Zelda Pro Plays Breath of the Wild DLC for the FIRST TIME

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Really shows how great a game breath of the wild is when someone can rack up 1k hours before buying a dlc

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AznJDragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

from what I've watched this video is just Crow flexing on his viewers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Crow you should’ve dropped bananas in the monk fight

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TechnoGamer16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Our god returns

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AgentK41 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is worded like a pornhub video title

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Entity42og πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video was great but the whole video i was eagerly awaiting him seeing Monk Maz Koshia move for the first time. In the video it was cut to like, five seconds. Other than that I loved this video, it was awesome, please do trial of the sword next :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JDSmagic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man your one of my favorite youtubers with your genuine humor and overall kind personality. I really enjoy watching your vids and you did a great job with the Champion’s Ballad. Are you doing Trial of the Sword next?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Insane-MVW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Quality content

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MMMash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bro, you should try and speed run Breath of the wild but in invert colors or greyscale. P.S. Love your videos!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we're doing the breath of the wild dlc today I've I have a thousand hours like I have 1,000 hours in breath of the wild I've never played DLC we're doing this on master mode by the way which one I think we're gonna be doing the champions ballad first in a video this is where it would cut no don't cut here don't don't cut don't cut activating the vine based tamers trial so she'd locations have been marked on the map what is that take a whole to provide weapon to bring in trial your weapon stash is full way I have to drop a weapon okay wait I was gonna be so epic we're gonna grab the the ancient fork and then I guess we're not cuz it's it's powerful all right cool twice women step here time only when it's glowing okay but enough time passes the weapon will regain its Sheen along with its power if you're not up to the challenge leave this plateau the weapon will return here in the trial will end okay interesting infinity so we can't Masumi we can't heal right like we can't we can't heal oh it just stops it okay never run we can't heal so we have to complete the four trials across great plateau uh you know what I'm not gonna leave you I'm not gonna use Majora's Mask because I feel like it's a little bit cheating yeah you right let's go naked doesn't matter good idea pantsless well hey let's do it oh do we have to like do we have to like beat all of the enemies okay so this should be the heart so you just do so we can't get hit once okay so they're like all down here so we have the hike we literally have the high ground on them the artists assisted me is loving this Oh anyway we he's still he's still over here I see it yeah yeah there's wonder here actually not just come over here I'll just I'll just the outside nice it's a big-boy shrine talk to spike balls okay it looks like I want to get a one of one of these balls the one the small balls I think right that like the small ball or the big yeah I think the small ball and then bring it up with me up there or don't know oh oh it's up here so I have to do the big ball right here all right so I got the big ball literally first try all right that's cool you know that was easy what are you talking about all right so just get the small one all right so we got the small one why are you guys saying this is hard all right I just need to bring this up it might be a little difficult to do this with the spike balls here cool and then we just put over here let's do the next one I'm probably gonna die here well it's almost like my my weakness no with that attitude well I mean they don't see me again so oh damn it oh god damn it all right we should think I should take these out one at a time you don't see me no one saw that nothing nothing happened here just time to focus a little bit yeah awesome is that it do we kill mall we're good here we go all right let's do this um this seems dangerous how much you guys do this oh cool that was not hard oh this part wouldn't be this part oh my god it's the Indiana Jones oh wait you guys said this was hard right what do you mean oh look out it's going so fast it's gonna get me oh hi oddly enough I happen to know of an ancient song about brave here on this very plateau yeah can't shake the feeling that we're destined to meet here Angus would you like to hear my song yeah sure oh now then please open your ears in your heart to my song love friends crawl the waters rise the luggage starts the wind sighs breathe in the breath that was actually great like I didn't expect that ha ha ha that's it oh is this our major test of strength wait but we have the way but we have the obliterator wait is this gonna be easy was that it there has to be it no no no there's no wait now there has to be like SEC like like the moment we're only go to like the end there's gonna be like another one okay so there's another okay okay okay okay so it's not the end it's not the end oh oh where's this one oh that's a lot okay all right that's one down yeah it's two down that get all of them cool may the goddess smile upon you so now we have to complete this one we gotta figure this out so we gotta beat all the guys here looks like it's like that let's do this now that works okay and then and then I'll run away right so I'll take one ad time right all right that's good there we go set it do we get em all we got them all guys oh whoa whoa path of light I think we just crawl right is the bad part about this is that it's just like it's just dark oh okay so there's a guardian right there oh there's two Guardians no one sign up so there's one oh I see why you guys say this parts part because there's like three different guardians right and you only have two charges on your thing oh that's it okay cool I like that's right I like that's right so now why I don't know I haven't played the DLC oh it's colorful I dig it I dig it okay that reminds me of ocarina of time interesting oh so we're revisiting all of the divine beast locations looks like how much like how much is hidden under Hyrule all right so where should we go first guys you know I actually I think we're gonna go to the Vario ones first George oh it's right there you see it's like in the distance the finishes that we revealed once we're in the trials will that will enhance the power sleeping within oh so we have to go to those oh so we go to the locations that are okay interesting find what the light paths the path shows to conquer the ancient foes three chase rings of the waterfall champion the trials call okay so we have to find these here I don't keep in mind guys I don't have a completed map this is going off of my memory of the breath of the wild map myself okay yeah okay so I know where all of these are so we're it's about the second island inland so second island inland we're on the second island and then I would go inland ah there's people here hi people oh it's muzu hi muzu this is the land where princess meet foot complete or sacred trial princess Mia's notes had this phrase while the Morning Sun is newly born follow the path of light to the trial all right so we're gonna make it more and then follow the path of light which I assume is the Sun trail on the like the ocean probably the sun's right here so you follow the trick it's right there found it guys I found it so we just go in through here right there we go the melting point okay this this might be easy yeah let's just do this oh okay it also melts the one I'm standing on interesting okay all right so if I do that and now melt it it's just work even more so let's I want to melt this one not the second one perfect alright so now we're up so what do we do now that we're up so cryos isn't gonna get us there rymus - I'm assuming that's pretty obvious like crimeless is not gonna just get us there like we can't we can't do this oh you know what we can push an ice block oh you know what we have to make it small enough so it fits under here so let's like let's make it smaller so let's do this and put it at the very edge about the very edge and then we'll go every go cool and that's the shrine hell yeah let's go clearly that's where you face the Lionel right that's where you face the Lionel like when you get your shock heroes so all you have to do is go there and then go towards Zoras domain you know can't navigate even with a map and here Crowe is doing it without I have a thousand hours in this game guys I know where things are yeah okay cool for it oh oh it's timed only this is time so it exactly like this and there we go alright here's the second Tron guy's secret stairway can we not alright so I can't use cry honest like that one on it okay so you can still use crowns on the side you know so we'll do something like this okay so we got we got this now this is interesting we're go I guess we're trying to use this waterfall to climb the staircase there we go that works I'm not close enough I'm not close enough oh oh wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait okay oh you know what we could probably do that makes sense too so we'll do that it'll push off okay oh all right all right I know how to do this I know how to do this top right there so we can climb that and then use Magni psious right and there we go cool that's it that's a cool puzzle oh my god I like that Ally okay so that's two of the three okay so we haven't done this one yet I'm assuming this is at the far end of Sora's domain oh it's right there it's like right over here way that's exactly it cuz you like you can recognize like the rock formations alright is it's supposed to be like around here isn't it alright so here we have the ancient guys here oh this is what it's okay so we have to defeat these guys I'm okay hot key I've never known a good way to defeat these guys oh that works I'll just do that alright we're on the same level as them so we can just parry them okay alright don't know come back come back come back please stop okay I made I've made bad decisions guys I've made many bad decisions there we go all right we're good sure just pay it again all right that's one we got to do that three times equip it intend to split sure I'll help you all right good idea I'll do that that might that might actually help me here let's do that all right it was the shirt guys it was definitely the Nintendo sweatshirt definitely it's two o P guys I'm sorry I did say no PO P armor but we did just put on a Nintendo sweatshirt I'm sorry I'm sorry guys it's it's OPI I don't know if we can continue doing it let's go let's go one left guys one left come on all right here we go [Music] an arrow from off-screen hit us look at that side Perry take that save save save oh my god oh this is actually logic okay alright so I want to get the ball into the hole Oh Oh what's this ok wait wait there's something down here too so if it hits looks like if it hits that it shoots it up curves it and goes in okay so we need to get down there it looks like alright we place one right here it goes down okay that makes sense so then we want to place one right here so it falls down that's not gonna be affected right there and it's gonna go that way so then what we want to do is the third way is right here oh no no okay so what third way is right here then so we want to block it and push it into the the other spot that might be it No okay why is that not it oh you want we can do if we can remove this one actually straight up so then we removed that and now we put here right will that work no we have to get into the other spot okay shall we play right here cool let's go all right so that's the last one of MIFA you must go to divine beast VAR rue de ok um so let's just go to root I guess the one who approaches the divine beast in the name of God is highly I offer this trial oh so we have a trial here that's interesting oh this takes he's so excited to breath the wall to you oh my god like the console good luck good luck so like are we me for then they were like me fuh all the travels soul you must emerge victorious using the only tools provided yeah cuz we're in the reserved armor is this water blight is this water blight can I remove it cool alright good guys we're pantsless now we're pantsless that's perfect interesting so we have our BOCES fury now like [Β __Β ] shite shylack get rid of most security that's I feel like that makes it easy because we're on the second phase now and then he's healing up do we have do we boast we do have a bowing of territory so that can stop him from from regenerating what he does Ariel that works yeah oh okay but you can do damage in the water with the light scale training what yeah I didn't know you can do that wait that's so cool okay we're done right so sever new things that's why I love this game I mean yeah I've thousand hours never never knew that I don't like a little bit more I'll do it so like three hits of it it works perfect ahaha it's so much damage oh he's so close oh my god windblade suck water blades so close there we go we got it we got it oh we got a cutscene edge Zelda and me farted he's so cute it's like baby Yoda but cuter he's doing it he's doing it you got this baby sighted oh that's all that's so pretty what's so cute his head's too big for his body I mean what you guys want to do uh dhania next I think we do read on Ian next alright alright like let's see if I can do it without maps again crawl flame on a mighty peek through dawnia's champion every week so we'll take a picture of each one of these that's probably the first one we go it's going to is the second one okay oh okay so that's right that's there it's by the hot springs and then this one is I don't know where this one is I think this one is like honestly this was like right next to Lou Donny I think yeah it should be on one of these pillars it's right there okay oh oh oh so this is one of the most if we go around oh okay I see what we do here all that was almost too low Oh where'd you go pretty go video notes through here all this is so cool this is so cool alright I like this a lot all right here we go first one was it's called blind spots okay so do we climb onto this oh that's what we do okay you have to climb onto it and then we just like go right left up down alright so then it goes off and down to the side so we have to we have to jump off here um alright so we just do it again same thing climb on and we're good this is like a goggle I like it alright so we all that's it so there's guardians here that's what makes this part hard all right all right all right I see this I see this I get away this one's hard Oh what Oh young pros okay they unfreeze are proud of about yeah yeah whoa all right so that's that right there oh okay so we have to somehow get on the sides there okay yeah I see we do okay so we go we do this all right cool we got a staircase I like that trout it's cool wow that one's in the lava interesting oh oh you know what you know what you wait wait before we go into the lava this might be important like this might be important aha we found something so we're gonna we're gonna do this we're gonna juggle these two I think I tell you it so you go in and eat chocolate die why is it so hot here I know if I wore pants then we can do it but we're not wearing pants guys oh I have a fireproof elixir way I'm and dum dum we got it guys look we got it this is called block the blaze oh I wonder what we do now I wonder what we do we also just like go under right we bomb this because the bombable rock it brings that down okay then we take the Magni sis from this and then block it with the second one it's like that oh you know what we could do we could probably instead of just blocking the second one we bring it in front of us and then walk like that oh you know what we could do you already knew if we can take this one we can take the second one right you didn't the second one put it in here put it here and then we stasis that and then we move this one right no no no this is work okay that doesn't work perfect oh this one's alright you just do this right one remains so we have one more one more emblem yeah I think it's like over here somewhere oh it's right over here it's oh right over here oh you know what no I have to be the talus oh I have to be the talus right that's what it was right I remember this a lot of damage oh damn it we didn't get we didn't get reverse off damn I got focused on this this is actually a difficulty we're so close so Klaus there we go cool we got it we got it guys I'm moving targets oh this one seems interesting oh okay so this is how we do it okay oh that's so cool oh it like unlocks like another one oh that wouldn't moves okay interesting so that you have to hit the height okay we'll do that there yup cool oh is that it oh no there's two there's two oh it's us oh so we got an apparatus now oh this is interesting alright there's another one here cool alright so I guess we have to now do the apparatus again and like shoot it oh I see what I see why okay I see what this could be hard cuz you need to somehow get it through here yeah yeah yeah so you do like upside down like this I'll try it let's try that I'll try that oh oh alright we just didn't have a high enough uh yeah we could yeah actually we need to do like this okay cool cool there you go yeah that's how we do it there we go all right let's go back to Varadhan yeah here we go the losing so this is this is where diruk now all right fire blight is easy easy you guys want to know why no pants right I got to take the pants off right I got to take the pants off immediately hands off immediately perfect all right this is why it's easy just why fire let's easy you can just do this all right second phase here we go that's so much damage do that once get stunt you do it again falls to the ground and you watch that's basically you just you just bought him twice apartment oh there we go for cauldrons audience a beautiful eye before his fainted moment finally just Foucault's easy Oh useless nights actually useless nights [Music] why can't you pet the dogs alright so let's go let's go to the next one unfortunately I actually have the tower for this one I wish I did it you know how long you've been there didn't even know it's your arrival the question is how to Cass get here before we did you know one shoot the flame dragons horn oh so we just shoot the foot wow that's pretty ok race down the peaks rings adorn shoot for targets to win Wow that's alright what I hit all right so we got it shoot four of these one two three oh wait wait we got doing all at once I think Oh once okay so let's see that's dude let's see that all right I don't think I have enough stamina for this all right I need another bone that's not um sniper I don't think yeah you I need I need stamina all right let's do that I have aventura carrots all right so enduring would you like an endorser I even ate food I mean just like make it may be easier and put all all four of them like right in front of me like this animal there we go we got it we got it the four winds okay I'm assuming we hit this and then it makes us go up okay oh my god that was so difficult guys can be like that was insane that was insane holy I can't believe we just did that ho let's go how'd you do that so easily I know right what a god gamer no way oh my god he didn't just do it oh my god come on get in there get in there okay we'll just wait them I know bombers exist but it's the batter it's a principle of the thing now guys I got to do it like this like I know Bobby Orr's exist and I did realize that but I need to do it now like this alright there's no like look at that look at that you see I was I wrong you can do that alright so we got three of the four it's that one so we gotta get in here somehow oh you know we probably did we could really shoot it we're gonna bleed out you know it we can shoot for me we're gonna shoot from the outside I just needed like yeah there we go alright we do all we have to go inside oh I see it I see it I just literally there we go that's the last one okay and I think that's it we're done I like that one no one's that one's cool it's a bunch of mini challenges all in one cool all right so let's see over the next one let's go over here to get the the horn crosses the bridge at seven okay so we got away from it so you guys uh you guys come here often alright there's there's a dragon do we have to be farther down I think we might have to be farther down he doesn't have the blue or bluish around his horn like he did back there the horns Eric the horns I see the horns we gotta get we gotta get the guy make sure we get the horn and not die oh god I can't see the horn you get the horn we got the horn let's go alright aim for stillness okay you like do this put a bomb here drop it and explode okay that's hard did make sure you guys don't do that guys like when you when you are doing this ride make sure you don't do that right there right make sure you aren't doing that alright so you can go over here and what does this do so if you put it here you know I think you time it yeah you have to time it okay can you stasis this you can stasis it okay I mean I could also just stasis this that's probably easier actually so I'll just I'll just stasis that right and then do this probably easier yeah then we go over here keep doing this oh okay we've made it I didn't like this ride who's actually too easy right so you need to get to this one this one's a little confusing so I don't know exactly where it is oh oh that gives away that's like a Hebrew peak right there Wow look he's T haha anyway look guys guys we found a broken one in the wild take a selfie yeah that's my selfie oh there it is whoa look at that and everybody had a notion thank wrestling USA and everybody be surfing perfect master the orb so it goes down here what wise it keeps respawning like what keeps happening what's wrong with it Oh because he keeps falling off over here so in order to do that we have to fix it to be in this location and then probably this one also to be over here then one gets here we want to move it to the side one move this over here to stay right here oh this activates it the other way I'm assuming right so that we can stasis that it goes there this oh then we have to you have to do cry honest right here to leave the cross right we want to stasis this as well so we can't say this about any step there we stasis this we use cry on us across and then get in before you know keep going forward don't step on this we'll do the other way stasis down here and we're good yay we got it all right like that one I like that one now we have to go to Ahmed oh here we go ah I don't know if we can get wins late first tribal we'll try it I'll try it also by the way obviously we're gonna take off our pants I do look for probe dammit we have a friend of Falcon all right hit him one so he doesn't regen that's a lot of damage let's go let's go okay second phase just we just got keep hitting them so it doesn't regen 21 oh god no oh we have to shoot him to death no we have to shoot him yes let's go let's go wind light down hopefully this makes me hate Ravalli less it's so cool so cool that's it's so bad it's really fat it's like it's badass guys it's badass Oh Oh I feel bad for him he's working so hard he's trying he's trying his pass he's trying his but yourself we work together I'm certainly be able to however oh excuse me you got it you got it hell yeah you go dude okay this this is badass [Music] actual badass our he's so cool he's so cool yeah and then he didn't do anything and died here's what you divorce out one fight the brute of the sand so mildew go to chase rings upon the land so chase brings upon the land three throw the orb underground okay that's interesting let's take pictures with us wow that gives us so much to go off of Wow there actually I have I have Wow I know exactly where that is and then I know where this one is too perfect we can just go to that one really fast oh I think we do with San Cielo racing that's that's what the Rings are at San Cielo racing that's it so we defeat this will do good oh the mall do King I've never I've never beaten one of these I'll take that honestly Jesus that's so much damage so so Thunder does damage to him looks like thunder does like critical damage whoops oh there we go a bomb oh okay okay he's eating the bomb perfect okay now we need sundar played great - Thunder blade gives him like it's like additional damage right perfect Oh oh my God he's he's up there he's like doing the the weird thing soon the weird snake you pick oh oh my god you can just bomb on with a bomb arrow what okay that's that's that's next I changes everything oh we're so close let's go let's go big or small looks like we need to connect these together oh it's okay so we got some electrical circuits here than we have oh this is gonna be so much okay this is actually so much fun this one's easy to figure out does he just like wrap this one around right you just wrap the ball around Oh interesting oh alright so you want you want like that so you move it up and then you use the small one right here like when it's already moved up it's cool you do the big one to connect probably the last over here great no unless we got it oh cool we got it but it might go down if we don't have it anymore right yeah cuz it doesn't there's water not found it found it yet stasis or uses on to the crime is blocked there we go alright that's died like that I like that um all right so that's the first one let's I'll check out the other one since oh wait yeah no it's it's in this location I know where those three cacti are I'm oh okay okay I okay alright alright I know what we're about to do right now alright San Cielo cereal oh hello was almost casually alright hey over here literally we're in the sandstorm but we're still following it we're good cool there we go dual-purpose okay so that probably gives it away so obviously something here has a dual purpose [Music] okay well that seems ridiculously easy you just walk across with the metal blocks right and then you just tell me that's not the entire please tell me that's not the entire ride please like that's the dual purpose where you use it as a bridge and then you okay good good good so we just like oh oh but we don't want this last one to be magnetized that all right that's very important so this last one can't be magnetized so we disconnect it so I think we just text it with that right cool hi perfect and then we have that here over here - oh we don't have to even complete all of it right we can just do something like that right yeah cool awesome I like that I like that puzzle alright so this one's I'm assuming this one's the real hard puzzle so I probably make like a diagonal staircase right right so we want to do this climb it up with the with these right because this one this one allows you to climb now I need to make this Electrify alright cuz we just do that right just do that side real that one's a cool shrine guys that's a cool shrine huh you know I don't know exactly where that one is let's satori mountain that's the hideout that's the--that's 100% that you got hideout that is the guaranteed the guy out that's like right over there oh there's a guy over there alright let's so let's check them out the orb they still fit the grid of tribes in the second for storage oh I know what we do so I have to go to the second store floor up there I am NOT here I am not in existence yay we did stealth that's how you do stealth so if we go second floor over here oh there's the orb okay all right here we go this is gonna be so satisfying um inside the box Oh what the oh my god these are this is cool okay inside the bars are you kidding I wanted a logic puzzle there's one two three four Purple's so you guys start you guys start with one at time so there's four purples all right greens there are two greens then there's a pink will look for pink next so there's one pink one pink - uh actually I could do both one thing - orange all right and that's it is that it cool that's the last one all right Thunder play you guys ready first of all first of all we gotta take off the pants like I actually like the difficulty of it I'm not gonna lie it makes the game really challenging which is really nice it's a it's a good like fresh different all right second face let's go Yankees this bull perfect and and it was before that I'm not gonna use our BOCES maybe I don't think I caught him I'll do it only if I need to got it cool we got it oh he's so close to dying he's so close he's so close oh my god all right we can do something there we go Thunder blade first dry halt and face me your clan unlike you traitors I prefer to fight my enemies head-on aperi such a good game awesome alright so that's the deal see you guys ma Scotia I must commend you on cocking the trial this far awesome the door to the final trial is now open the shrine of Resurrection alright oh so there's like there's probably like one more like i'm shrining at the shrine reserve let's go let's go back to the shrine of resurrection real quick which is the master divine beast you have done well to return to the place of beginnings descend pink please do where tremors descending wait there's something underneath the shrine of resurrection are you actually kidding now it's time to face the final trial complex labyrinth to start you'll need a map this is a divine beast like alright with that guys we're gonna end the stream hahaha I have been looking forward to this all day like all day I don't want it spoiled for me alright one of two things number one we can be an emo only for the next hour or I could just close chat and you guys go ham okay so that's that's the boat alright so we've taken the boat stream wheel chat will be an emo only mode here we go guys okay so this is the last dungeon in breadth of the wild you know let's just get the map let's get the map oh whoa all right so that's not an animal very clearly not an animal here so it's a legitimate dungeon okay so it looks like right here is a thunder sort of sort of lightning movement here we can move it with the map I'm assuming right so if we if we move back that doesn't do anything okay that straight up doesn't do anything so we need to twist these two to be in a certain position so then that Thunder can get to this like this this cord we need to canoe okay okay okay I know I know what to do here oh oh yeah yeah yeah you see it right here okay perfect so in order to turn it you to use this this magnesia sand you need to push it into this this slot it's perfect there we go do you like over here no oh okay I know what I can do so so we'll stay on here or something like that and we will now go to the side so like right over here perfect okay nice oh I can just I just take that down perfect okay where's the metal object then we put this in here that's what I was missing this is a cool puzzle all right we got it that's the first one whoa deactivating one lock on the door okay I didn't see the end goal of this the end goal is to get an orb into there and we need to traverse this spike it's just you just move okay if we step on it then I'm assuming that ball gets released so we gotta do for this trigger throw into that's that spot cool now the ball is just gonna move oh you know what's really cool about this too is that we're probably got to switch directions right so it's gonna go down here but then I want to switch directions so we can continue on its way through the the course okay that's so cool awesome cool and now we have to take this and then put it bring it back over and we ought to we all have to bring it back over although I could flex it alright so I was a chap if you want me to go this way frowns and chat if you want me to do this way that's a lot of smiles all right we're gonna do it see I can still talk to you guys there we go who needs the intended way when you can do it like that that's number two I'm gonna ask you guys which one should we do next right your left should we go over to the right - sure go to the left oh I love it you see the like the peak rows stab points to the left and then speaker okay points to the right I'm so glad I asked that oh oh god oh god oh god I don't want to take this yet I don't know what to do with it yet oh God okay that's cool - oh shoot alright so I solved I solved this puzzle to get in it's not it's actually not that hard I'm a little disappointed in it because all you do is probably just a cyst this and then it turns the gear so we just do that let me get up here go on brings us up and then we're good it has to do with Kryon see there's something I'm going to do with cry honest I'm assuming we can like lift this up maybe no can't okay all right this one's good this one's giving me a little bit of trouble we can't can we cry on this underneath this I thought we've tried that already I tried that all what I tried that already let's see alright so this is a lot more complicated than before it's just I think this is a giant faucet but so we'll try this out yeah it is a giant faucet okay perfect so that turns it off what happens here does this turn it up no but it gives us access to a metal ball where we just got the male ball we can shoot it over like this okay so male ball turns it back on we use cry honest on this to get up that was alright that was neat that was a neat puzzle at the end all right that's three or four so this I'm assuming is a wind blade style we got a hook up the room again right that seems to be a central theme here is hooking up the room alright insert that and then like like one does you know like the birds and the bees we're just gonna cool okay so now that we have this we need to get over to this platform over there but I can't get over here that's the problem I'm having Oh oh you just do it the other way okay that makes sense that makes sense and then we go the other way that's cool I like that one that's a neat that's a neat puzzle oh I need to stop this oh nice nice all right cool we still made it though and that's the last one Wow the last ride you've proven that possess the power of a true hero in the name of the gods hi Lea what what holy what no way alright we're going full combat here full combat skills okay that's not that's not fun I don't like that one we just got keep doing damage so we got to add in some someone at least at least hit him once you know whoa what what is this that's a lot of them Oh My Lord Jesus all right you I can probably do right like me you can just do that oh my god that works oh is this dinner hello hi what you up to what's you up to okay that's uh I don't like that one oh my god you have to dodge all of them Jesus how do you do that so we use um our BOCES fury here so there's a trick to the fight it's not just like you fight them and you win there's a trick to it this is its own its own little puzzle you know how I determine which one is the real one let's let's uh let's observe let's observe all right they're all the same color they're all doing the same pattern there's nothing inherently different about these we're getting him down though we're getting we're definitely getting him down he's that one oh my god I saw him because he's the one that did it okay okay you just so when he respawns the one okay so you got to keep track of them you've got to keep track of him that's how you do it so it's ease the male winner here yeah yeah he's that one that works okay that works I like it okay I have a good idea guys I have such a good idea but you guys are gonna hate me for it like like actually all right so this is my strategy you guys wanna see my strat it's so stupid look we're gonna take a meet uh we're gonna do um immunity we're gonna get me be there he's gonna go there we're good look at that what regardless of what they do we'll take damage from the bomb before they actually do damage to us right and so we now know it's that guy right we now know it's it's this one I've seen this cutscene too many times we got him we got him we got him hold my god we hit him we actually hit him there okay I'm focusing I'm focusing where you at where you go okay he's in the middle is that one yes oh my god we got it guys god yes okay cool cool okay okay we're on new face new face guys your face okey big okey a big boy okay I can do this oh and drops out okay oh it's this is like the UH okay oh okay stasis free stasis it restates to say right these days is it you guys taste is it there we go ah yes I tell you do it okay cool cool cool okay so yeah I bet you do it like that oh oh hello now you're standing okay so this is the new face he is now standing I was delayed it was delayed that's dumb that dummy that's dummy he's so close to lose oh my God he's so he's almost done guys okay I'll have to roof so you could kill us here yeah yeah yeah yeah that was close don't don't he'll stop so I just got healing so we just got hit him so he doesn't he'll remember he doesn't very late what he didn't even do it what didn't even do it here we go we got this guys we got it we got it this is the time this is the time time to shine time we go time to do it we hit you want we can I think we hit him once and then run hit him once and run I like this I like the strap we got it guys if we keep doing this for good he's so close that's like a couple more hits guys only a couple more hits let's do this let's do this yes we got it let's get home let's go face that challenge with great courage you've erased all doubt from my mind you are a true hero what is this what is this it's the master cycle let's go all right this is the last is the last one last memory thank you for joining me it's getting room boss for all this I rule definitely old man I doesn't look like that to me that's definitely king room boss for all the Tyrol music okay that like hits you right in the fields right there like there's such all good friends right and then like little did you know like they we just lose down the final thought and the souls of the champions who watch over Hyrule rest in peace when I played that before why did I wait so long to play that I needed to play that like it's white like why did I wait a thousand hours in that game to like to play oh so there's a mini cutscene it seems like a good spot for the picture got from Kass like display the picture yes [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 3,727,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, botw, point crow, pointcrow, dlc, botw dlc, champions ballad, breath of the wild dlc, breath of the wild champions ballad, botw champions ballad, master sword trials, master trials, trial of the sword, master mode, breath of the wild master mode, is botw dlc worth it, should I buy the botw dlc, lets play, nintendo, switch, review, expansion pass, the legend of zelda, 1000 hours, 1000, commentary, smallant1, limcube, sidon, baby sidon, link x sidon, sidon x link
Id: mcBEIqrbu80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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