Beating Breath of the Wild without Walking

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I dunno about you guys, but I'm fully embracing the cursed thumbnail

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PointCrow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pointcrow, you are the best player of breath of the wild. You are the face of breath of the wild challenges and you have completed every far out idea yet, what could you possibly not do?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/glitchdweller πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That thumbnail is my sleep paralysis demon’s demon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SchoolOfTheWolf93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Crazy. I love your vids

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/agooddeathh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You mad lad.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kakooge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ma boi pointcrow did it again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SomeGuyCalledLonk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome guys we are doing breath of the wild without walking yes yes we did breath the wild without turning left and now we're not even going to we're all a rather odd without even walking all right that's what's gonna happen here so in order to do that we're basically never going to be walking we're not gonna be running I believe paragliding is okay besides that just know why it's exactly as it says no walking Swimming's find jumping forwards find backflips fine sprinting is not okay front tops fine backflips we're fine all right cool all right yeah so we're gonna start now we're gonna start breath the wild without walking okay so we will do now we have to get over there right let's do there we go well if link walks during a cutscene then it's fine cuz I literally can't do anything about it how the [ __ ] do you not walk and breath while there's so much walking involved well we're not walking right now so here we go oh that's shitty um okay so if we are like that in the cutscene right I need to get this shirt there we go they're yellow works so so I gotta like do this this is how we do it right put them like the thing is that like if we turn somehow we're stuck to the cardinal directions use the scope oh I could use the scope right I could use the scope to turn you're right you're right I could do that good idea link is walking at the cutscene okay wait just everyone everyone shut your eyes shut your eyes right now shut your eyes not obvious cutscenes don't count but shut your eyes like some boiled crow learns the backflip on stream ideas want that I think we could all right that's a disturbing amount of yeses there's a disturbing amount of yeses hi I bet I bet you know if I just said do you guys want to do something on stream I imagine that most of you guys would say yes regardless what it is like would you guys want to watch me sitting and just eating peanut butter for an hour there we go all right that's why of course yeah that's yep all right that's the first death that's the first death this might be a little harder than I thought all right we just wanted that works that works I'll take it so I'm take a step crow guys look away look away he always walks in cut seams he always watching cutscene you guys all have to look away from here right now right here right now so let's go to make yesus now oh I guess that's what he really thinks of me you know just because I'm single and ready to mingle it's a joke he thinks think it's right yeah it's a joke he thinks I can actually pull is gonna be interesting yeah cuz we're going we're gonna try I'm gonna try to do that you just like to kill it good idea but we'll do this sorry oh we got it and I walked I just walked there after we got it I just walked oh my god alright alright five five we'll do it we'll do it the intended way we'll do things head away we're gonna be your forever all right goddammit like we just literally once we get access to wind bombs we're like completely fine alright we'll just do this and goodbye oh no hey if you just push him in the water he's fine you guys to see the right that works - all right let's go - um let's go - bombs um yeah it's we yeah all right here we go there we go cool that works Paul David cancel let's go that was that did not go as far as I wanted to there's a new one all right guys look away look away you didn't see anything no no no no no I need to see anything that's the nothing here nothing Wow oh my god the screen just went black it's crazy III can't it can't fathom why the screen just went black it's Hall hey Eric Andy College advice about what ah you know generic college advice I've got I've got a lot generic College advice um generic college advice is learn how to study because if you don't learn how to study then you basically learning anything and also pay attention in class I say that I say both of those things and I don't I don't do i do not practice my own my like what i what i say like hey i do not you know okay alright i love climbing up I love climbing up climbing up clips now that's hilarious are you going to show it to gaming probably we're probably going straight again we also need to get across this chasm that's gonna be a Montes moment you guys ready for this it's Monica s oh wait we can do that all right perfect oh that was easy wait that was easy okay come on Cass it was so close all right so we now we have extra time if we do it down there it's almost as bad as the time he lost his art these Hannon guys I did not lose the darkly skin and I have no idea what you guys are talking about we have the clips crow the clips lie doctored evidence so we need get the warms you Blake because I will be basically dying right now I love we can make it I don't know if we're gonna make this guy's got why don't you cook stuff because I'm an idiot I'm a dumb-dumb I'm a dumb dumb idiot he's not gonna make it this is the face of a smooth brained individual [Music] [ __ ] god damn it she thought oh we just respond with more help oh my god wait we just respond with more health hell yes that's actually his strat there's a 100% of strat you just save right as you're about to die and you just spawn two three more hearts right so we have to warm to play let's go let's go all right here we go oh the speed the speed are we gotta beat this guy cuz I don't see myself getting up there without beating him all right we gotta go up here and then go up there again and then we just do this and he should be [ __ ] spirit I think I have to climb this rather than walk it up or like like rather than like jump it up I think have to climb it alright let's let's watch this cutscene probably a very important cutscene one now then the time has come to show you who I truly know who is he I was king of Rome boss promise Hyrule that's like that it has to be Chuck there's no way there's no longer exists there's no [ __ ] it's like wow this bright light probably has a flashlight or something just kind of crazy holy [ __ ] that's Cairo boss promise Hyrule there's no way what applaud to us I need to like mark this stream with spoilers Jesus alright guys this is where the run actually starts alright let's see if we do this first right okay or not I guess we're gonna go now so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get Majora's Mask it's just the what we all what we do on every single challenge when we get Majora's Mask and we get some armor all right I think we can basically only do mid airs here so I'm gonna be like insanely good at made errors by the end of this run mainly because like it's gonna be so rough to do it otherwise speaking best armor the game robots get calm probably actually like the legitimately probably most Opie gear in the game which is majora's mask majora's mask there we go we're gonna go get the phantom armor which then because each each piece of the Phantom over has +8 armor hit whatever you want to call them defense yeah and each each armor psyche it's a tier of the talk nice we're here alright we're headed towards this quarter I'm pretty sure or that corner or that corner it's one of these corners but we're headed and we just shot an arrow please don't see please don't see oh we were so close I position myself wrong I always love getting that completely like first try all right so that's the that's the Greaves perfect how'd you stamina oh we might get some hurt some parts insane they got my phantom armor there we go so now we have all of the armor we need we have all the armor we need for the ride now we get hearts so we need armor hearts Ganon all right cool so we have now gotten a lot of health and a lot of stamina so let's uh let's go over here and now we're gonna continue on we're gonna get some more hearts after get hearts I think we're going again we're gonna we're gonna go over to that tower right there we're gonna fit our Poole that works no we were too fast no we passed it come on come on let's go all right we'll take it I'll take it all right with that I think it really in the stream we will probably see if we can finish this up on Friday let's get let's get a bunch of hearts some Allah party food and then after hearty food we're gonna go to ganon that's it that's literally it like we will after hearty food we're going to ganon oh no wait this is actually this is actually pretty rough this is so rough like I'm surrounded quite literally I mean I can save here and maybe reload give up a great idea yeah so if you just do that then you're good on okay um now let's go to Ganon yes Ganon it is let's do that all right let's see what guys let's go over here um and now we win Banda Ganon that was a walk [ __ ] this is so hard this is so hard guys every I'm cool right I got this oh I have no idea how that works well take it don't walk oh so close that was so close speed strats were really loading I know right mad hops you want to get oh oh hello oh he's right here oh hello there how you doing how's your life going oh there's another one where are you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] why there's so many I don't have a like I don't have a shield that's the problem we're having right now so I literally don't have a shield to block this saves coming good idea good idea let's do it we'll say it's come I where saves coming where saves coming everyone look away I real we're good like we're good everything's fine look look guys look we're climbing we're climbing I just needed to do it okay guys I'm so tempted all the time to just walk how hard you thinking it will be I think it'll take like first try balut first try cruz de janeiro in the while to get three back yeah yeah it's a good idea it's the white line although we have to do right cool yes yes yes yes that's exactly what I wanted perfect well there we go we got we got to get in Kassel we're not going again and yet we're gonna get the Hylian Shield first all right wait I got it I got a like I got a save like right there and then like save again right oh wow wait if you look I hope you guys can see this bull like links dead alright here we go guys here's a Lionel you guys ready there go whoo oh my god that was quite difficult don't even know how we managed to do that that was die God that was some podcast right there there's another those weapons over there I do want this I do want that crusher over there so we'll probably go ahead and try to get that but we really don't have any weapons well if you really don't have any weapons all right we'll just [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it it works all right it works I'll take it perfect all right we need I want to get the saw not that one I want to get this one and oh I all my god wait wait wait wait we need a we need a shield we need at least a shield a real cool animal safe playing Tai depends on my we've rarely found I found it and give a deep very neat clean and set that's awesome that's awesome in here always always love hearing old games get real we got it we made it through guys guys we made it through we made it through all right we're good we're all good we just hit oh I just want to make sure we didn't walk there was that was there a walk there I walked there all right all right I believe you guys I believe you guys all right let's see if we can do it again Eric there wasn't a walk all right we'll do it again right beep make sure there's no walk here all right we got to get over here there's no walk there all right we're good ok that's how you do it let's go it's gonna be very tough fight guys so me extremely tough I don't know if we're gonna be able to do it I gotta I gotta get ready right cuz like what's gonna be what's gonna be like what's gonna be really interesting is that like we're gonna have to hit his eye we're then gonna have to kind of strafe around him I think we're prepared though I think we're prepared we can do it let's go all right here we go ladies and gentlemen we missed all right all right wait wait no one no one saw that all right no one saw that we're all good oh damn it it moves right I forgot it moves come use bomb arrows on it I might just wanted you guys to cast that work that does here we go guys let's save first let's save first let's go Hylian Shield all right let's see if we can do a mid-air like this this will be this will be absolutely insane if we can get to pull this off oh my god oh my God look at that haha midair wind bomb holy [ __ ] we're at gated if you guys want some like little extra today we can like be twin blight with a single arrow Rio alright so you want to see me beep wind blah windblade cannon with one arrow let's do that alright it's very important that we line ourselves up like this is cool here hopefully we can do it I need to focus here Matt focus alright I moved I moved we didn't get it we didn't get it we have to watch the cutscene because yeah oh my god I walked wait that counts as a walk oh so we can't be wind blight with one arrow cuz we have to walk forward yeah so we can't we can't beat one blade with one arrow we have to walk forward to beat them to do that yeah that's a rip all right so let's beginning the regular life here we go first try guys we're gonna go first try alright beating clam to Ganon and the entirety of breath of the wild without walking I just look at the movement we're actually doing like nice of a there's some wind light second phase let's go take days the robots is damaged I let's go Thunder blade fingers creamy white there we go wind blight let's go gamers let's do it we'll keep on the Thunder blade we'll save everything else for I was walking like that wasn't even like a dodge that was just walk jump like [ __ ] can't walk alright so if he doesn't attack I just have to dodge it like I have to do that right yeah see you coming he kind of just jumps it's a front I'm literally just pressing firing not walking pressing watch girl please do let's do oh I know every single time we do this I know somebody hasn't done this before or doesn't know that you can do this you can stasis a cry on this block and then you can you can just do this you can hear the back you can't parry these by the way you can top here you these but you can't do that and it hits for a ton of damage this is why do I have a mohawk downs back I don't know does it feel like should we check does he it kind of does does waterboy have hair all the way down his back real that's water blade we got two more blights to go fire Blade and Thunder blade no walking right you gotta remind me thank you well the game's easy to beat them two different flights yeah fire blink in it like getting slammed against easier than the firewood but fight like fire Boyd's the easiest cannon it's not easy when you don't walk though second phase let's go second phase all right we're doing well here I know you can do this I'll just pull myself up okay alright that works alright that works too that's fine we can get the weak areas they're really I really like the blight designs yeah if you guys didn't know you can parry those and he's dead that's fire blight don't walk I'm not walking I'm not walking I appreciate that see it likes to keep me on that oh I don't have oh oh god this is gonna be it's gonna be a little rough I got I got a perfect these because I don't have thunder resistance there we go there we go whoa let's go all right Thunder blight first phase down thunder blight first phase down um this next phase kind of scares me a little bit like that very much they actually really scared me am i kawaii for this reason exactly all right we'll do it just like my life hurry up cool we got it okay that was that wasn't that hard we did it we did it oh he's so close are we I caught that I I caught that like super fast that was there was that was yeah that was I walked I walked oh there was super fast - all right here we go it's like the same spot as last time like literally the same the same time I mean it I need to spam X I just need to spam X whenever I want to that's it I just need spam ax all right under blight face to Thunder like these two alright we're back guys so we're back alright now we'll use nature oh all right ZL up X got to start saying it so I don't do it yes let's go let's go all right we're good we're good Thunder blade done great Thunder blade done of calamity Ganon let's go shouldn't be easier I say should be easier don't walk do not walk yeah so I'll use these come on come on I I think I have to just get hit by that one I don't know if I can't die so they think you use the bomb to hurt yourself to take less damage that's a good idea let's do that Oh let's try the bomb let's pop boxer that works that works it works okay we're using the bomb trick guys we're using the bomb trick I'm gonna switch to it's such a stupid strap but I love it too much I just had the urge to move forward I just want to let you guys know that I had such an urge to just move forward right there all right but I've stopped it is it worked well okay I didn't move forward thank God I'm learning let's go okay I'm not gonna risk it I don't want to risk it I'm not gonna risk it all right like we're just to let lets go ahead we're gonna stay here we're not gonna walk anything all right we're just gonna stay that's calamity gated let's go we just need art please get it and then we have breath of the wild without walking dark bees kin so we can't watch her nurse again and to make it even harder we're not gonna use the horse for dark bees can it possible why fun because we can do it cuz we can do it crows to Opie for horns die though who needs a horse we're just gonna keep keep circling him like this it's fine oh you don't be easier if we went underneath them I think if we went underneath them easier those strategic so I can get the updraft obviously I know imagine if I died to darkest canopy that people areas who doesn't who dies the darkest games no one ever done and no one's ever done and so close are you kidding that's literally getting up that's actually hitting it what are you kidding are you kidding right again hold it Zelda hold it cell you've been holding it for a hundred years you can hold for five seconds for Jesus all right there we go we're good all right now we have to like go off to the side and make sure we don't get hit by his beam this is always always gets me like a little bit what all right here we go are you kidding are you actually kidding no no no no no no no no no okay we're good thanks fine guys I think it's okay you're the worst like that's true there we go ladies and gentlemen boys and girls we have now beaten breast of the wild without walking ever if not turning left was enough we have now beaten breath of the wild and without walking there's another challenge for the books [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 843,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botw, breath of the wild, zelda breath of the wild, botw challenge, botw no walking, breath of the wild no walking, botw without walking, breath of the wild without walking, botw glitches, breath of the wild challenges, botw challenges, challenge botw, can you beat breath of the wild without, can you beat, breath of the wild no walk, gamechamp3000, gamechamp3000 breath of the wild, point crow breath of the wild, point crow, no walking challenge, no walk, botw no walk, challenge
Id: cbl5kOQWxdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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