Modded Breath of the Wild is RIDICULOUS

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Are you going to try and beat Ganon by any chance?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MMMash 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
yeah as you can see this isn't the regular splash screen we're playing a mod today we're playing on Madra playing breath of the wild Legend of Zelda relics to the Past so I was on a call with shadow Marth one of the devs for relics of the past for like an hour and a half yesterday getting this work which was awesome they were like the entire mod team of relics of the past was very nice enough to give me an unreleased copy of the mod very very like just thank you to them okay I've avoided everything about this mod except I know that is harder it introduces a lot more ancient things like like guardians and stuff and that's it that's all I know okay um so let's play it in master mode right we do master mode right that's that's what you guys wanted cool okay so it looks like it's 56 to 43 I think we're going master mode we present to you a fan-made project The Legend of Zelda relics of the past I'm excited guys I'm very excited we need to like get more right we need to like we need to get things okay we need to get things right so things I've noticed so far is we are starting with four hearts that's that's like a straight-up manga s moment oh my god are you kidding you guys are joking right now there's a there's two fairies that's not good guys for all you guys saying POG that is not good that's Lanka s that's not POG all right we got one fairy that's one AB - yes okay we got it here we go ah there's a guardian right there oh god oh no oh my god there's a guardian up there - there's so many oh my god you're you're well we got a soldiers shield with durability up oh oh oh my god Wow and we got some hard radishes and this apple tree actually has a lot more apples than normal that's why I remember done it yo is that a rupee on top of the GART get it it's in such an obvious trap okay alright let's get it why not alright oh it's fine oh I love you guys and see that but in the distance right you see like right here right where I'm pointing those are two silver bow cob ones let's go the regular way let's go towards the the tower over here okay so another change here very another change instead of instead of a regular access there's a double axe right here oh god what if I got myself into what have I got myself into seriously I didn't do in vine beasts I know the only divine beasts that's actually changed is the vowel root divided based I'm pretty sure alright come on let's get this guy well there's our first fairy guys there's our second fairy guys can we just use both fairies let's see I of course why okay that's that is terrible right there you put octa rocks in this you put octa rocks okay you know what let's let's rush through it lets go to the tower we need this tower what are you joking we made to the tower easy easy peasy lemon squeezy let's all right let's get these shrines now yeah let's get the shrine so let's go to make Nice's first we might have to strategize here and said like throwing ourselves out this you know it's only a blue bow cobbling I think we can just head over I think we can head over all right let's uh listen to the shrine oh whoa okay that's new and there's a an ancient gear alright cool does it seem like there's anything changed about this yet no the shrines are different okay okay there we go shoot me that hard alright let's see this let's actually kill this Guardian here [Music] well that's the first death should be easy it should be easy because it's not changed it's not at all it's actually tat like actually tapped there we go there we go okay so shield surf boost I'm assuming like if we shield surf that's like oh my god what whoa if you shield surf you go so far the kuraki I see the kuraki he's over here oh my god no are you joking do you really ha ha oh no this boat komlin it was just chilling here let's go to bombs cuz bombs is next Aereo oh Jesus okay cool that's fun I love seeing that Oh No I think we need to beat this Guardian really fast all right that's fine I that works um because what the hell is this that's crazy like this thing right here okay we have to we have to see this oh all right what would kill one that's good we got one guys come on come on physics engine do your thing there we go all right so that's the second one third one okay here we go perfect okay cool so let's uh let's do that let's bring it over here and now let's build all four of them together definitely karate up there so help me ice there probably is I'm so curious what's up here like we got it we got to figure this out oh no but there is some guardian parts I don't know what there's there's Guardian parts and then there's a chest I wonder what this chest is worth that is so worth it okay let's head the bombs now all right this might sound a little dumb but we're taking one of these with us all right this the Guardians right there I know we can go around to get bombs this way but I think I feel like that cube is gonna really like save our asses sometime you know all right here we go let's do this we're gonna we're gonna do this because we can this is a flex oh hello all right we got awesome all right let's continue oh right oh my god we can just use the the shield boost right the shield boost right here oh that's so cool I love that in real time it's bombs oh my god what okay wait this is master mode right that means there's a Lionel here I know I lost my cube sucks yeah all right Lionel still there let's go around this way you see how far does he see us from did you guys turn up the sensitivity of this that's normal oh wow damn alright oh okay that's that's alright we're saving here we're definitely saving here oh I was so close there we go we got it I don't think there's anything else that will kill us around here I say that as there's something that's probably going to kill us around here and let's head over to stasis the the normal way okay here we go and then let's go over here and cook the rest of our food straight up I think we should cook like all of it I think we should cook every single piece of food we're probably gonna need it god damn its jaw literally nights were like like broadsword and dragon bone mob when spear are you joke oh my god how are we going to do this no the vanilla game spin attack does no extra damage oh damn this does it times two thank you for that appreciate so times two extra damage for spin attacks interesting all right so let's go let's continue going up here okay well let's let's see if we can do fast stasis I love fast aces it's sick okay let's do this one cycle here we go all right all right we don't have motion controls I'm dumb we all have motion controls oh I can't do it if we don't have that yeah I think honestly like you'll see them like with the boost actually let's get that over here oh wait I have a stupid idea I have this stupidest idea all right well we got we got a traveller's shield that's my stupid idea let's go hopefully the I like theirs I'm so nervous because we got to get the warm do bleh we got to get it there's no way we're gonna survive without it there's a MOT there's a there's a boat coming up here but I want to get to the we can shield oh my god he's golden are you joking okay fight it you coward I am a coward polite I'm sorry it this is not the way of the CRO right now all right let's just let's head up there let's get the warm do play and then see the rest of this so it looks like oh whoa okay that's that's neat right there that's so cool having the frost blade up here surfing Safari and everybody had an ocean across the USA perfect got some beach boys up in here Oh lovely um speaking of beach boys we got some lizalfos up here which is what oh wait wait wait I want that I want that so badly no I need this I need this I don't need this we'll have Meg niece's up right here get that perfect okay so now we're gonna use this as a weapon this is our weapon guys all right oh my god we just one shot that gold book Hallman be a thousand damage right there yeah run a cry on this guy's perfect what right here no I guess not the can you see how bad I am without motion controls oh alright actually actually I'll play all right here let me outplay them then let's do this if you guys didn't know this is the easy way to do crown it's the little cheap way to do crown so you already do that puzzle before you even get to it and you can get up perfect there we go so that's three of the four three of the four shrines wait isn't this the last ride oh it is oh that's the last shrine oh okay perfect okay there has to be stunts like there's definitely like secrets around here there's definitely secrets like that whatever that is let's do that let's get the paraglider first and we'll explore a little more okay uh that that oh my god they didn't see me oh okay we're all good okay all right we run we're running guys we run and we run in oh man wait that's an actual that's a shrine Guardian what that's a shrine Guardian all right let's go let's go around we're going around guys we're going the long way definitely going the long way and there's no koco's over here oh my god how hard is it to get inside the temple time why is the temple time so difficult it was just run let's run let's get more hearts we need more hearts I don't care about stamina we're getting more hearts now we have five hearts before leaving the grand plateau all right let's get the paraglider oh whoa look the old man's there looks like he has some more glow sticks didn't know he goes to raves that's pretty neat no no no he's been dead for a hundred years you can't beat another no no no no no no you weren't what the last leader of Hyrule that came down which no longer exists King robots rose hi there hasn't this probably some oh whoa what's this that's not that's new [Music] of course all right that's that's the Hylian tunic fight the talus yeah well we'll go we'll go sees things about that oh right we got to get the cube to let's go get the cube okay there's the cube I think you guys already know I'm about to do here we got it there's the cube and what's here a purple rupee nice so that's on the cube let's all right let's go back here and let's go to the the talus now oh this is wait whoa there's okay this also makes me very nervous there's supposed to be a talus right here but instead there are two treasure chests is it sounds like there is a trap here it sounds like this is totally a trap not a trap at all whatsoever there's also three four Guardians here hello guardians hello ancient Bo how are you doing with durability up okay cool um we'll just do that that's fine uh and let's nice we were we almost got him there guys we're good we're all good oh my god the book calm and just noticed us Jesus okay cool let's run in there they have ancient weapons oh okay why do you have ancient shields are you joking this is so weird do that oh you know what let's let's switch over to shock Harris or we can just die let's steal all of their weapons and armor before they can actually get to us like I know that's like oh of course duh but like let's actually do it you know do I risk it I risk it I risk it I risk it I risk it I risk it I risked it all right okay nice trying shield plus you gave them guardian shield plus attack up Thunder blade and a critical hit Florent frost blade and a long throw flame plate oh my god where's ghost I think we're gonna switch like frost blade Thunder blade like with both of them I think we're just gonna do this like I literally just switch them so they recharge you know and like a couple more hit yes okay we got the we got the gold one guys we got the gold one nice yes we did it guys we did it it's actually pretty well balanced I like it to just get an ancient shield the fact that we got an ancient shield means that something else is going to be really hard later like we haven't even gotten off the grey plateau yet the the the the grey plateau has been fun but I think I think at this point we got a we got a head out we got a head out alright let's go - yeah let's go - you guys want to go to Hyrule Field check out the area to the left okay it's over here there's not normally so if you guys don't remember this is the place with the cast site like sort of shrine quest where you shoot where you shoot arrows through the the holes right there's there's malice here that makes me scared that's so cool all right so what's over here there's don't recall that being there there's a buff there's two Lionel's in a guardian here what there's a Lionel here and there's a Lionel here and there's a guardian over there brah a 110 attack weapon I don't have you heard that really quick the Lionel's have ancient arrows times 3 what what is going on [Laughter] sweet mother of all pearl that is holy I kind of want to get right up I want to see how bad this gets I want to get aget to Tyrell Castle we're going to Hyrule Castle guys so let's see that oh I like that you changed the Guardian music to the garden music's different let's check out the speed of these Guardians because you said they're faster they're their speedy boys oh my God look how fast he's going look how fast he's going oh my god my God look how speedy the art Jesus stopped being like this I want to see the loot in Hyrule Castle that makes me that makes me excited god there's so many Guardians there's so many and there's a mini Guardian here too they're covered oh my god there's four of them in here why are there so many mini Guardians jeez and there's another Guardian up ahead so why are there so more I can't believe I managed to live that long what yo ancient bomarc to a result dr. Robby's best work this improvement to the instrument allows it to multi shot capability along with the slight damage boost but loses some to durability as a result I mean straight up do you guys want to go to Hyrule Castle you know what let's alright before we do that let's go to the centre here I'm pretty sure there might be something different at the centre oh my god how many Guardians see us right now Jesus my ancient shield broke oh my god let's check out more of the inside of Hyrule Castle because we can and we're going to die but it's gonna be a fun fun idea alright let's let's let's go - lets go here [Music] we died in the cutscene I want I just want to check the inside of this okay okay so now we've now we've done this and we're all good oh hello let's go back inside okay okay I didn't like being outside we're gonna see if we get the Hylian Shield yeah I want to see what's up with that yeah oh my god we got inside inside inside yes it's got a Highland Shield go alright let's go in here let's see if we can do this ooh oh my God look good oh my god that damage though that's so much damage it's multi shot this bow is multi shot but not as spread it's literally like it's a it's a quick like like the top that's so that's so insane oh my god this bow is incredible alright what's this this is this is probably the Highland show don't think there's anything changed about it yeah there's nothing changed about it yeah I straight up do you guys want to begin it for a second part and go to ball route oh right now I think we bought I think would you've already now yeah alright let's go - lets go - verinha all right Bob route is like right over here cool oh there's Sidon we got Sidon okay the surah prints we get it all right Bom arrows times three boom oh oh it's raining so I can't use bomb arrows oh that's a lot of models elbows coming around here god that did nothing that did nothing rip rip oh and he has a line is a line of sword too okay that makes sense this guy's a Lionel sword so we definitely found the content that has been changed oh my God look at that look at that critical in the fart oh my god did you see that that critical all the way all the way over there oh that was so sick oh that was so sick ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we're at 69 deaths nice so now I can't ever die again right like that's that's that's how this works I literally am NOT allowed to die in this mod guys i have a compromise guys i have a compromise is this is that does this work is this okay all right guys all right I hate to do it to you I hate I'm sorry I'm sorry but I don't have much more space space on the on the counter hey Sidon how's it going Sidon oh no it's a mob one with an edge of duality how are we gonna ever beat it Oh No Oh No whoo that was so hard try the silver longsword where's that behind the shrine okay oh yeah you should grab the silver longsword it's a royal Claymore attack up +30 lionel yeah we're gonna face the Lionel I don't see anything there's no Lionel I found the Lionel oh okay it's just a read Lionel okay easy yeah we can breathe now ah easy oh my god Wow jeez um Todd shadow Marth you like I said before like you gotta really fix some of these buds okay all right so now we have to we have to plan our attack here what a plan I've done so many hard things and here you are dying to the zora mountain Lionel I know right I know right it's awful oh that's easy okay we should've just done that all right how many how many shot curves is that that is 26 okay that's enough all right let's do it all right so let's go to East reservoir lake and let's go to avow root ah so what's different about var we go there's something that's probably something different about heart yeah wonder what it is yeah it's yeah see it's oh god it's so weird to like not do it with motion controls yeah we still got it though there we go oh we skipped it nice we got both guys we got both all right let's see if we can get both again literally like the fastest you can complete ball Rita I missed here we go nice look at that all of the cheese oh okay so there's two lizalfos inside there with ancient shields and Guardian swords nice love that no debts here guys no debts here this is a no Death Zone there we go we got it we got it cool cool cool cool that's one down perfect okay that's one down so far nice okay that's two Jesus no not the gun okay okay that is such an move did you put an electric piece right next to the water that you want to get the guidance stone or is my wine all right let's do this well if I played better after drinking like this so far it's actually working there we go we got it we got it easy easy peasy lemon squeezy guys now that we know that the keys are there let's like shoot them through the wall all right here we go all right there's an electric East like right here like right around the corner where you at where you at where's this keys oh my god it's right there okay we got it whoa okay all right let's now complete Barbara death when did that appear when did that appear when did this when did this happen nice let's go up this way where there's probably some sort of Guardian there's a golden Lowe's office though and there's a okay there's a shrine guardian - okay cool cool cool love that oh oh you know I have to do here I just have to push him off yes yes I mean we didn't have the ancient sorcerers but yeah there we go we got it all right what's inside here ah nice classic love that for us again cool it stopped oh that's cuz we don't all right I forgot I actually have to like play the game there we go oh oh that's those are big enemies those are large enemies with with with with uh with uh things that that are things that can hurt you yeah he has a chainsaw blade sock I wonder if what if I can do this oh-ho oh my god yes oh that's so nice I heard something we we literally got down here and then I heard a guardian oh there's a guardian right there let's just get this now a knight Albert nice that was so worth it I'm so glad that we stopped by to pick that up and straight on to water blight here we go guys here we go tell me easy it's gonna be fine yeah let's let's literally what I feel like we can just straight oh my god the electric ease oh my god why are there Keys here why are there electric keys and there's Bob's oh my god why the practice like I said like I said I this is all practice for now right so now we're gonna get it first tried because this is just straight-up practice I need to switch to the mark 2 right because the mark 2 obviously is like the superior bow and switch off our pants that's how you know it's real hoo-wee dog a perfect we got it so far we got it so far nice cool ok the block all right let's office is gone perfect all right second phase water blight here we go second phase full water blight and you're about to die yes that's water blight guys that's water blight love the challenge that beau is insane oh my god great stuff yeah thanks thanks for making this seriously those that was so fun [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 2,755,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild mod, modded breath of the wild, pointcrow, point crow, pointcrow botw, pointcrow breath of the wild, relics of the past, breath of the wild relics of the past, modded botw, botw mod, master mode, breath of the wild master mode, botw guardians, guardian, lynel, botw lynel, smallant1, limcube, small ant, mod, modded, sidon, hard, nintendo, nintendo switch, cemu, botw cemu, zelda mods, botw mods, zelda, botw switch mods, linkle, dlc, mods, link, 2020
Id: v60bn9bcDUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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