island only then we'll acknowledge your skill and return your items well we're [ __ ] um so this is even tight island clearly i mean oh look there's some there's some trees over there you know um that's pretty nice you know there's uh nothing else you know we're kind of on the top of even type yeah you do see the trees poking through at least you know it's pretty nice you know this is basically right now what we're on this is basically eventide holy [ __ ] this is insane i'm marooned now i mean there's this down here that's pretty nice you know like we still have these guys these get these guys can keep his company okay okay we got it we gotta like really oh shoot shoot we're gonna die okay we died um nice [Music] nice oh it just spawned us back over here [Music] [Music] [Music] first try first try god gaming you're only gonna get here slash point crow never made a mistake in my life don't know what you're talking about liar bird ah you see only those who will watch the twitch streams will know that it's a lie if you watch the youtube if if you just watch youtube then you'll know that ed's first try every time god damn it all right we got the labyrinth where should we go to now you guys said you wanted to go to zora first was that correct like you want you wanted to look at zora first and then we're gonna see about gerudo afterwards so we'll start with zora look at this just look at this i think it's even prettier at night because it glowed it's just gorgeous at night just look at it it's so pretty and this is a giant swamp too so there's no high points that's kind of sus so let's try to go i guess like let's hug the wall over here god that's so pretty in the shooting star too wow okay that was cool that was really cool you good bro look at the lava over here too it's like wet lava it's raining it's wet lava let's go let's go over there and save him oh of course you die now oh oh yeah of course you die right when i'm about to land on [Music] really the poor dude no he despawned because i think he died oh no he respawned okay wait now now we can de-spawn him again and then we can respawn him this or he knocks is in an eternal hell i am god now foul before me tag yourself i'm the enochs the lava is just everything about the world this is alpha surprisingly understanding what's also surpri i guess it's not surprising but like i feel like sora's domain might not be as um watery as as we we've hoped in the past we're gonna lag out here no we got it cool oh okay the lava ended okay a lot it looks like the lava ended over here so we actually are high enough there's a spot in which the lava meets the water thing yeah okay look it's just oh this is going to be pretty look at this it's water leading into lava like this oh shoot shoot don't okay we don't want to look that close it's a cobble generator guys i'll also give you a little clue here uh this is something very interesting as well um we haven't talked to seiden yet right i said this yesterday too uh but we haven't talked to seiden yet sidon actually has special dialogue if you've never talked to him before getting to zora's domain so if you just somehow avoid him the entire time he has a little special piece of dialogue that you probably haven't heard before because most people don't get this and who might you be the zora king is not accepting visitors at this time i shall escort you out pardon my manners but are you a hylian there you go that's that's the special why didn't you say so in the first place please please come in that's the special dialogue most people don't know about that one's also really funny oh this is the colosseum oh whoa okay so the bottom of the colosseum is um gone so that means the lionel's dead um love that i think maybe i think you hear him like right there you heard that right i think that's the lionel teleporting away and then respawning all right let's check out gerudo here uh do we even get this okay we did as you can see gerudo's kind of um messed up here looks like the lava has gone into the canyon so i'm excited to see what it is like what's up with it there we go whoa you you good link everything all right there man all right perfect the floor was always lava what do you mean all right i'm excited i don't want to spoil it but like i feel like i feel like gerudo town is slightly different i don't know about you guys but i feel like it is and rip the stable guys oh oh i mean we can all right guys hear me out hear me out we can still get the stable if we just land right there like i said let's do this again good job eric thanks i'm doing my best here you're my best out here brightest work i got it look at this all right guys you guys ready to go to the uh the stable because i'm ready to go the stable ah yes gerudo canyon stable it's exactly as i remembered it it's the forbidden images all right let's go see what gerudo town looks like let's see where it is and here it is gerudo is garugan ah that's hot that's hot wow that's gerudo town it's it's non-existent all right let's get over here we got we got to get to this little sliver of land it looks like in the distance let's go do that let's go get there uh but first we have to test the waters always been hot that's true nothing's different here all right we're headed towards it did you get catched by the gerudo guards let's try let's try why not nice look guys we're we're in the desert what's going on with the boris oh we don't know yet i don't think we've gone that far we have to go farther i don't know we can go check it out i mean like if we go to that that spot but i don't think we can i don't think we can go any farther unless i can get like a wind bomb here not sure if i can though let me do the boring strat we'll do the boring scratch we got wood all right let's do like four more oh look you got an updraft whoa wow so sad no it's okay it's okay it's okay oh it's fine oh i see here it is no no it's it no it's okay it's okay that's cool it's whatever couldn't handle my genius all right let's take a look at garuda town though jeez welcome to gerudo town guys welcome to garuda town uh it's so fantastic do you enjoy your stay oh let's get caught by the guards let's get caught by the guards oh my god sound the alarm avo has been detected oh no [Music] we're in the middle of the air okay so they still exist under so they have like a dome underneath the lava blower forbidden from entering this town this is good a lot do you understand never come back what what all right we're back here let's do it again hell yeah look at that oh my god we're doing it but i think we go to ganon now we'll see what happens with dark beat and here we go i rule castle let's get it all right so here we go now i'm in i'm hacking in okay it's found down 77 items in the memory all right so weapons attack plus bonus value 99999 and then i nice has a thousand and five damage now okay that's so cool we just hacked in the game guys look it's it's attack up plus 9999 hacker i'm in i'm in let's go guys what a hacker it's powerful enjoy oh boy i can't wait oh boy this is fun oh boy so i thought i would pity him for a second i thought i would pity him for a second i was like you know what should i and i was like all right i should all right let's check out what uh dark beast looks like there we go all right let's see what dark piece looks like here all right this might be a pre-rendered cutscene guys don't don't don't lose hope this might be pre-rendered i don't think it is though i'm curious what happens he's burning he has given up on your incarnation and assumed his pure enraged form if set free upon our world the destruction will be unlike anything i found the lava i found the lava all right so what's going to happen you can see look you can see the lava like the above the lava look at the horse like above the horse [Music] what is the horse doing it's because the horse is on fire right now the horse is literally on fire that's the animation for a horse on fire what um ah [Music] it looks like ganon actually won all right thanks for stopping by appreciate it subscribe to the youtube channel if you haven't i'll see you guys next time you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,466,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, botw towers, breath of the wild challenges, botw challenge, can you beat, botw speedrun, pointcrow, point crow, speedrun, breath of the wild speedrun, zelda breath of the wild, the floor is lava, botw no ground, pointcrow botw, botw speedrun wr, smallant1, windbomb, bil, btb, glitches, glitch, small ant, austinjohnplays, smallant, modded botw, modded breath of the wild, breath of the wild mods, mods, modding, zelda mods, botw mods, nintendo, gaming, zelda, switch
Id: WimwBL5bTZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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