I Earned $3,942,201 By Mining RADIOACTIVE Minerals

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do you know what's good free games do you know what's better than free games free mining games and do you know what the best thing about this game is it has nucle upgrades this is underminer and we're mining up some copper ooh it's time for an upgrade Mission I like that high valuable mins are harder I can't words today to mine them you must upgrade your drill gather 50 copper I will do that so you know how these work we get the mining creature we dig down into the ground We Gather all the resources then we take them back to the camp to upgrade the even further so I'm just going to snake my way through this vein of copper ooh that's kind of cool there's a fuel tank down there for me we'll be able to upgrade our fuel here give me that I need it it's so good nice and I don't know if we'll actually need it cuz I just want to get a whole bunch of mining good oh we could do that upgrade constantly to mine more valuable minerals obviously and you know we still have quite a bit of storage remaining so I'm just going to cut through this entire vein and see what we can get below it oh man it's a long way through here though we also have quite a bit of weight oh there's a repair that's exactly what we need too oh what's this is that that looks like iron or silver ore so let's quickly grab this thing first and then turn around and see what kind of fun stuff we have here good it looks like that is iron good we're oh what is that noise oh looks like our drill is breaking let's quickly use a repair excellent and we'll keep mining down before our little ship breaks up oh this is quite the snake right here do we want to fill up all the way I don't want to blow up here quick pause tab return to base that'll be good yes we had 13,000 money from that one and we can use that 13,000 money to upgrade our drill probably here first let's see what we can do upgrade drill attack to level one we'll upgrade that for 5,000 money amateur Miner now the drill upgrade is done let's embark on a mission exploring the newly discovered cave okay 750 m underground according to reports emeralds have been discovered there guide you to location you can locate the cave with min oh that's cool what other things can we get we can level up the body h a little more durability would be nice and our engine is this let to be fuel yep more max fuel excellent now we don't have any equipments for the equipment slots but there was the shop here we can buy a missile we don't have enough money for that reinforced drill equipment a guide to mining H small bonus to mining efficiency we'll have to grab some of these on our next trip soil stratum you know what um 750 m seems like a long way so I'm just going to cut down here and grab all of this stuff on the way down I might break up my ship but that's okay because it'll give me more upgrades oh and there's something else underground I found what could you be looks like a old bag of potato chips which would be delicious ah treasure map oh okay a treasure box let's actually see if we can use that oh it'll be 130 M down all right I'm going to cut cut through this way we'll grab this extra fuel canister oh I can't obtain more I already have one shoot almost looks like that treasure is like 30 m away to the right here oh is this it right here literally this is it come on come on where are you treasure oh there it is I got the treasure processor over 71 consumes durability and fuel to a significantly increased efficiency H we might need that but I'm totally going to mine the iron until we get down to the emerald cave I am concerned about fuel supply but I think we're going to be okay oh more iron there's some copper on the right and that's the tunnel I drilled down last time good we can get a repair thing all right I don't want to use that yet also I forgot we can hit the shift button but that burns up the fuel way quicker and I think we have found the cave or a different soil type the other kind of annoying thing is our inventory is almost full I don't really want to be digging if our inventory is full so we're going to head back to the base 177,000 more monies I have 20,000 so we could buy the drill reinforced equipment it gives me a slightly bigger drill I'm going to buy that one and we should be able to put that here in our equipment slot can I upgrade our drill too ooh I can let's level that up so the best part is now that I have these tunnels made I can just be like a little gopher and drive all the way down without using up durability or much fuel until we hit the end of our tunnel and need to start mining again I totally want to get it I mean I'm just a hoarder in games I have to collect everything and it is nicer having that wider tunnel made too cool okay it's looking very nice let's see what this Emerald cave looks like oh so good I love all that iron okay we're going to get all of the delicious bits ooh hello there is these emeralds usually emeralds are green what is red stuff oh harmful mineral abort Mission what was that I don't like getting harmful minerals also why am I going up we got to go down friend don't touch red shiny rocks got it touch the green shiny ones instead my goodness that's got to be emeralds okay we're going to take the top one first oh there's also another treasure map yes this is good M beautiful delicious emeralds okay utilized for the level up modules so handle them with care now this is actually kind of nice if I can make my way into that thing there's another treasure map with more fuel and I am running out of fuel so let's see how many emeralds we can get 78 that's a good amount I feel let's also use up our fuel and then we're going to try to jump into here without taking damage it's going to be harder getting out I feel okay treasure map 155 up fuel tank we're going to turn around uh-oh I'm so sorry I didn't want that anyway okay we're good everything's fine that wasn't so bad and I feel like this 100 m away is actually fairly close so let's Zoom our way oh look at all that Emerald a dang oh it's right in here too okay we're going in good give me that I want a treasure box I want it so bad where is it there it is I found it nice oh lightweight drill parts increase speed and drill durability and reduces drill size isn't that the opposite of what I just got or maybe I can't read the plight of all YouTubers not being able to read and talk at the same time and nailed it all right perfect return to the map look at that 60 kg oh okay so that's special that's just for upgrades I was hoping we can get lots of money for it oh yeah so that thing is totally different what was the other upgrade we got processor so drillability and Max fuel go down but item efficiency I don't think I need items do I cuz that's like the H I'm not sure kind of like this idea though I kind of like the ability to use this it might be good cuz it uh it makes our Max Speed increased a little bit the only thing it doesn't is reduce that size we can go with it can I level it up again nope I can level up my weight limit though that's nice now I am kind of wondering if we don't just drill a straight hole down instead of going through everything else might just be a good idea to just go straight down it'll reduce the amount of time it'll take to get through the wiggly wobbly things I know it's going to eat up my durability but I think I'm okay with that I also just found a missile which is always exciting dibs and I think I'm down to this new layer because this is a massive pile of copper and that whole copper vein is pretty much in my inventory now so that makes me happier inside I can also use up this Fuel and then go get another Fuel and rip through another copper vein as we dig deeper I do not going to lie I kind of do like the bigger drill this this one's a little bit nah all right this is the entrance way that we found before and look how much smaller my drill is now whatever it'll work it's so much quicker I don't want any emeralds so we're just going to keep going down I mean I don't mind getting the emeralds but they're not worth money which won't give me upgrades right now but that gold will yes it will is that really gold is it gold I want the gold I give me the gold now if it was real life this gold would be heavier I don't know if that's the case oh there's so much of it too okay we got 350 M to go to the next level and a whole bunch of gold that's going to make us rich at this point I'm even excited for iron that's way better than the copper too and I can hold 150 kg now thanks to the upgrade I just got check this out my goodness up here giant vein of iron do I go for it maybe ooh another treasure map I go for that 161 M down H let's use up do I want to use up the fuel tank I don't think so but I do want to get as much iron as I can running out of fuel but that's okay oh how can I go over capacity I'm not sure I'm not going to we're going back to base cuz I just pulled up $29,000 oh yeah the gold is worth twice as much as the copper for that sick $32,000 let's level up this drill as much as I can can I do it again oh it takes 20 and also five emeralds I have 97 so that's okay I'll level up the body again I also hate to say it but I think I got to go back to the drill I know it's not as good that gives us better durability and Max Speed but it's so much bigger now the question is do I fit I do fit in the tunnel we made do I make it bigger I could I just blast through my fuel because why not use the rocket thrust all the way down oh okay so this is the new rock my goodness I wasn't expecting it to be the new rock I thought it was the other barrier Shale stratum isn't Shale like really it's a limestone isn't it like a metamorphic rock so it should be like a little bit harder than dirt I'm trying to remember back to my geology lessons but more importantly there's gold over here and there's a treasure chest that we need to dig up hello sir don't mind if I do give me your delicious treasury bits okay where are you oh that looks cool I want that ah mixture Alpha durability drops slightly and fuel increases significantly that's actually not bad cuz I am chewing through gas right now thankfully I do have a gas tank I could use and we should be all right head down to 74 M oh there's some more of that dangerous orange rock kind of looks like curse cotton candy a little bit is this the tunnel I need it must be all right a new cave entrance is there anyone here what is it with these mining games like every one of them is based on motherload it's like I can't die like this and then it's the devil like we have to find where the thing the noise comes from and like every one of them you have to dig deeper and then you get to the level and it's like oh okay whatever I mean this game's free oh that's what I'm looking for though hot dang we got a fresh thing of fuel right over here I absolutely love more gas oh and then there's a repair thing on the other side that should work good and we get some more emeralds obviously there's an elephant in the room too there is way more dangerous cotton candy over here do I need this uh we could just use that I'm going to use the fuel too and we'll get this thing very good cool we'll just head down avoid all of the dangerous things around and oh hey please get me out of here oh let's save him first do I want to okay I'm also teasing I'm going to get whatever these rubies are yep those are definitely rubies I probably don't need it as much rescue the trapped man oh there he is straight up trapped in the ground it's an actual person thankfully I do have one missile I'm not exactly sure how to use it but this guy's probably going to die if I do this improperly so Bonk and then Boop nice break the wall with the missile then mine over the fella o official Miner oh wow we can have three missiles now good excellent hello sir your name is Jimmy I survived thanks Jimmy searching for my girlfriend why is your girlfriend underground fella is there pain or injury anywhere machine isn't working I can't reach my girlfriend I ask you a favor now we have to go find MJ in the glacial area and I'm delivering her letter what about like rescuing this fella I mean that would be oh hello there there's treasure in these L Hills he doesn't seem to mind that he's trapped underground it's like hey my girlfriend's in the glacier go get her what happens if I use a missile right now oh it just kind of oh it goes in blows up yeah did you see what I see oh that's cool grab the other missile there's a giant note of gold all right return to base we're going to offload our inventory we have 60,000 which should get us a good do I want like I feel like this would probably be good what is this Max fuel max speed decrease that sucks but durability increase durability decrease let's do this one I want to select you and then we'll just level this up yeah can I level that up a couple times sure I can we'll get everything to like level five let's do uh this one first level you up to five we're at 18,000 give a small boost to a fuel tank I'll take that too and that would be in the upgrades right back here that's better how does how does a fuel oh that's better at the fuel I get it that was a waste of 10,000 money oh my new drill is bigger I can't even fit in the shaft that I made last time so we'll just core that out and head on down again and I'm really looking forward to that gigantic gold node down below don't want to use too much iron in my inventory when there's a lot of gold had you know I M this whole way down to the new Glacier Zone and I'm going to fill up with gold even before I get there oh there it is never mind oh yeah I like all this I didn't find the giant node anyway H well a new record of 1,600 M and $47,000 du oh wow and I can't even level this up to the next level because I don't have blue shiny rocks yet so I guess we'll level up our engines and now I can put two equipment slots in hot Dy dog do these just counteract each other they might I think that's kind of funny my goodness I can go fast now this is satisfying and I'm not even using up that much fuel so I found my way back to the glacier Zone and I'm guessing these Rock veins here are going to be the sapphires oh anartica site just making up words today I see don't mind if I get a big old giant vein of Antartica site that's definitely the new thing we need to upgrade our ship along with money we kind of need money oh and there's another little vein right there if only someone were brave enough to use missiles underground and then fire it at impenetrable walls Hello Goodbye hey that worked it is me the brave one who will do such a thing all right it's just it's just better not be gas need more than gas in here I would laugh if there was literally nothing in here we just went in a big circle oh no double the treasure chests hello there free things I would love you large container move speed slightly reduced but max weight is increased that's cool and a torn sheet all right reduces durability me not exactly huge but I'll take free upgrades Also let's use up a fuel so I can take that fuel ow ow I'm sorry I didn't mean to oh wow Antarctica site gigantic chunky vein of it what do you think friends is 230 enough of it because my inventory is full again it's also really annoying that oh that is worth money I didn't think it was going to be and that's not the gemstone I needed I really need those blue shiny I'm guessing there's sapphires cuz this stuff is really slowing me down I need a better drill so I'll just collect another 20 I guess 10 or so grab another repair tool and then we can head down into whatever Glacier area this is there going to be a new base in here there's more emeralds too and another fuel tank oh there's whatever her name is Let's uh use that quick we'll grab this one hey girl what you doing down here don't mind me just coming to rescue you who are you I'm Noah Jimmy sent me deliver a letter to MJ please hand me that letter here you are it's going to be a breakup isn't it Jimmy is safe thank you for delivering the letter it's not so much trouble can you please pass my I don't want to go back to Jimmy it's probably worth a lot of money to do that though and there's plenty I don't want H here we go we'll just go doink Ready Get Set Fire that was easy that seemed like a lot bigger area oh and there was blue shiny rocks you see that or that might have been green shiny rocks cuz I totally nuked it uh uh uh uhuh got them emeralds what am I doing in here I need blue I don't want things that don't give me money like Jimmy we don't want Jimmy oh you know what blow that up too hey there's the blue shiny rocks my heart desires give me that oh yeah diamonds all right it's not sapphires obviously it's cyan not dark blue is there a word for dark blue like cyan's the light blue but what's the word for dark blue you got like forest green that's another color Navy that's that's it I'm smart brain brain works horn blend that was my nickname in high school display the treasure map I like how the game just provides all of the nukes that you'll ever need it's like oh you might have a wall there you need to break through we'll just conveniently give you a why is there a scientist down here we'll just conveniently give you a nuke right over here sir have I ever told you how bad of an idea it is to be down deep underground with no friends other than MJ and Jimmy Charles why don't you come in as my ass assistant don't want to I also don't know if I want to use my repair but let's see what happens if I drive into this thing I mean just for science purposes right okay then I have no idea what that was all about and I totally want to ah I'm going to use it I want to get down here and get this other treasure box ooh there's something else expensive and shiny ah torn items user guide increases fuel efficiency and items neat is this like obsidian then or is it going to be some other madeup name hold on I got to grab this first and we'll go down to it it better not be obsidian it's got to be some other fun madeup name Sapphire is a mineral okay wasn't expecting that okay inventory is full we don't want to waste too much of that oh we got a lot of stuff here this is good this is going to be worth a lot of money uh all right 80,000 that's a new record again oh hello Jimmy I have a gift for you what oh he's back at the surface that's good alternative about the legendary mineral what very expensive mineral because it's so shiny mysterious Powers uh Dr Charles he lives down the road from MJ literally down okay so I have to go yeah that makes sense now but the good news is I should be able to level this up again ah delicious and again and a maximum level at the current rank a my goodness this thing is looking chunky now that's one big drill boy he also kind of slow but I did take off a lot of the speed upgrades and I really hope this legendary minerals like a taco stand deep underground if I were to make a free game on Steam you better believe there' be stupid things like that in it just for fun why does every game have to be so serious especially the AAA games like hot dang they're boring because they're just boring nothing interesting in them all right there's MJ again and Dr Mike is going to be right over here giving us all sorts of medical tips there you are buddy how are you doing is it a good day to be alive I would like to be your research assistant now hey man quir boy your identity no uh the legendary enough help me I'll tell you about the legendary material the device below is a teleportation device my masterpiece for traveling long distances underground but I haven't been able to complete it yet due to the shortage of crucial ingredients bring 10 emeralds rubies and diamonds there I'll assist you on it okay I got I what oh I need them all in my inventory at once okay we're going just go up and back there we go there's plenty of them right above us or you know just enough in these three veins right here hey he Pro Miner you've got done some mining haven't you finally the historic moment when my masterpiece is complete oh boy allow you to use the teleportation device to finish it great green aura releases Infinite Energy oh boy it's also radioactive and it cause you to die real quick in the lava area do I have to go down do I go into this thing yet no I have to go find the radio of course more bait and switch uh Pit Stop we got a buttload of sapphires over here we're going to use that o that was good oh the equipment efficiency that makes sense these are the equipments and the efficiency helps uh get more use out of it so instead of the 50 that's going to give me like 130 fuel great I just got a whole ton of sapphire I wasn't paying attention but the good news is worth 132,000 money and since I did rank up I should be able to upgrade this again yep level up again beautiful ooh look at that thing module info I don't even know what that is but it looks cool and now I can teleport no way the teleporter works oh my goodness that took way less time it makes me happy inside of my heart I have no idea how big this game is and I believe friends that we have found the lava zone now I'm hoping this doesn't hurt us okay it's not so bad what is this stuff now this got to be obsidian amethyst whatever I'll take it I did find another treasure map oh it's going to be 330 below cool um let's go left here oh dang I went back and I can upgrade again look at this thing that looks awesome I might need some more diamonds eventually but this is cool all right level up again all right can I level up again again I can can I level up again again again no I want that oh this thing looks so cool now what a weird game we zoom in we zoom in all right good job down back into the lava we have 300 M to go we got oh this is good stuff right here mine all this amethyst up M delicious and expensive oh and look there's another nuke and a need for the nuke yeah that worked good I better get some of these diamonds too when we're here all right the Boy Lost His Radio it's hanging out over here gotcha I found the radio hello yeah what is that sound this is 3,450 M save me uh-huh something unusual has happened place where the distress tangle was sent all right down 400 m we go also Treasure Chest this way that sounds more important than saving someone though let's see if my intuition is correct an error filled exploration guide uh maybe that is better I don't know and yet we have another layer down deep what is this area going to be called and this is like uh titanium okay I'll take titanium shouldn't it be like wol forite or something my ship is also full but I need to go check out whatever this thing is over here I'm just going to avoid everything on my way down weird oh there it is oh hello it's not the Devil Himself it's uh you okay wake up let's bring the person back to the base that's not a good idea let's not bring a random person we found 3,000 M underground up back to base but I did get $260,000 this is emergency patient take her to the emergency room hurry are you okay my head hurts but it's okay you're welcome Sophie not time for this what our Village People are in Village People where it be bus notes in YMCA our town is deep once you arrive you're sure to visit the village Chief what happens if I don't want to what happens if I just want to upgrade my stuff ah everything's max level oh 25 red things I did get an additional slot too Max fuel yeah we want that one that's all pluses no minuses we're just going to buy out the entire shop hopefully I can get an upgrade for here okay we did all right mining efficiency durability plus one let's do that one oh my goodness are we fast all right I needed red shiny rocks and I needed a zoom hot dang we're going quick when I am told treasure is near I am zooming stupidly fast we can go now this is great I love it when upgrades break everything also that durability is crashing but I don't really care cuz here's a free durability thing hold on I need that for real quick also there's a buttload of money here and a treasure chest can I have it I just want it real quick oh good it's down below and that treasure chest was right next to the sleeping lady who we did rescue oh excessively large drill equipment yay and here is the village of the mole people wa okay under they're all dying why is there an industrial complex underground why is this guy killed them all who are you I came to help at Sophie's request why is everyone dying uh the health has started deter it's got to be the uranium Legend okay ancient shelter located below our village ooh ranked up entrance blocked by a powerful Stone Gate I need 10 diamonds to open the door uhhuh we're we're getting swindled getting swindled out of diamonds here ah inventory filled up again oh I upgraded my mind I didn't want to do that anyway let's go back 346,000 we'll do a couple upgrades again since we did just level up oh I think max level is 11 oh wow I'm missing emeralds there and sapphires or diamonds we're at the max level there so we have to be close to the end of the game I just need diamonds they're are blitz's best friend well I'll be an Uncle's monkey look at this found a blue shiny rock group you really brought it no I haven't yet go down investigate the ancient shelter oh boy all right we're going to grab all this and I'm just going to send it we're just going straight down since there aren't really any more upgrades for me to buy I'm just I'm just zooming resist the urge to mine expensive thing I can't I have to grab some all right let's level that up again move to the ancient shelter I'm trying to this ground is actually hard oh here we go down down down to the N screw Rider oh my goodness look at all this ore hot Tang sorry it's mine now youri civilization lived on this I don't really care because yes it's all mine every bit of it they're all dead anyway they got radiation poisoning they won't need all of these emeralds and sapphires and diamonds and rubies and whatever other you know they might I'll just leave them a couple okay here's another thing ah is that the entrance to the ancient shelter however there's a crack in it because of the earthquake strange gases even oh was Taco B let's break through yeah there is a giant explosion happened let's break through to make it better definitely uranium definitely uranium ancient shelter uh-oh we're going to need nukes here oh there it is I see it I see it give it to me I want all of it harmful mineral yep totally uranium oh my goodness that just destroyed my fuel supply how much do I need whoops I ran out of gas but at least I hit max level on all three of my things we'll just see how fast we can get back down there uh I do need another missile oh there was one hello I need you real quick you know that reminds me what is this stuff cinear okay what is cinear wow I don't even know what that is okay Google what is Cinnabar to Wikipedia cinar cin is the bright Scarlet to Brick red form of mercury sulfide Mercury sulfide that's why it's dangerous that's why I have heard of it Google's so helpful you're welcome Google okay we have one one of these one of those we need to go down deeper and hang to the right I guess is that where we need to go I believe so ancient shelter okay oh all right I I mean I went to the left break the wall with a missile I did it this is the legendary mineral it looks dangerous uhhuh does it taste good though all right collect them we did it return to base oh it's heavy what else is down here though that's the real question I don't want to return to base why is there pipes down here there's a lot of uranium ow ow ow Wonder all money I'm going to need let's I don't have another Noob so let's just return to base and see Noah were you in the M this dangerous mineral form Mr Chan what kind of mineral is that it's dangerous mineral that emits deadly poisonous gas it's not really gas however if utilize well tremendous value infinite energy and big giant explosives investigate the origin bring back the information agreed sir I'm on it we got to go back again thankfully in my zoom in form we can go real quick until I incorrectly navigate the pathways underground got to take a big left here coming up there it is how do I get down there ow a tickles is there going to be oh there is an opening down here all right all right another nuke uhhuh and then another boom boom that was kind of a bad shot what is under Earth mineral the Giant Legend is spewing out a tremendous amount of toxic gas inside the minerals and Min poson his gas great let's try to destroy with a missile I don't have another missile you better give me one where am I going going oh I got to go up and around there's another one I like you game you're very helpful I'm glad I don't have to go back to base to buy a bunch of nukes just to use this oh hello okay I got to destroy this one oh there's a beating heart here what all right we're mining into it friends oh no the legendary Mar's mini toxic gas and earthquake is occurring what the actual world that was not how I expected this game to end but me that's what you get for free games well done gong meong and thank you my friends for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cino RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton C cander D Payton plays fussy badge link KET Kyler J Nitro night TRS YK and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 167,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, underminer, mining games, mining
Id: HDja7FlnYAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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